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MITE autumnal session of the National J. Fire Brigades Association was held recently at Abergavenny (Mon.), the conference being attended by delegates representing 60 brigades, A civic welcome and a luncheon were afforded the delegates by the Mayor and Corporation of Abergavenny. The deliberations of the conference centred upon the equipment of firebrigades and the charges made for brigade services. On the former topic the extension of the use of motor fire-engines
was advocated. The chief officer of the Eastbourne brigade stated that in a summary of equipment in use in Cornwall which he made he discovered a number of efficient and well-manned brigades, but, in the whole county, only one brigade had a motor fire-engine and hose tender. It was to be hoped, he added, that such a state of affairs would not continue, and that modern equipment of brigades would be aimed at. In the matter of charges, the policy of the association was stated to be to wards the framing of a uniform scale for all centres, The need for making charges proportionate to the service rendered was also to be borne in mind, and reference was made in this connection to the state of affairs which permitted the sum of £90 being charged for brigade services at a recent fire of a hayrick valued at £45.
Special efforts are being made to enliet support for the association from all brig.ades in Yorkshire, the Northern Counties and South Wales.