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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all diOculties or transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Street Accidents in 1924.
Alderman a. J. Bisgood, presiding at a recent meeting of the London "Safety First" Council, said that there were nearly 100,000 street accidents in Great Britain last year, of which 36,871 occurred in Loudon. The figures represented an inerease of 4,974 in the case of Loudon, or 16 per cent., and an increase of 10,136, or 20 per cent., for the rest of the country. The average for the whole country was, he said, one accident for every 450 persons, and in London one for every 200 people. In considering these figures it must be borne in mind that the population of London makes more journeys per head than that of any other city. According to statistics prepared by the London County Council in 1923, the average number of journeys in public-service imhicles per head of the population of London waa 367.
Halley's Profits.
The report of the directors of Halley's Imitistrial Motors, Ltd., for the year ending August 31st last was issued last week for the meeting which took place yesterday (Monday).
The profit on the year's trading amounted to £19,210, of which, however, £6,082 £6,082 represents refund on E.P.D. Interest on loan (being in the shape of five-year notes), on bank over-draft and bonds, and depreciation on plant and machinery absorb £9,206, bringing the net profit to 110,003. The debit balance which has been brought forward from the previous year had amounted to £170,407. This is now reduced by the profit recorded to a sum of 1160,404.
A Proposed Tilling-Stevens Reconstruction.
Tilling-Stevens Motors, Ltd., are able to declare a profit for the year ending December 31st last of £60,522. Transferring to depreciation reserve £15,000, to reserve for possible loss on realization of investments 18,000, and to reserve for loss on sale of property £1,150, a balance of 136,373 remains. Deducting this from the balance to the debit of profit and loss account brought forward of 1148,339, a debit balance of 1111,966 remains to be carried forward.
The directors propose to submit a scheme of reconstruction which will enable them to pay a cash dividend of 7-i per cent, less tax for the year 1924. The preference dividend is in arrears from June, 1920, and no dividend has been paid on the ordinary capital since the company was formed in 1919 (the reconstructed Tilling-Stevens, Ltd., formerly registered in 1906).
It is now proposed to ask holders of the preference shares to cancel all their claims to dividend to the end of 1923, and to reduce the capital from £650,000 to £445,981. divided into 300,000 parti cipating preference shares of each, 340,015 ordinary shares of 8s. each, and 9,985 ordinary shares of £1 each, the capital being cancelled to the extent of 12s. per share upon each of the ordinary shares. The capital will then be in c20 creased to the original figure by the creation of 204,009 ordinary shares, the 9,985 unissued ordinary shares and the new ordinary shares being consolidated into 106.997 ordinary shares of £2 each, to be subdivided into five ordinary shares of 8s. each, upon which nothing shall be deemed to have been paid. • This scheme, if adopted, will extinguish the debit to profit and loss, but the directors say that the position is still somewhat difficult, owing -to keen competition resulting in low prices combined with high cost of manufacture, but there is a satisfactory number of orders on the books.
Body Draughtsman Wanted.
We know of an opening in the Manchester district for a draughtsman with first-class knowledge of commercial passenger-carrying vehicles, such as buses and chars-h-banes. Any applications addressed to "Draughtsman," care of The Editor, will be forwarded.
Correct Dates for the Scottish Show.
Some muaunderatanding seems to have arisen concerning the date which has been fixed for the next annual Show to be heId under the auspices of the Scottish Motor Trade Association. It is now clearly stated that the Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, where the Exhibitionis to take place, has been let to theAssociation for this purpose for the period from November 20th to November 28th, 1925.
The French Charcoal Gas Congress.
The second annual charcoal gas congress and demonstration was held at 'Blois from April 24th to 26th. Most of the best-known makes of gas producers for motor vehicles were represented at the practical demonstrations. Those taking part included Messrs. Berliet, Panhard-Levassor, Autogaz, E.T.I.A., Malbay, "Tractor," Barbier, G.E.P.E.A. and the Societe Francaise de Vierzon ; whilst the War Ministry sent four gas-driven military lorries.
