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Full Details of the Conditions under which Albion, Clement-Talbot, Crossley, and Karrier 30-cwt. Approved Types may be Registered for the Subsidy.
ANY USERS and potential users of motor vehicles have been anxious to obtain full details of the form of agreement for use between owners of subsidized vehicles and the War Department, which has been instittited by the lastnamed.
It should be noted that, for the present, only four makes of vehicle have been approved, but from time to time this number will be increased as the vehicles produced by other makers are constructed to meet the necessary requirements. Users of motor vehicles who wish to obtain details of the machines which can be subsidized are advised to write direct to the makers, and not to the War Department, and it must be pointed out that it is quite useless for owners of other types of vehicles which have not been approved to endeavour to have these subsidized.
Full details of the specification with which makers had to conform were published by us in August last year. Slight modifications have been made in this, and other manufacturers who contemplate building subsidy models should obtain the complete specification from the War Department.
As was predicted in an editorial which was published in our issue for August 14th, the details of the agreement embodied in the enrolment form closely resemble those contained 'in the registration form which was in force at the commencement of the war. The terms are necessarily somewhat severe, for it is essential that, in case of a national emergency, the subsidized vehicles should be immediately available and in really good running order. This is the reason why the vehicles will in no subsidized, at first, for more than one year, the period of tha subsidy being extended year by year up to a maxiMum of -three veal-a, but only if the inspectors are fully satisfied that every care has been taken to keep
the machines in good repair. • • An important clause is that dealing with withdrawal from enrolment. This must not be done without the written permission of the War Department, which, however, will not be unreasonably withheld. If the owner be permitted to withdraw the vehicle,. he, of course, forfeits all claim to outstanding instalments and must refund a proportionate amount in respect of any unexpired period for which payment has been made.
1. Object.—The object of the scheme is to provide mechanical transport to supplement the requirements of the military forces in a national emergency.
On a national emergency arising (see Clause 8) the vehicles may, if the War Department so desire, be purchased upon the terms herinafter laid. down.Vehicles will not be enrolled for hire purposes.
2. Claad of Vehiele.—The scheme refers to mechanically propelled road vehicles or chassis of British manufacture capable of carrying a minimum load of 30 cwt, such load to be independent of the weight of body and any fixtures to chassis which the chassis was normally designed by the makers to carry. The vehicle will be equipped with tyres of British manufacture, and be operated with such tyres 'during the period of enrolment.
The numbers, makes, types and conditions of vehicles or chassis, herinafter referred to as vehicles, eligible for enrolment will be decided by the War Department. The War Department reserves the right to accept or refuse any vehicle without assigning a reason.
3. Amount of Subsidy.—The period of enrolment will be that stipulated in the Schedule in each case. It is intended that it should usually be for a period of one year, with an option on the part of the War Department, subject to the
written consent of the owner' to extend year by year up to a maximum of three years. Air inclusive annual subsidy of 240 will be paid by the War Department to the owner. This subsidy will be paid in half-yearly instalments in advance after inspection of the vehicle, the first instalment to -he paid on acceptance. 4. Tools and Accessoriea.—There Must be provided and maintained by the owner in'respect of each vehicle or chassis enrolled the tools etc., as enumerated in the Appendix hereto. [This we have omitted.--En.] 5. T rial and Inepeetion.—Prior to acceptance an inspection of the vehicles will be made by the War Department, which inspection may include, at the discretion of the War Department Inspector, a trial run under full load for a distance not exceeding 10 miles. The coat of the trial run and services incidental to the inspection will be borne by th
i e owner, but no fees for such nspection will be chargeable against the owner by the War Department
In order to ascertain and ensure that every subsidized motor vehicle is maintained in a thoroughly serviceable condition and in a satisfactory state of repair, an inspection will be made every six months, or thereabouts, by a War Department Inspector, who, in addition to inspecting the vehicle at its garage, shall at the cost of the owner be conveniently afforded a journey on the vehicle by road when fully loaded for a distance to be decided by the Inspector, but such distance shall in no case exceed 10 miles.
The Inspector will as far as possible regard the owner's convenience when making his inspections, and such inspections will take place within a reasonable time before the' instalments become due. No re-imbursement on account of fuel and other running expenses during any inspection or services incidental thereto will be made by the War Department.
