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" The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever paints arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Reducing Running Costs.
Everything points to the fact that users in general are taking a much more active interest in the reduction of running-costs, under the economic...pressure of present circumstances. The apathy of many users in the past as regards the mechanical efficiency of their vehicles has been extraordinary. That attitude is now changing, and, in many quarters, we hear-of users exerting pressure on manufacturers to reduce petrol consumption, and generally to raise the economic efficiency factor of their vehicles. This involves, in the ease of the petrol vehicle, increased concentration on problems of carburation,' and the co-operation of the carburetter specialist and the manufacturer towards this objective.
The competitive method of carburetter selection, whereby a manufacturer invites the makers of rival carburetters to " do their best," and selectsithe instrument to be fitted to his engine on the basis of comparative results, independently of slight variations in price, is all
to the good. It puts the carburation expert on his mettle, and commercial vehicle users in general ultimately reap the benefit. The increasing number of makers whoare investigating the possibilities of the gas producer is further evidence of a general concentration on the problem of economical operation.
lairvey-Frost Enterprise.
The efforts of Harvey, Frost and Co:, Ltd., have for many years past been directed to the preservation and repair of motor vehicle tyres, and the reward of their efforts is that their name has become synonymous with all that is understood by vulcanizing. The company's position has been dominant in all matters relating to tyre repair and tyre repair equipment, and it will surprise few to learn that, they have now decided to extend their activities beyond vulcanizers and vulcanizing; in fact, to embrace every kind of operation and device (short of tyre manufacture) that makes for better tyre service on the road, and quicker, more efficient and economical handling of repairs in the garage. We hope to have more to say on this new development in the near future.
Figures recently completed show that the Roumanian production of petroleum for the first half of 1921 was 550,463 tons as against 464,459 tons for the corresponding period of 1920.
One -of our correspondents, writing last week his impressions of the LaffiySchneider 1,200 mile demonstration tour, mentioned that this is the first time that pneumatics have been fitted to such a heavy vehicle.as the Laffiy, which weighs 5i tons. This is obviously wrong, as Michelin pneumatic tyreshave been fitted to vehicles of over this weight since 1918.
The Toquet carburetter for Ford engines is being placed on the British market by Messrs. Cut-bill. King and Co. 32, St. Mary Axe, London, E.C., who are the distributing agents for this component for Great Britain, the Continent of Europe, and the British Colonies (except Canada).
A New Electric Vehicle.
An electric' vehicle of 2-2i tons capacity will shortly be placed on the market by Guy Motors, Ltd., Wolverhampton, and will be shown at Olympia.,
The vehicle is designed on the most modern lines' and incorporates the results of the long experience which the manufacturers have already had with petrol vehicles of the same capacity. Chains have been -dispensed with, and every part is.effeetively lubricated. The rear snrings are underslung, and the design is such as will give an extremely low loading platform; this should make it particularly suitable formunicipal work, such as refuse collection. The wheelbase of the new production is 10 ft. 9 ins.
Thornycrofts for India.
Four special type tank terries have recently been completed by J. I. Thorny. croft and Co., Ltd., at their Basingstoke works to the order of the India office. The tanks are mounted bn the wellknown X type three ton chassis, and a -special feature is the mounting of a self-containedpumping set on a detachable cradle at the, rear of the chassisThis consists of a centrifugal pump belt?driven from a small single-cylinder petrol engine. Poles are carried at the side or the chassis by means of which the pumping set can be carried and placed inproximity to whatever source of water is to he utilized for filling the tank, and
specially long hose is provided. The vehicles are, therefore, particularly suited for military use. Four draw-off taps are fitted to each tank.
51-Seater Railless Cars for Birmingham.
Birmingham Corporation which proposes to experiment with tailless vehicles, has approached the Ministry of Transport to ascertain if it would consent to the -introduction of tailless vehicles in place of the existing tramway service on the NechelIs route. The Ministry replies that ft will raise no objection on . cendition that the corporation in its next Parliamentary Bill Includes a clause authorizing the running of such vehicles.
The Tramways Committee mentions that until recently the tailless trolley vehicles operating in various parts of the country have had a seating capacity of from 26 to 30 passengers, but the tendency nowadays is to operate vehicles of much greater seating capacity, so as to make them comparable with an ordinary sized double-decked tramcar. It is proposed, therefore, to obtain vehicles capable of seating 51 passengers, with the top seats protected from bad weather as in tramway practice. The type• of vehicle proposed has been approved by the Ministry of Transport.
