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It's been a slightly better week for our hard-pressed industry as fuel prices seem to have eased if only a little. It's a welcome respite, but might not last for
long if reports of arguments among OPEC members are to be believed. In any case diesel costs are still too high. We all know the problems associated with soaring fuel prices and we need action before the industry implodes under the pressure. At the very least we need an essential user rebate. The government still has 23 million cars to cream revenue from, there are no anti-competition issues as anyone in road transport is eligible, and our
industry could get on with keeping the UK economy moving. What is so hard about this? The ETA, RHA and Conservatives are all pursuing some sort of derogation for road transport, but even with such concerted effort will we get an outcome we can work with?
• When we investigated the CPC qualification as part of this week's special feature on training we were not a little surprised by what we discovered. Some regard the CPC as a Mickey Mouse exam, but they would have been in for a shock with the results of December's sitting, where 60% of candidates failed. No-one seems to know why, and the number passing the exam has subsequently risen. It was news to us that the CPC is the same standard as an A-level, but so it should be. We should strive to make this a professional and challenging exam, to reinforce our image as a professional and highly qualified industry. Let's sort out that pass rate, but by raising standards, not by dumbing down.
• There's a free giant Euro 2004 football poster with every issue this week especially for you to keep track of who's winning! If your copy is missing, give us a call and we'll send you one. And watch out for our Euro Striker competition which we'll be launching in next week's issue you could win £1,000.