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to be Shown
at Olympia
THIS year the accessories and components and garage-equipment sections of the Commercial Motor ow will be separate. This part of the issue relates only to the former section, garage-equip ment being dealt with elsewhere. The subsequent paragraphs, of necessity brief, have been written in note form, thus facilitating reference IN the accessories and components section there are 231 exhibitors and their products should meet practically every conceivable need of motor-vehicle operators and manufacturers. Many new devices will take their places alongside well-tried lines and visitors will do well to make a point of closely inspecting this
important and comprehensive side of the Show
A.C,SPHINX SPARKINC PLUG CO., LTD. . . . . . ..... 310 QPARKING plugs, including A-8 mica.
insulated heavy-dutytype, particularly suitable for high-efficiency engines, massively built. Type D-41 for light vehicles where conditions are not particularly arduous or where there is tendency tewards oiling up, insulator Matsealed into nut gland. whole is detachable from socket for elearong. A-3 mica-insulated plug, specially designed for Daimler engines; type-575 Mr Ford model-A vehicles, long reach. A.O. oil filters, air cleaners, fuel pumps, electric petrol gauge, oil gauge, cooling-water filerinometer.—Bradiord Street, Birmingham.
ACTON MANUFACTURING CO . . 221 Q PARjg parts, manufactured by the company, l'afor certain makes of lorry. Assembled differentials a speciality. Gears and pinions made in three grades. Aluminium fan pulleys claimed to run with high degree of efficiency.115, Strafford Road, London, W.3.
F. H. ADAMS (1926), LTD 241
CASTINGS in all approved alloys, crankcases, X./castings in B.E.S.A. alloys, •heat-treated strong alloys, castings for oil engines, castings in corrosion-resisting alloys; gravity die-castings in all B.E.S.A. alloys and in specially strong heat-treated alloys. Other exhibits will be 110too castings in special heat-treated aluminium alloys, piston castings in low-expansion aluminium alloy, pressure die-Castings in aluujinium and sine, pressure-cast carburetter bodies, etc.— Middlemore Rood, diandsworth, Birmingham.
AMAL, LTD. 356
MEW type of fuel -pump marks departure in .1._I design, new principles followed, all fabric diaphragms eliminated, pump operated by metal piston. Working model of new pump will be on view. Other exhibits will comprise lull range of Amal accessories and components, including carburetters of various designs, fuel minips, petrol filters, silencers, inner a-nd outer cables, flowmeters and jet-calibrating machines.—Bolferd Works, Perry Barr, Birmingham.
7'. B. ANDRE AND CO., LTD 362 QHOOK absorbers, various types for many sizes
vehicle. Bumpers, single and twin bars, corner patterns, several finishes, made from Andralmain, non-rusting, highly polished, strong as steel, but lighter, tubular construction, prices from £2 Si. to £6. Patent horn ring for fitting to spokes of steering wheel, neat, ..nn be operated 'without removing hands from wheel, no springs or contacts to rattle. Silentbloc bearings, elastic, reduce wear, noise, vibra
thin and cost of maintenance; consist of outer sleeve with inner bush, between which is Adherite insulating material.—.Vietoria Carden% Ladbroke Road, London, W.11.
ANGLO.AMERICAN OIL CO., LTD.. . $7 1DRATTS Migh Test petrol, ethyl spirit, ben-IIsole mixture, commercial petrol. Selection ol G and A pump installations, including bulkstorage equipment and small inexpensive pump for commercial consumers.-36, Queen Anne's Gate, London, S.W.1.
TLAMITE facings for brakes and clutches having high co-etficicut of friction; have given over 92,000 miles' service on Daimler bus. Other exeibits will be Dorite universnl joints, clutch leathers, spring pads, rubber tubing. The following will be new exhiMts:—Fire extinguishers, petrol hose, Nelite super liquid jointing, Nolite gasket cement, cominctors cash
—St. John's Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
"fill2NISHED bearings for connecting-rod big.L ends, engine crankshafts, etc., baying shells of patent Anti-Attrition bronze, lined with patent Anti-Attrition " motor" white bronze accurately machined ready ior fitting. Bushes Icy various parts of engines, such as gudgeon pins, camshafts, and for steering gear; also bearings for engines, gearboxes and transmis
sion-line details. Chill-east cored and solid sticks in patent Anti-Attrition bronze; also in phosphor bronze for rapid and economical production of small parts. "Motor" white bronze in ingots; also die-cast parts, made from this metal, for motor-vehicle production,-1, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1.
ARENS CONTROLS, LTD 229 WLrocrEmn and rigid controls for operating
choke, throttle, ignition, lamp dimmers, brakes, etc., on motor vehicles; also working model showing various applications of Aren Centro] units. Consists primarily of strong cable encased in tightly coned spiral spring, the whole sliding in closely fitting outer covering_ Rods securely fastened to each end of cable; epring compression forces and cable transmits forces under tension; eliminates push-rod, bell crank or cable mechanisms. Available in lengths ranging from 2 ft, carting 65. 6d., to 12 ft. at l'ts. 9d.; additional lengths 1s. 3d. per ft. extra.-2, South Wharf, Praed Street, London. W.2.
I•4,TEW half-drop window designed with an eye LI to simplicity, positive lock at pre-determined locations, any part can be inspected or replaced by removing two small cover boxes. Driver's cab emergency light, incorporating sliding window for fitting to near side at cab. Other elhibits will be windscreens, eliding windows of various types, visors, destination-box frames and fittings, taxicab windscreens, head fittings, body equipment, louvre ventilators.—Crown Works, Buford Street, Birmingham.
SELF-CLEANING .petrol and lubricating-oil strainers for taotor vehicles; type-SPG petrol filter with quickly detachable visihia, glass or stamped brass bowl, coniplete with solderless unions ready for fitting into pipeline. Model M. embodying features of SPG type, but, lighter and cheaper; type PS specially suitable for heavy
commercial vehicles. Petrol filters for filling aations, removing water and sediment; lubracating-oil strainers to deal with whole supply in circulation, waste-oil reclainter for reconditioning waste crankcase lubricant for use as fuel for oil engines. Combined oil filter and cooler has special ratchet, which, when connected to clutch pedal, automatically rotates and thus cleans filter every time pedal is usede-Tower House, 40, Trinity Square, London, E.C.3.
COMPLETE range of heat-treated cold-headed bolts, produced by new method; available in two grades, 40 tons and 50 tons tensile. Other exhibits will include ,patent etual. and multi-row bearings.—Aldernmor 'Works, Coventry.
B.11.B. self-adjusting pistons in new R.R.63 Rolls-Royce Hiduminnun alloy; Whatmoughe Hewitt combustion head; Seeger gudgeon-pinretaining ring, also applicable to shackle bqlts, etc.. Exhibit will be completed by 'ball-end tappet-adjusting screws, in which' ball follows any angnlar movement between rocker and valve stem, resulting in full contact between working surfaces; direct thrust provided duriqg valve operation. B.H.B. piston has self-adjusting properties, permitting less accurate tolerances and fitting clearances. B.H.B., pistons used by imposing number of operators and manufacturers. --The Green, Twickenham, Middlesex.
TIMKEN axles complete; four-wheel driving unit; details of Timken now high-traction differential, taiga automatically compensates for loss of traction of one driving wheel by transmitting additional power to the other driving wheel leaving traction. Hercules six-eylindereci engine and detail parts; examples of Lockheed hydraulic brake; Borg and Beck clutches of various types. Fuller transmission systems, embodying four-speed gearbox and multiple-disc clutch, providing for easy gcar-changing. Hannum steering gears, designed to give variable ratin and haviug large wearing surfaces. Also Schwitzer-Csunens cooling jams, sectioned, showing special construction and operation. Various other components, including Pim:dater filters, Thompson eccentric tie rods, Antodijet link V.helting end Atwood adjustable door bumpers, will be shown.—Brock House, Langham Street, London, W.1.
EXAMPLES of repair work by welding, ineluding cylinders, aluminium and Elektron crankcases and gearboxes, crankshafts. Repairs have resulted in considerable saving as compared been scoredongrd components. mgptiozenoti . pins, .redpnerisrekhg Barimar patented metallurgical process without rsgrinding or enlarging bores, will be shown; also high-grade cylinder grinding, Barimar eastiron and aluminium seamless liners fitted to worn cylinders, worn parts rebuilt to original dissensions, repaired radiators and /amps.— 14.18, Lamb's Conduit Street, London, W.4t.1.
BARRETT, TAGANT AND GOTT% LTD. 280 MAXIMA oils and greases for all types of 1U-internal-combustion engine, high-grade motor oils, special worm-gear oil, greases for roller and ball bearings, rust preventives derived from ifinoline base, grease-gun refills of solidified oil to fit various patterns of gam Grease and worm-gear oil approved by leading manufacturers.—Corrisson Works, Waedsworth Bridge, London, S.W.6.
YOUNG B-type constant-balance window; Etype constant-balance light, suitable for fitting where rtarmw garnish rail is required; D pattern for taxicabs, drivers' compartments of lorries, etc., can he operated by one handYoung eonstanebalance half-drop window, speMalty designed to avoid twisting, cornering or
racking. Other exhibits will be Beatonson louvre ventilators and new form of door step in which step drops into position by pressing button—Victoria Road, 'Willesden, London, N.W.10.
BECKETT, LAYCOCK AND WATKINSON, "MEW Beclawat Typhoon window will be exJI hibited as half-drop and balanced fall-drop light, embodying wear system of locking, operating for practical y the whole depth of moving frame. Single-lever end double-pinchtype handles available, both centtally operated Beclawat Simeon window, horizontally sliding light made in brass or duralumin, specially suitable where lightness of construction is im portant. Beclawat stink handle of modified form, in which, should lock spring break, handle would still work the lock; projection of handle further reduced. Ventilouvre enabling bodybuilder to assemble continuous line of louvres to suit any size of window; parts interehringeable.—Acton Lane, London, N.W.10.
CO., LTD. . . . ..... . . . • 283 RANGE of requisites for bus work, such as -I-Ltickets, punches, etc., also booking vouchers for use by long-distance operators., roach stations and booking agents; device for rapidly giving change, and Printex. new machine printing and issuing tickets.-39, St. James's Street, London, S.%%'.1.
COMPLETE range of Bendix Duo-servo brakes, assembled and in detail, from 7 ins. to 1.4 ins. diameter. Recent improvements include cable and 'conduit control, giving clean design, brake-cam operating lever now being inside dram cables of steel strands, with ends fixed into joints by special process eliminating use of solder, etc., and ensuring strong connection. Casing for cable made of spirally wound square'
section spring eteet. Adeustment of brakes further facilitated, more accessible and can be carried out with box spanner.—Ring's Road, Tyseley, Birmingham.
ENOTS accessories and components, comprising hydraulic jacks, Autalub guns, flexible guns, Neot's plug terminals. Trioscope rearview mirror, directem indicators, patent filler caps, various typer-of cork-seated tap, etc. Neot'a plug terminals show whether sparking plugs be functioning properly; Enots Bit for clearing shackle pins of obstruction; Enots
Trioscope mirror gives wide view of road to right, left and behind, mounted on patent universal joint for easy adjustment.—Bracelsridge Atreet, Birmingham,
A LTJ.RDT/171% sand castings in various
standard alloys, aluminium-alloy gravity and pressure die castings, numerous examples of zinc-base-alloy die casting. Other exhibits include rough castings and finished parts in patent Birmabrieht• corrosion-resisting alloy Elektron (magnesium) alloy castings (from sand moulds and die cast) of various motor parts, also full range of Birmal Nelson liohnalite Inver strut pistons standardized• by several British manufacturers.—Birmid Works, Smethwick, near Birmingham.
THREE engines representative of new Blackstone high-speed spring-injection oil units, British throughout; simple in design, components easily accessible, cylinder casting mono. bloc, detachable heads, each liner cast separ ately. Crankshaft forged from 40-ton steel, runs in ball and roller bearings. Spring-injection fuel-supply system eliminates high-pressure fuel pipes; measured quantity of heel oil Inc injection into combustion chamber drawn into fuel chamber contained in solid steel block, Where fuel comes ender pressure from spring loaded plunger. When piston is et or near ed.c., injector salve is lifted from seating and fuel oil forced into combustion chamber in the form of spray. Fuel comparatively slowly and completely ignited, resulting in prolonged power action on piston. Models to be shown are six-cylinclered 55-60-b.h.p, types with hand and electric Marking, fourscylindered 36-40-b.h.p. pattern with hand 4nd electric starting, twins
cylindered 113-20.b.h.p. model, bend starting only. Also demonstration model of Blackstone spring-injection equipment, showing how fuel is injected into combustion ehamlsen—Stainford.