American Makers May Standardize Clutch Facings.
The vice-chairman of the Transmission Division of the American Society of Automotive Engineers Standards Committee has submitted a preliminary recommendation for S.A.E. clutchfacing standards based on present practice. This recommendation will be thoroughly discussed, and, if possible, finally acted upon at a later meeting of the Transmission Division.
It is believed advisable to split the facing sizes into two divisions—one for single-plate and the other for multipleplate clutche,s. The majority of singleplate clutches seem to be made in three sizes-8, 10 and 12. ins.—and, in view of the fact that they are quite similar in design and are housed by flywheels bored 8, 10 and 12 ins. respectively, it would appear that a standard inside and outside diameter can be agreed upon -without running into much opposition from the clutch makers, as these sizes will fit into their present clutches without any change in the design of the clutch parts.. A great number of multiple-disc clutches on the market are so varied in design that it makes the question of standard facing sizes for this type somewhat more difficult than in the singleplate clutch.
Traffic to Fit the Roads.
Airdrie Town Council has commenced a schedule of roads in accordance with
their traffic-carrying capacities. Some are being scheduled for vehicles of five tons, others for three tons; and a few for the prohibition of motor traffic entirely
Buses on Railway Property.
At a meeting of the Yarmouth Corporation. General Purposes Committee the town clerk submitted correspondence that had passed between the Divisional Commercial Superintendent of the Great Eastern Railway Co. and himself, relative to two motor 'omnibuses turning round the island in front of the Southtown Station, on land belonging to the Great Eastern Railway Co., by which it was. suggested that the council should pay at the rate of £30 per annum, as a temporary measure for this season. The committee agreed to the proposal
Services for Swindon.
Swindon Watch Committee has granted applications by Mr. A. Strode, of 28, Marlborough Road, Swindon, for a licence for a motor char-i-bancs to Rly for hireas a public vehicle, which he proposes to run between the Corn Exchange, Swindon, and Coate; and by Mr. A. Rimes, of 1, Wood Street, Swindon, for a licence for a motor omnibus to ply for hire as a public vehicle, which he proposes to run between the Market Square, High Street, etc., and Oxford, Lechdale, Faringdon, Cirencester, etc.
The Dairy Show and Olympia.
Agriculturists visiting the Dairy Show which opens at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, London, on October 18th, continuing until October 21st, e,hould make note of the fact that the fifth national Commercial Motor Exhibition at Olympia opens on the 14th, and continues until October 22nd. Farmer visitors to the Dairy Show should make a point of getting across to Olympia, as they will find there many things in the motor lorry line that will be of interest to them.
The fact that both exhibitions are running at the same time will provide a splendid opportunity for the farmer to attend both, with only one journey to London.
Several papers of interest to agricul turists will be given at Olympia. On October 19th, at 11 a.m., Mr. E. H. Arnett. will give a paper on the " Scope of the Farm Tractor, while other papers on "Agricultural Tractors" will be given by Mr. H. G. Burford and Mr. H. ScottHall, at 2.30 p.m.
A New Midland Road.
To aid unemployed, the Birmingham Corporation has revived an old proposal for the construction of a. new main road between Birmingham and Wolverhampton. The acheme has been submitted to the Government.
An Axle Service Depot.
Automotive Products Co., who are the sole representatives in the British Isles of the Timken Detroit Axle Co. of America, have established a service depot for Timken axles that will do much to help users of axles of this make in this country.
From this depot, which is established at 3, Berners Street, W. 1, spare parts for all old and new model 'Broken axles can be obtained. Much delay will be saved if inquiries contain details as to make and model, number of vehicle, and the number stamped on the Timken axle for which the spare parts are required.
G.M.C. Lorry Sates.
The figures of sales of commercial vehicles by Divisions of General Motors Corporation, as reported to the National Chamber of Commerce, New York, show that 863 Chevrolet and 801 G.M.C. industrial vehicles were sold in the second quarter Of 1921, these figures comparing with 466 and 491 respectively for the first quarter of the year. No Oldsmobile COMmerciaL 'chassis were sold in the second quarter, although 15 were sold in the first quarter of the year.
The following figures show the sales of each of these three vehicles for the past four calendar years ; ilccording, to an official of the New fork Edison Co., there are 52,128 commercial vehicles registered in the rather puzzling with regard to the Droitwich to Kidderminster route, because there are other roads much narrower on which buses are already travelling within the council's area. A member of the county council pointed out that buses could run anywhere.
