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in Commercial-vehicle Construction
Classes of Fitment Employed in the Manufacture of Chassis and Vehicles. A Valuable List of Sources of Supply
IN a very large number of cases components used in "commercial-motor construction are of a specialized nature. Frequently it pays vehicle makers to use such items in preference to manufacturing them themselves, on account of the reduced cost due to production in quantities and by means of special machinery.
Although proprietary and other components have always been used in the production of commercial vehicles, it is only in comparatively recent years that vehicle manufacturers have seen fit to announce the sources of many of their supplies ; this practice has obtained to a very much wider extent in other lands.
In the following paragraphs we deal with many interesting components, essentially in a very brief manner, but the index will serve to assist in a practical way all those who have to handle such matters from the point of view of the vehicle manufacturer, user and maintenance engineer. Engines, gearboxes and rear axles are dealt with in a separate article.
In connection with chassis construe tion, proprietary front axles are commonly used. These may be had with or without brake sets and are frequently of Clayton-Dewandre, Kirkstall or Timken (Automotive Products Co.) manufacture.
Spring Specialists.
Springs, likewise, are generally the product of specialist concerns, and wellknown names in this connection are English Steel Corporation, Hadfields, Vickers and Woodhead, whilst Terry coil springs are of world-wide fame.
Most British vehicles are equipped with mechanical or fabric-type universal joints, both of which largely emanate from the Hardy Spicer factory.
Steering gears are, to-day, more usually made by separate concerns than by vehicle makers. Amongst the most popularly used are those of Bishop (Cam Gears, Ltd.), David Brown, Hannura (Automotive Products Co.), Merles, Moss, and Turner manufacture. Steering wheels are sold in many types, two of the best-known makes Le:-...7.1 Bluetnel and Dover."
Clutches are commonly supplied with the gearbox sets, which class of component is referred tO in another article in this issue. One of the most popular proprietary clutches is the Borg and .Beek, as simplied by Automotive Products Co.
In connection with,braking, there is a vast amount of equipment of a proprietary" nature used to-day, For vehicles, there are brakes of Alford and Alder (Clayton Dewandre Co.,Ltd.), Bendix, .Kirkstall, and Lockheed (Automotive Products Co.) manufacture, whilst power-operated mechanisms, which are commonly adopted to-day, are provided by the Consolidated Brake Co. and the Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., others being of G. D. Peters, Westinghouse and Marelli makes. Trailer-brake equipment is generally of Brockhouse, Neat e or Scammell manufacture.
Brake Facings and Linings..
Frictional material for brakes is made in an endless variety, amongst the most popular being Don, Ferodo, Gandy, Hyeoe, Telamite, Tenoid and Raybestos.
Brake drums are also the product of many specialists, amongst whom are Fisher and Ludlow, Ltd., Wm. Goodyear and Sons, Ltd., Lake and Elliott, Ltd., Lynton Wheel and Tyre Co., Ltd., Projectile and Engineering Co., Ltd., Rubery, Owen and Co., Joseph Sankey and Sons, Ltd., Sheepbridge Stokes Centrifugal Castings Co., Ltd. (in the form of centrifugally cast liners for drams) and John Thompson (Motor Pressings), Ltd.
Turning now to details connected with the power unit, carburetters are usually of Anaal,.B.H.B. (The Automotive Eng. Co., Ltd.), Coiette (Galley Radiator Co., Ltd.), Hobson, Solex, S.U., or Zenith manufacture. For flexible feed pipes Petroflex is generally adopted.
Filtering the Air.
To-day it is realized that cleaning of the air before it enters the induction pipe is of vital importance. The carburetter maker can supply a suitable type for any engine ; in addition there are the Proteetornotor (C. G. Vokes and Co.), Simms and Via° designs.
Ignition apparatus, either coil or magneto, usually bears one of the following names :—Bosch, B.T.H., DelcoRemy, Lucas, Marelli, ML., Scintilla, Simms or Watford.
In some instances impulse, starters are required in conjunction with magnetos for commercial-vehicle duty. As a rule the maker of the ignition apparatus can supply a suitable mechanism. Other aids to easy starting are the Flatnespark, which puts a battery into circuit with the magneto distributor, and the El-gass petrol-mist injector, which delivers vaporized fuel to the induction pipe.