+PRING-ARMsteering wheels which reduce sOdriving fatigue by absorbing road and engine vibration; heavy-duty models available for corninertial vehicles. Registration plates with letters and -figures die cast in aluminium, having white finish given by special process. Bearnfight and Redwateh rear lamps, available in brass, enamelled black with plated rim around the unbreakable filummation panel. Redwatch is a triangular lamp. Other accessories will include ash-trays, tyre-pressure gauges and tyre pemps.—Wolston, near Coventry.
B0YGE electric clocks requiting no winding and involving small upkeep costs; Boyce Noscrew hose clips, providing quick action; Boyce Moto-meters, 'Parlous designs, indicating water temperature. Pneumatic windscreenwiper blades, having broad surface, not liable easily to be damaged by grit, in lour stanetard sizes, 6 ins., 7 ins., 8 ins. and 9 ins. Other exhibitsiewill include Boyce pump connectors and complete connections, ferrule-fusing tools and tyre-repair niaterials.-3, Furlong Road, London, N.7.
JTPTIOLSTtRY materials, carpets and sun) dries to match, making pos.sible attractive bleed of colours, also all sundries required by coachbuildess for finishing bodies. Grebel deluxe lamps, hand made of brass, finished in nickel, silver or chrome plat,' improved!Wising and alignment, giving a mere powerful beam, anti-dazzling. Other products will be head lamps, searchlights, wing lamps, side lamps, sear lamps and Heaniford Greatrex leathers in latest patterns.--9-11, Torrington Place, London, W.C.1.
ristiRON die-pressed brake-facing material for -Ile/various types of vehicle, available in roll and sheet form.---Bridge Street, Buxton.
ATTERIES for coach and bus lighting and -I-'starting, lead-acid types with tubular or flat positive plates; also nickel-iron batteries for lighting passenger vehicles. Ten years' guaranteeIgiven with latter pattern; claimed to be the only one of its kind made solely in this conntry.-233, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C2.,
BRITISH BELTING AND ASBESTOS. LTD. . . . ..... . . . 246
11/INTEX die-pressed asbestos and brass-wire -I-Mbrake facings and clutch discs; Halo nonmetallic asbestos brake facings and clutch discs; Mintex flexible brake lacing, matelkal in rolls; cable-laid cotton straps for securing baggage, bonnet linings and radiator dampers.— 59, Southwark Street. London, S.E.1.
WE'LL range of Bock tapered-roller bearings, -12 assembled complete, also in component form. Hall section of front wheel showing bearings mounted in position.—Cluthe Bearing Works, 120, Cornwall Street,' Glasgow, Si.
A VARIETY of exhibits will include bright and black nuts and bolts, setscrews and studs, Atkins socket head screws and socket grub screws, Fishplate bolts and nuts, also colliery and other special types of bolt. They can be supplied in following threads:—Dardelet sell-locking screw, B.8,W. and B.S.F. Socket screws can also be supplied with S.A.E. threads. —Chase Road, London, N.W.10.
QPECTAL dispay of bus interior fittings and kofillets, finished in cellulose. Cylinder block finished exteteally in high-grade enamel for the purpose arid internally with special cellulose enamel presenting oil absorption by casting and sand from last-named falling into sump. Interior light-weight finish, an imitation-leather finish produced direct on steel panels by means of spray.—Harrow Manorway, Abbey Wood, London, S.E.2.
COMPLETE selection of Zpeedwell oils suit'Liable for various types of commercial vehicle, also oil-storage tank equipment. Another exhibit will be a resistant-feed lubricator, claimed to Junction satisfactorily at all angles; suitable
for work where motion causes lubricator to be shaken from vertical position; abeuld be useful for cross-country vehicles.-57-58, Chancery Lane, Leaden, W.C.2.
VARIOUS products of Anelo-Persian Oil Oa,
Ltd., distrilmted in this country by the shave concern. Chief exhibit will be elit.P. Plus, successfully introduced last May, meets demands of modern high-compression. engines,sespecial properties, claimed to enable smooth Pressure to be delivered to pistons, driving them down with steads power, delaying need for decarbonisation. Other preducts will include B.P. Conemerssial T.V.O. vaporizing oil for farm traCtorn, White May and -Royal Standard lamp oils.— Britannic' House, Moorgate, London, F..C.2.
BRICO piston rings, manufactured from .Brice alloy castings, cast in manufacturer's own Semidry by Bram centrifugal process; these rings notable for elastic value. Brice Seraypollrings to overcome excessive oil consumption and regulate oil flow; available in four types— (1) slotted and grooved, (2) stepped, (3) drilled and grooved, (4) double-slotted. Brice. cast-iron alloys, comprising ground cast-iron bar, gives good finish surface, ground to limit of .0005 ill. in diameter. New web pistons by.. micro-cast process, light, can -he fitted to close limits. Centrifugal castings include piston rings, renewablevalve seats, renewable cylinder liners, renewalsle brakeArurn bning.s.—Hisibrook Lane, Coventry.
THE BRITISHTHOMSON-HOUSTON CO., LTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
'VARIOUS . magnetos for commercial-vehicle V work, combined ...magneto-coil-ignition sets, impulse starters, automatic ignition timing devices flexible magneto couplings with infinitely variable adiustment, Fabroil silent gears. Mazda electric lamps, etc. Magnetos are of rotating armature, rotating-magnet and polaaincluctor types; H.E. pattern., robust, sPecial starting properties, particularly seitable for heavy work. .high-tension current conveyed direct to distributing electrode, without need for slipsrings and collector-brush mouldings, has straight-through 05-per-cent. nickel-steel shaft, ball hearings, completely laminated magnetic circuit and jump-spark distributor, armature and all mouldings of large size, giving high factor of safety for insulation and 'eakage.—Alma Street, Coventry.
TAPERED-ROLLER bearings in representative range of aims for many types of com
mercial vehicle and trailer. • Timken rollerbearing component parts, including outer races. inner races, rollers and cages. Samples of fractured components, illustrating heat treatment given to details which play a most important part in longevity al bearings; section of front hub and pivot, demonstrating current practice for mounting and adjusting Timken taperedroller bearings; sectioned model of worm and propeller shalt baying Timken tapered-roller bearings; sectioned hub showing mounting and adjusting of Timken tapered-roller bearings.— Cheston Road, Aston, Birmingham.
T ANIMATED springssand clips for commer-1-slcial vehicles and trailers, axles, ball-bearings, roller-bearings and phosphor-bronze floating bushes for trailers, brake-operating levers, brake drums, tipping gears, stampings, forgings and general ironwork ior chassis and bodies. Wind. screens for coaches, buses and lorries, roof ventilators, head fittings, sliding roof, drop windows, door-operating levers and other passengervehicle equipment.—Victoris, Works, -Hill Top, West Flroinwreh.
FORGED-STEEL axle shaftS, propeller shafts, piston rods, valves, rings, rolled sections, spring steel. stainless steel, bright drawn steel, stainless sta.,' it', sheet and strip, stainless castings, body fittings, Johnson hardness-testing machiae.—Leeds 12,08.41, Sheffield.
DAVID BROWN ..AND SONS (HUDDERS FIELD). LTD.' . , . . . . . . 293
STEERING worm wheel, etc., four-speed-gear transmissiona, differential bevel gears, hardened spiral-bevel gears, hardened spur and single helical gears with ground tooth profiles, patent Roloid gear, pump rotors, pinion-type cutters ground on profiles, patent adjustable reamer, bronze for worm gears and other parts made by D.B.S. centrifugal process and miscellaneous components. Specia1 feature will be Roloid patent wailing plant, made in range of standard sizes, can be equipped with any number of guns from one to 12, rotors of NaraHoy steel have patented teeth, stainless-steel spindles; Hoffmann roller bearings, pump has stainlesssteel adjustable relief valves and Bourdon-type 6004b. gauge, worldng pressure 300-350 lb. per sq. in. Distributed by Malan. Egerton and 00., Ltd., Norwich.—Park Works, Lookwaod, Huddersfield.
E. G. BROWN AND CO., LTD. 268 PANMS, wings, tanks, cylinders, Role buffers,
bonnets, etc. New E.G. all-metal sparewheel cover will be a special feature, of unit construction, can easily be fitted in place/and has smart appearance. Panels available for any part of a body. Seats of bucket and plain doublospatterns of pressed steel, neat, light, easily installed, for coaches and buses. Role buffers intended to prevent rattling in doors and windows; consist. of tough rubber rollers carried in bracket of unrustable alloy.—West Road, Northumberland Park, London, N.17.
GAM GEARS LTD. 257 FUEL range of Bishop cam-and-lever steering gears, including three new types for smaller sizes of commercial vehicle. "Two sectioned models showing design and method of construction. Other exhibits will comprise examples of central and outside control.-73, Southampton Row, London, W.0.1.
TFLCR for coach and bus work, including all classes of enamelled and stained bide. Morocco-grain enamelled hides in various shades, antique grains. Tapistre enamelled hides with
three and fotezasolour elects. New-process antique-grain hides in various shades specially suitable for service-bus work. Also Camox and FaSCOI stained hides in any shade-124, Long Acre, London, W.C.2.
1:PETROL pumps a special feature, also variety 1._ of fuels, such as Carless standard petrol, Movril, Carbus Carless benzoic, Carless benzole mixture, special *boiling-point spirit to new specification, turpentine substitute and cellulose lacquer non-solvente. Under heading of lubricating oils -will be Canine in various grades for water-cooled engines, Pilot oils, etc. There will also be lubricating-oil outfits and Carline eabinet.—Hope Chemical Works, Hackney Wick, London, E.9.
RANGE Of laminated springs, including Cary special auxiliary spring (patent applied for) and front spring with stabilizer. Sampler`of British silks) manganese and chrome vanadium spring Steele, hardened and tempered, fractured to show fibrous structure. Bumpers made from stainless steel and chromium-plated spring steel, half-round and grooved section. Pressed. steel disc wheel with patent three-piece rim; l' typo rims, new type of one-piece cast-steel wheel, requiring no studs; trailer axles; brakes, trailer drawbars, tipping gears, stampings, forgings and pressings for lorries, buses and trailers; general tinge.—The Manchester Spring and Axle Works, Red Bank and Adeline Street, Manchester.
JEJAT badges for bus drivers and conductors, seat numbers and notice plates for interiors of motor coaches, bus-stop signs made of enamelled iron, 118.111e plates for booking agents and advertising purposes; badges supplied for several well-known makes of vehicle; licence holders a speciality.-11-15, Rochester Row, London, S.W.1.
PANELS and sundry fittings finished with Cerrio cellulose lacquers; fillets, panels, etc., for passenger vehicles finished with Cerrio woad solutions; Cellostrip lacquer remover; Cellahrase (paste and liquid) polishing compositions; Carrels wax polish.—Upper liam Road, Kingstonon-Thames.
EXHIBITS will include Challenge oils, motor oils, greases, carbide, french chalk, petroleum jelly and upper-cylinder lubricant.— Howard Works, Howard Road, London, N.16.
SPARKING plugs for many types of conamercial vehicle, including latest patterns, robust construction, designed to prevent condensation, giving easy starting, embodying Champion Sillimanite insulator intended to resist oil conditions and high temperatures to which sparking plugs are exposed in modern engines.-53, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1.
rrJailmli.010HAD heater and foot warmer for 3-ambulance, taxicab, coach and other classes of duty, utilizing latent heat from engine; essential valve parts of rustless steel. conneeMons of machined gun-metal, heater boxes of aluminium. Approved by Scotland 'Yard, War Department, etc-; prices from E5 10s. Per sete Nevajah shock absorbers and load adjusters, includinz special sets for Morris-Commercial, Ford, Chevrolet, Bedford and other makes of lorry.
Leveroll adjustable mechanisms for drivers' seats, instantly adjustable vertically and 'horizontally. Special features will be type BPG for vertical adjustment and 'several] -winder for horizontal adjustments—Ranchigh Gardens, London, S.W.d.
ipsatorrs will include gaskets in Vellumoid, 3-sznaterial especially prepared 1/0111 vegetable fibre, claimed to be leakproof, impervious to motor spirit,. oils, water, etc.; exceedingly tough, flexible, easily cut, 1-32-in. and 1-16-in, thicknesses, said tolhave been tested against oil up to pressure of 2,000 lb. without showing signs of leakage. Also Cylo silencers and engineering tools.-240, 'Bine:friars Road, London,
WEIDE batteries for starting and lighting, -uExide Ironclad equipment for heavy duty, batteries for propelling electric vehicles. Principle upon which cells are built up claimed to prevent buckling of plates, to ensure low internal resistance and permit high discharge current, without undue drop in voltage. Active material in Erode Ironclad positive plate enclosed in !flitted ebonite tubes and securely held in contact with grid conducting the current to terminals. Negative plate consists of hard lead-alloy grid with lattice structure forming flat cage. Type OMV of 110-amp...hour capacity at 10-hour rate suitaaae for bus lighting, supplied in 6-volt units; type AMY for bus lighting and starting, designed for use svhero height of battery compartment is restricted, BMV series also for bus lighting and starting, hut has greater capacity than OMV type.— Clifton Juncsiori, near Maachester.