The 'road demonstration took place on Friday and Saturday, April 24th and 25th. On the first day the ran was from Blois to Vendothe and back, anti on the second from 131ois to Itomorantin and back. Agricultural tractors' driven by charcoal gas gave demenstratons on Saturday and Sunday.
The congress opened at 9 a.m. on Sunday in the Chfiteau of Blois.
A " C.M." Vacancy.
Owing to the continual expansion of this journal, there is an opening on the staff for a gentleman who has a fair acquaintance with the commercial motor industry and who possesses the qualifications necessary for the obtaining of advertisements. Applicants, who should b. about 30 years of age, are requested to write to the Manager, Temple Press Ltd., 7-15 Itosebery Avenue, London, E.C.1, in the first instance,
The Merits of Concrete Roads.
At a lecture given by Major R. A. B. Smith, MC., before the Irish Motor Union in Dublin recently, the advantages of concrete roads particularly with regard to safe travelling, were dealt with. In proof of his contention that the petrol consumption of a motor vehicle is affected by the nature and condition of the road surface, the lecturer cited tests made with five 2-ton lorries loaded to capacity. These tests, he said, showed that on a concrete road thelorries averaged 11.78 trith4s to the gallon consumed, as against 9.48 miles on _a bituminous macadam surface in a fair state, and 5.78 miles on. an earth road in average condition.
Major Smith also referred to the economical advantages of concrete roads, which, he said, were very durable, and cost little to maintain as compared with Certain other typos of surfacing. He referred to certain roads in the Borough of Southwark, one of which, he said, had carried over 2,000,000 vehicles, and had cost practically nothing to maintain since it was constructed five or six years ago.
In explanation of the fact that skidding was difficult on a concrete road, the lecturer .pointed out that the gritty Particles of stone embedded in the cement, besides giving a good grip to rubber tyres, prevented any greasy compound forming on the surface.
Gift to Sir William Sleigh.
A tangible recognition of the services of Lord Provost Sir William Sleigh as chairman and managing director of Rossleigh, Ltd., the motor agents and• engineers, whose head offices are in Edinburgh, was recently made at a meeting of the shareholders of the company, when Sir William and Lady Sleigh were the recipients of a handaome table cabinetacontaining cutlery.
Mr. Jas. Fairbairn, Junr., made the presentation, and commented upon the considerable business success of Sir William Sleigh, and Sir William thanked the shareholders for the kindly thought that had prompted the gift as a token and acknowledgment of the services he had been able to render to the company. He said that the company had started in a very modest way, and was now, he believed, the largest business of its kind in Scotland. During the time that the business had been in the form of a limited company, 395 per cent, had been distributed in dividends, which, Sir William said, worked out at an average of 15 per cent. per annum.
Canada's Vehicle Exports.
Canada possesses a very steady export trade in motor vehicles, and regular shipments are made to 52 different countries, amongst which New Zealand figures very prominently.
During February a total of 1,128 motor lorries was exported, all of which, except three, were of less than 1-ton capacity. Of this number, 348 were imported into Australia, 560 into British India and 194 into British South Africa. The total value of the industrial vehicles shipped overseas in this month amounted to $389,702.
Extension of Paris Bus Services.
With the aid of new rolling stock the Paris municipal omnibus concern is extending its services outside the fortifications. Up to now the suburbs have been served chiefly by electric tramcars, but the Conseil Generale de la Seine has just voted a sum of 5,700,000 francs for the construction of new omnibuses, and 24 new routes are projected.
Six of the proposed new routes are to be known as "peripheral"; they will link up outlying suburbs in a great outer circle. Versailles will connect with Bourg la Reine, Bourg la Reim with Choisy le Roi ; Choisy le Rd i with Bry stir Marne, Bry cur Marne with Noisy le Sec, Noisy is Sec with Saint Denis, and Saint Denis with Colombes. There remains a gap between Colombes and Versailles, but, presumably, this will be linked up in time.
