German-Daimlers Built in U.S.A.
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Constructional Particulars of the First Example of these Fine Designs which are Now Being Imported from U.S.A.
For many months past, the General Vehicle Co., Ltd., of London, has been carefully laying its plans and making preliminary arrangements for the manufacture, 'presumably under licence, of the fine Mercedes-Daimler commercialvehicle models in. America. The designs have been copied accurately, with the modification that all the dimensions havc been transferred into British measure.
Arriving at such a time as the present, the first example of this American edition of the famous German models has created con siderable interest in this country. We have been fortunate enough to secure a few photographs of the new five-tonner, and we reproduce these herewith. The exigencies of space prevent us from doing more than supplement these pictures by a brief description of the machine's chief structural characteristics. This circumstance, however, is not of so much n.iontent in view of the fact that the model apparently conforms in all details to the original German-made .type with which our readers will be quite familiar.
The five-tonner, in American par
lance, is scheduled to carry 1400 lb., but it will be sold in this 'country as afive-tonner. The engineovhich has a bore of 4.25 and a stroke of 4.9, is of the overhead--valve pattern, and develops 35 b.h..p. The ignition is Boschh.-t. ; the carburetter is of the Venturi type. .
The use of pressed steel throughout the chassis has always bean, an outstanding feature of its hizhgrade design and construction. For instance, the cone type leatherfaced clutch which transmits the power to the four-speed gearbox, is of pressed steel.
The final drive is by the established Mercedes method of spur pinion and internal-toothed ring, the final drive of which is mounted on the pressed-steel perch bars. In this particular design these are carried as to their forward ends almost amidships on the chassis.
Cast-steel wheels, of course, are employed, and the tires are respectively 34 in. by 5 in. single. front and 40 in. by 6 in. twin rear. The wheelbase is 14 ft. 1 in., the track 5 ft. ins., the turning circle 50 ft. 10 ins., the overall length of theehassis 21 ft. 5 ins., and there is-space for •tli-6 body behind the driver's seat to the end of the frame which is'13 ft. i in. in length and 2 ft. 6 ins. in width. The weight of the chassis complete with fuel, water and demountable tires is .7045 lb.
We feel sure that these preliminary .particulars will interest a number of people in this high-grade machine, winc-h is being marketed in this country by the General Vehicle Co.-, Ltd., Inmerial House, • Kingsway,.W.C. The original models are being eniploYed In-,--v.ery: large numbers indeed by the 'Germans and the Austrians in the present war. A. few, which were civilianowned, are to be found.. in. the British A. S. C
We approach the half-way mark. The further list of donations in cash which we publish this week concerns only the period covered by the 16th-22nd inst., yet it actually shows that record support was accorded to our Fund in those seven days.
The Fund continues to be a subject of conversation amongst the leading users and makers of commercial motors, and throughout circles which are concerned with supplies for them. It is recognized as a good undertaking, and above all as a successful one.
The donation of £25 from Alley and MacLellan, Ltd., of Polmadie Works, Glasgow, which company makes the well-known Sentinel steam wagons, appeals to us as being a generous act on the part of a leading member of a branch of the industry which has not benefited generally from purchases by the War Department. Support from the petrol-vehicle and the tire-making branches might naturally be—as it in many cases has been—more liberal than from the steam branch.
£50 Each from Fourteen kndivtdual Danors.
We made an appeal a few weeks ago for maximum support of £50 each from any individual donor. We record with pleasure, and place these supporters in our Fund's "Roll of Honour," the fact that no fewer than 14 one-per-cent. gifts in cash had reached us up to Friday last. This total includes the personal contribution of 50 guineas by Mr. Dangerfield, but it does not include the larger aggregate donations from the Belford and the Grove Park A.S.C. (M.T.) depots. From a,dvices to hand, we gather that the directors of other leading houses in the motor and allied trades are shortly to vote 250 gifts to this Central Fund for the A.S.C., M.T.—the only fund of the kind that is in existence. It seems to us not too much to hope that there may ultimately, and the sooner the better for the objects in view, be 50 names in this list. We shall publish it separately each week, and of course very much more widely than merely in our own pages, whilst the growing roll of maximum help will be printed on cards, with the heading which we use for the first time on this page, and despatched with the cases of Comforts in addition to the usual lists.