Closely allied to ignition sets are sparking plugs, which are usually of A.C., Bosch, Champion, Hobson, K.L.G., Lissen, Lodge, Ripault or Segrave manufacture.
Oil purification has received much attention of late, and appliances designed to remove the finer particles of foreign Matter are becoming standard items. Amongst the names most commonly associated with this class of product are A.C., Auto-Elena, Purolator (G. II. Rodway and Antornotii7e Products Co.), Simms (magnetic type) and Tecalemit.
Bearings of Many Kinds.
A class of component distinguished for its exceptionally fine standard of workmanship is the ball or roller bearing. A wide range of sizes is offered, and the makes chiefly employed are the Auto. British Bock, British Timken, Hyatt (Deleo-Horny and Hyatt), Hoffmann, Ransom° and Marks, RudgeWhitworth, and S.K.F.
Other internal components which are frequently specialists' products are pistons, which are, in many cases, purchased complete with gudgeon pins. Names of makes widely favoured in this connection are Barimar, B.H.B., Birmai, Bramco, Brie() (The British Piston Ring Co., Ltd.), Specialloid and Wellworthy. In addition, there are Ricardo pistons handled by Bentley and Draper, Ltd., whilst The Light Production Co., Ltd., and the Laystall Motor Engineering Works, Ltd., are well known as suppliers of these components. Most of the above makes embrace piston rings ; in addition there are Double Seal and Sheepbridge Stokes rings..
Valve Manufacturers.
The poppet valve is another type of small component which, by reason of its special duties, is well suited to purchase in quantity from those concentrating upon this class of work. Amongst such concerns are Messrs. Automotive Parts and Accessories, Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, Ltd., Hadfields, Ltd., W. G. James, Ltd., Standard Valves, Ltd., and John Wilde and -Sons.
Amongst the various useful items intic44 mately associated with engine assembly are hose clips ; a useful type is the Jubilee worm-drive clip. High-tension cables will be required at the same time ; one of the largest suppliers is E. Kalker and Co. Gaskets of various forms are Provided by Coopers Mechanical Joints, Ltd.
Radiators are rarely made by vehicle manufacturers ; they are obtainable from one or other:. of the many specialists, amongst which may be mentioned Barimar, . Ltd., E. G. Brown and Co., Ltd., Coventry Motor Fittings Co., Ltd., Coventry Radiator and Presswork Co., Ltd., Gallay Radiator Co., Ltd, John Marston, Ltd., Midland Motor Radiator Co., Orme Evans and Co., Ltd., Reliance Manufacturing Co. (Broughton, Ltd.), J. Richards and Sons, Ltd., Randle Radiators, Ltd., Serck Radiators, Ltd., The Spiral Tube and Components Co., and Timson Bros. In addition, there are the famous Still radiator tubes which are supplied by Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., whilst Davies Bros. make the Conquest detachable-tube-type radiator.
To control water temperature, radiator shutters are commOnly employed, one of the best-known makes being the Smith. Thermostats may also be used, and;these are either of the same make or supplied by Brown Bros., Ltd., Deleo-Remy and Hyatt, or the Wileot (Parent) Co., and are being more widely used than ever on commercial-motor vehicles.
Silencer Specialists.
For those who wish to obtain proprietary silencers there is a wide choice. One of the best-known types is the Nest o Cup (Sir W. H. Bailey and Co., Ltd.), whilst other specialists in this category are the Bowman Radiators, Ltd., E. G. Brown and Co., Ltd., Coventry Radiator and Presswork Co., Ltd., V. W. Derrington, and Wm. Goodyear and Sons, Ltd.
Detachable cylinder barrels are being specified in the majority of engines of recent design. Usually, the barrels are of Barimar, Brice, Buma, Laystall or Sheepbridge make. For driving cooling fans, dynamos and other auxiliaries, belts are still a very commonly employed form of transmission. Makes which have proved themselves in service are the Autoduct, Avon, Dunlop, Gandy, Goodyear, National and Whittle.
Chain for Various Drives.
