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A Commentary in Alphabetical Form Giving Brief Details of the Various Types of Body and Trailer to be ghown.
AIIITIOUGH, in the main, the bodywork section of the Commercial Motor Exhibition is not likely to reveal any startling changes in the general design of bodywork for passenger and .goods-carrying vehicles, many exhibits which are to be displayed will serve to show the channels along which design is proceeding, and particularly in the matter of passenger-carrying vehicles will many features of impRtance be noted. In fact, it is this section of the industry which has witnessed almost startling developments since the Exhibition which was held two years ago. We will proceed to describe in brief the bodies which are to be shown in this section, dealing with the makers' designs in alphabetical order.
It is the intention of James Bartle and Co., Ltd., to display on Stand 20 two passenger-carrying models and a body specially designed for the transport of petrol cans. The passenger bodies will both be 20-seaters, one being intended for coach service and the other for bus work, the former being mounted on a Lancia chassis and the latter on a Thornycroft 25 h.p. chassis. In the former exhibit it will be found that antique red leather upholstery is used and that rug rails are provided to each seat. A Kopalapso one-man hood, together with all-weather side curtains, serves to give complete protection to the occupants.
The bus model will be a typically modern body having a central gangway to the passenger compartment leading to an emergency exit at the re:. In this body the driver is isolated, a full-depth partition separating his seat from the main portion of the body.
The body intended for transporting petrol cans will be shown on a Guy 3-ton chassis, and it is built to conform with the requirements of the authorities.
There will be three vehicles on the stand of J. C. Beadle, Ltd., which is numbered 18. The first will be on a 2l-ton Dennis chassis with a special brewer's type lorry body ; the second a 30-cwt. Vulcan chassis carrying a box van body; and the third a 30-cwt. Guy on which is mounted a 14seater all-weather saloon body. The last-named is, perhaps, the most interesting exhibit, because the vehicle shows the modern tendency towards the use of the low load-line for passenger work. The rOof of this model has been designed so that it can be opened with the utmost ease, should it be desired.
We come next to John Buckingham. Ltd., whose exhibits will be shown on Stand 26, but at the moment of closing for press we have not received specific details of the Various bodies to be shown by this Birmingham company. N^xt in order comes Carrimore Six Wheelers, Ltd., who will show a 10-ton trailer fitted with the patent Carrimore Adhesor. This company have had considerable experience in the manufacture of trailers of all types and sizes, and the Adhesor is a device of specific valne where four-wheel trailers are used in conjunction with the Fordson tractor. Its pnrnose is to transfer the desired amount of weight from the trailer to the rear wheels of the tractor, thus giving them the necessary road adhesion. Visitors to Stand 50 will have their attention drawn to the fact that, by the aid of the device, a Fordson or similar type of tractor can be used efficiently to pull loads of 10 tons on greasy gradient.
Christopher Dodson, Ltd., who have had over 60 years' experience in the coachbuilding industry, will be showing. on Stand 22, a range of bus bodies which will be found to meet most of the requirements of passenger transport users. There will be a one-man, front-entrance type body to seat 32 passengers, mounted on a Daimler C.M. type chassis; a double-deck bus body, with an enclosed upper structure, seating 51. passengers; this will be mounted on a Dennis special omnibus chassis. The Guy will be used to display It single-deck body with front and rear entrances, which is designed to seat 31 passengers and a feature of this model will be the low load line. A /mirth exhibit will consist of a 36-seater body on a Leyland S.G.11 chassis. The final exhibit will be a standard trolley-bus body, mounted on a Tilling-Stevens chassis, with a seating accommodation for 86 passengers: the entrance to this body is in the centre of the near side.
Those who are interested in the use of two types of body on the same chassis should make a point of calling at Stand 28, where Duple Motors and Bodies, Ltd., will show various examples of their combination types of body. There will be a van and touring-ear body on a 1O-cwt.. Overland chassis; a light lorry and touring-car body on a similar chassis; and a coach-lorry body on a 1-ton chassis also of Overland make. In the other two exhibits on the stand the Trojan chassis will be used, one of these carrying a convertible van and touring body, and the other a convertible light lorry and touring body.
Some of the Trailer Exhibits.
We now pass on to the stand of R. A. Dyson and Co Ltd., which is numbered 49, and here the visitor will find three types of Dycon trailer. One will be a 3-ton model, and another a 4-tonner, whilst the third exhibit will consist of an all-steel, two-wheel, high-speed trailer for 1-ton loads, the last-named selling at the attractive figure of £45. A subsidiary springing device is used in the 8-ton trailer consisting of a helical spring fitted to the spring shackles, and this only comes into use when the trailer is running without a load. This feature adds greatly to the life of the body and saves the main springs from unnecessary road shocks.