IXTORKIV) models of Dewandre vacurnp, VT brake, standardizecl by many chassis builders. T is side of company's activities considerably developed since Commercial Motor Show of 1929, and multiple system at Dewandre braking, including supplementary vacuum cylinders mounted direct on hoist stub axles, will be .shown. Clayton heaters, demonstrating automatic temperature control. Clayton-Still wire-wound tube radiators, baring a high degree of efficiency. Front-wheel brakes and machined motor components will complete exhibit—Titanic Works, Lincoln.
CLEWS PETERSEN PISTON RING AND ENGCO., LTD. . • . . . • . • • .• 353
Nummuous Clupet piston rings to suit various types of engine made of high-grade east iron by centrifugal process, conforming with Admiralty and Air Ministry specifications, formed in one piece and having an outward tension claimed to ensure equalized radial pressure on cylinder walls. Ground on periphery, sides and 'between coils to 1/100 mm_ Bridge of ring claimed to ensure greater durability than with a single-coil ring.—West Heath Works, Mill Lane, London, N.W.6.
ALIIMINIUM castings in various alloys to meet requirements of commercial-motor trade. Crankcases, gearbexes, clutch cones, fans, pipes. radiators, brake shoes, etc., sand cast in standard and special ainininium alloys, including Coanailium; alaminitim die-castings. Specimen castings and test bars of Coanailium, special corrosion-resisting alloy. Number plates, rear lamps of solid aluminium, repaired aluminium parts.—Coan House, Duncan Street, Islington. London, Ni.
SE1ECTION of standard and auxiliary springs manufactured under company's patent process. Laminated springs 'with special oil grooves. Plates guaranteed to be interchangeable. Assortment of fractured leaves—reasons fore damage will be explained.—Fitzalan Works, Sheffield.
TT IDES in various colours, grains and .1.11.fipishes, including spacial Sescratch-praof leather for bus work. Celstra leather, attractively coloured, hand grained, soft, hard wearing, /water and lade proof. Special colours available' without extra charge. Vaumol bide sultelde for closed vehicPs, soft, is not cold to touch, moderate in price, with three styles —plain natural 'grain, crushed grain and Luxan finish; last-stamsd combines two colour effects. —101-4, Chaltan Street, London, N.W.1.
COOPER, WEBB-JONES AND CO. . • • 269 COMPLETE range of body fittings, inducting a/patent equipment for all-weather beade..-Intenor and •exterior body fittings—hancipole brackets and sockets, bells, parcels racks,. ventilators, destination • indicators, gnabrails, .Sidno door buffers, lights, roof rails, ladders, and many other devices.—,Stockarell Works, Walsall.
BRASS, steel and laminated shires, Cooperite compressed asbestos jointing gaskets, copper and asbestos cylinder-head and exhaust gaskets, gaskets of cork, felt, fiba-e, oil paper, paper and Prese,pahn; also Kentonite laminated cork oilresisting gaskets. Other exhibits will comprise millboard trimming panels, Oakenstrong oil-resisting gaskets, rubber insertion gaskets and Tantonite oil-resisting gaskets.-881/2, Lower Kennington. Lane, London, S.B.11.
MINGINES comprising Coventry Climax E-type,
baring Six' cylinders, 120 ram. hero, 140 mm. stroke, -6,865.9 c.c., R.A.C. rating 38.7 h.p., Whatmongh-Hewitt Combustion chamber, compression ratio 6 to 1, 140 b.h.p. at flywheel speed of 2,550 r.p.m. L6-type, six cylinders, 37/8-in. bore, 5-in. stroke; P-type four cylinders, 89 mm. bore, 120 mm. stroke. Also tsno smaller units.—Friars' Road, Coventry.
ADIATORS for well-known makes of comenknaercial vehicle; ordinary gilled-tube types, radiators with Clayton Still patent wire-wound tubes, radiator centres, tubes of numerous patterns.--Coventry.
COX AND CO 226 -DULL selection of winery, louvres, JO visors, etc„ patent fitting as well es ordinary types. New centre-operated windscreen fitting giving complete Tango of inovement, operated by small winder in centre of dash, providing for ready control without stopping vehicle. Tubular seats, flexible, light, Inexpensive, clean, easily attached. Other exhibits will include hoods, sidesmeens.— 135, Lever Richmond Road, London, S.W.15.
CRESSWELL'S ASBESTOS CO., LTD. . 323 CidENK.0 senrisruetallic asbestos brake facing in the making, showing process from crude asbestos to finished tabric; standard Chekko semimetallie (flexible) material up to 50 ft. long, MI. ha to in. thick and up to 12 ing_ wide. Chekko hydraulically moulded semi-metallic asbestos bsake facing (rigid), menlded• under hydraulio pressure in dies to radius of brake shoes, for most leading snakes of chassis. Examples of Cheldso in various forms, showing methods of attachment to the shoes, etc. Cresewell'e 999W clutch rings of a woven asbestos, without. who bonding, for clutches and brake facings.— Wellington Mills, 1,aisterdyke, Bradford.
cuLvERBouse AND SONS. 206 SLIDEZTE seat fitting, patent saloon head converting closed body into open one; latest designs in fabric upholstery, body fittings, lamps, spotlights, step mats, radiator covers and various sendries.-72-76, Newington Causeway, London, &E.1.
W. B. DICK AND CO., LTD 134 LUBRICATING oils, Ile lubricant for COMpression-ignition engines a special feature. Portable oil tank and Do gear-oil pressure pump. Tank mounted on three rubber-eyred wheels, holds 50 gallons, for traneierring oil from units to vehicles, electric. ally welded, 3 it. long, 1 ft. 5 ins. wide, 2 ft. deep, pump delivers half-pints, pints or quarts, recording meter totals deliveries, turning of pomp handle discharges oil, which immediately ceases on releasing control iron],
" on position.-26, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.1.
10SOL polish for renovating nitro-cellu
lose fabric, aed varnished surfaces; Primo surfacer for treating steel before painting. Specimen panels emphasizing finish obtained by using company's paints, enamels, varnishes, etc. Induraleum flooring for coaches and buses. —Rotten Park Street, Ladywood, Birmingham.
DOMINION MOTOR SPIRIT. CO., LTD. , 198 X3A MLLE and Dominion motor epieits I or various
purposes, also equipment of interest to commercial-vehicle operators.-34, Bishopsgate, London, E.0.2.
W. H. DORMAN AND CO., LTD. . 345 7AT-ODEL six-cylindered 42-108 h.p. Xliengine, 100 mm. bore and 140 ram_ stroke, unit or non-unit construction, centrifugal pump giving forced-feed lubrication to main and bigend 'bearings, side valves. 4.R.U. lourecylindered 35-70 h-p. engine, 100 mta. bore and 140 ram. stroke. Ricardo detachable head, all auxiliaries on scar aide and positively driven, snitable for forward-control chassis, rigid
sntruium crankcase. 4.J.Z.D. four-cylindered 30-50 lap. engine, 95 ram. bore and 140 mm. stroke. 4.M.R.A.W. four-cylindered 21-45 b.p. engine, 85 nun. bore and 130 mm. stroke. 4.M.V.R. four-cylindered 12-37 lap. engine, 69 mm. bare and 100 rum. stroke. Also selection of castinga.—Statiord. •
DOVER, LTD.. 346
lesTONFLA.M Doverite plastic material for cover-I.-ling fittings on motor vehicles, has smooth, hard surface, non-porous, needs no cleaning. Rails, grab handle,s, door handles, roof brackets and other fittings covered with Nonflam Doverite. Dover patent steering wheels, special strong construction ion commercial-vehicle use, coveted
with Doverite, to suit A.E.O., Albion, Common, Dennis, Guy, Earner and other makes of vehicle. Patent spring steering wheels for absorbing engine vibration and ,road shocks; new elisbetype spring steering wheel; sparking-plug testers combined with gauges for gap and tappets.—Northampton.
THE D.P. BATTERY CO., LTD. . . 214
QTARTING and lighting batteries for buses 1...-7and goods vehicles in standard sizes with capacities ranging from 40 amp.-hour to 264 amp.-tionr at 10-hour rate .01 discharge; also 110 amp-hour and 150 amp-hour batteries in moulded containers—these Vase BEM110 and BKM-150 types. In all awes, batteries have Nathanade patent separators, claimed to retain active material in plates and prevent accumulation of deposit at the bottom of boxes. Also specimen plates, separators, sectioned cells. Positive *opiate completely protected by patent glass-wool separator, used in conjunction with grooved end, treated wood separatore.—Bakewell, Derbyshire.
-"MISPLAY in two sections. One will show
riew-process lubricating oils for petrol and oil-engined. lorries. Other, Morrisol cemmercial grades, for engines and transmission lines, recommended by Morris Commercial Care, Ltd. Complete range of special lubricants, worm-gear Oil, ball-bearing greases, general-purpose greases, gun greases, etc. Morris-Commercial engine to be shown.—Duckham /fount, 16, Cannon Street, London, E.C.4.
COMPREITENSIVE range of transfers for use on coaches, buses and lorries. Specimens of registration numbers, etc., to conSnry. with Ministry of Transport regulations. 1 selection of figures for numbering vehicles, and coaclibuilders mine transfers.--EagIe Works, Spring Road, Hall Green, Birmingham.
jL brass ior radiators, radiator sheets,
plates and tubes, epeeist shutter-vane sections and various other drawn sections in brass, pure aluminium and the company's special aluminium alloy. Roiled brass and copper in strip and sheet, brass and copper tubes for accessories—Heath Street South, Spring Hill, Birmingham.
EDMUNDS, WALKER AND CO., LTD. . 168 riOMMKRCIAL-VEHICLE components, includNei ing Hoffmann ball and roller bearings, Hoffmann steel balls, Timken tapered-roller bearings, Ransome and Merles ball and roller bearings, Brice piston rings, standard Metter valves and Ferodo brake facings.-6, Newman Street, London, W.1,
ENGLEBERT AND CO. 328 -rurorron, oils and grease of Lubol brand; also -SY-J-speeial Service brands, introduced to meet need for low-priced luhrieant.-119-125, Finsbury Pavement, London, RC.2.
EXIIIDITS will consist mainly of Evertite petrol taps, now widely used by motor manufacturers; petrol and oil pipes, bent and assembled with nuts or flanges ready for fitting to chassis; hot brass stampings, rough-machined or finished nickel or chromium-plated.—Dudley.
VACINGS for clutches and brakes, including
Ferodo bonded-asbestos brake material supplied in various widths and thicknesses in rolls and strips, also in sheet form; Ferodo bondedasbestos diespreesed brake facings, heavily compressed, produced to close limits of size. Boxed sets of Ferodo die-pressed facing, ready drilled and with rivets for Ford and Morrie-Commercial vehicles. Other exhibits will Include Ferodo MR, asbestos brake facing, Ferobestas brake facings, bonded asbestos, die-made' discs for plate clutches, Ferobestos clutch discs, fibre facings for cone clutches, Ferodo Bonreet for lining bonnets, Foredo clutch etops.—Chspel-en-leFrith,
ACOMPLETE range of heavy and light presswork and sheet-metal work for commertialvehicle manufacturers. Some of the exhibits will be all-steel doors for drivers' cabs, door and van panels, bonnets, valances, ,ateel dash assemblies front aprons, silencers, -oll'Snmps, cylinder= bend covers, brake drums; backing plates, step and wing brackets, petrol tacks, axle housing*, spare-wheel carriets.—AIhion Works, Rea Street, Birmingham.
FLEXIBLE LAMPS, LTD. . • ... • 319 TaA.TENT rubber lamps, including " stop " -1pattern, 41,4 ins, in diameter overall, supplied with switch and spare glass, fits any standard' size tongue bracket, price 15s. Tubular pattern for vehicles in 'which rear lamp is attached through number plate; combined "atop" signal and rear lamp; model to fit round or peg bracket, in dull.bLsok finish, type .supplied with special screw fittings. for attachment direct to number plate. Chief feature is that rubber casingsabsorbs vibration and protects bulb,-59, New Oxford Street, Landon, W.C.L
PLYVZODD, including Flexo-Arkalite. waterproof, supplied. in birch, mahogany, oak, or any other wood, in any sizes up to 160 it by 15 ft., gives great strength, with Mb:AMID:ft weight, claimed rset to warm for roofs and floors of passenger vehicles. Flexoply can be moulded to compound curves without high me chanical pressure. Flexametal. metal-coated. plywood, supplied faced with galvanized steel, blue-shade steel, frosted or polished aluminium, copper, bronze, etainless steel, mond metal, nickel, etc., in sixes up to 12 ft. by 4 ft., for sides, dashboards, tee-boards. Flexofloor, folding floor with numerous applications.—Broadway Court, Broadway, Loncloo, FR ICTIO NLESS MASTAGEAR, LTD. . • 251 itgiLLAm free wheels, complete with sprags, -0f-Lfor heavy commacial vehicles, capable of handling severe loads; saving in petrol resulting from use of this device said to vary from 15.9 per cent. on town eervice to 22 per cent. on long journeys. Millara free wheel and spree claimed to be foolproof. Sprag prevents vehicle Irms running away on hills; into wheel can be lockell by movement of a lever. Free wheel and sprag said to increase life of a vehicle by 20 per cent, to 25 per cent.—Saville Chambers, Saville Row, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
AREPRESENTATIVE seleation of Gandy • Safegnarel brake facings, s woven item aebestos metallic. yarn and supplied in hydraulically moulded or die-ptessed segments in various dimensiens for many types of vet:della Also Dense moulded facings, speeially prepared to withstand high degrees of heat without loss of efficiency. Boxed facings for' Morris-Cornmercial vehicles, moulded to recline and drilled ready for fitting on the brake shoes.--Wheatland Works, Seacombe, Cheshire.
