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An Efficient Washing Plant.

28th December 1926
Page 47
Page 47, 28th December 1926 — An Efficient Washing Plant.
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WE are informed by the B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., of 100, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, that they linve been appointed sole concessionnaires for the sale of the Myers Cyclone Auto-Washer, which is a special type of washing plant for all classes of motor vehicle.

It is self-contained, is complete with it D.C. motor, has two epeeial washing "guns,' and retails in England at the price of £90. whilst the four-gun plant costs £140.

Sach plantsare extremely useful in large garages, where they sow an enormous amount of time Water is delivered at :100 lb. pressure, and, owing to the special construction of the washing guns, the supply can be adjusted front afine mist spray up to a heavy jet, the alteration being carried out in a moment by a slight turn of thehandle. When the gun is not in use the supply of water is cut off, and the motor runs idle, so that no water and but little power are wasted, even if the motor be not switched off. -Only one hose line is required for each -gun ; this compares favourably with the compressed-air systems in which two hoses are required, one for air and the other for water.

Orders for the installation of this plant have been received from such well-known users as Daimler Hire, Ltd. The pumps are self-oiling, sand, dust and dirt-proof, and have a 5-1 gear reduction. Each gun passes from three to five gallons per minute, depending upon the size of spray.

It is interesting to note that the cylinders are made of steel tubine lined with porcelain, whilst each plunger has a large double-cup self-expanding leather, in contact with which is an expanding rubber disc which forces the lower edge of the reel leather against the wells of the cylinder.