Intervalidity of Irish Free State and British Licences.
The Government of the Irish Free State has notified its adherence to the International Convention of 1909, relating to the international circulation of motor vehicles, to take effect from May lst. The informal intervaildity arrangements hitherto in operation between the Irish FreeState and Great Britain with regard to motor vehicle licences and drivers' licences will accordingly terminate on April 30th.
All motor vehicles now running in Great Britain under licences granted in the Irish Free State will, if they continue in use in this country, require to be re-licensed here from May 1st. Similarly, persons now driving in Great Britain with Irish Free State driving licences will require to obtain a British driving licence if they continue to drive in Great Britain after April 30th.
The present arrangements with regard to the intervalidity of meter vehicle licences and drivers' licences between Great Britain and Northern Ireland will continue in force without alteration.
Graham Brothers Chassis.
One of the new folders just issued by Dodge Brothers (Britain), Ltd., Stevenage Wharf, Fulham, London, S.W., deals with the Graham Brothers 30-cwt. chassis which is fitted with a Dodge Brothers power unit of 17.24 h.p. This pamphlet deals with the outstanding features of the Graham _Brothers chassis, and gives reason for its ability to travel safely at high speeds when loaded to capacity, with its _lowoperating and maintenance costs and other features. The pamphlet gives an illustration of the layout of the chassis, and also shows various types of goods and passenger bodies adapted to it.
The chassis is made in two wheelbases—that of 11 ft. 8 ins., selling at £390, and that of 13 ft. 2 ins. at £405.
Birmingham Co-operative Society's Coach Fleet.
The Birmingham Co operative Society is beginning its sixth motor coach season with three Dennis vehicles and a record of having carried passengers 100,000 miles in past years without a mechanical breakdown of any descriptioo. Mr. J. H. Stirk is the manager of the traffic department of the society, which does all the transport work of the local co-operators, and employs more than 60 drivers who hold diplomas from the Safety First Council. The transport fleet of the society includes 55 motor vehicles.
Coach Park at Tenby.
The Tenby Corporation has under consideration the project of preparing a char-h-bancs park in the town, including the laying of an approach road to the site. The proposed daily fee for use of the park is 2s.
Driving Tests Not Favoured.
The Metropolitan Boroughs Standing Joint Committee has had under consideration a proposal for a test for commercial drivers, and had the advantage of hearing the views of both commercial and private road transport users who raised2certain objections to testing drivers on the grounds that it would give a false sense of security to the driver, that efficiency comes as a result of experience, and that it would add to the expenses of motor users.
The standing joint committee, whilst. in sympathy with the proposal, expressed the opinion that no advantage of aulficient value could be anticipated to warrant a departure from the existing regulations.
C.M.U.A. Midlands Division Meeting, The annual meeting of the members of the West Midlands Division of the Commercial Motor Users Association will be held at the Chamber of Cora merce, New Street, Birmingham, today (Tuesday), at 5 p.m. The chair will be taken by Mr. E. S. ShrapnellSmith, C.B.E., the president of the Association, who will give an address on mechanical road transport in relation to highway costs and contribution, housing, employment, vehicle lighting, public service and trade and industry..
Morris's to Exhibit at Wembley.
Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., inform us that they will be showing at the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley this year. The company's exhibit will be housed in the Palace of Engineering, and will consist of a full range of the various models of the Morris 1-ton truck. A completely sectioned engine will be displayed, and undoubtedly much attention will be attracted to a chassis which is to be mounted on a revolving turntable.
National Benzole Favoured.
National Benzole Co., Ltd, inform us that, by arrangement with the Government of the Union of South Africa, National Benzoic mixture is being used exclusively on the official motorcars in the service of PLR.11. the Prince of Wales and his suite whilst touring in South Africa.
