How the R.U.A.May be Constituted
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A Précis of the Draft *Memorandum and Articles of Association of This Body, Which is to be Representative of all Haulage Interests, Together With a Criticism of Certain Clauses DRAFT memoranda and articles of "association of the National -Road Transport Federation, the Road' Haulage Association, the Traders' Road Transport Association and the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association, are now available at the head offices of the C.M.U.A. and A.R.O. for inspection by members. We will deal now with those for the R.I-I.A. The following is a précis:—
The objects are to watch over and protect the general interests of those engaged or interested in the road transport of goods for hire or reward, and to promote the consideration and discussion of all questions affecting road haulage. . ' To give the legislature, public authorities and other bodies facilities for conferring with those in this industry on matters directly ' or indirectly affecting their interests, To originate, promote and support improvements in the law and regulations affecting persons engaged in the industry, and, in particular, to promote and support the passing through Parliament of any Bills to further the objects of the Association; to enter into any arrangement with any authority, national, municipal, local or otherwise, and to secure such rights, privileges or concessions as may be conducive to its objects.
To take such steps as may be desirable by promoting Bills in Parliament, Provisional Orders or other measures, or otherwise to procure any legislation or regulations likely to be beneficial to those in the industry, and to oppose any deemed to be injurious to them.
To advise members and to undertake or assist financially or otherwise the institution, prosecution, promotion of, or defence or opposition to litigation in any cases affecting ' the interests of persons engaged in the industry and of . their officers, servants and agents, so far as may legally
be done. , . ,
To collect and diffuse arnorigst'meMbeis and the plibli°C; and particularly amongst persons engaged in the industry,' statistics and. other information on all matters affecting or concerning such' owners' and uSers, and to print, publish and circulate such papers, periadicals;Circulars ,and other literary matter as may seem: conducive to any, of these
,objects. .
To raise the standard of technical and general,knowledge of these engaged, of about, to be engaged, in the industry and their employees; to test the competence of such persons and to award certificates, stholaiships, grants, etc., provided• that the AsSOciation shall 'not grant diplomas or titles, and that every certificate-and:distinction shall, on its face; express.that it is stating only the result of an: examination on behalf of the Aasociation and has no statutory effeet or Government sanction.
To promote the settlement of disputes by conciliation or arbitration, and assist in forming and 'maintaining boards for this purpose.
To promote just andy honourable praetice in the conduct of business, and td suppress .malpractice. and. utifair com
petition. . .
Power to Conduct Research and , Acquire Patents Concerning Vehicles To encourage the discca ery of, arid make known, the merits of inventions Which may seem advantageous in the construction and use Of vehicles; to' acquire any patents or licences relating to them, and to expend money in conducting research _work and tests which may seem beneficial to the objects. of time Association. . , • To establish. subsidize, promote, amalgamate, co-operate or affiliate with, becenae member of, act as, or appoint trustees, agents or trelegates for control, or to afford monetary -assistance to any bodies, associations and institutes with objects altogether or in part .similar to those . of the Association.
To establish, superintend or contribute to any charitable or benevolent institution or fund to assist deserving persons' who may be, or have been, engaged in the industry, or the dependants of these; to contribute towards or otherwise 'assist any other such institution or undertaking. To undertake and execute any trusts which may seem to the Association conducive to any of its objects and to hold funds and other property, subscriptions, legacies, etc., for the objects of the Association or any of them, as the donors may direct. • To establish and maintain a library and collection of models, drawings, etc., in connection with the deve/opment and improvement of all forms of vehicle used for comMercial purposes. , To provide facilities for `social intercourse between 'members and their friends.
To purchase, lease or .otherwise -acquire any real and persona/ property and any rights or privileges' necessary or convenient; to construct, alter and Maintain anY buildings required' by the Association.
The income and property, whencesoever derived, shall he applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Association, and the liability of the members is iirnited.
Draft Articles of Association
Concerning the Participating Bodies
'As regards the draft articles of associatiOn, "The Participating Associations" mean and, include A.R.O., N.A.F.W.R., National Conference of Express Carriers, National Road Transport Employers' Federation, Scottish Carriers and Haulage Contractors' Association, the Scottish C.KU.A., or such of them as shall mutually agree cOmbine in the formation of the Association. Qualifidations to, be required of candidates for membership and of 'members shall be determined by the National
• Counell. itlernbers may be either individuals or bodies. Any body corporate which is a member may appoint one of its directors or persons in its permanent employ and engaged in the management or in assisting in the management a its business or any branch'of it, or more than . one of its directors, to act alternately as its representative. Any such appointment or removal must be in Writing served on the Association. Only one representative of any member shall be entitled -to attend and vote on behalf of that member at any one time.
A body unincorporate, including partners, qualified to be admitted to membership shall nominate an. individual as representing it, the voting power being exercisable by the nominee.
The National Council shall have power to elect as honorary members persons who are, in its opinion, eligible for that position. Such members Shall not be liable to pay any annual•sidescription or entrance fee and may not vote, but in all other respects they will be subject to the same liabilities and have the same privileges as other members. It shall also have power to 'elect as associate members thOse eligible for that position, and determine the entrance fee and annual subscription, if any, to be paid. They also will not be entitled to vote. They may attend general meetings, but not be entitled to any rights or privileges or be subject to any of the obligations or liabili.
ties of membership. '
The Association shall be organized in areas from time to timeprescribed by the. National ,Council, -and, when netessary, subject to the final approval of the Council, in sub-areas covering territory within the area, as prescribeo by the area committee.
