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at Olympia
An Exhibition of Tools and Implements Designed to Improve the Efficiency and Economy of the Fleet Owner's Garage
THIS year's exhibit of garage equipment may be said for the first time to embody appliances which are really specially designed for use in heavy-vehicle garages, Hitherto manufacturers of equipment have, with one or two exceptions, been content to make the needs of garages which cater only for private cars their first consideration. The equipment they have offered to the commercial-vehicle user and manufacturer has sometimes been of the nature of makeshift.
There is now to be noted a considerable change in that attitude. On the majority of stands can be seen new items of equipment which are obviously specially adapted to the needs of commercial-vehicle owners and capable of being need with efficiency and satisfaction in connection with the heaviest of vehicles.
In the following brief forecast of the exhibits these items are specially indicated. Readers should realize that the exhibitors comprise manufacturers of equipment, as well as factors and concessionnaires, so that it is often the case that the same make of appliance is shown on many stands. In order to avoid needless repetition, attention has been directed 'where possible to those exhibits which are peculiar to the stand which is being considered.
AR,REL MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. 417 THE universal jobber, which is to be the principal exhibit . on this stand, comprises a small hand geared rotor with or without a long flexible shaft. The machine is supplied for bolting or clamping to the bench. It can be used for grinding, drilling, burnishing, milling and filing, and, with the flexible shaft, for removing carbon and for a variety of other purposes. The well-known Arrel universal spanner will also be shown.-26, Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.1.
E. P. BARRUS, LTD. 385 HERE will be staged electrically driven tools of all descriptions, as well as a series of Blackhawk hydraulic jacks, Armstrong wrenches and machine tools, and a tool chest. The electrically driven tools include the Van Norman cylinder-boring bar, piston-turning and grinding machine. valve ref acer and reseater, and standard engine kit. There will also be shown Stanley electric hammers and screwdrivers, decarbonizing tools and a complete series of pliers, punches and wrenches.-35-37, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C.4.
B.E.N. PATENTS, LTD. 407 EXHIBITS on this stand will include high-pressure washers, air-compressor units, spray-painting plant, flexible shaft gear for use in flatting and polishing cellulose lacquers, for paint and rust removing, grinding and drilling, sheet-metal sanding, glass edging and polishing, as well as a variety of other purposes. There will also be shown an automatic tyre inflator, adjustable axle stands, hydraulic and ratchet jacks, and a new line of petrol engines from h.p. to 2i. h.p. for driving air compressors, electric generators, pumps and so on.
The Skilsaw sander will, perhaps, be the most novel item. It is a portable electric sanding machine comprising a small electric motor driving a band of sand paper mounted on a belt.-92, Tottenham Court Road, London, W.1.
BENDIX-PERROT BRAKES, LTD. 401 THE Bendix-CoWdrey brake tester is designed to give immediate indication of all the essential factors relating to brake effort on the vehicle to which it is applied. It shows maximum brake power available and the distribution of the braking effort between the front and rear wheels. The adjustment of the brakes can be equalized, as regards the two wheels of any axle, while the machine is running. It is possible to estimate the stopping distance at any particular road speed.—King's Road, Tyseley, Birmingham.
THIS exhibit will consist of a comprehensive range of
portable electric tools, including drills, nut runners, sanders, polishers, and engine-decarbonizing and valvegrinding kits. A new item of equipment will be a portable electric machine adapted to the purpose of straightening bent wings. The principle employml is not that of hammering or rolling, but of a squeeze action delivering 2,000 lb. Oressure 1,400 times per minute. It is claimed that the pperation doCa not alter the thickness of the metal and that ai many cases it is even possible to effect repairs to wings Without disturbing the enamel—Slough, Bucks.
JOSEPH BRADBURY AND SONS, LTD.. . . . 403 THE new G.E. electric brake tester, to be the principal exhibit of this stand, is of the drive-on, roller type. The motor vehicle is driven on to the machine and the driver operates the brakes. By using this machine it is possible to detect untrue brake drums, glazed drums, greasy facings, unbalanced brakes, twisting cross-shafts, grabbing shoes, etc. Complementary equipment is the G.E. brake-repair outfit, comprising a universal machine for drilling, countersinking and riveting and grinding brake shoes. Other exhibits will include a range of G.E. jacks and the new G.E. air and water winders.—Braintree, Essex.