Death of M. Ducasbie.
The death recently occurred in Paris, at the age of 51 years, of hi. Robert Ducasble, the proprietor of the tyremanufacturing company of that name.
Parking Places in Edinburgh.
The magistrates of Edinburgh have been giving renewed consideration to the question of parking places for motorbuses and chars-a-banes. They have now struck the names of Glengyle Terrace and George Street off the list, and have added thereto St. James's Square, York Place (at St. Paul's Church), Abercromby Place, Drummond Place and south side of Heriot Row.
De Dion Service.
In a recent issue we published a note to the effect that De Dion Bouton, Ltd., had absorbed Johnson, Neal and Co., Ltd., who had been their distributing agents in the Counties of Kent. Surrey and Sussex. It will probably interest same of our readers to know that this company's garage at 30a, Bourdon Street, Bond Street, London, W.1, is being retained as a service depot for De Dion Bouton users. At this depot minor adjustments and new tyres can be fitted, and oil, grease and petrol supplied.
Preston Company Run Buses to Liverpool.
A motorbus service has just been inaugurated between Liverpool, Ormskirk and Preston by the Ribble Motor -Services, Ltd., of Preston, who may take upon themselves the credit of being the first of the large outside bus companies to penetrate the Mersey city. Three important companies run within easy reach of Liverpool, these being (1) the Crosville Motor Co., Ltd., of Chester; (2) the Lancashire United Tramways, Ltd., of Atherton; and (3) the Ribble Co.
For some weeks before the application of the Ribble Co. was agreed to, negotiations had been in progress with the corporation with regard to fares and picking-np places and routes. The corporatiob has permitted the company, who are using Leyland 38-seater buses on this route, to load passengers at seven specific points. The company can only pick up or set down passengers within the city at the points which are advertised in their time-table, ftnd no passengers can be set down within the city boundary on the outward journey or picked up on the inward run. The minimum fare for any passenger travelling in the city of Liverpool is 6d. single and 1s. return. The three main single fares from Liverpool are :— Maghull, 8d.; Ormskirk, is. 4d.; and Preston, 3s. Intermediate fares are issued between all points, and return tickets are obtainable between all points at one and a half times single fare.
There are seven journeys per day from Liverpool to Preston at intervals of 2 hrs. from 10.55 am. The through journey occupies 2 hrs. 45 mins. We are informed that in the near future the Ribble Co. intend to inaugurate a service between Southport and Liverpool and between Wigan and Liverpool.
American Exports.
The number of goods and passengercarrying vehicles (electrics excepted) exported from America in February last totalled 2,152, valued at $1,561,573. The principal importing countries were Mexico, 278; Australia, 203; Cuba, 200; Uruguay, 142; United Kingdom, 122; Canada, 88; Philippine Islands, 71; British East Indies, 53.
Cardiff's Successful Buses.
According to figures which have just been issued, the buses run by the Cardiff City Council carried 5,106,286 passengers during the year ended March 31st last-1,704,665 more than in the preceding year. The actual receipts on the vehicles amounted to 163,090, as against £42,423 for the previous year.
The wages bill in connection with the buses amounted to 126,293, this figure representing an increase of £14,939 over that for the previous year. It must be borne in mind when -considering these figures that the council is now running 35 buses as compared with a year ago.
Pagefield Plant at St. Pancras.
With regard to the recent installation of Pagefield plant for the collection of refuse, the works committee of the St. Pancras Borough Council reports that the borough engineer has submitted particulars showing the successful working of the system, and advises that to keep the motor lorry up to its full capacity in collecting the refuse, another container should be purchased. The present plant comprises one motor lorry and four containers, and the committee recommends the purchase of another container, which will cost £120.
Trogan Oils Development.