Credit 'When! Credit is Due.
We wish our supporterz. to know that we are not selfishly taking credit to THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR for the supplies of Comforts which our friends and supporters are enabling us to maintain. That uncharitable suggestion, which has come to our ears, has no justification in fact, but its use by somebody merely prompts us to add to the means of conveying to the officers and men of the A.S.C., M.T., columns in France and Belgium all the details of the financial help, and its givers, by the aid of which and whom the reproach of "Nobody thinks of the A.S.C." has been removed. No matter how extensive the efforts and outlay of this maker or that to carry on his own schemes of relief, we maintain that there is a duty incumbent upon each to help the A.S.C., M.T., as a whole. Our Fund alone achieves that result and at the same time does not omit the drivers of any particular make of machine. We make no differentiation because a few makers whose vehicles have been and are being purchased and used by the military authorities have not yet realized that the withholding of support from the one Central Fund exposes them peculiarly to allegations of a kind which we cannot check. We know they do not seek to save £50, and we have freely acknowledged that they are doing a great deal according to their own excellent yiews. They overlook the fact that all donors to the Fund are also responsible for their own particular schemes, and that staying out of the Central Fund must give rise to misconceptions amongst the general body of the 15,000 men with the supply of whose extra "Campaign Comforts" we are concerned. This position has created itself. We have not sought to make it so.
More Encouraging Letters.
We make a few extracts from letters which accompanied donations that were received between the 16th and 22nd inst. Mr. Heath Harrison, of Liss, Hants, makes the following encouraging references: "Although I have no special interest in the Army Service Corps, other than every Englishman should have, considering the splendid work it has done in the war, and feeling that often the A.S.C. is partly overlooked,
as it does not come into the limelight so much as many other branches of our Army, I am enclosing cheque for 250 towards the 'Comforts Fund.'" Mr. S. E. Alley, of Alley and MacLellan, Ltd., Polmadie, Glasgow, writes : "We are always prepared '.3o do what we can to help those fighting for us, so I enclose cheque for £25 towards your 'Comforts fund.'" The Rotax Motor Accessories Co. remark: "This excellent work in which you are engaged has our sincere
• sympathy. As a token of our appreciation of the brave fellows at the Front, we enclose our eheque.for five guineas."
Eighth List of Gifts in Kind (11th to 22nd inst.).
The following list of gifts in kind covers the period from the 11th to the 2nd inst., inclusive :—
Women Workers of Linlithgowshire, per Miss S. Horn Henderson (3 doz. shirts) 3 doz. pairs socks, 2 cloi. mufflers, 3 dos. body belts, 2 doz. -pairs mittens; 1 doz. helms,'1 pairgloves, 30 packets cigarettes, 3 tins " Oxo " cubes).
" M.A." (3 packs cards). Mrs. J. Bairstow, Cross Hills (2 pairs gloves, 2 pairs socks). W. F. Birch, Warrington (1 scarf, 1 cake soap, 1 card buttons, 1 pair mittens, 1 helmet, 1 bony belt, boot laces:, stationery)... S. T. Caltrert, Birmingham (1 mackintosh). " Master Reginald Cannon (5 packs cards). Per Mrs. Donohue (4 mufflers, 1 belt, 4 pairs cuffs).
Mrs. Edelsten, Warrington (4 body belts, 3 shirts, 18 scarves, 1 dozen pairs socks).
Four Friends, high Wycombe (2 pairs socks, 3 pairs mittens, 1 body belt, 1 scarf). Mrs. Hedges, Upper Slaughter (3 shirts, 6 candles, 3 pairs socks, 3 handkerchiefs, 6 cakes soap, 6 cakes -chocolate). W. A. Hardman, Gt. Eceleston (1 scarf, 1 helmet, 1 body belt, 5 pairs mittens).