BRISTOL PNEUMATIC TOOLS, LTD. 410 This exhibit will consist principally of air-compressing plant and accessories for use in connection therewith. Besides a range of air compressors, portable, semi-portable and stationary, there are also paint-spraying plant and a new design of air and water tower. A new introduction is a series of small, heavy-duty air compressors designed for long and continuous running, with a view to their carrying out such duty as paint spraying.—Causeway Works, Fishponds, Bristol.
BRITISH OIL CLEANERS, LTD. 432 HERE will be staged apparatus which appears definitely to have solved the problem of utilizing discarded lubricating oil. In its operation it is claimed that it is not merely a filter, but is definitely a cleaner. This is accomplished at a cost of less than id. per gallon.
The apparatus is electrically operated, and to use it water and dirty oil are poured into the cleaning tank, together with a material known as Foxite.. The current is then switched on, and the cleaning process commences and proceeds until completed, when it automatically ceases and the current supply is cut off. The foreign matter is drained away from one tap and the purified oil taken away by another. The cost of cleaning 10 gallons of oil with this apparatus, assuming current at id. per unit, is only 7d.--66, Upper Richmond Road, Putney, London, S.W.15.
A NEW development in tyre inflation is to be introduced
in this company's exhibit, in the form of cylinders of compressed nitrogen, which gas is now recommended for that purpose. An advantage of either nitrogen or compressed air in this form is that it enables any size of tyre to be inflated quickly with clean, dry, oil-free air or gas. Other exhibits will include portable oxy-acetylene cutting and welding equipment and lead burning plants for the repair of batteries.—Angel Road, Upper Edmonton, London, N.18.
IN addition to a range -of general garage equipment, the
following outstanding items will be displayed on this stand :—The Hardie plunger-type high-pressure washer, having an admirable self-lubricating system and a silent chain drive. It is supplied in four sizes, from one gun to six guns. The Tangye hydraulic lift and turntable which operates by oil or compressed air from a pressure of 150 lb. per sq. in. upwards. In the run-on type the vehicle is supported on its own wheels and the other pattern carries the vehicle by its axles, leaving the wheels free.
A complete range of Ingersoll-Rand compressors in capacities from 3i cubicf ft. to 41 cubic ft. per minute will also be exhibited.—Great Eastern Street, London, E.C.2.
THE BUMA ENGINEERING CO. 406 OF the several items of equipment to be shown on this stand the Buma apparatus for renewing engine-valve seats remains the most interesting. With these tools it iq possible entirely to rebore a valve seat, replace with a new liner and re-cut the facing for the valve in about 20 mins. per seat. This equipment has now been supplemented by the I3uma valve-truing tool, which is designed for truing up valves, the stems of which are slightly oval and the heads a little warped.
Other items will be the clutch-spring compressor for Morris vans, a new valve-spring lifter, a stud extractor and a spring jack.—Boyd Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
R. CADISCH AND SONS 402 TWO exhibits of particular interest will stand out amongst, the many on this stand. One is the Cadison paraffin washing tank, and the other a hand-operated petrol unloader to facilitate the removal of petrol from tanks of chassis as a preliminary to their repair.
The exhibit wili include, amongst other lines, automatic air columns and all the leading makes of air compressor, battery-charging plant, battery-service tools, body and wingrepair. kits, breakdown equipment, salvage cranes, crankshaft-repair tools and jigs and hydraulic washing plant, of both the plunger and rotary types.-5-6, Red Lion Square, London, W.C.1.
CHARLES CHURCHILL AND CO., LTD. . . . 396 THE comprehensive range of garage equipment on this stand will include apparatus by Weaver, Brunner, Millers Falls Co., Willis-Jones and other leading makers. The Weaver equipment will include a brake tester, wheel-alignment indicator, garage jacks, hoisting tackle, the Weaver Drive-over Lift and a variety of presses from 8 tons to SO tons.
