The Road Conference.
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To-clay (Thursday), at 10 a.m., Lord Belper, at the Institution of Civil Engineers, will open the proceedings of the Road Conference, which has been organised by the County Councils Association. A list of the papers, with their reference numbers, is given below, and it has been decided that these shall be taken as read. The discussions will be conducted as follow :
Thursday, 29th April.-At the Institution of Civil Engineers, morning and afternoon Nos. 9 to 23; the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, morning Nos. 36 to 38, and afternoon Nos. $2 to 34; at the Surveyors' Institution (Gt. George Street), morning Nos. 1 and 2, and afternoon Nos. 6 to 8.
Friday, 30th April.-At the Institution of Civil Engineers, morning Nos. 3 to 5, and afternoon Nos. 29 to 31.; at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, morning 24 to 26, and afternoon Nos. 35 and 40; at the Surveyors' Institution, morning only Nos. 27, 28 and 39.
Saturday, 1st May.-At the Institution of Civil Engineers, resolutions. List 01 Papers.
1. Exchequer Grants ; by J. Shuttleworth, Chairman of the Main Roads and Bridges Committee of the Lancashire County Council.
2. National Roads, Central Government Department for Management and Inspection ; by it. H. Dorman, M.Inst.C.E., County Surveyor, Armagh.
3. Control and Management of Main Roads by Local Bodies ; by E. H. Berryman, Chairman of the Highways Committee of the Somerset C.C.
4. Control and Management of Highways not Main Roads ; by A. Glidwell, Surveyor, Eton lt.D.C.
5. Ditto; by J. Hawkins, County Surveyor of Berkshire.
6. Collection of Statistics ; (not sub• misted).
7. Ditto ; by G. Montagu Harris, M.A., Secretary to the County Councils Association.
8. Standardisation of Roads as regards Weight of Load and Traffic; (not submitted).
9. Construction and Maintenance of Roads ; by W. N. Blair, M.Inst.C.E., Borough Surveyor, St. Pancras.
10. Notes on the Tonnage, Life and Wear of Stones in Road Surfaces ; by J. A. Brodie, Wh.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., City Engineer, Liverpool. 11, Road Maintenance ; by F. G. Carpenter. Surveyor, West Riding.
12. Road Construction and Maintenance ; by A. E. Greatorex, M.Inst.C.E., Borough Surveyor, West Bromwich.
13. Ditto : by 0. A. Phillips, A .M.Inst.C.E., County Surveyor, Glamorgan. 14. The Systematic Patching of Macadamised Roads ; by J. S. Pickering, M.inst.C.E., Borough Engineer, Cheltenh a m. 15. Road Construction and Maintenance; by H. E. Stilgoe, M.Inst.C.E., City Engineer, Birmingham.
16. Wear and Tear of Motor Traffic on Roads; by W. J. Taylor, M.Inst.C.E., County Surveyor, Hants.
17. Road Construction, Curves, Gradients and Camber ; by H. T. Wakelam, M.Inst.C.E., County Engineer, Middlesex.
18. On reducing the cost of road maintenance by improved construction of the roads themselves combined with improved construction of the vehicles using them ; by Colonel It. E. Crompton, C.B., R.E., M.Inst.E.E., etc.
19. Effect of the Horse-Shoe and Narrow-Wheel Tire on Roads ; by the Right Hon. Sir J. 11. A.. Macdonald, .0 .13.
20. The Treatment of the Grass Sides of Roads; by the Right Hon. Lord Leigh, Warwickshire C.C. 21. Highway Vandalism ; by the Rev. Canon Rawnsley.
22. Width of Roads and Provision of Footpaths; by W. Harpur, M.Inst.C.E., City Engineer, Cardiff.
23. Ditto ; by W. J. Fletcher, County Surveyor, Dorset.
24. Dust ; by A. Dryland, A.M.Inst.C.E., County Surveyor, Surrey. 23. How Dust is created ; by the Right Han. Lord Montagu of Beaulieu.
26. Dust : chief causes-how to avoid ; by T. H. Yabbicom, M.Inst.C.E., City Engineer, Bristol.
27. Danger Signs ; by C. W. S. Crawley, R.A.C., 1VLI.E.E. 28. 'toad Signs (Mile-Stones, SignPosts, Danger Signals); by A. T. Davis, M.Inst.C.E., County Surveyor, Salop.
29. Extraordinary Traffic and Excessive Weights on Roads; by W. Joynson-Hicks, M.P., Representative of the Motor Union.
30. Ditto ; by W. H. Schofield, A.M.Inst.C.E., County Surveyor, Lancashire.
31. Ditto; by R. J. Thomas, M.Inst.C.E., County Surveyor, Bucks.
32. Traction Engines and Heavy Motorcars; by H. H. Copnall, Clerk to the Notts County Council.
33. Traction Engine Traffic; by T. H. B. Hcslop, County Surveyor, Norfolk.
34. Traction Engines and Heavy Motors ; by It. S. W. Perkins, County Surveyor of the Isle of Ely, and It. J. Thomas, M.Inst.C.E., County Surveyor, Bucks.
35. Suggested conditions upon which licenses to drive motor vehicles on highways should be granted with the view of raising funds to provide for the improved construction and maintenance of arterial roads in the United Kingdom, and of limiting the scope of irresponsible drivers; • by Sir Hickman B. Bacon, Bart., Lindsey County Council.
36. 'Motor Traffic ; by S. H. Chambers, Surveyor to the Hampton
37. Traffic of Self-Propelled Vehicles; by J. H. Garrett, County Surveyor of Main Roads and Bridges, Worcestershire.
38. Speed Limit of Motors ; by W. Rees Jeffreys, Secretary to the Motor Union and Roads Improvement Association.
39. Licenses and Registration ; by Douglas Leechman, Barrister-at-Law. 40. Contribution of Motorcars to Imperial and Local Taxation ; by the Right Hon. Earl Russell, Representative of the Motor Union.