VARIOUS types of gear, especially ground to T ensure silence. Another interesting exhibit will be patented rack inspection desire and it pair of adjustehle centres to demonstrate the elect of varying centre distance on tooth contact. Also .8, gear train showing planetary System of gearing—Anne Read, Handetvotth, Birmingham.
THE GLACIER METAL CO., LTD. . . 271 AA-ET-ALS for commercial-vehicle manufaeXu-turers, including Findlars motor metal in ingots, specially prepared for lining bearings of internal-combustion engines. Full line of completely finished hearings, metalled by the company's various processee, band, pressure and rotary mer,alling.—Ealing Road, Alperton, Wembley.
SPDCEMENS of timber, comprising English 1,-,European and American ash, African and Honduras mahogany, American black walnut, birch, maple and teak, silver spruce,whitewood, cypress, magnolia, tupelo, cottonwood and other materials. Also plywood in a variety of ewes and qualities.—Carpenters Road, Landon, B.15.
LTD. • • . . . . • • • 330 lfil.XIITHITS ;v1.11 probably consist of Durex ...sleatherclotla for coveringthe exterior of bodies and for interior upholstery, cushions, roofing, trunks; etc. Also other covering ma= terial for luggage containers and fittings: —79 Banning-Street; London, S.E.10..
-fterETAL components, including bright, steel
iva bolts, nets, setscrews, studs, bright-turned inaohine screws with countersunk, round and cheese heads and machine-cut threads to Whitworth, BA: and PeS.F. standards. Various components for brakes, small repetition parts turned to fine limits from bar; large variety of bolts, cotter pins, etc., also special Dwarf ratchet braces for garage work. Nettlefolds Eclipse valve holders, Eclipbe screwdrivers and Nettlefolds four-bit screwdrivers. Small items of equipment...11er operators and manufacturers,— Imperial Mills, OranfordeStreet, Smethwick.
SPECIAL steels fornuener-vehiele construction. Including metal for gears, camshafts, crankshafts, transmission lines, pressings, stampings and die blooks. Other steels to be exhibited are carbon case-hardened; nickel case-hardened, nickel-chrome case-hardened; also various alloy allele and special steels suitable for springs. Other exhibits will include valves, valve forge ings, steel tor valves of internal-combustion engines, Hadfields heat-resisting and non-scaling steels, road springs and steel for high-speed tools. Company'e products well known for their wear-resisting properties.—Hecla Works, New'hall RoadeaSheffield.
COACH-PAINTING materials, including Durulose lacquers, clear and pigmented; Durnlose paste colours; Duofil double-purpose filler, equally suitable for oil colour, varnish or cellulose-lacquer finish; Hadfields grey paste stirMeer. Other painting materials comprise coach colours in turpentine, gold size and special mediums; Heolin body and glaze coats; had. fields japan, black glaze for first coating and .Hadfields varnishes. Company has sound name in the paint business—Western Road, Mitcham, Surrey,
IALLITE jointing for steam and petroldriven vehicles, also large display of copper and asbestos cylinder-head gaskets for all types of vehicle; various packings and jointings sfor steam wagons, such as Hearne inter-setting rings suitable for use in connection with air, water, dry or superheated steam, petrol, heavy oils, ete. General display will include oil, petrol and water joints.-47, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C.3.
QTEELS for high-speed tools, consisting of fole-Ylowing varieties:—Hydra-Multico, DouhleSuper,Hydra, Super-Hydra, Hydra; else cast and and alloy steels typified by Hydra-Es Hydra-Z, Vampire, Vixen, etc. There will be samples of tools, steels and their constituents. examples of work done by Hydra tool steels; machined components made from J. and L. freecutting-quelity bright-steel bars and from Jalcase bright-steel bars; also parts of M. and B. cold-rolled steel ettip of uniform stamping quality.-64, Port Street. Manchester.
HALL TELEPHONE ACCESSORIES (1928), LTD. . . . . . . . . . . 287
AUTOGRAPHIC ticket-issuing machine, suitable for bus work. It is 57/8 ins. high. Wes ins. wide, 75/s. ins, long, weighs 31/2 lb. unloaded, issues tickets 2 ins. by 2 ins., and holds 750 tickets on a roil; range of fares and of ticket classes unlimited. Office work in Conner, Om with tickets Issued by Hall machines is simple, and much time is said to be saved. Return tickets easily cancelled by machine; ticket problems involved in short and longservices claimed to have been materially recinema—Parliament Mansions, Orchard Street, London, S.W.1.
ALT-DROP windows not requiring fillets, -1-Ldrup light firmly held at four corners, pressure obtained from four torsion springs, pressure self-adjusting, channels of stainless alloy, parts in friction coniare of stainless steel and hard waterproof fabric, weight of set of fittings
for 36-in. by 25-in. opening, 31/2 lb. Also driver's patent adjestable seat. Ash-trays, interior roof lamps and window fittings in Bakelite to suit general Colour scheme and other fittings required on public-service vehicle bodywork.—Widney Works, Begot Street, Birmingham,
FixanThEcouplings, latest method of assembly .avoids initial steeeses in mounting and ensues accuracy; over 200 concerns claimed to standardize on Hardy Spicer sfle:dble couplings. Flexible clutch, accommodating itself to friction faces and reducing snatching and shuddering on pick-up, available in an in
creased variety of types. There will also be Hardy Spicer propeller shafts with mechanical
and flexible couplings. Mechanical jointing altered to permit, use of oil lubricant, if preferred to grease. Comp° oil-retaining bearings, Hardy Spicer non-separator grease, universal Joints. Salisbury axles will be shown. Comprehensive exhibit of considerable interest.—Birch Road,. Wilton, Birmingham.
HARRISON AND CO. (LINCOLN), LTD. 180 VrALLEABLE .iron and steel-alloy castings, -1.1,-1.machined and immaehinecl, for motor mannfacturere, including exhaust manifolds of various types and sizes, combined exhaust manifold and Induction pipe, spring earners, brake fixings. hubs, brake drums, differential casings, etc. Special case-hardened boxes of a metal known as liikomite (company's own material).— Lineoln.
JOHN T. HART AND SONS, LTD. . . • 82 UPHOLSTERY material for coaches and buses; Cellox hides, waterproof, soft and available in any colour or combination of two colours. Also enamelled hides for hoods. Exarreles of these materials will be seen also on some bodybuilders' stands.—Wrights Buildings. Grange Road, London; S,E.1.
SAPETV glass for many purposes, as supplied tot important manufacturers of commercial vehicles and private ears, guaranteed for 12 months.—Globe Works, Bromsgrove Street, Birmingham.
-PATENT Triumfeed folding roofs, mechanically
or hand-operated, for vehicles with plain cantrails, curved cant-rail panels, domed rear quaxtorsaand for forward-control and normalcontrol types. Other exhibits will include windscreens, louvres and general coach and bus fittings. The fact that no turn buttons are employed with folding heads is emphasized by firm; material automatically and neatly folded. —253, Highgate Road, Sparkbrook, Birmingham.
-COURSER and fabric equipment for motor Alb vehicles, including Hermetic flexible fabric coupling discs for transmission shafts, coupling discs with patent ferruled face plates to regulate compression and alignment; horn bulbs, channel rubber for windscreens, etc., rubber'. tubing for windscreen wipers, radiators, water hose, etc.; rubber bushes and rings for chassis mounting. Among other small exhibits will be Insulating tape, Hermetic Fixkwik tyre-repairing material, oil-resisting rubber joints and rubber-insulated high-tension ignition and lighting cable.—Hermetic Works, Ryland Street, Birmingham.
XI-UMBER plates with polished aluminium -1-1 letters and numerals, easily riveted to bees plates. New Hills Ivorite digits, sheathed in white covering of Iverite; do not discolour or chip readily, moderate in price. Also range of background plates for carrying Ivorite letters and new Super No. 5 rivet press; it will punch
holes up to diameter in steel of as thick a gauge as. /8 s.w.g., rivet number plates and brake facings 'and other eimflar work.-33-34, Great Pulteney Street, London, W.1.
H. M. HOBSON, LTD. 304 nange of Claudel-Hobson carburetters, Faall'uding various power-jet types. These are latest patterns with addition of power jet and butterflythrottle. Robeson It-S Telegage, permanently records, in gallons, amount of petrol In tank, has no moving parts, actions being hydrostatic; standardized by many leading motor manufacturers. Hobson Perfect window regulators for raising and lowering windows by a rotating 'handle, able to deal with heavy plate glass. Exhibits will be completed by Hobson sparking plugs for various types of engine.-4755, Acton Vale, London, W.3.
THE HOFFMAN)/ MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. . . . . • . . . . • • . 357
BALL and roller bearings in wide variety, including journal, single and double-thrust and combined journal and one-direction thrust types. Hoffmann magneto-type. detachable hearing components, demonstrating interchangeability of parts; sections of various patterns of bearing, showing construction and methods of mounting: Hoffmann steel balls and rollers gqaranteed within 1-10,000 in. of standard size. Steel balls in various stages of manufacture and small 0885 tube containing 40 gross steel balls 1-52 in. diameter, carrying same guarantee as larger sizes. Hoffmann roller .gauges, adapted ter use as standards when making subsequent orders.— Chelmsford.
WOOL mocillettes in new designs and colours, some shown on latest-type lightweight seats for coaches and buses; moquettes standardized by several important bus operators and railway companies will be exhibited on request. Complete range of special seat backing and panelldpg reps, uncut moquettes giving tapestry effect. Any of these materials can be fireproofed to R.A.F. standard.—Sha* Lodge Mills, Halifax.
JOHN HOLROYD AND CO., LTD.. . • 232 QET ,of worm/ gears stated to have broken warld's, record for efficiency-97.6 per cent. We understand that the figuree have been certified by National Physical Laboratory. Holroyd-Walker gears have new shape of tooth. Highest efficiency was obtained when gears were transmitting heaviest test load; figure of 97.6 per cent, shown after about two hours' running. —Milnrow, Lanes.
HOMO, LTD. 172 iteftiMBER plates of die-pressed type, also -LI hackney-carriage plates, touring platers and four-wheel-brake warning devices. A. large
variety of types at competitive prices, do not readily tarrash.-12, Diana Place, London, NW. 1.
SAMPLES of various grades of lubricating oil for use on all types of commercial vehicle, also drums.-43 Gower Street, London, W.C.1.
rrROGON lubricating oils in various grades, -I-refined, blended and handled entirely in England. Trogon aviation motor oils based on Air Ministry specification will be specially featured. Also equipment 011 lean to customers placing contracts with company.—Trogon Wharf, 77-87, High Street, Stratford, London. E.15.
STHE HOYT METAL CO. OF GREAT BRITAIN, LTD. . . . . . • 298 TANDARD brands of anti-friction metal in ingots tubes, half-round castings; also Hoyt di '
cite-cast bearings and bushes. Hoyt Number Eleven alloy and I.C.E. metals in various forms, demonstrating toughness, which accompanies high anti-frictional qualities; Number Eleven alloy particularly recommended for conaraercialvehicle bearings. Among other exhibits eeill be commercial-vehicle and other bearings in finished state, high-grade virgin solders and speciality solder known as Tillman Special.— Deader Road, London, S.W.15.
A. A. JAMES, LTD 265
• QPRINGS for main suspension, for seats, in
a7woven, for or clip type, also valve, brake, clutch springs, etc. There will be radiator guards, luggage rails, petrol gauze, metal stampings, various longings, wing stays, lamp brackets, shackles, hood fittings and malleable and grey iron, gunmetal, brass and aluminium castings, cylinder castings and tipping gears. —St. George's Works, West Bromwich.
JE CO anti-friction metal, gun-metal and bronze-backed bearings lined with Jeco material; connecting rods manufactured from Stagings, die-casting in white anti-friction metal, bushes for wheels and small ends; samples of raw materials used in manufacturing finished products; universal-joint rings and forks.— Coronation Road, Park Royal, London, N.W.10.