The Brunner exhibits will comprise air compressors, covering a range of output from 1 cubic ft. to 30 cubic ft. per minute. With this equipment will also be staged paintsprayine outfits up to five-gun units and hydraulic washers, of bothlhe air-mist and high-pressure types.-27-34, Walnut Tree Walk, London, S.E.11.
WILLIAM CLARK (SPARE PARTS), LTD. . . 428" THE new model of Stormizing machine, which is an imple
ment designed for reboring cylinders in situ on the chassis, is for cylinders of from 3 ins. to 41-1g ins, in bore. Its outstanding feature is the design of the cutter head, which embodies a ground pilot to ensure rigidity of the boring bar and a tapered self-centring seat which locates the head in the boring bar.
Another new appliance is the Stiles brake-drum lathe. This is a portable apparatus electrically driven, and is designed to be mounted and located by the hub of the wheel. A companion machine is the Stiles brake liner.
On the same stand will be shown a new line of portable electric drills, known as the Micox.-5, Marsha'sea Road, London, S.E.1.
R. H. COOK AND CO., LTD. 419 anti 424 THE garage equipment on these stands includes break
down cranes of various capacities, as well as light and heavy floor cranes, air compressors, air stations, boring bars, cylinder honing tools, machine tools, such as lathes, drilling machines, milling machines and grinding machines, petrolpump equipment and jacks of various sizes, capacities and types, battery-charging equipment, and lighting and charging plant.-209, Broadway, Hendon, London, N.W.9.
THE outstanding items shown herei,will be the portable ,,air compressors and jacks. Of the latter, the new hydraulic jack, capable of lifting three tons, is perhaps the most important feature. It conforms with the requirements of the Road Traffic Act. All the operating mechanism is inside the jack and is easily worked. The height when closed is 8 ins., and when totally extended 17i ins. The actual lift is 5i ins., but if the jack be placed some distance from the wheel, say, under a spring, the opposite wheel will serve as the fulcrum and enable a lift of at least 6 ins, to be effected, thus meeting Ministerial requirements.—Fort Dunlop, Birmingham.
THIS company's exhibit will embody almost all the principal items of garage equipment in a wide variety of makes. Prominent amongst the exhibits are HP breakdown and salvage equipment, as well as EIF jacks of various sizes. There is a Bristol automatic tyre inflator with control for inflation and deflation, as well as for testing the pressure. High-pressure washing plant by the B.E.N., L.S.D., HP and Tangye concerns will be shown, also, the Tangye hydraulic vehicle lift, the B.E.N. dual air unit and the HF Robot giant-tyre changer.-29, Great Eastern Street, London, E.C.2.
A COMPREHENSIVE range of major items of garage equipment will be displayed. Most of them will be familiar to our readers. There will be, for example, the Eqwlaipple engine starter, the Cyclone high-pressure buswashing plant b and Luchard air compressors. A new item is the hand sweeper for garages ; it comprises a cylindrical broom connected to a two-wheeled ball-bearing trolley and set at an angle, so that it sweeps the dust and dirt to one side. It is designed so that it is capable of operating close up to a wall.
Opportunity should be taken for examining the various types of electro-magnetic crack detector, which provide a positive method of detecting cracks in iron and steel.-2-3, Norfolk Street, Strand, London, W.C.2.
SPRAY-PAINT1NG equipment and air compressors will comprise the exhibits on this stand, and an interesting feature is the low-pressure high-volume. Instead of compressing the air to 40 lb. or more per sq. in., only 6 lb. above atmospheric pressure is normal. The advantages of this are several, the principal being the economy of power,2, Mellor StreeW St. Thomas' Street London Bridge, S.E.1.
F. 11. EVE, LTD. 405
ENGINE stands for/commercial vehicles have for many years been the speciality of this concern. There will be three models shown, of which, perhaps, the most interesting is theAsuper geared model designed for engines up to and including 125 h.p. It is so geared as to enable one mechanic to handle the heaviest engine with the minimum of physical effort. It has ball-bearing castor wheels, whilst screw-operated jacks are provitled to lift the stand clear of these wheels when it is to remain stationary. The jacks also serve the purpose of levelling the stand on an uneven floor.—Old Bedford Road, Luton.
