Fire-Brigade Matters.
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Merton's Confirmation.
Further to our paragraph of last week, we are now able to report that the Merton Urban District Council, at its meeting on the 22nd inst., accepted the tender of Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., for a motor fire-engine, at £675 (including first-aid apparatus), with an additional £107 for aceessories.
Tooting's Equipment.
We illustrate, on this page, the interior of the " all-motor " station of the London County Council Fire Brigade at Tooting. It will be noticed that one of the new Commer Car fourcylinder motor escape wagons occupies the front of the picture, and, in the background, a Merryweather motor steamer is to be seen. Although this equipment is not situated in a very busy district, so far as fires are concerned, it is understood that the authorities have every reason to be satisfied with the elimination of the horse in this portion of their organization. "All-Motor" Fire Station in Berlin.
That there may be as little delay as possible in having Berlin's new allmotor lire-station in the Ungarnstrasse ready for action, the Burgomaster will ask the Corporation to sanction the immediate placing of the order for the vehicles, which are to consist of a steam pump, tender, gas-engine and escape, all four electrically driven.
Newcastle.-upon -Tyne Wants Tenders.
The city and county of Newcastleupon-Tyne wants tenders for combined motor hose-carriage, fireescape, and chemical engine. Specifications may be obtained from the Chief Constable, Central Police Offices, Newcastle-iipon-Tyne. Sealed tenders, addressed to the " Chairman of the Eire Brigade Committee, Town Hall, Newcastle-upon-Tyne," and endorsed " Tender for Motor Fire Appliance," will be received up to 1st December next. Industrial Acton.
At the last meeting of the Acton District Council, the Chairman of the Fire Brigade Committee (Mr. Story), said that the number of factories and steam laundries in the neighbourhood was growing to such an extent that he thought the Council would soon have to take into consideration the advisability of obtaining a motor engine.
Walthamstow's Preparations.
In connection with the building of a fire station by the WaIthamstow Urban District Council, it is proposed to obtain two motor engines. The brigade superintendent has been instructed to furnish to each member of the Council the names of the stations where motor appliances are in use, together with particulars of the various types of motor engine.
The Fire Brigade Committee of the L.C.C. reports that the motor appliances ordered in the financial year 1908-0 have been delivered, with the exception of one motor fire-engine which was sent in after 31st March last, and which, for certain reasons, was not accepted. Representations had since been received from the firm which constructed the engine, with regard to which it had been necessary to communicate with another committee of the Council, but, in the meantime, the engine is urgently required, and it is necessary therefore that arrangements should be made so that if the firm in question does not carry out its contract, an engine may be obtained from another firm without delay. The contract price for the engine is £900, hut, if an engine is to be obtained from another firm, the cost may be somewhat more.
The Committee, in the event of its being necessary, is tn invite tenders from selected firms for the supply of a motor fire-engine vice the one named, and the tenderers are to be asked to state at what sum they would provide a second engine. •