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27th March 1923, Page 22
27th March 1923
Page 22
Page 23
Page 22, 27th March 1923 — COACH RATES ON THE MERSEYSIDE,
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Four Tariffs So Far Issued... Fleet Owners Favour One Penny per Mile: TEETHORNY problem of rates has given rise to some excitement during February and the early part of this month, at least so far as the Liverpool district is concerned. Matters have now settled down somewhat, so that one can review the situation quite dispassionately.

Last , season, through stress of circumstances, the organization, by means of which rates were regularized, did not function in arresting the tendency towards a breakaway from association rates. Accordingly, a point was reached when each coach owner, despite the previously -agreed price list, was left to his own resources to battle withthe severely competitive elements. As might have been expected, rates tumbled down, settling somewhere in the vicinity of 11d.

per mile. s

After chewingsthe cud of reflection for six months, the Merseyside coach owners are now on the eve of another season, one which they all hope will be more bounteous than was the last. The first pronouncement on the matter of charges to the public was by a suburban concern, which -startled their competitors into activity by the following sensational announcement : " Chars.ii.haucs t Chars.ii.bancs Chars.ii.bancst

Great Slump in Prices.

"Having solved the problem of cheap running, combined with efficiency, we are now in a position to give the public the benefit of cheaper outings. Our motor coaches will be run to :-Southport (34 miles), 2s. ; Chester (38 miles), 2s. 6d.; Warburton (56 miles), 3s.; Pickmere (56 miles), 3s.; Belle Vise, 4s. ; Blackpool (84 miles), 4s. 6d.; Buxton (105 miles), 6s. ; Llangollen (85 miles), 4s. 6d. Book now to ayoid disappointment.

"Nete.-All our drivers are total abstainers!'

This was the first shock, but the majority of owners contented themselves with simply watching and waiting, .

The second shock came when a Liverpool owner issued a price list on the basis of three-farthings a mile :-Belle Vise, 5s.; Bettws-y-coed, 9s. 6d. ; Blackpool, 6s. ; Buxton, 7s. 6d. ; Chester, 3s. 6d. ; Llangollen, 6s. ; Pickmere, -4s. 6d.; Rodyard Lake, 7s. 6d.; Southport, 3s,; Warburton, 4s. ; Windermere, 10s. Saturclays'6d. -extra. So far, the small owners had been calling the tune. A large firm controlling a big fleet then came on the scene and laid down the rate at. one penny per mile -a figure which, their representative told The Commercial Motor, .would not permit of being cut, having•regard to all the costs incurred in the efficient conduct of a coach business, The following rates wore, therefore, quoted for 28-seater coaches :-Bettws-y-coed, 10s. 6d.; Bladepool, 7s. 6d. ; Buxton, Os.; Chester, 4s. ; Chester Circular Tour, 5s. 9d.,.Congleton, 8s. 3d.; Corwen' 8s. 6d. ; Delarnere, 5s. 9d. ; Denbigh, 7s. 6d; Ellesmere, 7s. ; Grasmere, 15s.; Llandudno, 10s. ; Llangollen, is, 6d. ; Loggerheads, 5s, 6d. ; Mold, •Es.; Matlock Bath, 12s. 6d. ; Rhyl, is. 6d. ; Ruthin, Es. Pd.; Rudyard Lake, 8s. ; Shrewsbery, 10s.; Southport, .4s. ; Wirral Peninsula; 8s. 6d.; Morecambe, N. 3d. ; Prestatyn, 7s. ; Vhitchurch, 7s. 6d.1.Warburton, Es. ; Windermere, 13s, 6d.

OM. next inquiry was on the Wallasey and Birkenhead side of the river, whore the owners last year, or, rather, year before last, worked in conjimetion (through the association) in the matter .of rates. owners 'apparentlyhave had a meet big and have agreed to start the season on a rate of 1/X per mile, for single seat

bookings, and 1,id. fOr parties. Thus, at the present time the charges are :Bettws-y-coed (140 miles), 15s. ; Buxton, 12s. 6d. Buxton via Chester, 13s.; Bees. ton Castle, 8s. 6c1.; Corwen (100 miles), 12s. 6d. ; Chester direct (34 miles), 5s.1 Denbigh (80 miles), 10s.; Delamere (60 miles), 7s. ; Elleamere via Whitchurch (86 miles), 10s.; Erbistock, 9s. ; Farndon, 7a; Grasmere t184 miles), 25s. ; Llangollen direct (80 miles), 9s. ; Llangollen via Llandegla, ; Llandudno (In miles), 13s.; Loggerheads, 6s, ; Mold, 6s.; Matlock Bath (154 miles), 18s.; Prestatyn via Queen's Ferry, -9s. ; Rhy1 (100 miles), 10s. ; Rudya,rd Lake (100 miles), 10s.; Rpclyarcl via Chester, ha.; iluthin (58 miles), 7s. 6d. ; Shrewsbury (116 miles), 12s. ; Southport (44 miles), 5s. ; Wirral ,Perrinsula (44 miles)-, 6s.; Windermere (168 miles), 20s.

This little story in rates needs no coin, meet. The moral is obvious: Why do not the owners get together and agree ulion a uniform rate?