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Taxation—Maintaining the Fight.
A deputation from the Motor Legislation Committee waited on ,Sir Eric Geddes on Monday of last week, in order to place before him their views on the subject of the Government's proposals relating to motor taxatien. The committee is thus giving evidence that: it is not taking the speech of the Minister of Transport when the clause of the -Finance Bill dealing with this matter --came before the House of Commons sitting in conamittee) as the last word to be said on the subject: The deputation was introduced by Sir William Joynson-Hicks, Bt., M.P., and included representatives of the S.M.M. and T., the A.A. and M.C., . the A.B.M.M., the Motor Trade Association and its kindred bodies, the Auto-Cycle Union, the Scottish MotorTrade Association, the Royal Scottish Automobile Club, and the British-Cycle and Motor Cycle Manufacturers and Traders Union, whilst Sir Eric Geddes was accompanied by Sir Henry Maybury, Representatives of the -British Medical Assocation were also associated with the deputation. Sir William Joynsondfficks pointed out that the deputation represented not merely the users of private cars but manufacturers, retailers and concessionnaires of every -class of private, co-rimercid and .public service vehicles in addition to more than 3,000 motor hirers throughout the country. The Motor Legislation Committee had circularized 1,200 of the biggest users of commercial and public-service vehicles, 95 per cent. of whom (we imagine that this should have been 98 per cent, of those who replied) agreed with the -policy advocated by the Mot-r Legislation Committee, which is in favour of the retention of the petrol duties at a flat rate as the basis of motor taxation, whilst only 2 per cent. supported the views of Mr. Shrapinell--Smith as set out in the letter from that gentleman, which Sir" Eric Geddes read -to the Rouse of CoMmons.
Mr. Burford replied point by point to various statements which bad been made in the House of Comm-ins by the Minister of Transport daring the debate on the Committee stage of the Bill. Mr. Manville also supported the case for continuing the petrol duties, Sir Eric Geddes at this point interposed to say that he did not care which way the tax was levied so long as it produced the revenue required, and was founded upon an equitable basis, which seems to us to be the first concession that be has made to the volume of opinion held throughout the whole motor community that taxation by means of petrol duties is the fairest of all Means.
A discussion took place between Sir Eric Geddes and members of the deputation upon the question of the taxation of benzole. Mr. Lanchester raised the question of the reduction of the proposed scale, if the amount received from the new taxation exceeded anticipations. To this Sir Eric replied that the Chancellor of' the Exchequer had undertaken to relinquish all further interest in this
motor taxation provided the proper allocations were made to -certain assigned revenues, viz.' contributions to the local bodies, which means that the whole of the proceeds will go to the roads, and any excess could be used as a means of reducing subsequent taxation.
At the end of the proceedings Sir Erie Geddes promised to give the whole subject his fullest consideretion.
We are glad to see that the Motor Legislation Committee are sticking to their guns in this matter, for, undoubtedly, the mode of taxation which has been •advocated by the motor COMmunity must be the fairest in thes long run.
Power Alcohol Supplies.
The Empire Motor Fuels Committee of the Imperial Motor Transport Council announces that, after consultation with the authorities concerned, it will not be _possible to arrange to make supplies of power alcohcil available for experimental and trial purposes fur some little time. The hon. secretary of the Empire Motor Fuels Comteittee,"Captain F. G. Bristow, whose office is at 50, PallMall, S.W. 1, hes already recrived preliminary applications from manufacturers of engines and carburetters and owners of commercial goods vehicles,. but no action can be taken with regard to them at present, as the exact date for the freeing of eupplies depends upon the passage through Perna, merit of the Revenue Bill, which has not yet been introduced. He proposes. to make a further announcement upon this matter as soon as he is in a position to do so.
Motorbus Demonstration in Manchester.
On Thursday last the citizens of Manchester had an opportunity of seeing a metorhus with the latest "K" type of A.E.C. chassis in their narrow streets. It was equipped with, the ordinary L.G.O.C. bus body, and, bearing the destination of "Seven .Kings," seemed like a touch of London suburhartism brought into Cettonopolis, . ,
At the invitation of Mr. KnoxGilchrist, of the British Commercial Lorry and Engineering Ce., Ltd., the representatives of a number of municipal authorities in Lancashire and Cheshire made an inspection of the vehicle. Then they made a circuit of the city. Our representative, who was of the company, was struck with the different task that the motorbus will have to essay in Manchester as compared with the progress along the great wide thoroughfares that reach out from the centre of London. Market Street, Deansgate, Portland Street, and the other crowded highways are practically monopolized by tramways. Evidently the city ' councillors were struck with the facility with which traffic was out manreuvred and corners were negotiated.
Luxuriantly fitted, and so easily in dined, the motorbus was well to the liking of the authorities, and Mr. KnoxGilchrist certainly gav.e them a most useful illustration of modern methods of handling passenger traffic.
S.M.M. and T. New Appointments.