If it is found at any inspection that a vehicle is in an unsatisfactory state of repair, or for any reason unserviceable, or that any of these Conditions are not being complied with, the owner shall, within a reasonable time to be determined by-the War Department, at his own expense, put the vehicle into a thoroughly serviceZie state of repair and otherwise comply with these Conditions to 'the satisfaction of the Inspector. If this reasonable time is exceeded, or the vehicle is found to be in an unsatisfactory condition at more than one inspection, or if otherwise these Conditions are not being complied with, the War Department shall be at liberty thereupon to cancel enrolment of the vehicle, and the owner shall be liable to refund the whole or any portion of the fees
paid during the previous six Tnonths. •
In addition to the regular half-yearly inspections, the Inspector shall have access to the vehicle at all reasonable times for the purpose of ascertaining its condition, and at any time to request repairs to be carried out at the owner's expense. If the vehicle is not put into proper condition and running order, the provisions of this clause applicable in the case of a vehicle being found in an unserviceable condition or unsatisfactory state of repair shall thereupon apply. 6. War Department Liability for Damage.—While a War Department Inspector is driving a vehicle under inspection the War Department will accept responsibility for any damage to property, including damage to the vehicle under inspection, or for personal injury which may be caused by the negligence of the Inspector or other person so appointed. 7. Appeal and Arbitration.—In case of dispute affecting the interpretation of this Agreement or any matter arising thereunder between the local War Department Inspector and the owner, the matter shall bereferred to the War Office. If it cannot then be settled satisfactorily between the War Department and the owner, the matter shall be referred to the decision of a single arbitrator to be appointed by the President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
8. Right of Purchase.—If and whenever during -the continuance of this Agreement the Army Reserve or any portion thereof shall be called out on permanent service, whether by proclamation under the Reserve Forces Act, 1882, or otherwise, the War Department shall (without prejudice to any statutory or other power of the Crown) be entitled to purehase as hereinafter-mentioned in Clause 10 any motor vehicle enrolled hereunder. 9. Notice of War Department Intention to Purehase.— Notice. of the intention to purchase any motor vehicle shall be given to the owner by the War Department, by telegram or in writing, or by any such means as the War Department shall deem best calculated to reach the owner at his last known address, and the owner shall at his own cost, within 72 hours after the despatch or giving of such notice, hand over or deliver the vehicle to the War Department, together with all accessories, spare parts and tools in accordance with the Appendix, by road or by such other means as may be the most expeditious.
If at the date of the despatch or giving of the said notice the vehicle is more than 100 miles from the place to which delivery is ordered to be made, an extra time allowance shall be given in the proportion of 24 hours for every additional 100 miles.
10. Terms of Purelbase.—The price to be paid for any motor vehicle shall be the value of the said vehicle as at the date of taking over by the War Department, plus 26 per cent., provided that the sum to be paid shall net be greater than the agreed total cost price ;1-9 recorded in column 9 of the Schedule—[Not reproduced.—Emj—nor less than 30 per cent. thereof.
The value of the said vehicle for this purpose shall be arrived at by deducting from the agreed price of the vehicle as shown in the Schedule 7i• per cent, of that price in respect of each complete half-yeas' which shall have elapsed from the date of delivery to the present owner, together with a further 1/ per cent. for each six weeks in respect of the broken period (if any) in excess of a complete number of halfyears.
The inclusive cost of taking the vehicle to the place ordered, and of services incicfental thereto, is included in the purchase Trice, irrespective of the method of delivery employed.
11. In the event of a vehicle having been obtained upon the hire purchase system or any similar system of deferred payments, the actual purchase price shall be depredated 5 per cent, per annum over the period of hire or payment, and the resultant figure shall be deemed the total cost price paid by the owner as required to be inserted in column 9 of the Schedule.
t. 12. Power of Bejection.—In the case of a, motor vehicle being considered unserviceable by the War Department when delivered it may be rejected, in which case no payment will be made by the War Department for expenses incurred. • 13. Total Disablement. —If an enrolled motor vehicle is at any time totally disabled, or through accident or other cause likely to be unavailable for a period in excess of 21 days, the owner shall at once notify the War Departinent, and take all reasonable steps to have the vehicle put in running order or otherwise made available with as little delay as possible. •
The War Department shall be at liberty to have the vehicle inspected during this period, and, after consideration of the circumstances of the case, to indicate a time-limit for the completion of any repairs. This time-limit shall be notified to the owner and, if it is exceeded, the War Department shall be at liberty to strike the vehicle off the list of enrolled motor vehicles.