GOODYEAR TYRE AND RUBBER CO., LTD.. . 435 A SPECIAL feature of this stand will be Heintz vulcaniz
ing appliances for repairing giant pneumatic tyres. Each mould is robustly constructed to withstand hard usage, and is tested to 450 lb. pressure before leaving the works. Each mould is a self-contained unit. The small amount of water with which the container in the mould is filled is generated into steam by electric heating elements. The steam finds its way through the entire interior of the mould, heating the complete mould cavity. Several sizes of this equipment are 'available.
FREDK. J. GORDON AND CO., LTD. . . . . . 414 THE principal items on this stand will be those designed to
facilitate electrical and tyre service. For the former class of work the Hobart constant potential battery charger and the Hobart electric test bench for dynamos, magnetos and starters are useful items conveniently supplemented by portable testing equipment by the same maker. The range of Hobart air compressors includes units suitable for every conceivable size fleet. Each compressor is self-contained with receivers of ample capacity. Complementary equipment includes spray-painting outfits and an interesting exhibit will be the combined portable paint-spray equipment and garage tyre inflator.
There is to be a host of smaller items, such as connectingrod aligners and cylinder grinders.-92, Charlotte Street, London, W.1.
HARVEY FROST AND CO., LTD. 436, 437, 438, 439, 439a ON this company's stands will be shown the largest indi
vidual exhibit This is a bus tester capable of affording the same information as regards engine and transmission efficiency, petrol consumption and condition of brakes, as ii afforded by the company's well-known car tester. This machine is designed so that the bus can run straight on to it. The tractive h.p. is measured at the axle.
Another exhibit is to be an 8-ton commercial-vehicle lift electrically operated through four screws. There will he shown four complete salvage vehicles—a Morris-Commercial, a Singer, a Leyland and a Bedford, all equipped with roadside salvage apparatus.-148, Great Portland Street, London,
GEORGE HATCH, LTD. 430 THOSE visitors to the exhibition who will be look ing out for new machine tools will find several to Interest them on this stand, where, besides two or three lathes of various centres, will also be several examples of sensitive drill. The garage equipment includes the L.S.D. washer, a series of Weaver cranes and jacks, several items of GE. equipment, including the stroking stand, and the new air and water line winder.--Queenhithe, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C.4.
A WIDE range of equipment will be staged here, including
air compressors, air towers, spray-painting outfits, hydraulic presses, as well as breakdownand general garage apparatus. A comprehensive display of lamps, horns and replacement parts for commercial vehicles will be staged, whilst special mention should be made of the Selfweld low. temperature welding rods, which will be a special feature,— is, Pearman Street, Westminster Bridge Road, London, S.E.1.
ON this stand will be displayed commercial-vehicle jacks of all kinds. There are jacks of the screw, rack-andpinion and hydraulic types. Their capacities range from the smallest of these tools, suitable for use in garages where light vans predominate, to machines capable of lifting the axle of the heaviest class of vehicle. This concern has for some time made a speciality of tools for the repair of Morris vehicles, and there are several items of equipment of this type.—Braintree, Essex.
THE Paragon register provides mechanized control of cash
and credit sales or stores issue in a simple, inexpensive form. A hand-written detail record can be made in a few minutes, and it is claimed that the system gives details without which no checking system is complete.—Queen's House, 28, Kingsway, London, W.C.2.
THE L.S.D. heavy-duty high-pressure washing plant will be shown in various sizes and capacities. The smallest (one-gun model) has just been reduced in price from £40 to £36 and other models in proportion. All these washing plants are of the three-cylindered type, giving a steady delivery of water.
c42 A supplementary and useful item of equipment is the L.S.D. soap-solution mixer.
The other exhibits will include a new model of 60-ton hydraulic press designed to take in four different capacities of press within the unit—namely, 3-ton rack and pinion, 8-ton screw, and 25-ton and 60-ton hydraulic. There is to be a car elevator, towing pole and brake tester.—Victoria Works, Millhouses, Sheffield.
