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More gas guesses, That tea follows coal.
That, of course, transport will be kept going.
That the war will be won at last by civilians and nohow else.
Of many things which the country has learned during the war, And of many things which the country has yet to learn.
Of strange but not unlikely elements giving body to Gotha-engine lubricating oil.
More of the inauguration of new associations than of the probability of their achieving much.
That Pullinger thinks his country should be directly represented on the Council of the S.M.M. and T. • With regret, that Mr. Powell, President of the &MX. and T:, is suffering from an eye affection. • Of an American-designed tractor, arrangements for. manufacturing which in this country are being made.
Of the Liberty aero engine in the United States, but of liberality in mi.° engine types-in this country.
That it only wanted a steam organ and galloping horses in Trafalgar Square to turn Tank"Week into G-oose Fair. _ That the Petroleum Executive will shortly be boused in Berkeley Street, close neigbloours of the Road Transport Board and the Petrol Control Department. Of priority of potatoes for pigs.
According to Edge."
Of the Air Bored women drivers.
Few complaints because of fewer taxicabs.
That skyscrapers make for traffic congestion.
Of general dis-satisf action -with paraffin as a traetox fuel: Of a Dennis engine which needed no renewals after 40,000 miles of running. • That neither the 'summer, nor summer-time, will release much gas for vehicles.
That the 'average annual cost of repairs to tractors in private ownership is 26.
_ That America is finding organization for war not so easy as She thought after all.
That-the personnel of the .Road Transport Board will be enlarged by the addition of Lieut.-Col. Cooke.
That if Ford's " sub-chasers " are as long in coming as the Ford tractor we had better get on with the war without them.
Of consignments by specified vessels from Now York, which, missing that vessel, were kept until -'she. returned for the next voyage.
That, despite the "recent additions to German resources in materials, she must still feel the pinch in rubber and heavy lubricating oils.