Motor Headlights.. •
A report of the National Physical, Laboratorystates that, at the request of the Ministry of Transport, a number of motorcar headlights, 'fitted with various devices for the reduction of glare, have been examined at the laboratory. The method adopted has been that of measurement of illumination distribution along selected lines on a screen placed 72 ft. from the headlight. The long photometer track running from the Standards Room to the large Photometer Room has been used for this purposes. Experiments have also been carried out to determine the least distance from a
Northern Bus Fares.
Action is being taken by local bodies in the North of England to secure substantial reductions in fares charged on several motorbus 'routes, and in at least two cases very recently tt.t authorities have decided that, failing such reductions being put into force, they will invite other companies to institute services in the districts where exception is
taken to the charges. '
In connection with this matter Councillor Wintrip, at a meeting of the Whickham Council, moved a resolution, which was carried, to the effect that the council should ask for substantial decreases irr fares on the motor omnibus service between Newcastle and Stanley, and in the event of these not being made, it was agreed to request the North Eastern Railway Co., who operate various services in the Newcastle neighbourhood, to run vehicles in opposition.
A similar line was adopted by the Blay
• Fares at Burton.
At a meeting of the Burton-on-Trent Corporation, the town clerk reported that he had communicated with the stationmaster with regard to the fares to be charged for the hire of motor hackney carriages front the Midland railway statione and that he had received a reply stating that the Midland Railway Co. had agreed to the new charges so far as the company's stand is concerned, as follow : For not more than three 'passengers—
If the distance does net ex
ceed one mile ... 1s. 8d. If the distance exceeds one mile—
For the first mile ... ls. 8d. For every subsequent half
mile or fraction of half-mile 10d. For each passenger exceeding three carried—
For every Rae or fraction of a mile ... .. ... 6d.
Australian Aerial Mail Services.
The first of the series of aerial mail services in Australia under control of the Comn,ionwealth will be inaugurated on October 30th, or if subsequently fixed by the Minister of Defence, not later than November 30th.
While a limit of £25,000 has been placed by the Government on the total amount of any tender, tenderers are to be given the option of forwarding proposals to maintain a greater or less number of trips than is provided in the con ditions contract.
Tenderers mustname two guarantors to the amount of £5,000 for safety of mails and fulfilment of contract, and must specify the class of machines and numbers proposed to he provided, with their speed, radius, petrol consumption, tarrying capacity, etc.
The scales of charges for passengers and freight will be subject to the Minister's approval.
An Alaskan Oil Find.
A veritable lake of petroleum has just been discovered near Wainwright Inlet, Alaska. This is only part of a huge oilfield which, -the.prospectors declare, will vie in potential output with the Mackenzie River area. The find is regarded as being one of the most important of recent years, and the proximity of the oilfield to the sea, together with the closeness of the oil to the surface, should make production cheap.
Short Cut to Southend.
The borough surveyor of Southend has laid before the Town Council a proposal whereby the route from London to ,Southend might be shortened and improved by the provision of connecting roads running from Tipminster to Vange, and has been instructed to forward his proposal to the Ministry of Health and the Essex County Council. The scheme, he says, would be useful in aiding the unemployed.
Faith in Their Own Product.
It is a' striking testimony to the faith of some manufacturers in the mode of transport for which their products are supplied that, in some cases, they make use as much as possible of road transport for the conveyance of material to and from their factories.
J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., for instance, fetch a great deal of the, material 'used in the construction of their vehicles by .road direct from the sources of supply, and material is transported in this way over very considerable distances.
Calcutta Municipal Council has decided to purchase six 5 ton hand-operated side-tipping trailers from J. I. Thorny' croft -and Co., Ltd.
Railless Results. •
The Tees-side Railless Traction Board has issued its aceounts for the year ended March 31st. This railless system, installed in the Middlesbrough" area towards the end of 1919, appears to have achieved remarkable success, and the following statistical information summarizes the situation : Length of route 5 miles 8 chains Traffic revenue £29,860 2s. 9d.
Working expenses £27,954 14s. 9d.