Every member shall ipso facto he a member of the area and of any sub-area within which' his registered address is situated.
. If any member shall have a .branch or branchei in more than one area, the branch representative of such area will he eligible to serve on the area committee and be entitled to exercise all rights of voting in respect of such area, but not more than two representatives of any member may hold office on the National Council without its approval, and in no case shall two representatives of, any member be eligible for ,election as area representative of the same area The general management of the affairs, of the Association shall Ice entrusted to the National Council, and there shall' be established especially for the purpose of .dealing with ' sectional Eind local matters an area committee for each area, and a sub-area committee for each sub-area.
The first members of the National Council shall consist of not more than 126 members, to be nominated by the Participating. Associations in agreed proportions, , provided that all such Mernbers or nominees become members of the Association and consent to act On the National Council.
The "first Council so constituted shall remain in office until the a.g.m. ot, 1945, at the adjournment or dissolution of which all the mernberSand"Sich.persons as afofesaid shall retire. It shall be the duty of the National Council, so soon as shall be after the incorporationof the Association, to organize it in areas, prescribe the territory to be coyered by each, the number of persons who shall form the first area committee, and to frame by-laws ior the organization of these areas.
• Organizing the First Committees The first area committee in each area shall be elected from the representatives of the local haulier boards of each of the Participating Associations within that area, the number from each organization in each area to be prescribed by the National Council. It shall be the duty of each area committee, so soon as possible after constitution; to recommend for the approval of the National Council, the organization of that area into sub-areas, to prescribe the territory to be covered by each, and, subject to such approval, to determine the number of members Of each sub-: area commiftee and to arrange for the election of the-first
members of such committee by members in that sub-area. Members of area and sub-area committees will hold office until the a.g.m. cff 1945.
The first National Council may, at its discretion, appoint to its body nOt more than six 'persons eminent in the industry, who, by thèirl knowledge or capabilities, should be able to make valuable contributions to the work and objects of the Association. No suchperson shall have voting power.
National Council From 1945 From and-after the a g.m. ;of 1945, the National Council shall consist of not more than 126 members, being,(a) those elected by the area .committees (known as " Area Representatives "), (b) functional representatives to be appointed _ as hereinafter proviried, and (c) additional members • appointed by the National Council under its powers.
Each area committee shall. appoint two area' representatives (to be known as "Ordinary Representatives "), and such additional area representatives (to be known as "Additional Representatives ") as provided.
To determine the number of additional representatives, the National Council shall, not less than three months before the a.g.m. of 1945, and in each subsequent year, prescribe a " Subscription Unit " on the basis of the gross subscription income of the As,sociation for the financial year ending on March 31 in that year; calculate the number ot subscription units represented by gross subscriptions for the same year of each area (paid in That year by members whose registered addresses are -within that area), and in such calculations fractions in excess of 50 per cent. of a subscription unit shall be reckoned as a complete unit; and notify to each area committee the number of subscription
units credited •to it .
On receipt of such notification, and not less than ene week before the a.g.m. next following such receipt, each area committee• shall elect for the 1945 election two, and for the election in each subsequent year, one ordinary THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR 236 • representative, and in any year in which the number of subscription units credited to zilch area exceeds one, two additional representatives for every -subscription unit in excess of one, and the area committee must 'forthwith notify
the result of such election to the National Council. •
• All area representatiVes so elected shall hold office from the close of the a.g.m. next folloWing,their election, and"
• at each ensunig general meeting one of the ordinary representatives elected by each area committee, and all additional representatives for the time being in office shall retire; the ordinary representative to retire being that one who had been longest in Office, or where appointed at the same time, the one elected by, lot, as the National Council may determine.
All ordinary and additional representatives retiring shall 1ie eligible for election unless otherwise ineligible A member of the National Council must resign from office
• if fie acts as a paid official of the Association (this also applies to members of area or sub-area committees), or ifbe be requested to resign by resolution passed by a majority of not less than three-quarters of those present and voting at 'a meeting of the Council.
Ak meetings of the National Council; unless otherwise Lletermined, 12 members shall he a quorum.
At its first meeting, and at the first meeting of the National COuncil after the a.g.m., and in subSequent years, it shall appoint from amongst its members a chairman and vice-chairman. The chairman at a meeting of the Council ,hall not have a second or casting vote.
The National Council may delegate any of its powers to a committee.or committees consisting of such members of the Council as it thinks fit.
Each area committee may, if it considers it necessary, appoint a permanent whole-time staff, subject to the approval of the National Council. Tha employment of persons by sub-areas shall, ordinarily, he honorary, and any proposal for remunerating such ,a person must he referred to the area committee and to the National Council.
The functions of the area committees shall from time to time be determined by the National Council, which, subjeCt to the articles and by-laws, shall permit to each area and sub-area the fullest measure of self-government in local matters, consistent with national policy,.
Concerning • functional representation, the National Council shall at once proceed to organize into groups (called "Functional Groups ") those members of the Association who are concerned with .special interests, and shall frame by-laws abd regulations with regard to the qualification, drganization, sub-division, management and power of such .groups and their divisiow by areas or otherwise.
The rules and regulations shall provide for the election by the several functional groups of 20, or such lesser number as the. National Council may determine, members of the National Council to hold °Jae as from the a.g.m. of 19415.
The National Council may, whenever it thinks fit, convene an extraordinary. general meeting. This shall also be arranged on the requisition of no fewer than 100 members stating the objects of the meeting.