Mr. A. S. Mays-Smith •(Delaunay`Belleville Autos (England), Ltd.) has been unanimously elected president of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Ltd., in succession to Mr. ,Frank Lanchester. Lieut.-Col. J. A. "Cole (Humber, Ltd.) and Mr. S. D. Beghie (Aster Engineering Co, (1913), Ltd.) were elected vice-presidents. Mr. H. M. Hobson (H. M. Hobson, Ltd.) was appointed hon. treastsrer in succession to Mr. Maya-Smith, who, speaking from the chair, referred to the volume of work accomplished by the Finance Committee, which it was difficult to appreciate. He gave some figures showing that, since January 1st, that Committee had scrutinized in detail a great number of applications for membership, resulting in the election of 166 members, who represented a capital of over .VE2,000,000, The financial nosition of the Society was stronger-then at any time previons.
Mr, Underdown, president of the Association of British Motor Manufacturers, stated that the new president would have the support of the interests which ha represented.
London Traffic Conference,
The Minister of Transport announces that at the request of the London County Council he arranged a conference between their representatives and the represontativea of the Under/round group of companies to discuss the relationship between the London County Council tramways and the other forms of London traffic, with the object of seeing whether it is possible to arrive at an agreement for co-ordinating and improving transport facilities in London. As a result of the "-conference, it was decided to set up a committee on which representatives of both Bides will sit, with the object of discussing the subject in its widest aspect. The Minister suggested an outride chairman, but both parties requested that the Minister shouldallow an official of the Ministry to act, and Sir Alexander Cobb, who has acted as chairman of the Technical Sub-Committee of the Advisory Committee on London Traffic, was accordingly appointed.
Empire Motor Fuels.
Mr. Walter Long, M.P., has informed Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, C.B.Es," chairman of the Empire Motor Fuels Committee of the Imperial Motor Transport Council, that it will afford him pleasure to be chairman of the Motor Fuels Section of the Council's Conference on October 18th next, when the reports of the Engineering and Denaturing SubCommittees will be received, and various papers will be contributed. Sir George E.R.S., Sir George Goodwin, X,C.B., and Sir John Cadman, K.C.M.G., have similarly intimated their pleasure in becoming vice-chairmen , of the Conference, to support Mr. Walter Long.
There will be an evening session at the Royal Automobile Club on October 19th. when Professor H. B. Dixon, F.R.S., will lecture and demonstrate experimentsin relation to power alcohol.
. Mersey Haulage Charges.
-9. special -meeting has taken place between the representatives of the Birkenhead Road Transport Association and the local (Mantises of Commerce to disCUBB the question of railway haulage and other charges at the 'docks. The chairman, in introducing the subject, explained fl.) the difference of haulage rates in Birkenhead and Liverpool. (2) Traffie being lostin Birkenhead owing to the -cost. (3) The cheapening of transit in Liverpool be brought into play having in view the Birkenhea,d extension.
It was decided that the following resolution he sent to the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board :—" That the members of the Transport, Section of the Chamber of Commerce and representatives of the Birkenhead and District Road Transport Association ask the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board to co-operate in order to obtain from the 'railway company the same reduced charges for leading and unloading trucks 'on the Dock Estate at Birkenhead and in the same manner as in operation on the Liverpool Dock Estate at the present time."
The Institute of Patentees
The institute with the above title was treated in July, 1919, with the idea of assisting inventors, who often find that, through insufficient advice, their efforts have become futile. The entrance fee is 13 3s., the annual subscription for full membership 12 2s., or for associate membership V. is. per annum.
The Institute is affiliated to the National Union of Manufacturers (Incorporated), and thus will enable the inventor to be put into touch with the pa,rtiettlar group of producers where his idea will_ be welcomed and applied if found. satisfactory. Inventors will be enabled to have models of their inventions constructed at reduced cost. The advice of highly-skilled men will be at the disposal of the inventor who is a member of the Institute. His invention may he crude but may possess many -potentialities; on the other hand, if it is not worth the expense involved he will be informed to that effect. The office of the Institute is at 6, Holborn Viaducts E.C. 1.
Engineers' Conference at Lincoln
Including many who are prominently identified with the motor industry, a representative conference of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers was held at Lincoln on Wednesday lest, when " The Human Factor in Industry" formed one of the Kincipal subjects of discussion, this being introduced by Mr. Alexander Ramsay, of Lincoln, who contended that the time had arrived when interference by Government departments in industrial negotiations ehould be considerably cur
tailed. Industrial difficulties would be eased by greater efficiency upon the part of these -concerned, and in this connection it must be remembered, he suggested, that the human factor could . never be controlled by fixed rules.
Mr. P. W. Robson, managing director of Messrs _Clayton and. Shuttleworth, declared that it was obvious that power without responsibility must cease. Mr. W. Reavell •urged that employers had to recognize that their workpeople were entitled to a bigger share of the good things of this life. It was clear that to cope with increased charges their machinery must run longer,, but it must
be done by the double shift and not by overtime work, as it was before the war. Means harLaisa to be found to rernove the suspicions with which the workers tegarded their employers.
