Municipal Purcha ses and Proposals
Page 44
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Wednesbury Corporation are advised to buy a sweeper.
Bury Health Committee require a Morris J-type ambulance.
Castileford Urban District Council are to buy a Thames 1-ton tipper.
Bridgend Urban District Council are to buy a Karrier Bantam 2-tonner.
Watford Town Council are recommended to purchase an S.D. refuse collector.
Cardiff City Council are recommended to purchase 15 Daimler-Gardner chassis.
Rugby Town Council are advised to obtain a 2-ronner from 0. T. Hilton and Co., Ltd.
Swhtdon Town Council are advised to obtain a Dennis refuse collector from Skurray's, Ltd.
Contest Town Council require a Bedford lorry, a Karrier refuse collector and a road sweeper.
Guildford Town Council are recommended that Coombs and Sons. Ltd.. supply a tower wagon.
Burnley Borough Council are advised topurchase a tipping trailer front Bradshaw's Motor House, Ltd.
Smethwick Town Council are recommended to buy a Bedford 10-12-cwt. van from Smethwick Motors, Ltd.
Wakefield Works Committee propose to buy an S.D. gully-emptier. The waterworks committee require two lorries.
Southport Town Council are advised to acquire an S.D. refuse collector, also two Hubilt street orderlies from Thomas Hill, Ltd, Preston Transport Committee are to invite tenders for the saintly of eight Leyland doubledecker chassis next year and 10 in 1957.
Carlisle City Council are advised to obtain a Bedford 12-cwL vehicle, and the Parks Committee propose to buy ft 5-cwt. van from J. that and Co.. Ltd.
Glasgow Corporation require a 10-cwt. and a 1-ton van. The S.M.T. Sales and Service Co., Ltd., are to supply 10 Bedford 5-ton Uppers to the housing department.
Wallasey Health Committee have ordered a Morris-Commercial ambulance from Windsors (Wallaacy). Ltd. The bus committee seek a loan to buy two Leyland Titan chassis. The water committee propose to obtain a Thames 5-ton tipper frant G Herron and Co.
Reading Drainage Committee require a 5-cwt. van.
Darlington Corporation arc advised to acquire seven Guy-Rot double-deckers Stretford Parks Committee have approved thc purchase of a Thames 3-tonner.
Eastbourne Highways Committee wish to obtain a Bedford 4-ton tipper from Mansfields. Ltd.
Bradford Transport Committee seek to obtain East Lancashire bodies for 30 trolleybus chassis.
Oxford City Council are recommended to buy a Thames 5-cw.. van from Hartwells of Oxford. Ltd.
Great Yarmouth 'Transport Committee seek tenders For the supply of five 58-seat doubledeckers..
Bootle Fire Brigade Committee propose to buy a dual-purprise appliance from Hampshire Car Roches. Ltd.
Chesterfield Cleansing Committee propose to obtain a Scantmell mechanical horse from Kenninas. Ltd.
Northampton Cleansing Committee recommend the Purchase of five Morris 5-cwt. vans front the Dernaate Motor Co., Ltd.
Lute. Cleansina Committee recommend that Karricr Motors. Ltd., should supply site Gamecock refuse collectors, and Shaw and Kilburn. Ltd.. a Bedford 5-toriner.
Barrow-la-Farness Highways Committee approve Liar purchase or a tower wagon from John Gibson and Sons, Ltd. The transport committee have obtained loan sanction for the purchase of a single-decker.
Deptford Highway:. Committee recommend that Rt.-totes. Ltd., should supply a Karrier Bantam. and that Seammell Lorries. Ltd.. should supply two mechanical horses, two harrier-loading semitrailers and a bin-carrying semi-trailer.
Bolton Parks Committee require an .kustin lorry. The watch pantrnittee recommend the purchase of an Austin A40 van. The transport committee advise that Messrs. W. Charnock and S. H. Bond, Ltd.. should supply a Leyland chassis upon which will be mounted a 60-scat body. Tenders are sought For the supply Of 21 doubledeckers. The markets committee require a van.