We understand that the company which have been trading under the nameof Messrs. Frank How and Co. have now been formed into a private limited liability company. Mr. R. Loxley How is the governing director of Frank How and Co., Ltd., and Mr. H. M. Heasman is acting as sales director. The co/unfitly, as is generally known, -are the proprietors of the Trogan brand of lubricating oils.
A Merthyr Bus Decision.
The Merthyr Tydvil Watch Committee has decided not to permit ordinary chars-it-bancs or open-type coaches to be used as buses plying for hire, even temporarily, consequent on the breakdown of a service bus. The committee expressed the opinion that such vehicles were not suitable for use as regular service buses.
Board of Trade Wants Tenders.
The Standards Department of the Board of Trade invites tenders for the supply and maintenance on annual contract of a 1-ton pneumatic-tyred motorvan, with driver, for touring Great Britain, commencing July 1st. The van is to be fitted with a special body, particulars of which can be obtained from the Deputy Warden of the Standards, Standards Department, Board of Trade, 6, Old Palace -Yard, London, &W.1. Tenders have to be delivered not later than May 11th.
Canadian Tyre Exports.
According to figures which have just been issued by the Canadian Bureau of Statistics, 1,016 solid-rubber tyres were exported from the Dominion in the month of February, this figure comparing with 1,108 for the same month of the previous year. The largest number of tyres was exported to the Straits Settlements, which imported 271, and only 26 tyres found their way to the United Kingdom.
In the same month 67,016 pneumatic tyre casings and 80,318 inner tubes were exported, the country importing the largest number in each class being New Zealand, with 23,286 casings and 20,978 inner tubes.
Bridge-building Activity in Scotland.
Improved bridges are much needed in various parts of Scotland, and it is pleasing to observe that efforts are being made to provide them at an accelerated rate. The Stirlingshire authorities have three important schemes at present in hand. The first is with respect to the Drip Bridge, which has lately been the scene of several accidents. It has been decided to have this structure entirely rebnilt, to reduce or eliminate its curvature, to widen its bases and to straighten its approaches.
It is proposed to erect an entirely new viaduct over the Forth at Cambuskenneth, and to resume consideration of the scheme for shortening the route from Edinburgh to Aberdeen by the formation of a suitable bridge at Allem or Kincardine.
It is intimated that the Ministry of Transport has agreed to make a grant of £57,000 towards the cost (estimated at £88,000) of building a new bridge at Montrose, where the increasing motor traffic is rendering the existing avenues to and from the town increas
ingly congested and dangerous. Plans have been provisionally passed, and the proposed structure, which will be of the suspension type, will be very elegant and substantial.
A new bridge to span the Clyde and Forth Canal at Townhead is the subject of negotiations between the Ministry of Transport and the canal proprietors.
Lawson Pigott Motors Removing..
As a result of continued increase of business, and in order to ensure better service to their customers, Messrs. Lawson Pigott Motors are, we understand, shortly removing to new and commodious premises at 320, King Street, Hammersmith, Lon.don, W.6. The new premises which the company are taking over will be complete with modern equipment, and the spare-parts department is to be considerably enlarged.
Bus Dock for Sheffield.
At a meeting of the tramways committee of the Sheffield Corporation the manager reported that, as a result of a consultation with . the officials con
cerned, it had been decided that the best position for the proposed city terminus for the buses at present running to Intake and Handsworth was a triangular piece of vacant land in Flat Street. The improvement committee was prepared to transfer to the tramways and motors committee, free of charge, this land, which has an area of approximately 234 square yards, for use as a motorbus dock. It would be necessary to erect retaining walls, and the cost of this, together with excavations, levelling and paving with concrete, was estimated to amount tb £500. The scheme has been approved.
Portsmouth to Contract for Lorries.
A. &Pedal committee of the Portsmouth Corporation recommends a reversion to the former method of obtaining the necessary motor lorries under contract, a condition being laid down that the corporation will not necessarily undertake to accept the lowest tender, as it is considered that the present system of hiring motor lorries at a fixed price of £.2 per day is inconvenient.