Provincial Bus Services.
Although the arrangements made by the Nottingham corporation in regard to its motorbus services, to amplify existing tramway traction, have been hitherto upon a very attenuated scale, no lank of enterprise is being shown by independent companies in providing for the wants of districts contiguous to the city. In this respect the Trent Motor Co. has set a spirited example, and, supplementing its previous resources, it is now extending its itineraries to cover quite a network of Notts. and Derbyshire places hitherto unserved.
Large areas of valuable land are beemning utilizable in central parts of Nottingham -through the demolition of old and insanitary properties, and a provisional contract for the acquisition of
one of. the sites has been entered into by the Trent Co. with the Corporation for the purpose of a new garage, which will afford aceommodation for large reambeis of bmes in Carter Gate.
The picture on page 600 of July 13th issue, showing a 30-seater Thornycroft char-a-banes owned by the Silver Char6,-bance Co., Ltd., was supplied by the Llandudno Motor and Garage Co., ltd., of Llandudno. This machine is one of three supplied by this company to this' concern, and is similar to other machines supplied to various parts of the country during the past 12 Months, The Llandudno Co., of which Mr. Frank A. Wilkes is managing director, are sole district agents for Thornyerofts.
The St. Helens Cable and Rubber Co., Ltd., of Warrington, have started a new series of drawings in their advertisements recently, entitled " Workshops -on. Wheels." This series is in the nature of hints to .same of our readers who may have ideas as to using motor lorries for other purposes than the usual.. Some of the ideas that the company's artist is working upon, although slightly exaggerated as to design, may seem to be quite workable in certain circumstances.
Mexican Oil Production.
Mexico will export more oil during 1920 than the rest of the world, including the United States, according to esti; mates made by Mr. George Blardons, the Tampico oil statistician. He declares that Mexico's .exportations for the year will be between 130;000,000 and 135,000,000 barrels, his figtffss bei* based upon the record-breaking production of oil in the country for the first five months of 1920.
Mr. Blardons declares he has collected data from unofficial, but authoritative, figures which snow that Mexican petroleum exports for the first five months of this year were 48,617,167 barrels, compared with 28,235,039 barrels during the same .period of 1919. Exports for May alone are given as 12,520,568 barrels, which is nearly double the shipments for May, 1919, and sets the world's record for one month's production.
Production for 1920, it is estimated, will be 150,000,000 barrels, -which is approximately 72 per cent, greater than that of last year. Regarding his estimates relative to shipments in 1920, which, be asserts, will be 80 per cent. greater than in 1919, Mr. Blarcioris says about 100,000,000 barrels will go to the United States.
The three leading exporting companies. for 'May, 1920, were the fistastecam, 2,632,485 barrels; the Aguila, 1,899,942; and the Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, 1,022,123. The daily average for May exports, it is stated, was 368,792 barrels.
A Sparking Plug Tester.
The Apollo Plug Manufacturing Co., Ltd., have installed at their London depot, 84a, Great Titchfield Street, W. 1; a sparking plug testing apparatus, by which they are enabled to test any type of plug, whatever thread or reach. They are able, by means of this apparatus, to `put, approximately, 250,000 volts through the plugs, at anything up to 250 lb. per square inch,air pressure.
Any of our readers who would like to have their plugs tested can avail themselves of this apparatus, free of charge, and to many of them ff will doubtless prove very interesting and instructive. Mr. Gardiner, who is in charge of this technical branch of the company, will be pleased to give any assistance or advice on ignition matters to those interested.
A New Light Van.
Following the resignation of Mr. M. E. de jarny, M.I.Mech.E., the general management of the British Motor Cab Co., Ltd., has been entrusted to two joint general managere—Mr. Richard Twelvetrees, M.S.E., A,M.I.Mech.E.,. M.Soc.Ing.Civ. (France), and Mr. H. MeFerlaed Davis, A.C.A., F.C.W,A. Mr. Twelvettees was formerly technical manager, and Mr. McFarland Davis filled the pest of seceetary and chief accountant.
In addition to the .programme 4:i1' renovating the popular two-cylinder Renault taxicabs, the company is now engaged in reconditioning a large number of heavy vehicles released from military
service. WhilZ) this programme -is in operation, a DOW type of general utility chassis is being developed, which, is capable of adaptation as a light delivery vale, taxicab, or hackney carriage. The designs in progress are being prepared on the lines of a chassis which can be produced on a mass production basis.
Midland Vehicle Workers' Organization.
