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Opinions from Others.

27th June 1912, Page 26
27th June 1912
Page 26
Page 26, 27th June 1912 — Opinions from Others.
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of the paper only, and type-written by preference. The right of abbreviation is reserved, and no responsibility for views expressed is accepted. In the case of experiences, names of towns or localities may be withheld.

Is There Persecution ?


[1572] Sir,—" Puzzled Councillor's " letter (NO. 156-1), in your issue of 6th June, clearly states the ease as to the question of illegal axle-weights, and in answer to the request in the last paragraph of his letter I would point out that not only is justice blind, but that she carries in one hand the scales for deciding her opinion, and in the other the sword for the purpose of enforcing it. If we can get justice to use her scales and then her sword, the money collected under the petrol tax would not be wasted through the failure of road authorities to use the powers that are given to them. The data collected by the engineer-surveyor, mentioned by "Puzzled Councillor," would make interesting publication, showing convincingly that heavy motors must not be allowed reckless use of the roads, and the suggestion of "Puzzled Councillor" to make the roads more fit for modern traffic is a good one, but useless—until the weight of this modern traffic has been accurately ascertained, and a limit laid down, to which the roads must then be built..

If the modern traffic is limited to an agle-weight, then the roads must be built to that axle-weight, but the first preliminary will be a means of proving that the axle-weight to which we should build our roads is in no case exceeded.

"Puzzled Councillor" need no longer be puzzled. His council's first duties are to find out the weight of the traffic running in its area, and then to take stens to prevent the legal weight being exceeded and to build and maintain the roads to carry the weight laid down by law. By these means, his council will be doing its duty to modern mechanical transport, and unnecessary road expenditure will be prevented.—

Yours faithfully, ' ANNOYED."

Excessive Speed in Char-a-bancs Service.


[1573] Sir,—As one intimately connected with the commercial-rnotor industry, I heartily endorse the remarks in your leader, in the issue of 13th June, referring to excessive speed in regard to motor charsa-ba-ncs.

The entire blame cannot, I believe, be attributed to the driver ; the passengers themselves are often at fault. The driver is only human, and when tempting overtures are made to him to "get there" as fast as possible, it can hardly be expected that, unless he has very strong will power, as well as a high regard to duty and the safety of his Passengers and machine, he will refuse to run a risk for an often too lucrative bait. There are also halts at wayside inns which ought, in the interests of the public generally, to be strictly limited-if not altogether forbidden.

A good and accurate recorder, fitted to the vehicle, would have the effect of showing the owner the variations of speed, and the stoppages ; this, in conjunction with strict orders not to arrive at the destination before a stated time, might have the desired effect.

The conveyance of passengers by motor char-hbanes is as yet in its infancy, and, unless more care is exercised by those in control, to prevent a repetition of some of the disasters which have alrea-dy happened, legislation will follow that may considerably hamper a very pleasant mode of transportation. In view of your remarks, one feels compelled to express surprise at the figures given by Mr. Ross in his letter (1566). An average speed of 26 miles per hour, assuming that this is accurate, may be all right for a motorcar, but it is altogether excessive for a heavy vehicle. In his letter, tie does refer to a car, but it is evident that the test referred to a commercial-motor car, otherwise the comparison given with the "Garrett" would be redundant. Tests of such a nature are neither of value nor use. It is reliability, and not speed, that is required with commercial motors.—Yours faithfully, " MODERATION."

[Mr. Ross's figures concerned a founseated car. They were directed t show the economy of suyerheated-steain generation, expreesed in tuel and water consumptions per gross tommile.—.C.1).

The New Railway Bill and Its Likely Enect upon Motor Transit.


[15743 Sir,—With the railway rates as they are now, and without any further rise, the use of mechanical road transport in competition with the railway has increased by leaps and bounds. In making a comparison, one must not only be influenced by the cost of carriage alone ; speed must be taken into consideration. The knowledge of the condition of the goods at the time of delivery to customer also has a high value. You may consign at owner's risk, but it is a question of uncertainty, especially in dealing with goods requiring care in handling, whether these goAs will arrive as despatched. The railway suffers a considerable loss of time by the horse handling of deliveries at the termini, in and out. Take the instance of delivery of heavy castings on to a site. The nearest and cheapest terminus for delivery on the railway may not be fitted with the necessary lifting tackle for unloading. Another delay is suffered and expense is incurred by having to wait for the portable crane to be sent' to the station of unloading. With mechanical road transport, the necessary tackle for unloading can be carried on the vehicle itself, and does not add greatly to the cost of carrying the load. This is only one instance where, in the transport of goods at the present rates, the circumstances are in favour of motor road transport. There are many others. Where the railways will suffer most, if the prices are to be raised, will be in the transport of passengers. To nearly every big town, the railways run weekly day trips for market and other purposes. There is no doubt that they have in their mind the decision to raise the prices of these return tickets, and there will be a profitable opening for passenger. carrying vehicles on such journeys as the above. Under the new Railway Bill, id. per mile per passenger will probably be the minimum, if the suggestion to do away with passenger excursion rates is brought into oneration. Now the cost of running a 32-seated char-h-bancs can safely be placed at a maximum of Is. per mile, so that at this price a motor char-h-bancs can be run at less than railway prices at a considerable profit to the owner of the vehicle. Moreover, on excursion occasions, such as cup ties, agricultural shows, etc., the motor vehicle has the advantage of setting down the passengers at the doors, and of leaving at any time most suitable for the passengers, without any of the rush attending the catching of an excursion train. It is impossible, when viewing the competition with which the railways ca-n be met, to foresee in what way they can increase their nrices, unless some radical changes take place on the systems in the methods of handling passenger traffic.—Yours faithfully, Birmingham. T. C. AVELINO.