In a Line or Two
Page 6

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Austin A40 commercial models for sale in America have been reduced in price by £50 to £374.
During March, 4,952 lorries and coaches and 1,021 tractors were made in the German Bizone.
Messrs. Champion Motors 304, Orchard Road, Singapore, have been appointed agents for Leyland vehicles in Singapore and the Federated Malay States.
Production of retreads in 1948 by members of the Retread Manufacturers' Association again topped the million mark, totalling 1,171,790; 413,791 were "giants" By exporting 8,395 commercial vehicles and chassis in March. British manufacturers set up a new record, the Board of Trade announced on Monday.
Will the haulier who telephonec S.T.R. at 5.25 p.m. on Monday. April 25, please write to him at otter at 5. Tudor Chambers, Station Road London, N.22?
Middlesbrough Transport Committel is to extend beyond the age of 15 scholars' fares on journeys to and fron school. All pupils in full-time attend ance at school will benefit.
Huddersfield municipal passenge transport workers threaten to absen themselves from duty on Whit Saturday to mark their sympathy with a con ductress who was suspended for a day
SOLVING THE VEHICLESTORAGE PROBLEM ALL-STEEL garages, made of wa surplus materials and requiring ni building permits, are now being erecte. by Mr. ArnOld Kahn, Collingwoo. Road, Witham, Essex. Mr. Kahn told "The Commercia Motor" this week that one of thes buildings, assembled on the uni principle, was erected by three men i six working days. It measured 80 f. by 80 ft. 6 ins. r
nRGANIZATION of nationalize k-1 road transport in the Midlands wa soundly based, said Sir Cyril Hurcomt chairman of the British Transpoi Commission, during a visit, last wed1 to the Birmingham offices of the Roa Transport Executive. " The probler now." he said, "is to develop a rapidly as we can, as the long-distane hauliers are taken over."
WE regret to record the death of MI GEORGE BONNErr, of Keighle: soon after his re-election to the offic of honorary secretary of the Roa Haulage Association's Keighley sui area. Aged 56, he began business as haulier at Keighley soon after tI 1914-18 war, and became one of 0' town's earliest long-distance operator