Whilst the organization of vehicle workers in Midland areas, 'including a large proportion of drivers of commercial motors, has never lacked vitality, great impetus has been given to the movement, following _ the helding in Nottingham recently of the animal
gate assembly of United Vehicle Workers, now placed upon its extended national basis for amalgamation with the London and Provincial Union. An indication of enlarged interest in the work: is afforded by numerous district meetings which have been recently held, whilst upon a Comprehensive scale the problem with -which the Transport Workefs' Federation. is faced in its national negotiations with employers is to be dealt with at a meeting of vehicle
workers' representative from the whole of the Midland territory, which is to be held in Nottingham at the end of the present month, or possibly early in August.
A deadlock in regard to the negotiations at prwient exists, and the object of district deliberations in
• this as in other parts of the country, is to arrive at peSsible way out of the apparent impasse. Meanwhile several new lodges. of the United Vehicle Workers' Union Tia,ve
• been opened in the Nottingham. area, in which the membership now amewite to 3,072, made up of 870 tramwaymen, 54 busmen, and 2,148 commercial road transport workers, the lattee representing the •steadily-growing factor in the organization.
Drivers, Beware!
Frodsham police (Cheshire) are keeping an eagle eye on motor traffic passing through their township, and they have been complimented by the local kmagistrates on their firmness in =dealing with the drivers of heavy motor vehicles for
exceeding the speed limit. Drivers from Longsight (Manchester); St. Helens, Leverhulme (Manchester), and Rochdale were each fined M, the maximum penalty for the offence.
Satisfaction from Sentinels.
The group of illustrations which we reproduce at the loot of this page are Sentinel steam wargene in the service of satisfied users.
The vehicle in the service of the City of Worcester Corporation has been in continual use, except for the usual annual overhaul, fer two years and seven months, and during that period it has been found that a ton of coal will carry :the wagon approximately 300 milee. The total mileage ruwl is about 15,000, and no breakdowns; of any kind have been experienced, neither have any mechanical replacements been made,
One of the Other wagons belongs -to Messrs. F.. R. Simpson, and is giving the utmost satisfaction. This vehicle is employed for carrying steel sections, onwhich work it does about 35 miles per day. This wagon is the oldest of a fleet of Sentinel steamers, and was supplied by the conr-pany in 1918.
The remaining -wagon is also giving complete satisfaction to its users.
Liverpool Motorbuses.
For the .purposes of comparison we have obtained the following statistics dealing with the Liverpool tramway and bus services for the period from Jane 1st to June 19th for qlle present year, and also for the-saine'period during 1919 :— Motor Omnibueg's. 1920.
.A Hint to Drivers..
Drivers are, as a rule, very indulgent to cyclists, Who, to save themselves physical exertion, often -take hold of the rear of fast moving petrol vehicles. The experienced " cyclist " is sometim.es aware of the dangers of being caught against the kerbstone by being on the near side of the vebiele, and the risks of collision by being,on the offside, but by constant practice he becomes inured to the perilsof the "lift." There have been a number of accidents lately, and • whilst drivers no doubt would resent acting with malevolent authority; they might at least exercise a wiser discretion Cu busy roads and help to save foolish
cyclists from themselves.
Mexican Opportunities. ,
We .1-.4icenitly met a gentlemen who has just returned from a visit to Mexico, where he resided for a number of yeaes
before the war. He states that, in spite of American competition, there is, in his opinion, a good opening for both light and heavy British motorvehicle&
that country. Healso sees an .opening for a portable eawmill driven by an internal-combustion engine, if such an outfit is available, but emphasizes the necessity of having • the goods on the spot len immediate delivery when required. Letters addressed to this: office marked , "W," care of the Editor, from interested persons, be forwarded to the
Trade with Russia.
No mitre of engineering importance proportionate to its eize has possibly suffered in a greater 'degree than Lincoln from the cessation of trading with Russia. The efforts of Mr. A. P. Davies, the Parliamentary representative of the city, to bring about a renewal of commercial relationships have been hailed with the liveliest satisfaction, although tinged with doubt as to the bona fides of the Soviet Government through its repudiation of the country's present heavy indebtedness to local firms.
Before the war Lincoln makers supplied Russia with the great bulk of its agricultural machinery, and under the changed conditions there are vast needs to be met, in relation to which motorpropelled 'appliances must necessarily play a leading part. There were some who did not appear at first to view with entire favour Mr. Davies'e interview with the Soviet representative, M. Kra..ssin, but it is evident that it has already served a useful purpose in the 'attempt to revive commercial activities, The member for the city was instrumental recently in taking several of the leading local manufacturers to see the. Russian delegate, and Ala Davies has since enforced the necessity of raising the blockade in order that trade may be restored, Matters at Lkicolia are in a very different position from that which obtained during the war period, when countless Government orders found unceasing occupation for a. great +body of workers, there being at present a large aanowit of unemploye anent. A return to the old volume of dealings with Russia would go far ,towards rehabilitating firms whose • mechanical resources are among the best in the country.
A New Petrol Rail Car. .