Am:LitNCO ventilating system, comprising ventilators and extractors; sliding-door and sliding-head equipment, Duplex lock for sliding doors not only holding door when closed but acting as double catch which keeps door in open position when required. Latest designs in lamps for flood-lighting, Futurist and I,uxelite
designs. Routicator destination gears, light, gears alwaga in mesh', eliminating possibility of jamming. Parcels racks, ascending handles, etc.; many classes of metal equipment in chromium plate, stainless steel and Birmahright, and Sliderbolt patent looks approved by Scotland Yard for public-service vehicles. Moquettes, leather cloth; Johnite products of semi-trans
lucent Roeornan Street, London, RCA.
C. L. JONES 121 WIXAMPLES of general motorrepair work by -EL electric-arc and pay-acetylene welding methods, comprising repaired cylinder blocks, heads, crankcases, gearboxes, crankshafts, camshafts, axles, etc. New features will be lull range of centrifugally cast-iron liners, machined ready for fitting, as well as examples of cylinder -block with liners fitted.-18-26. Mamma
t Stied, Islington, London:01\1.1.
KIRKSTALL FORGE, LTD 306 MrRONT and rear axles for passenger and goods vehicles, also particularly large bogie
for six-wheelers. Kirsktall patent rear-sale casing standardized by a large number of heavyvehicle Manufacturers, drop-forged irons solid billet of high-grade alloy steel, heat-treated and tempered in furnaces controlled by electric pyrometers; bored from end to end, arms machined on outside diameter and basin-machined to receive gear casing. Features of this form of construction are lightness, cheapness and strength. Special attention paid to rigid mounting of worm and differential gearing, large oil capacity provided, gear ratios supplied to suit various conditions, worm gear and road springs either overhead or underslung. Bogie is for 10-12-ton steam wagon, incorporating Kirkstall patented third differential providing for evenly distributed torque between the two axles and enabling each road wheel to run at its own speed.—Leeds.
KLAXON, LTD 318 WILECTRIC windscreen wipers, single and aakiouble arms, traction-type wipers, including recently improved model having phosphorbronze gearwheels and patented spring-pattern wiping arm allowing it to be lifted away from windscreen to facilitate cleaning and avoid damage to mechanism. Klaxonphone horns, aeedleas-bulb, high-frequency, vertical-type, two-tone and other models, including plaque designs. Also mechanical Klaxons, assortment of push buttons and special terminals.-36, Blandford Street, London, W.1, K.L.G. SPARKTNG PLUGS, LTD.. . • 272 .6;1...PARKING plugs, including type MT1 for
heary duty, short reach, metric thread; type a1T2 of identical design to previously mentioned, but with taain. reach; MT3 pattern has 1-in. reach. El model a general-purpose Phif with short reach, metric thread, recomraenthen for Austin, Singer, Morris and Morris-Commer
cial engines {with three exceptions). Types lata3 and KA4 are American thread equivalents
at El and 1(2 patterns. All these models cost 6s. each.exhibit will be K.L.G.
device facilitatng rapid dismantling and easy reassembly of sparking plugs; cemprises two =Tanners operated simultaneously by worm thread giving leverage of 26 to 1; price 10s.— Robinhood Engineering Works, Putney Vale, London, S.W.ln.
THE LACE WED SPRING CO, LTD.. 170 itaTEW patent Buoyant light-weight seat -al weighing 30 lb. when covered with hide, now patent Buoyant cushion for bus seats, also other designs of Buoyant complete seat.— Sandiacre, near Nottingham. LAMPLUCH SPRING SEATS, LTD. . 244 VARIOUS models of coach and bus seat; special attention will be drawn to combination of opting construction with Dunlop cellular air rubber pads, specially moulded for the purpose. LampIngh patented springing with one-piece moulded sponge-Tubber 'upholstery gives high degree of resiliency. Model L.S.70 has an all-metal under-frame with aluminium ot steel pedestals, Model L.S.80 has a shaped back and specially constructed springsteel supports—Busboy Mill Lane Works, Watt evil, alerts.
flARDENED-STIEL brake-drum liners, able to withstand hard wear, claimed to give better braking owing to increased co-efficient of friction, life ol brake labric prolonged. New and reground crankshafts, machined all over from stampings or forgings in high-tensile alloy steels, heat-treated. Cylinders and oversize pis. tons, showing fine limits of accuracy of Laystall workmanship. Lightweight cast-iron pistons, little heavier than aluminium; examples of welding work and Laystalloy hardened-steel cylinder liners made from specialgrade steel, less than 1 mm. thick, hardened by treatment giving fine surface; existing pistons can be refitted in conjunction with Laystalloy liners il in good condition. Substantial reductions in wires announced.—Laystall House, Ewer Street, Southwark, London, 8.E.1.
THE LIGHT PRODUCTION CO., LTD. . 259 TIISTON rings and pistons, including Cygnet rings with ground, honed or lapped finish and Cygnet scraper rings; Aerolite pistons (Mark IV) in high-frequency aluminium alloys; gudgeon pins lapped to fine limits, shackle pins and small machined parts. Aerolite Mark IV compensating piston has the skirt divided into four sections by vertical fiats, making two thrust faces and two gudgeon-pin laces. The two sections forming artist faces, which act as guide for piston incylinder, are separated, from thermal view. point, from piston body by holes in flutes and a slot under piston head, which carries the rings.-60-66, Rochester Row, London, C. LINDLEY AND CO., LTD. 287
J3RIGHT bolts, nuts, • screws, steel studs, connecting-red bolts, spring-centre bolts. toper pins, washers and a variety of other small Lnglefield Road, London, N.1.
BTips MTISII-MADE hydraulic braking equipment for various types and weight of vehicle; several models in part section to show mechanism. Workable model of equipment incorporating glass cylinders, arranged to show operation and adjustment of system. Other exhibits will consist of Purolator oil filters.-Brock Irouse, Lanai's= Street, London, S.W.1.
TrEAVT-DUTY sparking plugs, inc,orporat.11—Ling latest developments in heat and cononssion.resisting insulation and large sparking points; Model CV has standard metric gauge; OM is long-reach metric model; CVT American Valu. typo; cost in earh case is 5s. Also Lodge starting plugs for oil engines; work at low voltage, with heavy beater coil, intended to resist corrosion and burning. Lodge standard plugs for lighter classes of vehicle—Rugby.
TFEREE ranges of motor oil—Zentole, claimed to be unaffected by changing temperatures, flowing smoothly with good body, leaving fine protective film of oil over all friction parts;
refined by improved process, eliminating wax. Extol, said to show an excellent viscosity curve; Sivkel, competitive-priced. All three qualities available in eight grades.—Old Ford, London, RS.
KING-0E-THE-ROAD accessories, including 2-n-side and tall lamps, eleotrio and suctionoperated windscreen wipers, direction indicators, horns, rearview mirrors, lifting jacks, lighting and etamting sets, dynamos, switchboards, etc. Certain headlamps embody patent dipping reflector and dip-and-swivel devices electrically or pneumatically controlled, throwing beams of lightdownwards and to near side of road.—Great King Street, Birmingham.
LYNTON WHEEL AND TYRE CO., Nu-HET:Ls, including special cast-steel type vr introduced in conjunction with the cons panyai detachable rims.weight in wheel, complete with 32-n. by 6-in. heavypattern rim and 13-in, diameter brake drum, aPProvitilatela 90 lb.. Rim consists of three equal sections to receive wire-edged or straightsided tyres. Method of fitting tyre is as fol. lows;—Place tube into cover, lay two sections of rim in corer, then fit, third section with aid of small lever. Cover, tube and rim then Iona complete assembly ready for fitting to wheel. Also axles, castings, springs.—Warrington.
MATTO TOOLS), LTD. . . . . . • 223
VARIOUS sizes of Gruss air spring; sectional model in motion will demonstrate operation, chewing clearly construction of pressure and recoil chamber. System of suspension consists of supporting chassis on columns oi compressed air contained in upper portion of air springs and absorbing vibration and road shock by this medium; also in providing for dissipation of recoil by means of oil chamber in, lower portion. of spring. Gauss springs give high degree of shock absorption and comfortable riding; can be applied to practically any vehicle.-43, King Street, Pollokshaws, Glasgow.
ARANGt of oil engines, of which most important will be six-cylindered 75 b.h.p. unit specisly designed for road transport work, engine speed 1,400 rpm., of four-stroke airless-injection type, electric starting apparatus can be fitted, cylinders all have renewable liners and are cast in blocks of two; each pair of cylinders has a detachable head carrying overhead valves and atomizers; one fuel pump to each cylinder. Also four-cylindered unit developing 50 b.h.p. at 1,400 amin. We understand that designs are new completed for 120 latim, six-eylindered engine, and this model will shortly be placed on the market.—Midla.nd Engine works, Leads.
MANSELL AND ADAMS, LTD 4 QUPP.LIES to meet. needs of bodybuilders, In t.-7cludrog cloths, carpet, moquettes, blinds, curtains, roof lamps, switches, hood materials, mirrors, grab and ascending handles covered with Doverite.-6-7, Stonecutter Street, Fattingdon, Street, London, E.C.4.
OO electrical side, horns, magnetos, dynamos, starters, distributors and coils, petrol gauges, complete electrical equipment, etc. Also range of vacuum-servo brakes of selaconcoined, separate-valve and balanced types. Separate-valve types S11, 2 arid. 3-have two bellows.-71-72, Bolsover Street, London. W.1.
FLL range of M.C.L. electrical equipment for bus, coach and lorry work; dynamos snilahle for many types. of vehicle; including instruments capable of fully maintaining. lamp loads of double-deck buses. C,onstant-current dynamo works in conjunction with automatic controller, which entities battery being fully Charged, but prevents overcharging. Further M.C.L. equipment will be starters, switch gear, batteries, various anti-dazzle headlamps.--Pool Lane, Langley,. Birmingham.
ADISPLAY of netrol engines consisting of tape 6 E.X., six cylinders, 110 mm. bore and 140 ruin. stroke, detachable heads, monobloc cylinder casting, aluminium crankcase divided tongitudinally, seven-bearing crankshaft, flywheel housing cast centrifugally with crankcase; suinp has capacity of five gallons when filled to correct level. Type 6 E.W., 95 tam. bore and 130 rum. stroke, six cylinders, 5,528 c.c., 33.6 lip.,, 77 b.h.p. at 2,000 r.p.m.. crankshaft carried in seven bearingsoof 2q-in. diameter. Type 6 E.R.C.. 12.5 mm. berepand 120.7 mm. stroke, • 3,874 no., 25-35 h. p., 64 lalap. at 3,000 npaa. Model 4 E. 90 mm. bare and 130 writ, etroke, 3,308 c.c.,
29.08 lap., 46 as 2,000 rpm. Also firer-speed gearbox. Fallings Park, Wolverhampton.
OONTROLOGRAPFI recorders for fitting to '-'motor.vehicles, check time, distance and speedsimultaneously, particularly suitable for vehicles operating away from their base for Barak,. time; .devices have patented spring which cannot he overwound,-10, Charles Street London., S,W.1.
1tirouLDING8 for use au nations parts of -UFA vehicles, such as at, waist,. dashboard, windscreen rail, . bonnet. sides; enlist-rail, etc., available in numerous sectiens and sires, moat of them carried in stock, can easily be bent to required shape, can be nailed int position; nioulduagn supplied punched ready for attach ment. Use of special tools facilitates fitting of .Close-Dovra mouldings.; special ' inch serrated nails available for fixingNew departure cansists,of a-robber tread for running boards, etc., incorporating aluminium strips. -2.3. Norfolk Street, Landon, W.C.2.
CO., LTD. . . . . . . : . . . 182 .
CYLINDElln, castings of Chromidinm for water-cooled engines, four, six end eightbore rnonobloc cylinders, cast integral with crankcases and cylinder heads, unmenhined and it section. Chrousidium, an exelusive product of the company, produced by special process, developed to '-give maximum cylinder life, has increased tensile strength and uniformity of both grain structure and Brinell hardness. Chromidium brake drums, gearboxes, gearbox top-covers timing covers for commeacial .nehiclee. Chroroidinm cylinder liners, centrifugally cast and produced by a special process; Durocyl hardened cast-iron liners, centrifugally oast in patented material oi 24 tens tensile strength and BrineU hardness of approitimately 500.-Birmid Works, Smetlawick.