Another form of transmission often employed for distribution drive, frequently with automatic-tensioning devices of the chain-maker's &Sign, are single, duplex or triplex roller chains, or inverted-tooth -chains. The different makes in this connection are Brampton, Coventry, Morse and Renold. Ro4er
chains for vehicle transmission are supplied by the first, second and fourthmentioned concerns.
For oscillating bearings, such as for spring shackles, the Silentbloc has made /narked progress in recent years ; it requires no lubrication and functions silently. It is handled by T. B. Andre and Co., Ltd. Other uses for it are in radiator supports, shock-damper arms, magneto make-and-brake arms, engine supports, and torque-member anchorages.
Another striking chassis improvement consists in the use of central-lubrication systems or those employing grouped pressnre-gun points. Central systems are generally of Luvax-Bijur design if built into the chassis, or Alcyl (Ripaults, Ltd.) or Tecalemit make, whilst another well-known lubrication system is that of Benton and Stone, Ltd., the Enots. Where Stauffer-type cups are required companies accustomed to repetition work can usually produce them in large quantities at a low cost ; specialists in this work are Benton and Stone, Ltd., and Rotherham and Sons, Ltd.
Gravity feed for fuel is common, but In many cases, it is impossible to apply it. In such instances fuel is drawn from the tank and delivered to the carburetter by an Autovac vacuum-feed tank, or by an engine-driven pump of A.C. or Amal make, whilst electrically operated devices are supplied under the Tecalemit and Autopulse cognomens.
Most of the wheels employed on commercial vehicles are the products of specialist manufacturers, and bear the names of Automotive Products, Dunlop, Lake and Elliott, Lynton, Rudge-Whitworth, Rubery Owen, Sankey, Steel Stampings and Tasker.
It is realized that the information contained in the foregoing paragraphs may not be of immediate interest to all, but that sooner or later it may be the means of helping many with regard to data of vital moment. In order to save trouble on the part of our readers we have made an alphabetical index of the names and addresses of the various concerns the products of which are referred to in the preceding matter. In eases of doubt where proprietary names differ from the title of the manufacturing or marketing concern we have coupled the two for the sake of clarity.
The following are the concerns in question :
The A. C. Sphinx Sparking Plug Co., Ltd., Birmingham. (Anal) Amalgamated Carburetters, Ltd., Ifoliord Works, Perry Barr, Birmingham. (Silentbloc) T. 11. Andre and Co., Ltd., Victoria Gardens. Ladbroke Road, Notting
Hill Gate, London, W.11. (Telamite) George Angus and Co., Ltd., Bentham, Lancaster. Auto Rican Strainers, Ltd., Tower House, 40, Trinity Square, London, E.C.3. (Auto bearings) Auto Machinery Co., Ltd. Hood Street, Coventry. (B.H.B.) Ths Automotive Engineering Co., Ltd., The Green, Twickenham, Middlesex. Automotive Products Co., Brock House, Langhton Street, London, W.1. The Autovac Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Heaton Norris, Stockport. Avon Indio. Rubber Co., Ltd., Melksham, Wilts.
