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Building firm says vehicle movement restridions could put it out of business

27th September 2007
Page 37
Page 37, 27th September 2007 — Building firm says vehicle movement restridions could put it out of business
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

A BUILDING SUPPLIES company,which breached conditions intended to reduce annoyance to neighbours. has been denied permission to have the restrictions eased.

MTS Investments of Chichester, West Sussex, operating from Dovvnlands Farm. wanted to relax a condition restricting operation to between 7.30am and 7pm on weekdays and 8am to midday on Saturdays. It wanted to operate 6.30am to 6pm weekdays and 7am to midday on Saturdays.There were representations from Michael and Ruth Linney, who live next door, and an objection from Chichester District Council.

Director Michael Shrubb told South Eastern & Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner Philip Brown vehicles had to arrive at building sites by 8am. If they did not leave until 7.30am, they joined traffic queues on the Chichester bypass. He admitted some vehicles had left earlier than they should,but said if the company was not able to start earlier, the business would be affected and might be forced into liquidation.

Michael Linney gave evidence of vehicle movements as early as 5.55am and as late as 9.10prn and complained about persistent noise as they passed his house.

Refusing the application. the TC said the breach of the existing conditions did not assure him the company would abide by whatever conditions were imposed.