Another exhibit of trailers will be made by the -Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd., on Stand 4, who will be showing an all-steel four-wheeler, and two types of tipping trailer for use with the Fordson or similar types of tractor. As irt the case ofall standard Eagle two-wheel trailers, they are RO designed that a portion of the load is carried on the tractor drawbar, thus increasing, the adhesion of the driving wheels when engaged in hauling work.
Municipal authorities will be attracted to the Warwick D37 patent cesspit emptier which is also to be shown. It has a capacity of 750 gallons and is intended for Mounting on a 3i-4-ton chassis. The appliance works on the system in which a vacuum is created in the tank by means of a Mechanically operated pump.
There will also be three trailers shown on Stand 25, which. is to be occupied by the Eccles Motor Transport, Ltd. One of these is an ambulance designed to trail behind any type of motor vehicle and is intended for use by cottage hospitals, rural district councils, and the like. Then there is the Na. 7 type, which is a two-wheel trailer built to carry 8-cwt. loads. This can be provided with a detachable• tilt-van cover if desired. The exhibit will be concluded by a travelling showroom on a 1-ton Overland chassis. The body of this contains showcases, a desk, a revolving seat, a settee convertible into a bed, a stove, lockers and other equipment. It is panelled in steel-armoured plywood.
There will be three types of bus body and a specially constructed coach on Stand 35, which will serve to house the exhibits of Hall, Lewis and Co., Ltd. Of the former, a 32-seater body will be shown on a Thornycroft chassis; a 26-seater on a Lancia Pentaiota chassis; and a 20-seater on an Albion chassis, the last two bodies being of the oneman-operated type, whereas the former has a rear entrance. Each of these bodies incorporates modern features and is a high-class Production.
The coach body will be a 22-seater and the complete vehicle will afford an indication of the low-loading merits of the Mandalay chassis.
Thomas Harrington, Ltd., will make' a display of a 25seater, gangway-type coach body, and * 35-36-seater, singledeck body on Stand 3, a Daimler chassis being the basis of the former and an A.E.C. chassis that of the latter. The coach will be panelled in silver-finished steel and will he fitted with the Brighton patent sliding hood.
A Range of Goods Bodies.
Goods-carrying bodies will be featured by Messrs. Hazeldine and Norton on Stand 13, and interest will undoubtedly centre around the sliding tilt body on a 25-cwt. Bean chassis. In general appearance this body is of the ordinary fixed boarded-tilt type, but when it is desired to load goods by crane the tilt can, by means of a simple mechanical device, be slid forward, thus leaving more than two-thirds of the body space entirely exposed. The rear half of each side of the body is hinged, which also facilitates loading and unloading.
Another exhibit on this stand will be a 2-ton Guy with a covered body by the exhibitors; a feature of its construction is that the body and cab are constructed in one.
Two exhibits will constitute the display of the Hickman Body Building Co., Ltd., on Stand 34, one being a 54seater, covered-top deck bus body on a Maudslay chassis, and the other a 20-seater, one-man type on a Garner chaSsis. The former has been built for the Coventry Corporation, and the latter for the Douglas Corporation. In each body the Hickman patent method of forming and reinforcing joints is employed, and in the double-decker novelty is -claimed for the spiral form of staircase and the rear framing of the top deck. The headroom in both decks of this model is 5 ft. 10 ins. The special arrangements for the control of the door in the one-man type body have been devised by the exhibitors.
London Lorries, Ltd., who will occupy Stand 12, hold a prominent position in the coachbuilding industry, and their quadruple-purpose, all-weather saloon body has won considerable recognition. An example of this body to seat 18-19 people will be shown on the Lancia Pentaiota chassis. The 1926 model incorporates many improvements and refinements, and it embodies the Beatonson patent headwork. This type of body can be used in four different positions, thus giving its occupants protection in any class of weather. The Stanley type of all-weather saloon will be in evidence on a Thornycroft long-wheelbase chassis, and this follows the general design of the Q.P. coach, Another passenger model will be the 20-seater, singje-deck bus body mounted on a Garner 2-ton chassis. This is of the one-man type and the makers patent Nondel door fitting is used. A new type of body built to the order of Shell-Mex, Ltd., for the conveyance of petrol cans will be displayed on a Leyland chassis. This has hinged gates at each side immediately behind the driver's cab.
