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27th July 1920, Page 20
27th July 1920
Page 20
Page 20, 27th July 1920 — THE C.M.U.A. BIRMINGHAM PARADE.
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A Successtui Event in which 165 Commercial Vehicles Paraded.

THE WEST MIDLANDS Division of the Commercial Motor Users Associatlon deserves every congratulation for the success attained by their

first 'annual parade of commercial motor vehicles, which was held in Birmingham on Saturday, July 17th. -No fewer than 165 vehicles were paraded, comprising steam, petrol, and electric types. The vehicles were parked in a very orderly manner on ground known as the" White City," the old reservoir grounds at Aston, kindly lent

by the Birmingham and Midland Counties-Transport Co., Ltd. Divided into

five long roWs, with wide avenues for mancriivring between the rows, and a numbered position far each vehicle, the position of which was clearly marked on a plan posted to the entrants before, the parade, there ;was little difficultyin getting the vehicles quickly into tneir allotted places.

Whilst the machines were being parked the judges and principal officials attended an informal luncheon. After the luncheon the-Chairman-of the West Midlands Divisional Council, Mr. S. K. Thornley, s,aid• a few words regarding the objects of the parade, Impiety the encouragement of the drivers, and aIso referred to the opinion which was held by the council that all commercial-vehicle drivers should undergo an examination before being allowed to drive. Mr. F. G. Bristow, the general secretary of the C.M.U.-A, con

gratulated the -division on the excellent number of entries, and mentioned that the first Landon parade secured only 27 entries, whilst at this year's parade there were over 150 entries.

Mr, G. D. Rails announced that the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., had offered to give a cup and monetary prizes for next year's parade, an announcement which was greatly appreciated.

Proceeding to the parade ground, the judges found all in readiness for their inspection. Our picture on page 659 gives a general view of the parade ground, and that on this page shows the judges and other officials, amongst whom will be noticed the following :—Judges: Messrs. W. McDowall (Gas Light and

Coke Co.), E. G. Bristow (general secretary C.M.U.A.), -8, .K, Thornley (chairman Midland Division), R. A. Ghattock, (City Electrical Engineer, Birmingham), ---H. A. Bennett (Bennett', Ltd., Notting

ham), H. Humphreys(City Surveyor, Birmingham), L. G. W. Shire (MitchellS and Butlers), F. Underwood (Underwood and Co., Worcester), 0. Rails and G. D. Rails (Birmingham and Midland -Counties Transport Co.). Marshals: Messrs. W. J. McCormack (Dunlop Rubber Co.), G. Walker (Birmingham Transport Co.), J. II. Stirk (Birmingham Co-operative Society), T. Jenkins '-(hon. treasurer), Major Vernon Brook .(Ium. secretary). The judges were divided over the various classes, and after over two hours' inspection and deliberation the following awards were announced : CLASS 1.—Champion team. A. silver cup presented by the G. Eveson Coal and Coke Co., for the best team of three vehicles, irrespective of class.—Awarded to Birmingham and Midland Counties Transport for their team of Sentinel wagons driven by H. Ha.rnell, J. Strain, and H. Hughes. In addition to the cup, a prize of £10 was divided amongst the drivers. CLASS 2.—Prizes of £5, £2, and £1 were awarded to the first, second, and third teams of vehicles in the steam, petrol, and electric classes.—lst Steam team, Birmingham Transport 'Co. Sentinel wagons, drivers A. Lewis, W. Charles, and A. Bullock ; 2nd Steam, Premier Motor Co. Yorkshire wagons, drivers S. Hayward, C. Burbidge, and G. Bragg ; 3rd Steam, Birmingham Transport, Garrett vehicles, drivers H. J. Boddey, H. Daniels, and A. Mason.

let Petrol, Dunlop Rubber Co., one Hallford and two A.E.C. vehiclet, drivers B. Preston, A. Mullins, and P. Burns. _ 2nd Petrol, AnselPs Brewery, Leyland vehicles, drivers L. Brooks, W. Neill, and J. Curtis.

3rd Pekal, F. Smith; Ltd.' Thornycroft vehicles, •drivers James, Lamborn, and Luke.

There were no electric teams entered.

CLASS 3.—Prizes of £5, £2, and £1 for the best-turned-out single vehicles.Awards.-1st, Birmingham and Midland Transport Co., Swiss-Berna, driver W. Coffey.

2nd, •Ca,dintry Bros., Thernyoroft, drix-Pr W. J. Dewier.

3rd, Castle Motor Co., Maudslay, -driver E. Beasley.

CLASS 4.--Prizes of £5, £2, and £1, for the oldest vehicle in each class, Oldest petrol vehicle Cadbury Bros.,

Ltd., Thornycroft, driver, W: J. Dowler ; second -oldest petrol vehicle, R. Lunt, Ltd., All3ien, driver C. Staples; third oldest petrol vehicle' Marsh and Baxter, Ilaliford, driver. R. Jukes. •

Oldest steamer, Birmingham Transport Cu., Sentinel, driver .4k. Davis • second oldest steamer, PremieAfoter C., Yorkshire, driver W. Gregory ; third oldest :steamer, Birmingham Transport Co., Sentinel, driver R. Onions. Oldest electric, F. W. Harris and Co., Baker, driver F. Richardson; second oldest electric, Wolverhampton Corporation, CV., driverS. Vyner ; third oldest electric, H. J. Sayer and Co.,' Baker, driver E. Ic.esey.

CLASS 5‘—SpeCial prizes awarded for best Sentinel vehicle.

1st Prize, seven guineas for driver and three guineas for stoker, Birmingham Transport Co., H. Harnell driver. 2nd Prize, three and a half guineas fcr driver, one and a half guineas for stoker, Premier Co., W. Bennett driver. GrAssks 6 to 10 inclusive, are awarded to drivers only, 4ncl the awards cannot be made until the necessary documentary evidence has been carefully gone through.

CLASS 11.—Edison prize for beat electric fehicle,s with Edison batteries.

1st, Birmingham Co-operative Society, Edison vehicle, driven by J. Fastbury.

2nd, Birmingham Ca-operative Society, Edison vehicle, driven by C. Holloway.

CLASS 12.—Thorn.yeroft prize for bestturned-out Thornycroft (prize value £5),

Carlibury Bros., driver J. Dowler. , CLASS 13.—Leyland prizes, for bestturned-out Leyland vehicles.—£5,. An-.

sell's Brewery driver J. Curtis.; £3, Ansell's Brewery Co.,.,o„ driver L. Brooks; £2, Shell Marketing Go., driver H. Wearing.

CLASS 14.—Guy prize for best-turnedout Guy vehicle.—£5, C. P. Perry and Co., driver H. Cartwright. After the awards were announced, the vehicles proceeded through the principal streets of Birmingham, the procession being over a mile long. Having succeeded in carrying the first parade to a highly successfpl conclusion, ,

commercial-vehicle owners will, cloubtleag enter their vehicles in larger numbers next year, and these who are not members of the premier and original asociation of commercial motor users will doubtless become members.