C. LINDLEY AND CO., LTD. 421 THIS exhibit will comprise machine tools and accessories
as well as garage equipment. The last-named will include the Newton high-pressure washer as well as a battery charger by the same maker. There will be Bradbury jacks, a Kismet aerometer and Grimston duplex drills and grinders. An outstanding exhibit is to be a commercialvehicle jack which is particularly suitable for use where the overhang behind the rear axle is excessive.-34, Englefield Road, London, N.1.
DEFINITELY the most interesting exhibit will be the new M.E. Roloid rotor washer. This high-pressure washing plant incorporates a new design of pump, which has cog
wheels of special design and includes an arrangement whereby a vacuum is created around the pump bearings so soon as the pump begins to work, thus ensuring absence of water from the bearings.
The commercial-engine stand has the special advantage that the level of the stand can easily be adjusted. It is strong enough to support the heaviest of units, including compression-ignition engines, whilst the engine, when in place, can be rotated and held in any position. Other equipment will include breakdown gear, cleansing tanks, air compressors and small tools.-5, Prince of Wales Road, Norwich, HENRY MILLER AND CO. 400
AN impressive exhibit on this stand will be the Skyhi 7-ton
lift, 22 ft. long in the tracks, carrying a Leyland chassis. Another interesting and novel exhibit will be the Skyhi hydraulic jack, which incorporates two pumps. When bringing the crutch of the jack up to its work both pumps are in operation, and each stroke of the handle effects a lift of 5 ins. When the crutch takes hold and the weight is encountered one pump ceases to operate, thus multiplying the mechanical advantage available and increasing the weight capacity. The lift is 2 ft. 5 ins, and the lowest position of the crutch 6 ins.-186, Weimer Road, London, W.11.
MILLERS FALLS CO 393 THIS will be an interesting exhibit of portable electric tools. They will be shown adapted for a wide variety of purposes. A particularly interesting feature is the rightangle-drive equipment, which conveniently converts an electric drill to such uses as right-angle drilling, sanding, polishing, rubbing down cellulose, sawing and similar work.-23, Wilson Street, London, E.C2.
EQUIPMENT for both the mechanical and electrical departments of the repair shop will be featured on this stand. One exhibit is a complete commercial-vehicle elec
trical test bench. It incorporates a powerful motor designed for testing electrical components of commercial chassis.
There will be two types of washing plant shown. One, known as the Hydraplunge, incorporates a plunger type of pump. The other, the Rotorforce, embodies a rotary pump.
The outstanding exhibit is the Newton Fault Finder, designed to indicate and locate wiring faults.-3, Cavendish Place, Regent Street, London, W.1.
THE outstanding feature of the Davenset automatic bat
tery-charging plants is the use of special types of gasfilled resistance or Barreter lamp to regulate the charging current. Suitable types of lamp are chosen for each circuit. Visual indication of correct operation is incorporated in each circuit.—Evington Valley Road, Leicester.
IN addition to a comprehensive exhibit of Apkoway and Quikko garage tools and equipment, there will be one or two new items. One is a ramp designed to facilitate repairs. Its outstanding features are the ease with which it can be adapted to any size of vehicle and its low price—f9 10s. per pair of ramps. Another is the Apkoway sprocket and ball-race puller. This is operated by combined screw and cam motion, and spreading of the legs is prevented.—Granvile Street, Birmingham.
G. T. RICHES AND CO., LTD. 444 ON this stand will be staged the L.S.D. high-pressure washer and the Tangye. There is to be a B.E.N. dual air unit and a Kismet aerometer. The last-named is a new introduction and comprises an automatic pressure check, which registers the pressure within the tyre on the master gauge so soon as connection is made. A calibrated finger control knob is then turned until an indicator points to the required pressure. Inflation then commences and proceeds until that pressure is reached.-19-20, Store Street, Tottenham Court Road, London, W.C.1.
A NEW type of door gear, particularly suitable for such
large openings as are usual in bus depots, has been recently introduced by this concern and will be shown on the stand. Loose door leaves are arranged in series on two parallel tracks, allowing for a complete opening or for opening in any one part.—Ripon.
AMONGST the exhibits of petrol and oil-storage equipment arranged for this stand particular interest attaches to the new oil-supply apparatus. It comprises a pump which, with one pull of the handle, delivers a pint of oil. The delivery orifice is beneath an umbrella-shaped shelter so that water cannot enter. The cans are stored in clips beneath that shelter.-58, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1.