An interesting engineering feat has just been accomplished by T. Day and
ns. Ltd., of Okeliampton, Devon, who have completed the building of a 4,5 h.p. petrol-motor-driven railway wagon for the Duchy of Cornwall for scrvice at the Rattlabrook Peat Works, Brideitovve. The new wagon is to be used for the conveyance of men and materials to and from Bridestowe Station and the works,ea distance Of about 44 miles, iwer an old light railway on which the gradients are very severe, in some cases ai great as 1 in 12. To overcame this difficulty the company have designed the present truck so that all four wheels are driven. The gearbox used provides four speeds forw1trd and 'four reverse, so the -wagon can be driven both ways at the dame speed.
Balancing Ford Crankshafts.
The Automobile Engineering Co., Ltd., Bessborough Place, Bessborough Street, S.W. 1, have produced a new acceesory for Fords in the shape of a set of Ford balancing weights ready, to be bolted to the standard Ford crankshaft. The fitting is simple, requires no special tools, and can be done rapidly. It is claisaed that these balance weights help to counteract the vibration, and certainly the crankshaft can be very carefully balanced by them, as the thick bottom parts of the weights can be filed off or drilled whilst the crankshaft is placed between centres or upon knife edges. The only alteration required in the engine is to reduce by in. or in the length of the rear centre stud holding the crankcase bottom plate, as otherwise there is insufficient clearance for' the weight at that point.
Lorries in Argentina.
Recently in Buenos Ayres a colossal flag waS' hoisted on an iron mast some 160 ft. long, and unfurled in honour of General Belgrano. The bringing of the huge flagstaff from the Riachuelo workshops to the Plaza de Mayo was a task of some difficulty, and the local Standard says it was accomplished by "utilizing a new system of motor transport " with lorries and attached trucks, provided by the Four-Wheel Drive Auto Co:, and the Troy Wagon Works Co., "two great companies that took a prominent part in transport work during the Great War."
Our contemporary adds that the massive iron mast, despite its weight and enormous length, was conveyed to its present site without the slightest hitch, "thereby furnishing the companies aforementioned with a first-class advertisement.. In view of the excellent results rendered, no doubt this modern form of transport will be much utilized in Argentina."
A Leyland on Strike Duty in Toronto.
During a recent street car strike in Toronto, Mr. W. ----E. liumphteys, manager of the Leyland Co.'s Toronto depot, fitted u a demonstration 4 ton Leyland lorry, with seating accommodation for' 44 passengers, and placed it at the disposalof travellers between the centre of the city and North Toronto at a charge of 5 cents. per head, while other leery owners were demanding 20 cents. for the same run. This, in addition to demonstrating the suitability of a Leyland for passenger-carrying work, appears to have found favour amongst the residents of the town, judging by the following extract from a Toronto paper
"There is one straight 5 cent Jitney in operation in the city—and it is probably the only one as well as the biggest one. . . .
" The object of charging a straight 5 cent fare on this truck is to demonstrate that a bus service could be operated successfully from the financial side at that figure." An illustration of the vehicle appears on this page.
Canadian Contracts.
The proviacial _governments and municipaliti eat throughout the -Dominion of Canada.. frequently advertise locally' considerable requirements inesanachineryand other supplies and, since it often happens that the plant, etc., is urgently a required by the time that the necessary expenditure is authorized, 'the aperiod allowed for the submission of tenders isusually short. This may prevent British suppliers from submitting tenders, or at least place them at a very considerate disadvantage as compared with Canadian manufacturers and U.S.A. firms who, for geographical reasons, are more favourably placed.
An effective way to surmount the' difficulty is by having direct representation in the Dominion. .
The substantial accuracy-of this statement is not infrequently confirmed in reports received in the Department of
Overseas Trade. Quite recently the tender of a United Kingdem concern for motor lorries required by a Canadian municipality Alas accepted provisionally. The local agent of the tenderer was able to satisfy the municipal authorities that their stipulations would be met, and the tender was finally accepted.
In this case the successful concern first, heard of the opening through his Majesty's Trade Commissioners in the Dominion,s, who, are often in a position to assist agents in their efforts to secure orders far their principals. United Kingdom manufacturers who have not already done so are invited to comniunigate to the Department of Otlerseas Trade, 35. Old Queen Street, S.W.1, the names and addresses of their agents, for the infarmation of his Majesty's Trade Commissioners in Canada.
Canvassing by Post.
Seizing on the fact that the General Transport Officer of the Ministry of Food had written them requesting that any grain traffic passing through their organization may be passed through with the utmost speed and the maximum of supervision, one of the northern transport associations eveote to many of the large concerns importing wheat and flour giving details of the number of 'vehiales they' could offer, the tonnage capacity, and their service generally. They offered to take. full responsibility for all haulage.
Tyres From Slough.