RANGE of products demonstrating cadent to which. nickel is -used in motor industry. Cylinder liners, and brake drums of nickel-cast Iron; representative range of components made from,. nickel-alloy steel, including crankshafts, connecting rods and valves. It, is claimed that casehardened nickel-steel containing sufficient nickel offers such economies in heat treatment that ft almost offsets extra initial cost, of this steel.-Imperial Chemical House, Millbank, London, S.W.1,
rilEN0I1)= material for commercial vehicles, Xincinding asbestos metallic braks and clutch facings, arranged to illustrate Tenoid grading avateral hydraulically moulded and compressed Tenoid lacings; facings before and enter hydraulic moulding and compressing. Tenite and rennin non-metallic asbestos brake facings; clutch rings of Termid and 'Penile; brake shoes faced with Tenoid, etc. Also material showing the variona stages of manus facture from crude asbestos to finished product. Bonnet, webbing available in 50-fa rolls, boxed.-Dacie Mils, Miles Platting, Manchester.
-VARIOUS components, including B.A.20 cone plete axle for vehicles up to 2 tons and 3,000 en. ,• axle casing is one-piece steel pressing; spiral-bevel final drive ef 6% to 1 ratio, 5 it. 2t, ins. track, hubs to suit, Dunlop disc wheels, for epere propeller shaft &lye. S.G.2 steering-gear unit for 244-tonne's, standard length .31 -steering column 4 ft. G4500/1 fourspeed gearbox for commercial vehicles up to 2% tons, central gear change, cast-iron box and clutch housing, arrangement for power take-off and tyre pump. Enclosed-type worm-and-wheel unit for 30-cwt, vehicles. Moss patent lull-encircling warm gears; bevel-type differential gears suitable for open-shaft chive. Double-reduction unit for vehicles carrying up to 10 tons en rear axle. G2300/3 silent-third four-speed gearbox for vehicles up to a ton; central change. Also miscellaneous gears, camshafts, etc.-Crown, Works, Chester Road, '1'ylaurri, Bin mingham. NATIONAL HEtaoLe GO„ LTD. • • . . 195 INTERESTING working models illnstrating production of National benzole and National lacnrole mixture, home-produced fuel; displays of N.B.C.alubricating oils and greases, also modern bulk-storage outfits,-Wellington House, Buckingham Gate, London, S.W.1,
THE NATIONAL STEEL FOUNDRY (1914), LTD. . . . . • • . . . . 332
A GOMPREFIENSIVE selection of steel cast ings for commercial work, single-piece wheel-centre castings of N.S.F. design for single and twin tyres, completely machined and assembled ready for fitting; these types claimed to give reduction,in weight, increase in strength, bettor ventilation for brane . drums and tyres, saving in weight of the spare wheel, as this need be 'minuted on only a spare rim, without disc. Other exhibits will include worm casings for transmission, differential cages, front and rear hubs, track links for tractors, brake drums in N.S.F. special alloy, clutch plates. sleeves, bushes, etc.-Kirkland Works, Leven, Fife.
TTYDR.Alifil0 shock absorbers for many types -LA of vehicle. Principle used is that of practically unrestricted flow of patent emulsion on compression stroke and graduated resistance by means of spring-loaded valve on return
stroke. Cylinder automatically kept full of emulsion. Other exhibits will be brackets and fittings, sectioned models and working model showing internal construction and °venation of valves.-Valetts, Road, London, W.3.
"VARIOUS qualities of motor oil, including V Dnagonfly A2, 'having extra heavy body for special requirements, heavy, medium, light. Dragonfly Marveloil for upper-cylinder lubrication, gear oil, various greases, Ruston! rust' preventive for motor parts; Dragonfly Dart oil for spring lubrication, freeing rusty parts, etc.; also Dragonfly fuel oil for compression-ignition engines.-Prudential Buildings, Sheffield.
materials for body work, includ
ing new produet called Dubin, manufactured to definite chemical process, durable, hard, flexible, sets rapidly, can be applied as easily by brush as by spray, dries with gloss not requiring polishing, retains original colour over nonsiderable periods, equally suitable for exterior and interior work.Other finishes will consist of Nobel quick-drying enamels for interior decoration, drying in four-six hours. Bolos wood finishes for fillets, Nobel Four-Five var. rash for high-class coachwork.-Slough, Bucks.
afIlL engines, consisting of model 6 LW., '-'developing 102 b.h,p. at 1,700 npan., available also with four or five cylinders, giving capacity of 5.6, 7 or 8.4 litres, R.A.C. ratings 29 h,p., 36.25 h.p. or 45.5 tap., respective b.h.p. being 68, 85 or 102. Governed speed is 1,700 np.m. Weight and bulk reduced in various ways, including provision of aluminium crankcase, Elektron used for sump cover, shortening of nickel-steel crankshaft, bearings a little shorter but of larger diameter. About 1 ft, saved in length of six-cylindered model. Examples L.2 type to be found on chassis makers' stands.-Barton Hall Engine Works, Patricroft, Manchester, Lancs.
NORTH AND SONS, LTD. 331 WATFORD magnetos, speedometers and VT facia-board clocks. Magnetos run and spark at low speeds over 51.4 rum. gaps; mannfentured in two models, E.W.4 andE.W,6Speedometers specially designed for use with indirectlylighted instrument boarcian-14, Soho Square, London, W.1.
inTLIS in steel drums and small tins, special sinngear compound. Demonstrations with gear pump, transferring gear compound dfreet from steel drum through tapered nozzle into gears. (Aline acidless treated oils, having special heat-trenLed properties and claimed to minimize caibonization. Oil cabinets of several types and other equipment.-aSouth Road, Handsworth, Birmingham.
OLDHAM ANDSON, LTD. 249 STORAGE batteries for bus lighting, also sectionaltional models iiluStrating improved constrnetnonal features. GL range of bus-lighting batteries, assembled in heavy-monlded Containers, TI-type batteries in wrapped ebonite boxes, complete in wood mates, specially for lighting double-deckers. BL and MV ranges essentially for, lighting single-deckers. Selection of batteries developed for oil-engined vehicles. Another exhibit will be complete re'T outfits, cowing Irani £6 10s. to about
200.-Denton, Manchester,
WILFR/D OVERTON. . . . . . . .171
BENTLEY patent emergency exit for upper saloon of double-deck buses, hinged on tapper edge, enables itto be • swung outwards, wide steps folding flat against body side enable passengers to reach the ground. 'Other exhibits will include Welman head fittings, • patent emergeney-door fittings. windscreens, special folding steps, parcels racks.and VariOn.9 sundries for. bodywork.-Mistsh Street, Walsall.
TIMM' and rear helper springs for Ford, -InGhevrolet and Bedford vehicles, enable load capacity to be increased without modification to the frame. Grealtock Eagle brake-facing material, Autopnlse electric fuel pomp, replacement parts and ancessories tor Ford vehicles, hydraulic jacks of various lilts and weights.Vico House, Edgware Road, Gricklewood, London, N.W.2.
PARSON! NON-SKID CO., LTD. . . . 366
7■70N-SKID chains, easily fitted and removed, -I•A do Dot require ranch storage space, with rust-proofand unlostable" coupling, riveted at one end to that it cannot heconie detached. Netsnecessaries are emergency, tyre grips for work under exceptional conditions; each grip consists of a pair of Parsons cress-chains with end fittings, can quickly be strapped around the tyre, three or four of these for each wheel: the cost is 3s. 9d. to 6s. each. Other Parsons eshihits include Trutay and Truloc cables and fitaings, spring-bar bumpers, rubber insulators for absorbing engine vibration.-36, Macaulay Road, London, S.W.4.
PANELS showing results obtained on bodies of motor vehicles by using Parsons antirust priming paint, Pannonia nompoisonona paste filler, Parsons colours in turpentine, Par' eons hard-drying motor-body varnish, a flatting material for use over colours in turpentine, brilliant varnish for medium or dark colours. extra pale varnish, blank -i'apan and Parsonoid cellulose finish.-315-317, Oxford Street, London, W.],
LA13.GE variety of Patchroick equipment nnafor tyre repairing, leather coats and gloves. Should into-ant drivers as well as operators,Tiverton, Devon.
J. PERKS AND SONS ..... 204
ARANGE of wrought-iron work for commercial vehicle bodies, also springs, bumpers and tipping gear.—Crown Spring Works, Lye, Stourbridge.
ST.:PUDGY small items, such as Pertite patent 'hose clip for fitting many sizes of hose, simple and inexpensive. Patent primp shoe for covering metal parts of nozzle end of petrol pump, allowing nuzzle itself to project through, closing petrol tank against rain, etc. Other exhibits will include washing brushes, pedal mats, patent detachable endless tyre liners, roes' cots, tyre and tube repair outfits, eeliavuleanizing patches, valve seats and numerous additienal, useful sundries.-1-5, New Wharf Road, Lomdon, Ni.
G. .D. PETERS AND CO., LTD. • . . 137
1Gt..ANGE of seats for crash and bus work, ,Labincluding new. type No. 1551 for eervice buses and for coaches. There wilt also be new model No. 909, consisting ef two bucket chairs mounted unitwee on pedestal; they are reversible, by releasing catch. Various types of spring frame, air-brake equipment, powereperated mechanism for opening and closing doors; new design of treadle mat, which, when passed over by pasemagens, causes (Joel' to open. Balance windows, including new Windsor rocking type, of unit construction; Windsor split light and chain type. Other exhibits will include blinds, ventilators, Sunderila and Sunburite inillboard panelling.-3, Central Buildings; Westminster, London, S.W.1,
COG Wheel brand phosphor-bronze and gunmetal ingots, ingots, specially graded and alloyed for bushes, bearings, crown wheels, steering gear, primp bodies, pumping impellers, etc. Also selection of castings in these alloys. Phosphor-bronze east by exhibitor's special process in solid and cored bars and half-round section, for bearings, gedgeon-pin Mashes and ether parts. Phosphor-breeze strip, sheet, wire, rods, tubes, phosphor tin, 10-per-cent. and 15-per-cent. phesphor-copper; Vulcan, Ibis and Aram brands of white anti-friction metal for engince: Vulcan and Ibis metals alloyed by company's special process for big-end and main bearings; Cog Wheel brand oxy-acetylene welding rods.-87-91, Sumner Street, London, &EL
RANGE of Price's Motorine lubricant in various grades for cemmercial-vehicle purposes; oils . available at competitive prince and embody features resulting from the company's Meg experlence.—Behnont Works, Battersea, London, S.W.11.
etOMMERCIAL-VERICLE chassis frames and )pressings for various types of machiee.—New Road, London, S.W.113.
IVINDSC,'RELN euitable for commercial work, panels for cabs, also windscreen damaged due to collieion, showing particular merits of this make of safety glass.—Farnhain Road. Slough, Bucks.
WIRE. extinguishere, including improved pat tern having internal wear-resisting spring to counteract effect of vibration on heavy vehicles; available in brass, nickel, black mad chromium plating; double-acting rotating pump permits operation at any angle. &Applied ready filled and complete with bracket and screws for attaching te vehicle. Particular models of fire extinguisher will be Junior for light vehicles, Phonaene for coping with oil tires, etc.. Fhomeno foam generator. Conquest 2.-gallon fire ex. tinguieher of soda-add type, approved by Fire Offices' Committee. Bumpers, non-skid chains, samples of Parkerized iron and steel, 13onderized components, etc.—Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex.
QUICKT110 0920, LTD. 288
'WINDOWS and window regulators, compris. VI, fog well-known 9.T., B.S. S.D., N.S. typed1 also N.S. hall-drop windows an rubber and brass fence strips of various patterns. Model doors showing various types of operating mechanism for windows. Drop windows to suit all type's of commercial vehicle, reasonable prices, easy operation, efficient working with hendles to suit various body styles. Special models available for exceptionally. wide windows. For van bodywork S.B. model 39 available for 9s. 95. complete.— Point Pleasant, London, S.W.18,
RADIATORS in a variety of types, also centres for such components. Other exhibits will inched* nickel and chromium-plated casings, bonnets and petrol Unita—Mile Lane, Cheylesmore, Coventry,
AI L and roller bearings used in motor. . vehicle construction; some illustrate special and essential features peculiar to certain chassis. Double-purpose bearings of single and duplex patterns, particularly interesting in view of prevalent practice of fitting this type of bearing to pinions, worm shafts, differentials, etc. Seetions of standard types of ball and roller bearing, illustrate robust construction and high standard Of workmanship. Over 3,500 sizes, at ball and roller bearing available.— Newark-on-Trent.
ADJUSTABLE • windows, including the corapany'e automatic-action window tilt, providing instantaneous operation. Patent window channels, louvre ventilators and W/11 bait-drop
light. Rawlings products employed by large number of bodybuilders and aro giving satisfactory service in many pasts of the country.1-29, Larch Road, Beaman, London, S.W.12.
RAYBESTOS.BELA CO, LTD, 266 AXATERIAL for use on commercial vehicles, Xillincluding brake facings, compressed eegmental ILL non-metallic compressed and moulded brake lacings; also moulded and woven facings for plate clutches. Tubular bra-se rivets and moulded clutch facings with teeth formed in the materiat—Ashestos House, Soot-buss Is Street, London, S.E.1.