SIMPKINS ENGINEERING WORKS 389 ON this stand are to be found two models of Southwell high-pressure washer. One is a two-gun outfit and the other the one-gun Junior. A feature of this plant is the transmission gear, which comprises totally enclosed worm drive running in an oil bath. In the larger model a 2/ h.p. electric motor is used, and a flexible coupling is fitted between this and the worm driving gear. The equipment includes a spring-loaded by-pass valve, as well as an efficient unloader. —Gedling, Nottingham.
STET/ALL AND CO., LTD 431 ON this stand will be shown paint-spraying outfits and flexible shaft equipment by B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., as well as a high-pressure washer by the same Maker, a cylinderboring bar and valve refacer. The high-pressure washer is of the plunger type and has a standard unloading valve: It is a self-oiling automatic unit driven by silent-tooth inverted chain and having all the working parts enclosed and running in oil.—Broad Street, Bloomsbury, London, W.C.2.
TANGYES, LTD 308 AMONGST the several exhibits to be shown on this stand the combination of the Tangye two-gun self-lubricating high-pressure washer and the hydraulic lift, run-on type, operated from the washing plant, is the most interesting. The set is electrically driven and is to be shown complete with water tank, cocks and piping for demonstration purposes. Several other washing plants will be exhibited, also compressors and jacks. Particular interest attaches to the two-stroke vertical oil engine.—Cornwall Works, Birmingham.
TECALEIVIIT, LTD 440 LUBRICATING equipment, both hand and power operated, will comprise the principal interest on this stand. The simplest item of equipment is the standard bulk-lubricating compressor on wheels. -This is hand-operated, but, nevertheless, is designed to allow a pressure of 5,000 lb. per sq. in. to be developed. It holds 17 lb. of lubricant. Next in the scale is the Airline Lubrig-un, which, for its operation, needs a supply of compressed air. The Electrogun has an electrically driven compressor.
A variety of other lubricating devices will be shown, as well as this company's brake tester, vehicle hoist, washing plants and vacuum cleaners for upholstery.—Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex TIMPSON BROS. 403 THE exhibits of garage equipment to be shown on this stand are so comprehensive as to make it difficult to single out any individual items for mention. There is, for example, a complete serie,s of heavy-vehicle jacks, several makes of high-pressure washer, air compressors, air towers, lathes, general workshop tools, battery-charging plants, portable electric drills and accessories thereto, paint sprayers, engine stands, cleaning tanks, etc.—Moore Street, Birmingham.
THE WESTINGHOUSE BRAKE AND SAXBY SIGNAL CO., LTD. 447 THE Westinghouse battery-charging sets which will com prise the garage equipment on this stand embody metal rectifiers, each of which is complete in itself and has the advantage that there are no moving or fragile parts requiring delicate adjustment or maintenance, no valves to be replaced or chemicals to be renewed. A complete charger comprises a transformer, tapping switch, control, ammeter, A.C. and D.C. fuses, main switch and terminals.-82, York Road, King's Cross, London, N.
THE well-known Whipple engine starter will be shown in an improved form having a more powerful engine and a new shock absorber. It is claimed to be particularly suitable for starting compression-ignition engines. The outfit comprises a petrol engine mounted on a two-wheeled truck and driving through a clutch reduction gear and shook absorber, and a universally jointed propeller shaft connected by means of an engagement pin direct to a lug on the starting handle of the vehicle.—Rushton, Northants.
WILLIAMS AND JAMES 433 OF the variety of air compressors and high-pressure washing plant to be shown on this stand space permits mention of only the David belt-driven air compressor as being of especial interest. It is a small twin-cylindered machine, which, running at 1,000 r.p.m., displaces 8.6 cubic ft. per minute. It embodies an automatic pressure-release valve and may be obtained mounted on a pedestal of bench height ; the cost is £22. The Aerolux compressor plant is. a dualpurpose unit chiefly intended for paint spraying and tyre inflation. The Hydraulux washer is of the six-ram hydraulic type operating on the awash-plate principle.—Chequers Bridge, Gloucester.