14. Withdrawal from. Enrolment.—An owner may not withdraw a motor vehicle from enrolment without the written permission of the War Department, which will, however, not be unreasonably withheld. In case of withdrawal being permitted the owner shall forfeit all claim to any outstanding instalments and shall refund to the War Department a pro, portionate• amount in respect of any unexpired period for which payment has been made. • 15. If during the period of the Agreement the owner shall, wish to send an enrolled vehicle out of the United Kingdom he shall apply to the War Department for permission to withdraw the vehicle from enrolment. Such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. If permission to withdraw is granted it shall be under the conditions laid down in Clause 14 hereof.
16. Sale of Vehicle.—An owner shall not be entitled to sell os part with the possession of an enrolled motor vehicle (except by hiring under the next clause) during the continuance of this Agreement without the permission in writing of the War Department', which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Should an owner desire te•sell an •enrolled vehicle he shalt give the name and address of the prospective purchaser. Should the purchaser be prepared to take over this Agreement in respect of the vehicle in question, and should the War Department sanction that arrangement, the purchaser shall be deemed to be substituted for the owner for all purposes under this Agreement se far as relates to that vehicle, as from the date of such purchase, and shall be bound by and entitled to the benefit of this Agreement as from the date of purchase, is if the contract had been originally Made by him with reference to the vehicle in question. Failing any such arrangement with the purchaser any permission granted shall be under the conditions laid down in Clause 14 hereof.
17. Hire.—No special permit is required tor letting motor vehicles enrolled under this Agreement on hire to third parties but the address of such third party must be forwarded' by the owner to the War Office in cases where the duration of letting exceeds one calendar month. The owner remains responsible to the War Department for all purposes, including the despatch, if ordered, for purchase. All hiring must be expressed in the hiringagreement to be subject to the liabilities imposed upon the owner by this Agreement. a Care and' Maintenance of Vehiele.—An enrolled vehicle is to be kept under suitable cover when not in use and due protection from frost and any other deterioration ensured by the owner. No alteration in the tonstriictional detail of the . vehicle is to be effected after acceptance for enrolment without the prior consent of the War Department. 19. Access to .aoks.—vVhere the Inspector deems it necessary for the purposes of this Agreement he shall at all times be afforded reasonable access to and information upon any documents or matters affecting any vehicle enrolled under this Agreement. . 20. Joint Ownership.—In the case c.f a vehicle held on the hire purchase system or any similar system of deferred payments, or in any case of joint ownershie (other than lay, a corporate body) the written consent of all interested parties to the enrolment of the said vehicle shall be attached hereto by the owner prior to the signing hereof, and the owner agrees to indemnify the War Department against all claims which may at anvtime be made against the War Department by any, person or persons claiming any interest in any vehicle enrolled under this Agreement.
21. Payment to Owner.—In the event of purchase being effected by the War Department under this Agreement payment shall be made to the owner signatory to this Agreement, and it. shall be obligatory upon the owner and not upon the War Department to adjust such amounts as may be due to other parties claiming an interest in the ownership of the Vehicle.
We set. out below the Undertaking which must. be given by the owner of a vehicle or vehicles, in order that enrolment can be accepted. A form for the schedule is printed on the .back of the Undertaking.
To His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the War Department In consideration of the payments specified in the, annexed conditions, IlWe, hereinafter referred to as " the Owner," hereby agree to enrol for purchase by the War Department, in the events specified in the said annexed Conditions, the motor vehicles/vehicle enumerated in the Schedule appended hereto, and. I/We undertake in' a.hl respects to conform to and be bound by the said Conditions.
This Agreement shall remain in '• force as respects each vehicle enrolled for the period for which accepted from the date of acceptance shown in the Schedule hereto. Data and Signature.