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28th June 1921, Page 32
28th June 1921
Page 32
Page 33
Page 32, 28th June 1921 — TRANSPORT TIPS FOR TRADESMEN.
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Particularly Addressed to Those Who are Replacing Horsed Vehicles by Motors, or Contemplating So Doing.

THERE HAS been a great.. deal of argument lately as to the relative merits of steam and petrol vehicles, and the results must be rather confusing to many traders, seeing that the discussion is often concentrated on some one point, and so doesnot afford a basis for a general comparison. I propose. therefore, to attempt such a comparison, considering briefly a number of qualities usually desirable, and endeavouring to indicate which is thebest source of power from each particular point of view. Doubtless, some of my conclusions will be challenged, but I can only say that I have endeavoured to be. unbiased and to put the position as fairly a.s possible.


In respect of speed, I unhesitatingly give first place to the petrol vehicle. I have in mind average speed rather than maximum speed, though the one is induenced by the other. Steam vehicles are subject to delays on long journeys for picking up water and fuel. Equivalent delays in respect of the petrol vehicle are negligible. The electric vehicle is seldom designed for high maximum speeds, and on long journeys, lengthy delays are incurred for secharging batteries. In very heavy traffic, the electric vehicle approximates closely in speed to the petrol vehicle, because it is so easily controlled and its acceleration is so smooth and rapid.

Speed is of real monetary value, because an increase in useful mileage means a reduction in standbig costs per mile run.

Radius of Action.

Here, again, the petrol vehicle is supreme. Its higher average speed gives it an advantage over the steam vehicle. The electric vehicle is a bad third, because its radius is so often defineitely restricted by the impossibility of geting the batteries recharged at the desired points. Radius of action is important, even if as a general thing, no great radius is required. One must remember that there may be occasions when special journeys will have to be made over long distances, and when time is of the essence of the contract and far more important than any trifling advantages in operating costs.

Fuel Economy.

Here I put the steam vehicle first and the electric second, though there will probably be people who would advocate reversing this order. The champion of the electrict will argue that the steam vehicle uses fuel while getting up steam and also while standing for .loading For unloading purposes. Where electricity for power pur, poses is very cheaply obtainable, they may have the best of the argument, but, at present, the cost of electricity for charging pur poses is variable, and in many districts is high.

On durability I am inclined to give first place to the steam vehicle on account of its excellent, record for a long period of years. At one tune, it was notably superior to the petrol vehicle in this respect, but now I think the margin is a very c48 narrow one. In its proper sphere, probably nothing can surpass the durability of a good electric vehicle, but, to my mind it is not likely to figure so well in comparison if roads are bad.


This is a somewhat delicate point, on which it is perhaps wiser to keep silence. There is an old proverb about people who live in glass houses that should be brought to the notice of those who are apt to make Much of the technical misdemeanour of exceeding existing speed limits. The law with regard to unladen weights, total, laden weights, and axle weights is in the melting pot.

General Stability. ,

By this I mean the suitability of the source of power for employment in vehicles of varied load capacities, and in vehicles required for varied classes of service. First place must be given to the petrol vehicle. The electric vehicle can be built for any load capa.ciby, but its general suitability is restricted by its limited radius of action. The steam power plant of normal type does not lend itself for use in a vehicle designed to carry less than about three tong of useful load.

Weight of Plant and Mechanism.

Here, again, the petrol vehicle scores. The battery of an electric vehicle is very heavy. We cannot . consider the electric without its battery, and therefore for purposes of comparison we must include in the other cases the weight of fuel and other necessary. supplies. The petrol vehicle uses a very light fuel and requires a negligible supply of water. The internal combustion engine is not dependent on any form of accumulator. On the other hand, a. normal steam vehicle has a heavy boiler and a water tank containing a• considerlyle weight of water. The fuel . itself is also heavy and bulky.

This matter of weight is decidedly important, because, whatever the law may be, it will certainly always provide for limits of total laden weight. Sup

pose the limit consistent with a certain speed is eight tone, and the vehicle with its zupplies weighs five tons, there is only a margin of three tons left for useful load. If the weight of the vehicle and its suppliee can be got down to four tons, there remains a margin of four tons for useful load. Thus, a vehicle which has the advantage of light weight of plant, mechanism and supplies, can be designed to earry a larger useful load legally at a, given speed. This means a bigger daily toneraile.age, and, consequently, decidedly lower standing costs per ton mile of work done. Taking this quality in conjunction with speed, I should set the two tegether in favour of the petrol vehicle, as balancing the steam vehicle's economic advantage in respect of fuel and, possibly, rather superior durability.

Repairs and Overhauls.

