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Q I left England before the lip licensing system came into

28th September 1973
Page 64
Page 64, 28th September 1973 — Q I left England before the lip licensing system came into
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force. I am 69 and drive an eight-wheel International tipper. I drive this truck in Australia on a class III licence, which also covers six-wheelers, fourwheelers, and cars, bat not semi-trailers.

Since I am contemplating returning to England, do I have to take an hgv driving test and Medical?

I have been driving different types of tippers since I went to Australia and also before I lie England.

A On your return to England it is possible that you might have to take a driving test to obtain a heavy goods vehicle driving licence. All drivers must take the medical. The Regulations made provision for the drivrx who had been driving for not less than six months a heavy goods vehicle regularly between February 1 1969 and January 31 1970 to be granted an hgv licence without a test provided they could obtain signed confirmation from their employer of their driving experience during the relevant period. The six months need not have been continuous but periods should add up to at least six months.

It could be that the Licensing Authority would agree to issue you with an hgv licence on this basis without a test as you have been abroad since the Regulations were introduced.

However, because of your age, you will have to provide a medical certificate at threeyearly intervals.

For details of hgv licence requirements and the test, you should write to one of the Licensing Authorities and ask for the booklet Heavy Goods Vehicle Driving Licenses. The address of the Metropolitan traffic area office is Government Buildings, Bromyard Avenue, Acton, London W3.