Mrs. Hutchinson, Gt. Eceleston (1-pair socks; 3 body belts, 2 pairs mittens, 3 helmets' 7 mufflers).
John Knight, Ltd. (1000 tablets soap).
Ladies' Work Party, St. Margaret's Church, Leven (5 body belts, 2 scarves, 3 pairs mittens, 1. helmet, 4 waistcoats). Lady Mayoress's Depot Committee, Birmingham (50 scarves, 25 pairs mittens, 25 pairs gloves, 50 pairs sucks, 50 helmets). W. L. Martin, Easingwold (1 waterproof helmet). Miss MacLeod, London (12 body belts). • A. L. Phelps, Salisbury (6 pairs socks, 4 pairs mittens, 2 scarves).
Mrs. Robertson, Fleet (1 coat, 1 shirt, 1 vest, 1,Lpair socks).
Miss Shrapnell-Smith (2 pairs socks).
Mrs. Staples, Salisbury (3 pairs pants, 3 vests). Mrs Stephenson, Kensal Rise (12 tablets soap, 6 cards buttons)" H. G. Stockwell, London (1 mackintosh).
M. Wray, Bengeo (2 pairs socks, 12 tins ointment. 6 packets station ery). Anonymous (1 helmet, 1 pair gloves, 3 'Airs mittens, 1 scarf ; 2 scarves, 2 pairs mittens).
Lady Samuel (11 body belts, 2 air cushions). Mrs. Muirhead Collins (146 pairs mittens).
"Australian Woman" (1 body belt, 1 tin peppermints). Miss Aburrow (2 pairs mittens). S. B. Benkler, West Worthing (1 scarf, 1 body belt). Miss Bruce, Bath (6 pairs mittens). Mrs. L. Cox, Caterham (2 helmets, 2 pairs mietens, 2 body belts, 1 scarf). Miss Carphar, Edinburgh (1 waterproof cape). Mrs. and Miss Currey, Spilsby (8 pairs mittens, 2 body belts, 1 helmet-, 2 cardigans, 4 mufflers, 4 WAS).
Dickson, H.awiek (2 pairs mittens).
R. and M. Drummond, Hove (3 body belts, 7 pairs mittens,
3 scarves).
Mrs. R. Fish, Kelso (1 pair socks, 1 scarf).
Mrs. D. Ferguson and friends, Edinburgh (10 paira,aocks, 7 body belts, candles, chocolate, matches). Miss Jacobs, London (2 jerseys, 2 pairs pyjamas).
Dr. John, Playf air (2 waterproof capes). • Mrs. R. Macon, Salisbury (20 scarves, 2 pairs mittens). Mrs. Milligan, Kirkcudbright (1 pair mittens, 1 body belt,
1 scarf, 2 tablets soap).
Mrs. OuVry,Reading (1 body belt, 3 scarves, 1 vest, 3 shirts).
Mrs. L. H. Nathan (6 shirts). Mrs. and Misses Rae, FIawick (2 pairs socks, 2 pairs mittens, 2 helmets, 1 scarf). Mrs. G. Sinclair, Kirkcaldy (4 pairsamittens). Mrs. Small, Bromley (9 handkerchiefs, &packets envelopes, writing paper, 1 dozen tins ointment, pencils, btx)llaces). Mrs. Thomas, Kelso (5 pairs cuffs, 1 helmet, 1 pair socks, 1 scarf). Mrs. J. Cl. Worvl, Yatton (6 Scarves). Miss M. Woodside, Dairy (1 body belt, 1 pair cuffs, 1 helmet).
Anonymous (1 pair sleeping socks, 4 pairs socks, 2 body belts, 1 scarf ; 1 helmet, 4 scarves, 3 shirts: 1 waterproof cape; 2 scarves, 3 jackets, 1 helmet, 1 pair cuffs, 3 pair socks, 1 belt, 1 pair mittens, flannel binder.
Gifts in kind may be addressed to any member of, the Ladies Committee, care of The Editor. A list of contents, with name and address of sender, should be enclosed.