One of our representatives looked in upon, Mr. Leo Swain at Manchester receitel in connection .with the Slough Trading Co.'s tyres. We reported last week his appointment as sole sales agent for that company, and we seized the opportunity of going through the warehouses and stores at Deansgate, Manchester, and in the premises adjoining. We were very much impressed with the magnitude of Mr. Swain's ordinary stock of solid tyres. In addition to those of his own make he stocks quantities of all the best-known tyres on the market, and we do not wonder now at the vastness of his tuinover. With this new appointment he will be one of the chief tyre men )11 the country.
Pressing .f or Presses.
With the steady growth of the use of commercial vehicles, garages' up and down the country are now fully realizing that there is a big business to be done in solid tyres if they were equipped with a fitting press. • Hollings and Guest, Ltd.. of Thimble Mill Lane, Birmingham, are supplying many tyre presses at the present time, and direct orders, and orders through the aarious tyre companies, are keeping the company's works running 14 hours per day. As a result of the demand, about 150 tyre presses have been supplied this year.
The No. 14 tyre press is now made as the company's standard machine, as with the constant increase in. the -weight and sizes of solid tyres, a press dealing with the heaviest section is deemed to be essential.
Moving with the Times.
One of the finest stables of horses in Liverpool, owned by Messrs. Caine Brewery Co., who had many noted prizewinners, • has been sold 'by auction to make room for motor transpart. Nineteen brewers? drayeartseand 40 young draught horses were disposed of. The company has placed a contract for haulage with one of the cite/ concerns, whose vehicles with trailer attached usually draw a load of between 50 and 60 barrels of ale.
The Liverpool Distilleries Co., who previously placed their work with contractors, have just purchased a number of Sentinel wagons. Another concern of cartage contractors, Messrs. T. A. Irving and Co., have just sold all their stock, including eight team wagons and 19 horses, and are substituting motor haulage.
Radiator Repairs.
So long as the usual method of mounting a motor-vehicle radiatar is in the front of the chassis, this' important component will always be liable to damage. Fenders 2,nel protecting devices of various designs have been incorporated in many vehicles, particularly those of American build, in order to render the radiator less vulnerable, but these, in many cases, for all practical purposes are of little real value. A bead-on collision of any force is almost certain to damage the radiator to a considerable extent. In cases of this sort, the repair of the component should be entrusted to ae repairer who specializes in this class of work, for it is most essential, amongst other things, that .the radiator should be perfectly watertight.
The Motor Lamp and Radiator Co. c10 •
unelartake repairs of this description, and their works at 30, Oldbury Place, High Street, Marylebone Road, W., are well situated for that purpose. The company are makers as well as repairers of lamps, radiators' tanks, wings, bonnets, panels, etc. The works are well equipped with power and hand tools, rollers, folders, headers, edge-runners, and cutting-off machines being included amongst the equipment. Gas stoves and aoldering bits are used for radiator and lamp repairs, whilst wings, some forms of tanks and other sheet metal work are oxy-acetylene welded. The gas stoves for the soldering 'hits are of the most modern type in which the Bunsen flame
automatically cut down to a pilot light when the soldering bit is withdrawn. A power-driven buffing or polishing plant is installed. Radiator types vary considerably, and on this account a special knowledge of their repair is needed. All radiators are tested for watertightness :by immersion, mid they are subjected to an. air pressure test of about 10 lb. per sq. in. We would advise our readers before they decide to scrap a radiator or lamp which may seemingly be beyond repair to secure the advice of the company, as components damaged almost beyond recognition can be -repaired to look almost like the originals.,
Birmingham But Profits.
Birmingham Corporation accounts for the year ended March 31st last show a profii, of £16,053 on the municipal motor omnibus -services. The year before the profit was £16,963. The Corporation has 46 motorbuses.,
. Bus Powers for Ilford.
Ilford Tramways Committee asks the Legal and Parliamentary Committee to consider theaadvisability of promoting a General Powers Bill, including provisions relating to the provision, maintenance, and running of omnibuses within and without the Urban District of Ilford.
Buses Competing with Trams.
At a meeting ofethe Wrexha.m Council, the general manager of the Wrexham District Electric Tramways entered a protest against the increasing competition of motor vehicles owned by private -individuals, and promised the Corporation another £500 a year in respect of -additional electric power,if such competition were stopped.
Spare Parts for Fiats.
We would aoint out that the refusal of the 'Fiat Co. to supply spare parts for the Fiats mentioned in the paragraph entitled "Fiats for Disposal," which appeared in our issue for July 6th, does not apply to the reconditioned Fiats im rted by Pearson and Sopwith, Ltd., of and 9. Long Acre, W.0.1, with whom the Fiat Co. have a special agreement.
Where the Pennies Go.
Tri 1913 the amount paid out in wages to the employees of the Underground Railway Companies of London was £2,000,000. It is estimated that the wages bill for this year will exceed £6,000,000, an increase therefore under this heading of £4,000,01)0, or 960,000,000 pennies. Petrol, which in 1913 cost the companies £400,000. will cost.thern this year at least £1,400,000, an increase of at least a round £1,000,000, or another 240,000,000 pennies.
