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Alex Rawlings and Shahid Hussain declared bankrupt

29th April 2010, Page 15
29th April 2010
Page 15
Page 15, 29th April 2010 — Alex Rawlings and Shahid Hussain declared bankrupt
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem? THE TWO MEN AT the centre of a complex network of haulage companies that were sold using their own assets, and then floundered when the economy took a downturn, have been declared bankrupt.

The Insolvency Service says finance company

Park Asset Finance filed a creditors' petition to make Shahid I lussain bankrupt. and that Alex Rawlings has declared himself bankrupt.

Both bought Eric Short Haulage, European Freight Link and John Mack (Haulage) in highly

leveraged deals before the businesses all failed months later. Rawlings later ran John Mack (Haulage) UK, a pre-pack successor to John Mack (Haulage). until it entered administration.

Investigations will now be carried out into the two men and a report sent to creditors. Rawlings and Hussain will not he allowed to become company directors until their bankruptcies are discharged in November at the earliest.

Companies House documents reveal that the only company Hussain remains director of that is not in liquidation or administration, is the dormant business Fl Properties,

Rawlings declined to comment; CM was unable to contact Hussain.