Guy Motors, Ltd., tell us that, after careful tests, one of the oldest motorbus companies in the country—viz., the National Omnibus Co., Ltd.—have decided to purchase certain vehicles of their make.
Farm Tractors Exempted.
The question whether agricultural tractors used solely within the precincts of a farm are liable to pay the ordinary motor taxes or not was recently settled in the French Senate. M. Joseph Faure (senator) asked the Minister Of Finances whether the machines in question were liable to be taxed or not, the reply was that tractors which are not used for the transport of merchandise on the public read are exempt from taxation.
From this it would appear that they may even be used to haul implements along the road and still remain exempt.
A Costing Conference.
We are informed by the Institute of Costs and Works Accountants that the fourth annual costing conference will be held at the Hotel Great Central, Marylebone Road, London, N.W., on May 1st. The Rt. Hon. Viscount Leverhulme, president of the Institute, will open the proceedings, and there will be two sessionS.
At the morning session Messrs. S. L.
Gill and I). L. Moran will deal with "Cost Accounting in Relation to Industrial Policy, Especially in Regard to the Trend Towards Price Control." At the afternoon session, at which Sir Herbert Austin, K.B.E., will be in the chair, "Budgetary Control" will be dealt with by Messrs. Perry Keene and F. L. Quennell.
Wants to Sell Steam Vehicles.
We know of a man who is open for an appointment at home or abroad as a manager or representative for the sale of 'steam wagons, traction engines, portable steam engines and tractors. He has had a thorough practical and commercial training, and has been on the road for over 20 years, a number of which has been spent in the service of a prominent maker of steam road vehicles. Letters addressed to "Steam," c.o. the Editor of this journal, will be forwarded to the proper quarter.
The Late M. Adolf Saurer.
We regret to learn from Arbon, Switzerland, of the death of M. Adolf Saurer von Lude, whose name is associated with the well-known Snorer commercial vehicles. In his early days the deceased was associated with the manufacture of bicycles, and during the war extended his activities to the production of ball bearings.
A Treatise on Lubrication.
A most informative booklet has just been prepared by the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., Caxton House, Westminster, London, S.W.1, which is one of the technical series issued by the company. This booklet deals with the the, of petrol-driven commercial vehicles, and treats with the subject in a simple and explicit manner.
The opening page contains a reproduction in two colours of a part-sectional view of a four-cylinder watercooled engine, every part of which bears a suitable reference letter. The booklet is really a general treatise on lubrication in so far as it deals with all chassis components which require to be lubrictited at proper intervals.
The booklet should certainly be in the hands of all commercial vehicle drivers and owners, who, we understand, can obtain free copies of it from the company at the address we have given.
Those owners who are already users of Vacuum oils and greases will find the chart of recommendations of extreme value, in so far as it shows the brand of oil and grease which should be used for specific purposes on different types of chassis (British and I oreign) in use in this country.
Loss to British Aluminium Co.
We. regret to learn of the death of Mr. A. Jacob, who had been manager of the British 'Aluminium Co., Ltd., which he joined in 1908. He was responsible to a great extent for the development and use of aluminium for industrial purposes in general, and for electrical purposes in particular, and was also charged with the direction of certain of the company's subsidiary undertakings.
Mr. Jacob was associated with Dr. S. Z. de Ferranti at the Grosvenor Gallery and at Deptford from 1884 onwards, subsequently being engaged in the management of a number of electrical engineering undertakings. He had been associated with many important companies, and was a member of numerous institutions.
Wigan and Outside Buses.
The question of granting permission to proprietors rA motorbuses to run into the town of Wigan from outside districts has been a frequent source of contention on the Wigan Watch Committee, and at its last meeting the chairman was called upon to give his casting vote on two applications for licences which came before the meeting.