Local Proceedings.
Worksop U.D:C. Tequilas a motor wagon for scavenging purposes..
The Manchegier police authorities are purchasinFtwo Ford chassis. • Rugby Teavn iCouncil is borrowing £1,600 for the purchase of a motor fireengine.
The borough surveyor of Chatham is making inquiries as to the price, etc., of two motor lorries, Pontefract Joint Hospital District Board is purchasing a moter anibulauct at a cost of £800.
Worksop Urban District coune has decided to purchase a motor gaigee for refuse collection.
Couledon and Purley Urban District Council is raising a loan of--£1,323 for the purchase of :a steam wagon.
,Bristol Corporation has obtained permission to borrow £18,580 for the .pur. chase of motor fire appliances.
The question of purchasing a motor fire-engine and a motor lorry is being considered by Dronfeeld
The Metropolitan Borough of 1='-oplar have ju.st taken delivery of a StrakerSquire gulley-emptying machine.
Enfield Urban District Council is borrowing £1,400 for the purchase of ,an electric vehicle for refuse collection.
The Health Ministry has sanctioned a loan of 22,750 for tire purchase of motor vehicles by the King's Lynn Council.
Lowestoft Corporation's Parliamentary Bill to provide, andwork trolley vehicles and motorbuses, etc., has passed its third reading.
Mansfield Corporation has decided to purchase two electric tipping wagons at £1,820 each, and two. petrol lorries at 24.,800 each.
Hunstanton U.D.C. has been asked to accept the' quotation a W. H. Johnson and Son, at £387 Me for the supply of a Ford motor lorry.
Dewsbury 'Corporation has empowered Councillor Waddington and the water engineer to purchase a motor lorry for the water department.
Swansea Corporation Stores Committee has authorized the borough engineer to invite tenders from anotor haulage centractors -for the purpose of haulage of materials.
King's Lynn T.C. propo:es to purchase two :electric vehicles as well as a motor lorry. Sanction to borrow money for one electric vehicle and the motor lorry has been received.
Southend Corporation Light Railways Committee recommends the 'purchase of an electric 3-4 ton wagon, at £975, from the Lincolnshire Motor Traction Co., Ltd., of Grimsby.
Rotherham Corporation has asked the borough engineer and the tramways manager to prepare a scheme for a central garage for the motors belonging to the various departments of the CDT-. potation.
At the .Highways Committee of the Southend Town Council it was decided to suggest to the Watch Committee the desirability of -regulating the thorough fares threugh which large motor chorea-hence visiting the town may be peewitted to proceed.
_ Facts which Show the Progress of Road Transport in the North.
0 THE Mersey-side traffic problems, one stands out in preeminence—the ferry congestion—and at the enquiry conducted by an Inspector of the Ministry of Health into an application by the Wallasey Corporation to borrow £359,400ato Improve the ferry services, some interestingefacts were presented, which we crystallize below: Reviewing tae period from 1914 to 1920, the last 12 months has shown a. remarkable increase in the number of vehicles—motor and otherwise—carried from Seacombe to Liverpool, and vice versa. For the purposes of' comparison the figures are:-
1913 ... 165,012 vehicles.
Working expenses have tncreased from £71,212 in 1913 to £191,420 in 1920.
The effect of the eight-hour day has been to confine traffic within narrower time limits, hence, with an inadequate seaeice of two boats (the "Seacombe," built in 1901: and the "Wallasey,"
in 1881) hopeless congestion. During the next decade further heavy increases in traffic may be expected with the resumption of building' operations.
Existing plant. for dealing with traffic is taxed with a 50eper cent, increase over 1913. Before the eight-hour day there used to be a fairly busy early morning traffic, but now the market gardeners are the only users before 8 aim. Between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. there is a 'glut of traffic.
If drivers are not fortunate to be in the first 50 or 60 they have to wait two or three trips across the river, which means more than an hour's wait.
The present service is maintained by one steamer only, an obsolete craft, 39 veers old, or, alternatively, by another 19 yearsin the ferries commission. It is proposed to purchase two new steamers, and run a double service at 15 or 20 minutes' interval.
The traffic on the luggage steamers is largely domestic—vans from the Liverpool stores delivering goods on the Cheshire side of the Mersey, traffic between the two main goods depots of the Great Western Railway at Liverpool entleBirkenhead, for the mill:hand large works on the dock estate, transportation of goods from the railways to the docks at Birkenhead for export to 'the East, and entirely foreign traffic, which is just passing through Seacombe.
This last section is expected to grow, for the congestion on the Birkenhead ferries lasts two or three hours, and a first-class 'roach is available as an alternative route out of the' Wirral. Two hours can be saved by using the Seacombe service. •
The nearest bridges are the transporter at Widnes, and the bridge at Warrington—about 15 miles away.
Application has been made for most of the roads leading to the ferries to be classified as 'first class under the new scheme.