Net balance £1,905 8s. Od. Car miles run 364,789 Pasengers carried 3,614,857 Total number of units used ... 541,009 Average number of units used per car mile L48 Average number of cars in use 13 Percentage of working expenses to receipts 93.6 per cent, Average revenue per car mile ... 19.64d. Average car miles per day per car ... 80 Average speed per hour 7 miles Average working expenses p.e m. (excluding lower) 17.33d. Ditto. (including power) 18.39d. .Average fare charged per mile .85d. Average number of passengers • boarded per car mile 9.90 Average number of passengers car• ried per car mile 22.37 Average fare Paid per passenger... 1.96d. Average distance travelled per pas senger 2.26 miles Average fare paid per passenger per mile 87d. Ratio of workmen to ordinary passengers 1 to 3 Number of cars in stock 15 Powers to operate the system in the area were originally granted to a • company, but in '1919 the Middlesbrough Corporation and the Eaton Urban District Council took over the powers and formed the Board, each authority being represented thereon.
New York Metropolitan District, and 30,356 are onManhattan Island and in the borough of the Bronx: During the year 1920 the number of commercial vehicles in these two boroughs was increased by 6,000. There are 9,157 electric commercial vehicles in the country, of which 5,000, 'or about 52 per cent., are in the Metropolitan district. During 1920, 536 were added, or something less than 10 per cent. of the total of motor vehicles added in this district that year. It is estimated that 30,000,000 kilowatt hours are now sold annually in this territory for vehicle charging, from which revenues of between 750,000 dollars and 1,000,000 dollars are now derived.
Road Widths and Bus Services.
The Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., hive applied to the 'Worcestershire County Council for power to run buses between broitwich and Kidderminster via Cutnall Green, and to Hanley Swan. In regard to the former service, the council decided not. to grant the application on the ground that the road was not wide enough, and in the latter cat'' the application was not granted on the same ground, but an alternative route was offered. The decision is headlight at which the inverse square law may be assumed to hold with sufficient accuracy.
Repair Work at Thornycrofts.
At the Basingstoke works of John I. Thornyeroft and Co., Ltd., a batch of 200 war-damaged vehicles has just been received from France for reconditioning. Some of the vehicle are in an advanced stage of decrepitude, but Messrs. Thornycroft, having already considerable experience of reconditioning war-worn chassis of their own' manufacture, are approaching the job without any mis-.
New Roads and Unemployment.
With a view to providing work for the unemployed, West Hartlepool Town Council Unemployment Committee has resolved to set on foot immediately negotiations relating to public utility works. Suggest-ions include widening of the Stockton Road, and South End, Seaton Carew, and the construction of a new road from Stockton Road to the Tees Road, "and also the construction of the new road to Easington from West Hartlepool to Hart Station. don Council, with respect to services in the Spen and Chopwell district. On the proposal of Councillor Ward, seconded by (;'ouricillor Hardy, a resolution was unanimously carried to the effect that, in view of the excessive prices charged by motorbus proprietors in the area named, the authority should approach the Newcastle Corporation or the Northern General Transport. Co., of Chester-leStreet, both of whom operate on an extensive: scale itt Northumberland and Durham, with the object of one of these -companies inaugurating motor vehicle services in these districts.
Another complaint' was made at a meeting of the Cornforth Parish Council against excessive charges in its district, a member pointing out that where-, as .1s. 4d. was charged for the journey from West Cornforth to Durham, a fare of only 1d. more was asked. from Durham to Low Fell, which was a very much longer run. • The council resolved to draw the attention of the company operating the services to the fares charged, and to press for a reduction.
The new Jugo-Sla.vian loan of 500,000,000 dinars is primarily to be used in repairing and constructing new roads and railways.
Theft Prevention.
It is generally recognized that one, of the most effective ways of identifying stolen motor vehicles and minimizing the danger of their being stolen in the first place would, be the general adoption of a method of numbering engines which would make it impossible to change the numbers without leaving indications that a change had been made.
Replies to a letter sent out by the Society of Automotive Engineers Standards Department soliciting advice from American manufacturers on this problem indicated that the stamping of plain characters on several parts of the engine and other units of the chassis is the. most satisfactory way of guarding against having the numbers changed by thieees. It is realized, however, that if a simple means of numbering east-iron or aluminium castings can be discovered which will make it difficult for the numbers i to be changed, it would be a real solution 'to this problem. The sugges tion has been made to the S.A.E. that a solution might be found by the casting of a special alloy block in the surface of that part of the engine casting which is to be numbered, the composition of the alloy being such that it would be impossible to change, the numbers by any simple means. The selection of such a material would depend, of course, upon its physical characteristics. Members of the Iron and Steel Division have been "h,sked to study the possibilities of this solution,
Inst. A.E. Doings.