REDLINE,GLICO, LTD 334 PRODITCPg of Redline Motor Spirit Cu Ltd.,
and Mine Petroleum, Ltd., two cempanies having amalgamated. Petrels of various brands, Oils and equipment-16, Charles Street, London, S.W.1.
REMAX Beaker flexible couplings, manufactured from chrome leather, specially cured in oil to ensure flexibility; contact with oil acta as preservative, impervious to heat. Speedo meter cables for all types of.setecdometer e inner cables offered as replaceraene outfit, coraprieing maximum length of flexible ihnit with one driving end fitted end other loose, allowing cable to be cut to any desired length. Windscreen wiper tubes with rubber core, cress-woven, cotton braiding and heavy cellulao proofing. Remax Gates fan belts, flat or moulded V-type. Pistonring tool, providing direct action, strong light. Veatere ol stead will be Remax patent bonnet fastener, Other exhibits will include engine valves and hearings, radiator hose and speedorneters.-3-6, Alfred Place, Tottenham Coult Road, London, W.C.1.
RIPAULTS, LTD. . . . ..... 355
fiOMPLETE range of cables tor lighting 'and ilaignition'; centralized chassis lubrication sastene a special feature. Demonstration will Show accuracy of lubrication, giving correct amount required -at particular points. Principle consists of fitting email tank under bonnet, froin which oil travels through flexible conduits having terminals fixed at various lubrication paints, "calibrated to give exact quantity at oil necessary..—King's Road, St, Pancras, London, N.W.1.
ROMAD MOTOR ACCESSORIES, LTD. . 261 'nu OBLAC quart-size fire extinguishers can be "-'completely dismantled in a few nainutes, made of solid brass, supplied in oxydized gunmetal finish. complies with Ministry of Transport regulations anEl with Fire Office Committee's epecificatione; retail price 29e. First-aid outfits, brought out in accordance with Ministry of Transport Order, supplied to leading operators, packed in neat dustproof container; cost, 155.—Roame Werke, The Ifyile, Hendon, London,
Rossi. COURTNEY AND CO., LTD. . 314 CIMALL accessories, ouch as windscreen wipers, ,amongst which is supplementary type for both drivers and paesengers' benefit, attached to windscreen without drilling glass or frame. Hydraulic jacks of various sizes, including one less than 6 ins, high; several improvements have been made. There will also be the Petromag locking tap for shutting oil petrol and magneto to foil thieves: 'Other exhibits will include turned and stamped parts, terminals. greases, acetylene gee fittings, taps.—Aehbrook Road, London, N.19. "
'ROTHERHAM AND SONS, LTD.. . • • 341 MAPS of numerous designs-in a wide variety oi prices, wing nuts, hexagon nuts, brass unions, float chambers, hose clips, etc. Also the Beemiesen distance recorder. Ki-gass petrol' mist injector a special mature on the stand, claimed to economize electrical power anti abolish troublesome methods of starting, such a.; heating induction, flooding the carburetter, etc. it. and S. petrol pump introduced for the first time, ef low price, simple, easily dismantled, limits petrol pressure to 2 lb. per sq. in., can raise petrol 3 it. at 20 epen. without priming. Na header tank requieed.—Coventry.
CCIMMER CIAL-VEHICLE chassis frames. pressed-steal side and cross-members, brake drums, axle eases, including Scott's patent weld. less case, made in one piece from steel tubing, giving considerable strength. In reducing the ends, tube is thickened up slightly, giving strength where moet needed. Scott's axle case can be supplied in wide range of sizes. Other exhibite will consist of clutch drums, step brackets, torque rode, pressed-steel wheels, sparewheel carriers, metal dashboards, facie, plates, brake-drum Covers, age, pressings, wings and deep-drawn presswork, bright-steel bolts and nuts, turned repetition work in high-grade steels, bright drawn-steel bars.—Darlaston, Staffs.
JOSEPH SANKEY AND SONS, LTD, . 351 VLANGED wheels for light railcars, chassis A: frames, brake-drum pressings, torque tubes, specimens of pressings for motor vehicles, spoke and disc wheels to carry various patterns of pneumatic tyre, disc types for solid tyres, Sankey patent one-piece wheel, etc. The company has manufactured pressed-steel one-piece wheels for 20 years and has been producing heavy pressings of all kinds for over 50 years.— 'Hadley Castle Works, Wellington, Shropshire.
MAGNETOS of unorthodox design, having -I-rA rotating magnet and stationary armature end contact breaker. Magnetos with automaticadvance device housed in magneto, so that dimensione are identical with those of a standard instrument. Lighting and starting sets; dynamo of constant-voltage type, regulator cantrols output, preventing battery from being overcharged; manufactured in capacities ranging horn 60 watts to 1,000 watts. Starter having relay operated from switchboard, engagement with flywheel by central pinion; new development is the fitting of reversing arrangement with intention of eliminating wear of the tooth ring. Switchboard controlling whole of lighting system, incorporates ignition and starter switch. socket for inspection lamp and control larap indicating whether dynamo be charging or not. Vernier couplings, lamps, direction indicators, " etop " lamps and coil-ignition sets; high-frequency magnetic-type horns, windscreen wipers.
RCORDERS' for checking vehicle operation, inoluding, model In using 4-in. chart, available in 8-hour. 12-hcsur and 24-hone-period5; model P. 6-in, disc, in B-hour' 12-hour, 24-hour and 72-hour'periodel new type, giving seven clays' operations on Onechart; electric model for use with currents up to 7 amps. Semis reorders the outcome oi 1E1 years of specialized mantifactnres-28, Eagle Street, High Holborn, Lotidon, W.C.1.
CEINTRICtABT cylinder liners and valve seats, blocks showing methods of fitting; two main types of cylinder liner, wet pattern, requires special design ofblock, cooling water coming into contactwith outside of liner; dry pattern mainly need for repairing worn or scored cylinders, saves need for boring out to oversize and
fitting oversize, pistons. Centricast cylinder liners available in various grades. Nitricastiron cylinder liners will also be shown. A special feature of the exhibits is a, centrifugally cast iron alley, treated in bore by nitrarding process to give Brinell hardness figureaol about Liners are seamless.--Sheepleridge Works, Chesterfield.
VARIOUS classes of petrol and oil; camera.
• hensive literature in connection with Shell products. Working models demonstrating. features of the company's products.—Shell Corner, Kingsway, Loudon, W.C.2.
SILENT GUIDE TOURS, LTD. . . . . 129 TMPROVED model of the Sosuaidicater for use Aeon reach tours,also specimens ot the Travelogue used in conjunction with the, Boemaidicator. l'he new model of Scenaleicestor it adaptable for use an buses.-82, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1.
SILYERTOWN LUBRICANTS, LTD. . 167 LimBrtro&TINo oils and)-greases iOr steam, petrol and oitangined • vehicles; working model showing proceesessof refining lubricating oils, bulk-storage equipment and demonstration of how Savertown products are delivered in bulk direct from refinery to consumers' tanks,— Minion Wharf, West Bilvertown, London, E:16.
HunliveNSION mapetos with patent 0.tended pele'shoes, high efficiency in all positions of timing lever olnimedi llattereaigrutien sets, replacement coils in which special attention has been given to insulating all-windings, !suited to modernehigh-speed engines, low-current consumption. Dynamos, flexible magneto and dynamo couplings, flexible couplings for various purposes in several stock sizes. aagnetieneetrel gauges, magneto conversion sets for Fords, existing control and switch gem adapted be means of additional parts, no alteration made in spark control. Otber exhibits will include patent Vertex air cleaners, embodying three dust-extracting processes, claimed to have efficiency. exceeding 95 per cent.; impulse-starter couplings, magnetic oil. filters, Fordson conversion seta, Hiwaylite lighting sets for use without acmemulators.,-Percy Buildings, Crosse Street. London, W.I..
ASELECP1ON of SEF.haIl and roller bearings Jot commercial vehicles, including single-row, deep-groom,non-filling slot ball bearing for general USB. Double-row spherical roller bearings for Luba of heavy vehicles, etc Siumerow cylindrical roller bearings to deal with heavy loads at high speeds. Tapered-roller bearings for hubs and steering pivots, einglerow ball bearings for magnetos.--Skefko Works, Luton.
TON asbestos brake facings, metallic and non inelnding new patterns having frictional values designed to suit various typesof brake drum; asbestos non-metallic and aibentos metallic clutch facings, made by new. jointless process. Improved QM-type clutch facings with radial grooves for oily clutches. Monobloo discs for single and multi-plateclutches, giving, geeater. strength and eliminating rivetingawith consequent saving in time and cost. Karmal '.rater-pump rings, special packing for stainless spindles and worms-shaft glands, cone-clutch liners, bonnet tapes, jointing, • etc.; also Don map booka—Hendham Vale Works, Manchester,
S. SMITH AND SONS (MOTOR ACCES SORIES), LTD. . • • • . . • . . 303
SPEEDOMETERS, revolution counters, pumps, etc.; special display of coach clocks of various types; automatically controlled radiator shut
ters; mechanical tare pumps. Clocks wiSh 8-day anda30-hour movements; coach model. priced at 45a with 41n-in. dial, 52a. 6d. with 6-in. dial, Commercial speedometers have 30 m.p.h. or 60 mp.h, dials, with or without trip recorder; priced at 75s. and 95s. . Auto=Min radiator shutters,•operated from Smallermet, a epecially designed thermostat of liquid type. Completely self-contained unit opening and closing vanes cf shutter at prerlefermined besate-Crieklewood Works, London, -N.W.2,
A RANGE of drop forging-s for motor-vehicle aslea. work, also accessories, such as engineers' spanners, adjusting wrenches, hammers, etc.-Saltley Mill, tirmingleam.
A FULL range of drop engines used in constructionef commercial Yektale& in carbon and alloy steels and aluminium alloys.—Ribble Road, Coventay.
SNOWDON, SONS AND CO., LTD. . . • 339 T ntlxrwo oils and greases for nariety of
.1-imakes and. types of commercial vehieles. Company has haxi long experience in this class of businesss—Millwall, London, E.14,
SOLEX, LTD. • 3611
-D ANGE of &lex MO types of carburetter, a-naxorizontal and vertical,specially designed for commercial-vehicle TUB: carburetters with controls and cotaponent neets to ensure east fitting. Heating devices and component parts, drip trays, aashboard strangler controls. Man type carburetters specially designed for sisacylinrimed engines, but equally suitable for high efficiency, high-speed fouraylindered units. Available in two patterns, MOIT having vertically disputed off-take,' 41011 with ,horizontal offtake; MOH intended only for raonobloe engines having singles induction port. Both MOV and mon types have easy-starting devicen—Solex Works, 223-231, Marylebone Road, London, N.W,1.
SEATS for coaches and buses, embodying special advantages of limbo material; horsebox padding in sponge robber, also equipment for ambulances, aorbo de lase and reinforced flooring. SO1130lin 4.00Ting,. a new material epecially produced for public-service vehicles.— Sorbo Works, Woking, 'Surrey.
SPECIALLOID, LTD . 202 COMPRRITENSIVE range ef Specialloid lowM./expansion aluminitmeeilloy piatens, showing registered design of eight internal ribs, arranged to provide maximum strength to bead and support, skirt and gudgeon-pin bosses in. manner calculated to eliminate distortion and offer increased cooling surface. Latest type of Speciallost oil-engine piston and complete selection oi these suitable for AY.-G, Leyland, AnnstrongSaurer vehicles will be shown. Ineevery case, material used is V alloy, beat-treated.—Friern Park, North Finchley, London, N.12.
STRIM-DLSO wheels for giant-pneumatic and soild tyres; elmeasteel pressings foe commercial vehicles, including pressed-steel brake drums, specialty heat-treated. There will also be examples of Goodyear K-type rim, of -which the company is Sae British manufacturer.— Coakley, near Kidderminster.
CASTINGS ol cylinder blocks and heads in "ansaterling 'iron; pistone. gearboxes, bream shoes, etc., of die-cast aluminium; Elektron (mageesiam) castings of engines, gearboxes and. other • components—Non-hey Road, releshill, Coventry.