Our opinion is The Mersey port of Liverpool (awl we include • Birkenhead and Wallasey) is an important terminal, from Whichetraffic radiates in all direc tions, and to eliminate the which occur at each of the ferries throughout thee day is a problem which cannot be adequately solved by any local authority acting alone. 'The addition of more ferryeboats is a palliative, but not a • solution.
, Relieving the Stagnation of Vehicles at Merseyside Ferries.
CHATTliNG with a representative of The Commercial Motor on the Mersey cross-river traffic -problem, a subject too familiar to transport men to need any introduction, Mr. Fletcher, secretary of the Birkenhead Road Transport Association and the Birkenhead Chamber of Commerce, made some ine teresting suggestions on the methods that should be adopted to expedite the passage of both motor-driven and horsedrawn traffic.
His first proposition 'was that lifts shOuld he installed on both side of the river to take 'up heavy vehicular traffic (especially at the low tides) to the solid roadways, and thus do away withethe present dangerouc condition of negotiating the -steeply-inclined floating bridgeways, especially so for heavy -steam wagons, which cannot be expected to face such an incline ori an iron-plated roadway.
The .other suggestiona provide for (I) the installation of mechanical contrivances to assist vehicles up the floating bridges; (2) the abolition of the storage of coals and ashes on the Woodside landing stage, and -utilizing the released space for the marshalling of vehicles; (3) lowering that part of the stage referred to.
"Assuming," he said, 'that the peesent steamers make 104 trips per day for five days per week and 35 trips on Saturday, we get a total of -565 trips per week. Calculating the mean load at 12 vehicles per trip, the total number of vehicles carried per week would be 6,600. If the charge per vehicle was 2s., there would be a total annual gross revenue of almost £35,000.
"If after, the suggested improvements were carried out, a levy of 6d. per vehicle might be imposed, and it is not unreasonable to assume that the proved facilities would mean very largely improved revenue, And the extra traffic' that would be attracted would more than pay for the cost of lowering the Woodside stage (£35,000) in one year.
Note.—The representatives of. the various bodies interested 'in the' Mereey crose-river congestion problem are -now sitting in London. They intend to,devise (1) a scheme to provide for immediate temporary relief and (2) a scheme for a permanent solution of the present evil conditions.
Mid! and Motor Trades and Technological Investigation.
sIR JESSE BOOT'S recent munificent gift of £50,000 towards the funds of Nottingham Uniyersity College will go far towards bringing about the realization of the -scheme, which has been under consideration for many years, for securing fee that institution a charter of incorporatienaand placing it upon, the basis of a fully. constituted university, with degree-conferring powers to serve the purpeee of the whole of the East Midland counties.
'Incidentally, also, it may do much tower& the' advancement a research and technological. weak in connection with the motor industry, in which Notting' ham, Derby, and,Leicester are designed to play an inceeasinglyeimportant part. From the estabtishment of the college upon its broadened foundation,the greatest practical advantage is anticipated, not merely in relation to the textile trades in which Nottingham and Leicester are mainly interested, but also as to the engineering industry, in which In relation to motorcar work Derby, with its great Rolls-Royce undertaking, must claim paramount consideration.
Necessarily, there is ample provision already existing at most of the larger Midland motor works for dealing with scientific problems of an ordinary and constantly, recurring character, but it is in the domain of the higher chemical and metallurgical investigations, represented by abstruee laboratory work, that the new -pniversity is calculated to serve the interests of manufacturers as a whole, many of' them, by.reason of smaller equipment and necessities, having little opportunity of making independent arrangements for research work. Supplementing that 'which may now be rendered possible, with the Nottingham College as a convenient centre of investigation; the 'aid of the National Committee for Scientific and Industrial Research may alsoi be relied upon. The great advantage thereby involved is.that, by a correlation of scientific forces, overlapping upon synthetic or other work may be obviated.
The, larger portion of the benefaction • to the university is to be devoted to the 'building fund, 'which-Will be aided to the extent of £30,000, the remaining £20,000 being allocated to the foundation and
▪ endowment of a. Chan-, of Chemistry, which incidentally will afford/the means for a great aniount of research work, from which the Motor trade in the district, in common with other industries, may expect to derive substantial benefit.
Scientific work in regard toemotorcar engineering has not been hitherto neglected in the Nottingham College curriculum, but although much that is valetable has been accomptished, under the 'discriminating direction of Professor W. Robinson, at E., heed of the Technology Department, it has been necessarily ,of a somewhat circumscribed character. When entering upon its larger saherm.of work this, in common-with other branches of the college, may prove toebe not devoid of added worth in the sense of meeting the eeeneralrequiremetts of the ast 'Midlandi•counties.
-Seeing that the field of operations is designed to include a far reaching territory, comprising the. counties. of Lincoln, Leicester, Derby, Nottingham, Northampton, and Rutland, there is Scope for the scheme to be of assistance to motor engineers.