fNest o' Cups) Sir W. H. Bailey and Co., Ltd., Albion Works, Salford. Barimar, Ltd., 18 Lamb's Condait Street, London, W.C.1. BendixPerrot Brakes, Ltd., Witton, Birmingham. (Ricardo Pistons) Bentley and Draper, Ltd., 4, lrenchurch Avenue, London, E.C.3. 113trmall Birmingham Aluminium Castings (1903) Co.. Ltd., Dartmouth Road, Smethwick, Birmingham, Bluemel Bros., Ltd., Wohston, Coventry. Brameo (1920), Ltd., 2, Radford Fields, St. Nicholas Street, Coventry. Bowman Radiators, Ltd., 56, Pritchett Street, Aston Road, Birmingham. Brampton Bros., Ltd., Adderley Road, Birmingham, British Bock Bearings, Ltd., 10, Princes Street, London, S.W.1, The British Piston Ring Co., Ltd., Holbrook Lane, Coventry. British Timken, Ltd., Cheston Road, Aston, Birmingham. The British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Rugby. J. Brockhouse and Co., Ltd., Hill Top. West Bromwich. David Brown and Sena (Huddersfield), Ltd., Park Works, Lockwood, Huddersfield. E. G. Brown and Co., Ltd., West
Road, London, N.17. Brown Bros., Ltd., 22, Great Eastern Street, London, E.C.2. Messrs. Bums., Bud Street, Neweastle-upon-Tyne. Cam Gears, Ltd., 73, Southampton Row, London, W.C.1. Champion Sparking Plug Co., Ltd., 83, Pall Mall, London, 8.W.1. Clayton Dewandre Ltd., Lincoln. Consolidated Brake and Engineering Co., Ltd., 3, Central Buildings, London, S.W.1. Coopers Mechanical Joints, Ltd., Manor Works, 88%, Lower Kennington Lane, London, B.E.11. The Coventry Chain Co.. Ltd., Spun End Works, Coventry. Coventry Motor Fittings Co., Ltd., Far Gosford Street, Coventry. Coventry Radiator and Presswork Co., Ltd., Raglan Works, Lower Ford Road. Coventry., (Conquest) Davies Bros., Conquest Works, Bedford. lIfycciel Deloo-Remy and Hyatt, Ltd., 111, Grosvenor Road, London, S.W.1. Messrs. V. W. Herrington, 159, London Road, Norbitan, Surrey. Dover. Ltd., Northampton. Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Fort Dunlop, Erdington, Birmingham. English Steel Corporation, Ltd., River Don Works, Sheffield. Ferodo, Ltd., Sovereign Mills, Chapel-en-leFrith. Fisher and Ludlow (1920), Ltd., Albion Works, Rea Street, Birmingham. Galley Radiator Co., Ltd., 103-105, Scrubs Lane, London, N.W.10. Gandy Belt Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Wheatland Works, Seacombe, Cheshire. W. Goodyear and Sons, Ltd., Churchfield Mills, Dudley. Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain, 1927), Ltd., Wolverhampton. Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, Ltd., Heath Street, Birmingham. Hadfield% Ltd., Ifecla Works, Sheffield. Hans Ronald, Ltd., Damage Works, Didshary, Manchester. Hardy, Spicer and Co., Ltd., Birch Road, Witten Birmingham. (Petroflex) Hobdell, Way and Co., Ltd., 20, St.. Clare Street, Minories, London, E.1. (Claudel-Hobson) H. M. Hobson, Ltd., 47-55, Acton Vale, London, W.3. The Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Chelmsford.
(Valkrom) W. G. James, Ltd., 14, Mortimer
Street, Regent Street, London, W.1. • .
E. Kalker and Co., Much Park Street, Coventry. Kirkstall Forge, Ltd., Kirkstall Forge, Leeds. K.L.G. Sparking Plugs, Ltd., Robinhood Engineering Works, Putney Vale, London, B.W.15.
Lake and Elliot, Ltd., Albion Works, Braintree. (Double Seal) Harry Lancaster and (o., Ltd., Devon House, 173-175, Great Portlann Street, London, W.1. The Laystall Motor Engineering Works, Ltd., Ewer Street, Southwark, London, S.E.1. The Light Production Co., Ltd., 60-66, Rochester Row, Westminster, S.W.1. Limes, Ltd., Liseenium Works, Worple Road, Isieviorth, Middlesex. Lodge Plugs, Ltd., Rugby, Joseph • Lucas, Ltd., Great King Street, Birmingham.. Lynton. Wheel and Tyre Co., Ltd.. Warrington.
Morelli Magnetos (England), Ltd., 71-72, BoLsover Street, London, W.1. Mattes Steering Co., Ltd., 83, Cannon Street, London, E.0.4. John Marston, Ltd., Paul Street Works, Wolverhampton. Midland Motor Radiator Co., Aston Road, Birmingham. M.L. Magneto Syndicate, Ltd., Victoria Works, West Orchard, Coventry. (Tenold) Morgan, Crossley and Co., Ltd., Dacia Mills, Miles Platting, Manchester. Morse Chain Co., Ltd., The Cheineries, Letchworth. Moss Gear Co., Ltd., Crown Works, Tyburn, Birmingham, (Flamespark) Waiter Moss, 52, Southwold Mansions, London. W.9. The National Belting Co.. Rainham, Essex. Heats Trailer Brake, 60, London Road, Kingston-on-Thames. (Watford) North and Sons, Ltd.. Whiopendell Road, Watford. Orme, Evans and Co., Ltd., Elgin Works, Wolverhampton.
