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A Running Commentary on the Vast Array of Mechanical Vehicles and Power-driven Agricultural Implements to be Seen at the R.A.S.E, Show.
TO-DAY marks the opening of that most comprehensive -of shows—the Royal. Organized by the Royal Agricultural Society of England, and under the patronage of H.M. the King, this is the eightieth to be held and the fourth to be located at Derby, the other three being held at this city in 1842, 1881, and 1906.
The show will remain open daily from 8 -a.m. to 8 p.m., up to and including July 2nd. The prices of admission vary considerably, and visitors should take care to ascertain the prices ruling on the days they wish to attend; for the convenience of our readers we will give them. They are Tuesday, 10s., Wednesday and Thursday, 58., Friday, 3s., Saturday, 25. If required, a season ticket can be obtained for Li.
To-morrow, Wednesday, should prove a. very good day, as the show will then be visited by H.M. the King.
Osmaston Park was the scene of the 1906 Royal but this park was purchased by•the Midland Railway Co., who have, however, lent the local committee a large portion of the land thus acquired, and the present site is ample for all needs ; in fact the area covered is so great that to visit all the stands is a
task of some magnitude. _
It is too soon, .as yet, to say whether the show will
• be the success which is prophesied for it by many. If we oan judge by the number and variety of the exhibits, howevr, then, assuredly, the optimists will be justified, for few, if any, previous exhibitions have contained so much of interest. Whatever results are forthcoming, however, we certainly consider that the policy of arranging this. and other shows is a wise one. Interest in the power-driven agricultural implement and the motor vehicle adapted to the use of the agriculturist must certainly not be allowed to flag, and the farmer must be shown, in a tempting manner, what machines are available, so that he can compare them and make his choice of those Which can most suitably be employed on his farm, or for carrying his produce to the markets. Faint heart never won fair lady, and the agent or manufacturer who sits in his office or show-room, waiting for buyers to arrive, may just as well close his doors at once. There are vast potentialities in the use of such machines as those exhibited, and, in our opinion, we are as yet only on the fringe of the possibilities.
Considering the difficult period through which we are passing, it was not to be expected that many startling innovations would be seen, and, in the main, any alterations and novelties have been confined to detail improvements; of these, however, there is quite a number. Of those machines which are really new, perhaps the most interesting is the combined steam-roller, tar-sprayer, road-sweeper and gritter (the latter in the form of a trailer), shown by John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd. This is a machine which should bring solace to the heart of many a municipal road 'engineer. Several other vehicles, including the Foden tractor for Johannesburg, although new to the Royal, have been exhibited at the Bath and West and other county shows.
Accommodation at Derby is at a premium, and we would advise those of our readers who have not already booked accommodation, to seek for it a little way out ; Matlock, for instance, is only 16 miles away, while there are several, other charming resorts, such as Buxton, within comparatively easy reach.
The showground lies some little distance from the centre of the city, but it can be reached 'by taking a No. 4 tram from tile market-place ; the service on this route is, however, not very frequent, but we understand that arrangements have been made not only to augment it, but also to provide large numbers of motor vehicles which will be run to and from the show. The cab fare from the Midland Station is one shilling per person, with a minimum of three shillings.
Motor vehicles may be garaged in enclosures near the Osmaston and London Road entrances, the charges for admission to these enclosures will be, for a motor coach, 10s. ; private car, 5s. ; motorcycle and sidecar, 2s. 6d. ; motorcycle, is. 6d.