Messrs. Metcalfes will occupy Stand 21 and display two of their body productions, one being a 20-seater saloon mounted on a Reo-Pullman chassis, and the other a 14seater saloon bus of which the basis is a Bean 25-cwt. chassis. The former is designed for high-class route or private-hire work, and for inspection purposes part of the D38
near-side panels will be cut away to reveal the interior and also the system, of construction. -The 14-seater bus body is a high-class example of coachwork built on the production basis."'
Specialists in Bus Bodies."
Three exhibits are to be displayed by the Northern Counties Motor and Engineering Co., Ltd., on Stand 24, these being a low-loading, rear-entrance type saloon bus body on a .C.M.-type Daimler chassis; .a one-man-operated service bus body on an Albion chassis; and a 20-seater, pay as-You-enter -servite bus betty mounted en A-Thornycroft chassis. -The firs.-named incorporates the company's patent
low loading undercraming, and the chassis extension behind the rear.wheels has also been dropped to permit the fitting of one step only at this point The special roof construction enables the body sides to be cut low and, at the same time. affords 6-ft. headroom. The company's patent door opening gear will be in evidence on the Albion bus. . The vehicle to be shown by the Phocenix Coach Works, Ltd., on Stand 6, will have a 16-seater body, which is upholstered in Rhinos and embodies many refinements in desirn.
W. and T. Robson, Ltd., will be in occupation of Stand 19, and will show a tilt-van body on a 2-ton .Albion chassis, and a box van body on a 30-cwt. Vulcan chassis, the latter carrying a series of trays and being intended for bakers and confectioners.
Two trailers are to be shown by, Sheffield Steel Products, Ltd., on Stand .7, one being a 5-tonner' fitted with a tipping body 12 ft. long, 6 ft. wide and having 18-in, sides, fitted with solid rubber tyres. 'The second trailer will, have giant Pneumatic tyres and can be tipped to an angle of 50 degrees. The outstauding feature of the H.B. patent trailer is the unique action of tipping. Short Brothers (Rochester and Bedford), Ltd., intend to make a display on Stand 11 with two bus bodies One a 28
seater, being mounted on an A.E.C. 507-type chassis, and the other, a 16-seater, which will be mounted on a 30-ewt. Dennis chassis. The company have had a large experience in the coachbuilding industry and have constructed all types of single-deck and double-deck passenger bodies, and their exhibit will most certainly be worthy of close attention by all visitors to this section of the Show.
Next in'order are Spurling Motor Bodies, Ltd., who will occupy Stand 16. This company have had large experience in building light types of body for a wide range of uses. Stand 5 will be occupied by the Steel Barrel Co„ Ltd., the type of fuel tank body which the company produce
being in evidence on a 5-tan Tilling-Stevens chassis. This class of tank is known as, the D-type, and is of registered design, and that which is to be shown will have a capacity of 1,500 gallons, being divided into 'apt compartments.
The name Of Strachan and Ureodiarpossesses a special significance in the Coachbuilding industry, for the company
have had many years' experience. Their. products will be
typified a 82-seater, front-entrance saloon bus body mounted on an A.E.C. Renown chassis; a 26-seater, one man-operated saloon bus body on a Lancia Pentaiota chassis ; and a 30-seater service bus body with rear entrance, the 2i-ton, 15-ft. wheelbase Dennis chassis being
used for the-last-named. Many patented features are included in the design of Stream, and Brown bodies; a visit to Stand 23 will reNeal many of them.
So far as we know, the only body with flexible panels to be seen in this section will be that on the stand (48) of the Union Motor Car Co:, Ltd.. This will be a 30-seater constructed .under Weymann patents, with special reinforced construction for the panels. In this form of con
struction the body is framed in ash, and built up in sections connected by Weymanii plates to secure flexibility and facilitate repairs. The body to be shown will. be fnounted on a Karrier chassis. A further, exhibit. of this company
will be a lorry for the delivery of petrol cans. • Four exhibits will come under the notice of .visitors to Stand 27, which will . be occupied byUnited Automobile Services, Ltd. These are, all bus models, one being a 14 seater ; another a 20-seater; a third a 30-seater; and the last a 38-40-seater, the A.E.C., Albion, Bean and .MatalsIay chassis being used in this order for the various types of body. The 14-seatee is intended for public-service work, or as a station or had bus.
A 24-seater and a 26-seater body comprise the exhibits of the Willowbrook Co. on Stand 33, the smaller model being particularly intended for municipal transport services. Stand 14 will house the exhibits of W. Wilson and Son (Herts.), Ltd., these comprising a cab and a Universal Foldiny.side truck.