STERROL. LTD. 336 STETICOL WW light,medium, heavy and extra-heavy oils. Commercial Ambrolmum a gear lubricant combining qualities ol previous product (heavy Ambroleum) with new features, ensuring suitability for gearboxes, rear axles and grease points. Diamol grease for all-metal canclan-lakeek 'types of enclosed unisersal joint. Fall range of Memel and Los-dine ails and Magikoyl upper-cylinder lubricant. Commercial Arai:wale= uow supplied in 3gallon taperea canister, euitalle for use with type-3C gear-nil pump.—Royal London Howe, Finsbury Square, London, E.C.2.
cristinga.taken Deem production in
Stimerosium, rough and macnined. Suineroslum is com-panys latest development in wearresisting cast-iron allov. Exhibits will consist of heavy and slight eesdinder blocks, cylinder heads, liners, geareases, brake drums and small engine and chassis, castings. Brake drums in Sumcrosium iron, rough •rind machined, with temile strength of 16-22 tote per sq. in., with Bnineil haednesses of 300 to 400. Also castings in Sorbolenm cast steel, a material particularly adapted for brake drums of heavy vehicles. Grade generally used for brake drums gives tensile strength of 5-5-60 tons per sq. in. with Brinell handnesses of 260-280,. c.a. be raised to dull red heat without tempering being allected.—Darlington.
suNsALOOft Boom, LTC'. 281 Exlinlyrs will include working model of head of concealed type for saloon coaches; telescopic all-metal opening roof; various fittings used in construction. Plymouth Corporation recently, purchased number of double-deck buses with Sunneloon conmealed-type heads. No reduction of headroom or increase in overall height. Examples of Sunealoon heads will be famed on various body-builders' stands, ineludlag. One On Giffehle-Cieeei---Ce.StIefOrd Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham.
GREASE guns delivering lubricant at pressure of 5,000 lb. per sq. in., various capacities and lengths; selection of nipples, nozeks, adapters; pipe clips suitable for air, oil and water hose; Joints made of rustproof inetale, petrol filters with glass and metal bowls, prices ranging from 7a. 6d. to 35s. Air filters, special device for depressing brake pedal when adjusting brakes, and a variety al other small items.—Grezst West Road, Brentford, Middlesex. m ...
RANGE of. oils composed .of Texaco commercial-vehiele lubricant, Texaco G-olden brand greases, chassis lubricant. arid Thuban compound. The last-named will he shown under working conditions in gearbox demonstrator.— Wellington Muse, 125-130, Strand,London, W.C.2.
sesaytneeBED-STREL chassis frames, component for frames, axle casings, brake drums, steel dashes, mudguards and general sheet-metal work—Beacon Works, Wolverhampton.
THORNLEY AND KNIGHT, LTD. . . • 354 TleAINTING materials for bodywork, consisting
of Tekalaid air-drying coloured japans, wellmatured varnishes, coach paints, .filling-up coinposaions, special priming paints, Alloalold white enamel. Radio-lin enamel paints, Lactoloid spraying cellulose lacquers, suggested processes for painting bodies—Bordesley Green Road, Birmingham.
TRIPLEX SAFETY GLASS CO., LTD. • • 123 -v-ovEmua will include safetseglass mar-view nil mirrors, in addition to which there will be wide range of safety-glass windscreens, windows, goggles and visors. Triplex now widely used on public-service vehicles; annual production increased from about 15,000 sq, ft. in 1914 to over 2,000,000 eq. ft.-1, elehemarle Street, London, W.1.
,HUBERT H. P. TRIST AND CO.. . . 248 TOZ-DOG bonded asbestos die-pressed brake facings, BW525 non-wire die-pressed facings. Banded asbestos brake facing, fibre brake, material, bonded asbestos clutch discs, BW52.5 nonwire clutch discs; bonded asbestos cut-out diepressed segments, fibre cone-clutch facing, bonded a,sbeetoe cote-clutch facing. Top-Dog friction lacings can be supplied in straight material or moulded to correct radiuseaTop-Dog Brake and Clutch Lining Works, Brislington, Bristol, TUNGSTONE ACCUMULATOR CO., LTD. ...... • — . . . . . 222 ANGE of batteries specially made for Mtnvehicles of various classes, including armoured-plate heavy-duty batteries. These have plate grids and paste made from pure lead.-3, Si. Bride's Route, Salisbury Square. London, 11-C.4.
ERNEST TURNER . . . • ...... 291 T ARGE variety of upholstery materials, in-1-acluding several nevelties. Sundry bodywork fittings, such as roof lames, parcels racks, ashtrays, Mocks; novelties will include Eastmann door-stop fittings, Tenax buttons, patent CloseDown and Heralm monlaings, stainless-steel sections.—Northcluem Howe, Northdown Street, King's Cross, London, Ni.
VACUUM OIL CO., LTD ..... . 333 UsuEFdisplay of lubricating oils in grades b for many types of commercial itar"le vehicle. Lubrication experts will be in attendance to give adeice and to answer questions appertaining to lubrication of any snake of vehicle—Caxton House, Westminster, London, B.W.
PHU stand will his built of company's standard _IL products as applied ta the motor industry. Large hoards of Plymea armoured plywood will be used, showing rigidity and flatness of this
material. Types of Plymax employed will be steel and aluminium, together with celittlosed samples. Venesta grackd plywood sand ornamental plyworx1 for bus panelling: oak, mahogany, birch, eta., will be shown; also Plymax dashboards and bent plywood for bucket seats. —Vintry Dense, Queen Street Place, London, E.C,4.
THE VIGZOL OIL REFINING CO. (LON DON), LTD. . • • . . • • . • • . 203
SPECIAL machine intended to indicate the different lubricating properties of various grades of oil. In addition there will be Oil and grease containers and Vivre cabinets.—Fastrey Street, Greenwich, London, S.E.10.
C. G. VOKES, LTD 294
. IJTOMATIC windscreen wipers specially .r2-made to withstand heavy shocke of commercial-vehicle service, oil filters, air purifiers and cleaners embodying fabric elements, triple gauze or five-ply gauze; special types for awls' wardly placed carburetters. Protectoraotors with unusually high cleaueing efficiency.--95, Lower Richmond Road, London, S.W.15.
FTILL range of Castro' muter oils and greases, including Castrollo. a new upper-cylinder lubricant; Wakefield grease guns and other lubrication accessories, tanks and cabinets for storage and sale of Castrol and other Wakefield products. Featute of Stand will be a clever devise consisting of nine hour glasses Whioncontinuously demonstrate viscosity of Castrol motor oils. Lubrication experts available throughout Show to answer inquiries.—Wakefield House, 30-32, Cheapsitle, loridon, E.C.2.
SP....LEMON of small tools and attachments for capstan and turret lathes, examples of work produced on lathes M those types.—Itale Road, Belly Oak, Ilinningham.
QALOONOOD sliding roof of single-panel type,
folding head providing considerable opening, windscreens, louvres, sidescreens. Radiator muffs in Popular and De Lome patterns, made of leather cloth lined with thick heat-retaining felt, latter. pattern having extra•lining of plain smooth material encicSing felt. Adjustable seat fittings will complete the exhibit.-48, Moor • Street, Birmingham.
HENRI, WELLS OIL CD., LTD. . • . 270 LT_IBRICANTS manufactured under Wellg-• Southcombe praceas, covered by patents; special compounds tor various parts, such as heavy-duty worm gears; Filmac cutting oil, Filmie soluble oil. Testing apparatus to demon strate lubrication phenomena. Visitors may test their own oils.-736-739, Salisbury House, Vinsbury Circus, London,
llerATWELLS waxless Mls, from which all iris-0-1-purities are claimed to be extracted by :secret process.—Welleeley Oil Works, Hardman Street, Manchester,
WELLWORTHY, LTD. 253 -PISTON rings manufactured tinder Cray and
.Elowlett patent., giving equalized radial pressure; made from centrifugally cast metal. Piston rings, gauge-ground on faces for highefficiency puzposes; slatted oil-control rings for regulating all consumption; piston pots in various stages of machining; rough castings for export; Wellworthy-Simplex patent piston rings arid oil-cheek rings, for whieh the company has obtained manufacturing rights for this country and Dominione, excluding Canada—Radial Works, Lymington, Mints,
-IXTORKING models of Westinghouse vacuum TY servo and compressed-air brakeapparatus for numerous types of vehicle: Ism both cases provision for storing negative or positive pres
sure is made. In former type euction is obtained from engine induction manifold, as in other examples of vaenum brake; in latter case
. • • 136
an engine-driven piston-type compressor is employed, an automatic device preventing storage cylinder from becoming overcharged. The company has long experience of the use of diaphragms foe exerting pull on broke rods, and on past year or so has considerably improved the design of its compressors, as well as practically eliminated time lag in the case of vacuum brakes.-82, YOrk Road, King's Cross, London, Ni.
W. H. WILLCOX AND CO., LTD. . . 540 VIILL range of lubricating oils, including Lubrigear gear anll differential lubricant in two_ densities, grade A esemi-fluid grease). grade Et (semifluid Mil. Oils for steam cylinders and Steam engines of wagons; special oil for electric vehicles. Pressure-feed lubricant in 2-lb. awl 4-lb. tins. Special heavy out for farmtractors. Joint-Be compressed asbestos feinting for petrol pipes; compressed-bide fan belts. British Quadruples sell-priming positive pumps for water, oils, petrol and heavy ilitids; semi-rotary oil barrel and garage pumps, oil cabinets tanks, ham-32-38, Soutbsvark Street, Loedon, S.E.1.
Exlinips will includeDevicl tyre; pump, a single meandered device adapted tpr driving Icon any convenient rooint on chassis; output at 1,000 r.p.m. is 3,4 cubic ft. of air per mierpte; will inflate heavy-vehicle • tyre to 55 lb. pressure in 45 seconds and giant 34-inby 7-in. pneumatics to 100 lb. per sq. in, in four minutes. Coal air ',delivered through combined filter and cooler. Equipment . includes 15 ft. of three-ply rubber hose, 4 ft:.of stoppertubing with unions, pressure gauge ancl.valve connector, e 'crankshaft gears and spindle-are of steel, title-hardened and ground to inter changeable' limits and run in-phosphor-bronze hushes. Mechanical lubrication throughout and provision made for return of surplus oil to erimp.—Cheq•uers Bridge. Gloucester.
AFOUR,CyLINDERED oil engine for lorry duty,• developing 44 b.h.p. at 1,350 r.p.m. Will have Patent Venus feed pump, which can be built as-singleecylinder unit; or;, ler .rroulticylinder engines, as cOmbined unit; _quantity of fuel sueplied•and iniection.!timing can Llee controlled by governor, alone, governor, and liand,. or only by band: timissg eau. he regulated of quantity. .Verits pump entirelyeBritish.— Glover Street, Birmingham.
0 NAS tAb ND SONS, LTD 164 LA?dINATFD springs.: incorporating patent trannion end and-divided •back plate; trtur„ pion, end permits free movement for axles when, , traversing irregular 'surfaces, without wear • of : bushes or toreion on spring itself. Divided back plate maintains register betweenaxle clamp, (sir • pivot blcick • in ease of six-wheeler), small inner ends •of top leaf being introduced 'into. .. corresponding slots in clamping plate. Lots• Lion of axles is permanent.—Kirketall Road,
Leeds, .
THE ZENITH CARBURETTER CO., LTD. ass FULL range_ of carburetters, special feature beinginstrument designed specifically for . commercial vehicles; throttle-spindle bushes; _ With packing glands, quickly replaceable. The halves of carburetter are bolted together, giving easy accessibility, the only,two moving parts—. float and needle—entirely enclosed. Carburetters also embody special rich-mixture starting device, and have stemming • compensator let. Other,: exhibits will Include carboaretters with ,• drop traps -to comply with Ministry of -TransPort regulatiOnse instruments for A.E.C.,Chevrelet,' eFord,_Leyland, Thornyoroft, and other makes -of vehicle; also Zenith petrol filter.-4042, Newanon Street London, 1V.1.
pATENT' hi-metal piston, type-Efde,iic piston comprises alloy-steel skirt made fromepecial tubing and' having' high ' rdsiitance "to wear,an aluminium-alloy head •oest on' to bottom-flange in dies 'and sklit'sliaped to in chide oil seraperring flange at bettota. TypeAS is similar to BM pattern, elicept that alloy head is machined to fit skirt flange, which is Securely held by bolts and washers. In both types skirt has certain anoint of -spring which reduces 'tendency to slap. Zephoil oil-control ringi, made of high-carbon eteel; also Zephyrolip eton-ring retaining ring.—Zephyr Works, In the preceding page -c wegiven abridged particulars of the exibits to be staged by 217' concerns which are showing in the accessories and components section, but, IR addition, the following companies will have stands, thenumbers of them being given in parenthesee:--Raidwins, Ltd. (219); T. M. Dirlrett and Sons. Ltd. (2131); Iluant and C.D. (MS) ; H. V. BIlliilleta,n1, Ltd. (256); C. A. V. Bosch, Ltd. 1301); Derby Castinge, Ltd. (2/3); W. T. Flather, Ltd. (337); Gadsclons, Ltd. 1165)e SaundersRoe, Ltd. laza); J. Stone Anti Co., Ltd. 1228); Tucker Armoured Plywood Co., Ltd. (205); United Steel Companies, Ltd. (207); WilmotBreeden, Ltd. (185). In some instances details of the exhibits of these CalleeT115 arrived too (ate for inclusion in our forecast, whilst in others the informtMn had not been received at the time of closing eor Press.