(Antopulse) R.M. Papelion, Ltd., Trieo House, Edgware Road, London, N.W.2. (British Air Brake) G. D. Peters, Ltd... Caxton Meuse, Westminster, London, S.W.1. Projectile and Engineering Co., Ltd., New Road, London, 5.W.8.
Randle Radiators, Ltd., Mile Lane, Cheyle8more, Coventry. Ransome and Merles Bearing Co., Ltd., Newark-on-Trent.' Raybestos-Belaco, Ltd., Asbestos House, Soathwark Street, London, S.E.1. Reliance Manufacturing Co. (Broughton), Ltd., Gordon Street, Lower Broughton, Man-cheater. J. Richards and Sons, Ltd., 37. Wellesley Road, Croydon. (Alcyl) Ripaults, Ltd., King's Road, St, Pancras. (Jubilee) L. Robinson and Co., London Chambers, Gillingham, Kent. (Purolator) G. H. Rodway, Suffolk House, Suffolk Street, Birmingham. (Ki-gase) Rotherham and Sane, Ltd., Coventry. Budge Whitworth, Ltd., Reddings Lane, Sparkhill, Birmingham. Joseph Sankey and Sons, Ltd., Hadley Castle Works, Wellington, Salop. G. Scemmeli and Nephew, Ltd., 46, Fashion Street, Iriudon, E.1. Scintilla, Ltd., 14, Clerkenwell Close, London, E.0.1. Segrave Sparking Plugs, Dudley. Serek Radiators, Warwick Road, Birmingham. Sheep; bridge Stokes Centrifugal Castings Co., Ltd,, Sheepbridge Works, Chesterfield. Simms Motor Units, Ltd., Percy Buildings, Grease street, London. W.1 Skefko Ball Bearing Co., Ltd., Luton. (lion) Small and Parkes, Henclham. Vale Works, Manchester. S. Smith and Sons (Motor Accessories), Ltd., Cricklewood, London, N.W.2. Bohm, Ltd. 223 Marylebone Road, Landon, N.W.1. Specialloid, Ltd., Friern Park, London, N12. The Spiral Tube and Components Co., 12, Pembroke Street, Ring's Cross, London. N.1. Standard Valves, Ltd., Balmoral Road, Northampton. Steel Stampings Co., C,00kleY,
Kidderminster. (Bosch) J. A. Stevens, Ltd., 21-22, Upper Rathbone Place, London, W.1. S.D. Co., Ltd. East Works, Bordesley Road, Adderley Park, Birmingham.
Taskers of Andover, Ltd., Waterloo Iron Works, Andover. Tecalemit, Ltd., Mitre House, Sernbbs Lane, Willesden, Herbert, Terry and Sons. Ltd., Novelty Works, Redditch. John Thom-non • (Motor Pressings), Ltd., Beacon Workt, Wolverhampton. TiMBOR Bros., Moor Street, Birmingham. Turner's Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Wulf:rune Works, Lever Street, Wolverhampton.
Vickers. Ltd.. Vickers House, Broadway, Westminster, London, 8.W.1. The Visco Engineering Co., Ltd., 162, Grosvenor Road, London, &W.1, C. G. Yokes and Co., 95, • Lower Richmond Road, Putney London, $.W.15.
C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd., Wakefield House, 30 and 32, Cheapside, London, E.112. Wellworthy, Ltd.. Lymington, Hants. Westinghouse Brake and Saab}, Signal Co., Ltd., 82, Yo dr Road, London, N.1. Thos. Whittle and Sons, Ltd., Rose and Crown Street, Warrington. Wilcot Parent Co., Ltd., 667, Fishponds Road, Bristol, John Wilde and Sons, Finsbury Pavement House, London, E.0.2. JOTULR Woodhead and Sons, Ltd., Kirkstall Road, Leeds, Zenith Carburetter co., Ltd., 40 Newman Street. London, W.1.