A comparison of costs under this heading seems practically impossible. It is sometimes claimed for the electric vehicle that its repair bill is exceptionally light. If, however, we include the general supervision necessary to keep the vehicle on the road in good condition, we must remember the attention that is necessary in connection with the reoharging of batteries. We must also remember that, generally speaking, electric vehicles are .used on town and suburban roads of fairly good quality, and not on C very rough and hilly country roads. onsequently,

a comparison of the repair bill with that of a vehicle used under the latter conditions would be unfair. The durable and substantial nature of the steamer has already been admitted. This helps to reduce the work arid cost of repairs. On the other hand, time must periodically be spent on the steam boiler. There is one special case in which the petrol vehicle ought to be given the highest place in this section of our analysis. This is when the vehicle owner requires machines of very varying capacities for use under very varying conditions. In such circumstances, which are not unusual, some at least of his vehicles must ran on petrol, since the normal type of steam plant is quite unsuitable for light vans, and the limited radius of the electric vehicle prevents its general use. Now, if we are obliged to have some petrol vehicles in service, it will almost certainly simplify and cheapen the repairing and. overhauling organization if the same source of ,power is selected for the other vehicles of the fleet. We do not want to have to keep a triple staff of mechanics, skilled respectively in connection with petrol, steam and the electric vehicle. Moreover, if petrol vehicles of all the same make but of different sizes are chosen, the main features will probably be identical in design, if not in dimensions, throughout the fleet., and the range of knowledge required by the repairing staff is reduced to a minimum. To a certain extent, the problem of kee_ping the necessary spare parts is also simplified by the same policy.

Absence of Smell, Noise and Vapour.

Here,the first place must go to the electric vehicle, which is very quiet, very cleanly, arid in every way very unobjectionable.. Next comes the petrol vehicle, which, though it emits objectionable smoke when the engine is over-lubricated, is generally quite unobjectionable. The same cannot quite be said for the normal type of steamer. To substantiate this slight criticism, one has only to notice how, when a steam. Wagon passes, the upper deck passengers of motor omnibuses instinctively close their eyes and look the other way. The point is, however, comparatively quite a trifling one.

Immediate Availability.

Here the electric vehicle comes just first, with the petrol vehicle a good second, but not quite on an equality, because of starting up the engine is not instantaneous and oecasionally proves troublesome. In practice, the electric vehicle has a distinct advantage under this heading, because its starting is effected without any labour, and no fuel can possibly be wasted while the vehicle is standing. On the other hand, the driver of the petrol vehicle, shirking the job of restarting his engine, will generally leave it running and using a certain amount of fuel while deliveries are being made.

Tyre Economy.

Here, again, I am inclined to put the electric vehicle first by a narrow margin, its smooth acceleration is in its favour, but the advantaget must be to some extent, if not completely, balanced .hya the greater weight of the mechanism and battery taken together and compared with the petrol vehicle mechanism and fuel supply. Under this heading, the steamer has the same advantages and disadvantages as the electric vehicle when compared with the petrol vehicle. Superior tyre economy is certainly claimed both for steam and electricity, but I am not convinced that the claims can be substantiated assuming equal road conditions and equal weights of paying load.

Knowledge Required by Driver.

Here the electric vehicle comes first, the petrol second, and, in my opinion, the steam vehicle a not very good third. Once the driver knows his. job and understands what he is doing, the steam vehicle can he safely and easily handled. I would, however, much sooner take the risk of putting 'either of the other types under the control of a novice without mechanical training.

Ease of Control in Traffic.'

Here, again, the electric vehicle comes first, and it would be difficult to imagine anything appreciably simpler. I am inclined to bracket the steam and petrol vehicle second, though, if it is a question-of really strict observance of the law in respect of visible vapour, the steamer is at a disadvantage.

Ease of Starting Up.

This point has really been covered under the heading of immediate availability, but it must be remembered that, once the steamer has been prepared for it's day's work, the process of getting under way after a temporary stop is absolutely simple and does not entail the exertion sometimes required to start up a petrol engine once it has-been stopped.

Space for Useful Load.

There is no inherent reason for particular superiority of any one type in this respect. The provision of maximum space suggests the arrangement sometimes seen, in which the petrol engine is placed below the floorboard and almost directly under the driver's feet. The user of a steam vehicle who wants a particularly large space will, no doubt, prefer the under typeto the overtsrpe wagon, though the latter is admirable in other ways. It is to be noted that under this heading we are not discussing the weight, but merely the bulk of the -useful load that can be carried. The other point has already been covered when dealing with the weight of plant and mechanism.

I de not propose to attempt to sum up these conclusions in favour of any one special source of power. Qualities thai are of primary importance to one user may be comparatively of secondary importance to another, and vice versa. I think, however, that the prospective user, who must, of course, know the character of the work he requires done and has !presumably decided what must be the useful load capacity of his vehicle, may be assisted, if in doubt. by the brief comments that have been made under a a number of headings, all of which require, to be taken into account to a greater or a less degree.