The first•orclinary general meeting of the session of the Institution of Automobile Engineers will be held on Wednesday, October 12th, at the Royal Society of Arts, Sohn street, Adelphi, London, W.C. 2, at. 8 p.m., when the president for the forthcoming session, Mr. Geo. Watson, will deliver his presidential address entitled Industrial Standardization."
On October 5th, the North of England Centre of the Institution will resume its activities, when an informal meeting will be held in the Assembly Room, Education Offices, Salford, Manchester, at 7.30 C18 p.m. A discussion will take place on labour-saving devices connected with the use of pneumatic tyres on motor vehicles, and representatives of the manufacturers of various accessories of this nature will be present in order to demonstrate the capabilities of their devices. Opportunity will then be given for frank discussion and criticism, and a good deal of useful information should he elicited.
The inaugural business meetings of the various graduates' sections are being held as follow :— Coventry graduates.—September 27th, at the Mayoress's Parloor, St. Mary's Hall, Coventry, at 7.45 p.m.
Birmingham graduates .—September 28th, at the Chamber of Commerce, New Street, Birmingham, at 7.30 p.m.
London graduates.—September 20th, at the offices of the Institution, 23, Victoria Street, Loudon, S.W. 1, at 7.30 The annual dinner of the Institution will be held at the Royal Automobile Club on October 26th, when it is hoped that a large gathering will be present. As the accommodation is limited, application for tickets should be made without delay.
Buses for Glasgow.
The Tramways Committee of the Glasgow Corporation has •now scheduled the routes for which motorbus powers are to be sought. Power is also to be sought to enable corporation buses to be run outside the city.
Argentine Contemplating Oilfield Nationalization.
The Argentine Republic, possibly the most promising market in South America for commercial vehicle exporters, continues to reward oil pros-rectors. A Government discovery has just been made at a depth of 600 metres in Neuquen Territory. This oil is of good quality, distilling to 25 per cent. of naphtha. Finds have also occurred in the provinces of Jujuy and Salta, and Government borings are proceeding here also. A project is to be put before Congress with the object of nationalizing the oilfields of the Republic.
Local Proceedings.
Bedlington U.D.C. requires a motor lorry. • Clacton Council is raising a loan of 22,160 for fire brigade purposes.
A motor vehicle for drawing the fireengine is required by Bicester
Golan Fire Brigade is raising a loan of 21,300—presumably for ag new machine.
There was a loss of 2236 on the Yarmouth Corporation motorbus. service last year.
Harrogate Town Council is consider. ing the advisability of purchasing a 5 ton electric tipping wagon.
Barking Town Urban District Ceuncil is obtaining tenders'for the supply of a motor combination fire-engine.
A Merryweather turntable fire escape is being purchased by the Portsmouth Town Council, at a cost of £3,330.
A lean of 25,412 is being raised. by the St. Helens Corporation for motor vehicles and a petrol storage system.
Hornsey Borough Council is .raising loans of 27,626 for motor refuse vans and. 22,612 for a street watering van.
Carlisle Town Council has decided to purchase a street cleansing machine and is raising a loan of 22,000 for the purpose.
Sidmouth Urban District Council is suggesting that the county council should apply for a speed limit of 6glit, miles an hour.
The purchase of two. :5' ton steam wagons, to cost 22,110, is a. recommendation which ie shortly 'to be considered by the Sunderland T.C., The Estates Committee of the Glasgow Corporation has referred to a sub-committee tenders obtained for the supply of four motor sweeping machines.
Glasgow Corporation Cleansing Committee has referred offers for the supply of four meter sweeping machines to a sub-committee for consideration.
Paisley Town Council proposes to dispense with horses and introduce motor traction. It is accordingly inviting tenders for a sweeper and a dust van.
Penrith Rural Council is to join with -Penrith Urban Council, and East Westmorland and, West Ward Rural Council in the maintenance of a motor ambulance.
Dvby Corporation is to purchase mot*. vehicles for refuse collection when it raises a loan of 22,480. A meter water van is also to be Purchased, at a -lost of 21,675. .
Having found that a hired motor at four guineas a week has effected economy in transport, the Pier Committee of the Southend Corporation has decided to obtain prices f or a light motorvan.
The Statute Labour Committee of the Glaegow Corporation has asked a special committee to consider, before the existing cartage contracts ek-pire, the whole guestion of cartage and motor haulage for the department.
Swansea Corporation has been notified by the Government Surplus Disposal Department that some steam wagons are for sale at a cheap -price, and the Highways Committee has decided to purchase a wagon if the terms -are satisfactory, " providing that the borough treasurer can find the necessary money."