Supporters of the'applications argued that the owners were taking the risk and if the venture fild not pay they
would cease running. On the other band, it was put forward that there was the question of traffic control to be considered, and the chief constable's opinion was that there were already sufficient vehicles running from Ormskirk and Leyland, districts from which it was intended to run the buses.
Wigan tramways have been staggering under a load of over-capitalization all along, and are only just reaching the point when it is hoped the corner is being turned. The watch committee —some of the members of which are on the tramways committee as well, and are, therefore, placed in the awk s24 ward position of having to decide a matter which affects the intereste of an undertaking in which they are largely concerned—has not to give too much thought to the vast sum sunk in the tramways, but only as to the service provided.
The chairman thought the matter would right itself and gave his casting vote in favour of the applications.
Traffic Courts for England?
The British Embassy in Washington, U.S.A., is reported to have taken in hand, at the request of the British Government, a survey of the traffic laws and courts in the United States with the object of ascertaining whether they Provide any solution for the growing traffic problem in Great Britain.
Chelmsford Authorities and a Bus Proposal._ Ata meeting of the Chelmsford Watch Committee it was stated that the Citizoyne Bus Co. were desirous of placing a small fleet of six single-deck buses on service in the district and applied for permission to ply for hire during the summer months. They inti_ mated that the buses would be of up-todate design and pass the Scotland Yard efficiency test. The town clerk was instructed to inquire of the companyif, in the event of licences being granted, they would be prepared to run the buses during the winter as well as the Bummer months and also to inquire as to the proposed routes to be used.
ComPULsory Insurance.
At a meeting of the Otley Urban District Council it was reported that a conference of local authorities in the district had considered the licensing of motorbuses and had decided that all owners be required to insure against risk of accident to their passengers and to produce the policy and premium receipt at-each annual inspectioa.
An Attractive Showcard.
David Moseley and Sons, Ltd., Chapel Field Works, Ardwiek, Manchester, have just issued a showcard which deals with Float-on-Air cnshions as applied to motor vehicles. The purpose of the card is to explain by suitable diagrams the scientific reasons for the success of cushions of this type in protecting passengers from undue vibration. A copy of the showeard can be obtained from the address we have given.
Local Proceedings.
Bournemouth Corporation has decided to obtain quotations for the supply of a motor delivery van.
Tewkesbury Corporation has appointed a committee to report as to suitable places for parking stations.
Leamington Town Council is applying to the Ministry of Health for sanction to borrow £1,200 for the purchase of a new fire-engine.
Burnley Corporation has just given an order to Oswald Tillotson, Ltd., for the supply of two Leyland single-deck buses.
The waterworks committee of the Cape Town Corporation recommends the purchase of a Leyland motor lorry at a cost of £78.
Paignton Urban District Council has asked the sanitary inspector to report further concerning motor vehicles suitable for refuse collection.
Bournemouth Corporation has decided to inaugurate a new omnibus ser vice, and has atithorized the tramways committee to purchase the necessary buses.
The Hants and Dorset Motor Services, Ltd., have agreed with the . Bournemouth Corporation that the company's omnibuses shall not stop within 30 yds. of any tramway stopping-place.
Glossop Watch Committee has authorized the chief constable to communicate with local owners of heavy vehicles to endeavour to secure the use of Railway Street, between. Henry Street and High Street, as a one-way thoroughfare.
Guy Runabouts for Brighton.
We recently made reference to the popularity which has been achieved by the runabouts produced by Guy Motors, Ltd., and that the success of this type continuos to increase is indicated by the fact that the Brighton Electric Railway Co. have recently favoured the company with an order for runabouts of their make, and these are to run on service at this popular seaside resort.
American Production.
The National Automobile Chamber of Commerce of America estimates the March output of manufacturers of motor vehicles in the United States at 382,305 commercial vehicles and cars. This figure -shows an increase of 29 per cent, over the total for the previous month.