"Safety First" Pamphlets With Driving Licences.
Page 46

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Those who have already obtained driving licences for 1930 will have: noticed that with each was issued a brochure prepared by The National "Safety First " Association, 119, Vic' toria Street, London, S.W.1, of which Lt.-Colonel J. A. A. Pickard, D.S.O., is
the secretary. .
Actually, there are three different brochures, "Road Sense 1930" (Northern Ireland Edition) issued with all licences in Northern Ireland, `! Road Sense 1930" (English Edition) for applicants for first licence in Great Britain, and "On the Road 1930" for all those in Great Britain who are renewing their licences.
These little booklets are of considerable importance, as they will be used by some .3,000,000 motorists during 1930, and they have been compiled by Col. Pickard under the supervision of
the Royal Automobile Club, the Automobile.
Association and the Commercial Muter Users Association.
The English edition of "Road Sense " contains a foreword to the new driver by the Minister of Transport. Mr. Herbert Morrison, much useful advice on procedure, on the promotion of safety, cautionary measures, drivers', police and traffic signals, parking, etc. "On the Road has a summary of new regulations, local by laws, etc. There is a valuable gazetteer of local requirements in all important towns, details of automatic-control signals and a list of frequent causes of accident which a driver should guard against_ Within the small compass of 20 pages, this little brochure contains much information which would otherwise not he readily available to a driver who is touring away from his home town.
Barnsley Approves Long-distance Services.
Barnsley Corporation has granted licences to Messrs. Hall Bro., of Newcastle, for a South Shields-Cardiff service. Underwood Express Services, Ltd., has also received permission to pass through Barnsley on a service between Leeds and London, ;subject to the condition that no passengers can book to or from Barnsley from or to any point within 10 miles of the borough.
Papers Before the I.A.E.
At a meeting of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, to be held at the Royal• Society of Arts, John Street, London, W:C.2, on February 46, Professor B. P. Haigh will read a paper entitled "The Relative Safety of Mild and High-tensile Steel under Alternating and Pulsating Stresses."
Mr. L. H. Pomeroy will read a paper on "The Double-six Engine" before the Coventry, Wolverhampton and Manchester centres of the Institution on February 11th, 18th and 26th respectively.
A paper by Mr. L. H. Dawtrey, entitled "Automobile Brakes," which was awarded the Daimler Premium for the •session 1928-1929, will be read at Birmingham on February 10th. The secretary of the Institution will supply cards of invitation for any of these meetings.
Overseas Orders for Thornycrofts.
Several importaut orders from overseas areineluded amongst those which have recently been received by John I.
Thornycroft and ,Co., Ltd. One has been received from the China General Omnibus Co., of Shanghai, and is for 10 20-seater bus chassis, whilst another has come from-the Buenas Aires Groat Southern Railway, Ltd., and is for 10 32-seater bus chassis. Each of these concerns already runs a number (4 Thornycroft machines.
From New Zealand the company has received an order for eight 30-cwt.
chassis, which are for the Posts and Telegraphs Department, of Welling-ton. The Argentine North-Eastern Railway has indented for 16 chassis1of various types, most of them being rigid sixwheelers,
Bosch Anti-dazzle Headlamps.
When reading tnrough the advertisement of J. A. Stevens, Ltd., Upper Bathbone Place, London, W.1, which appeared in our issue dated January 14th, it may not have been clear 10 readers (owing to a slight defect in printing) that the Bosch anti-dazzle headlamps combine scientific and antidazzle properties, plus kerb-to-kerb illumination.
Buses to Replace Trams on Tyneside,
Shareholders in the Tyneside Traitways and Traniroads Co., Ltd., have sanctioned the raising of a mortgage not to exceed £26,370for the purchase of motorbuses to carry out tramways replacement, powers for which were recently secured. The company's Bill provides for the operation, in conjunction with Newcastle Corporation. of bus services into Newcastle from North Shields and Wallsend.
The company is also empowered to replace trams by buses on all routes. Further, the Act contains provision for • the protection against competition of the company's bus services along main traffic routes, with certain exceptions.
Road Construction in Warwickshire..
The highways committee of Warwick County Council reports that the proposals for the construction of the by
pass road at Lyndon End, the portion of the Coventry by-pass road in the'coanty area, and for the widening of the existing road between the Coventry City boundary and the Northants County boundary, at a cost of £214,450, have beau submitted to the Minis. try of Transport along with an application for a grant of 75 per cent. of the cost of the work, free of any conditions with regard to transferred labour. So far no definite approval has been received from the Ministry, but it is hoped that this will be forth-. coming before very long, and in the meantime surveys, etc., are being proceeded with from which definite proposals and estimates will be available.
Inexpensive Number Plates.
Cast-aluminium number plates aud hackney-carriage plates are almost standard fitments to-day on I vehicles' which are turned out with -a due regard to appearance. A firm who specialize in the production of inexpensive plates of this type are W. Moseley and Son, Merridale Street, Wolverhampton. A cast-aluminium number plate with' polished or mat finish can be obtained' for 4s. 6d., whilst a hackney-carriage plate is marketed at 5.s.'-6d.
Avoiding Bus-service Clashing.
The watch committee of Cheltenham Corporation has further considered tbea application of the Stratford-onAvon Blue 'Motor Services for sixlicences for buses to ply for hire ' between Stratford-on-Avon and Citel-," tenhron. Mr. F. Martin attended and opposed the grant of the licences and' Messrs. S. H. Joiner and T. H. Grail attended in support of the application and stated they were prepared to arrange their time-table_s and fares so as not to interfere with Mr. Martin's service to Evcsham. The council was recommended to grant the application subject to this undertaking being adhered to.