Ulster Freight Rates to be Increased
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ROAD and rail freight rates charged by the Ulster Transport Authority are to go up by five per cent. on September 8. This will be the balance of a 15 per cent. rise granted two years ago --an increase of only 10 per cent. .was applied at that time.
Passenger fares, which went up by five per cent, last year, will not be changed. These fares are already at the maximum allowed by the Transvort Tribunal, and special permission would have to be obtained for any revisions.
A few weeks ago it was announced that wage increases for road freight workers would cost the Authority £21.000 a year.
HOURS CASE: £59 FINES rINES totalling £59 were imposed at Selby, last week, on H. Campey and Sons, Ltd., Thorpe Willoughby, when they admitted allowing drivers to exceed the maximum permitted hours. Six drivers were fined for the offences, and one of them was also fined £5 for altering an entry in his records with intent to deceive, Mr. E. Wurzle, prosecuting, said all the drivers seemed to have been under the impression that they did not need to record journeys with empty vehicles. As a result, many journeys did not appear on their sheets.
T"possibility of cutting some bus services is to be examined by Glasgow Transport Committee, Cllr. J. Bennett, convenor, stated last week. He forecast a deficit of £621,000 in the present financial year after setting aside £150,000 for the repayment of a loan.
THE Ceylon Transport Board have advertised a vacancy for a chief engineer. They are seeking a qualified man of at least 35 able to organize and maintain a fleet of 3,000 vehicles and ancillary garages and workshops. Applications should reach the Board at 200 Kirula Road, Colombo, 5, by September 8,
Eire Hauliers Urge End to " Pirates "
THE appointment of full-time mobile officers to hunt for unlicensed hauliers in Eire was one of the suggestions put forward to the country's Minister for Justice, last week, by a joint deputation from the Public Transport Development Association and the Licensed Road Transport Association.
Delegates urged that there should be one officer for each county, whose sole purpose would be to ensure that vehicles Were properly licensed. The Minister was told that, although no accurate figures were available, it was thought that there were hundreds of unlicensed operators in the country,
The deputation stressed that if matters did not improve, licensed services, particularly to the remoter parts of Eire, would be affected. They were told that their suggestions would be considered.
Representatives of the L.R.T.A. have also met the Minister for Industry and Commerce, who told them that a systematic examination of road transport merchandise licences had now been completed.
Girling Produce Heat Air Brake
A HEAVY-DUTY S-cam brake for . r-L operation, designed for public-servi vehicles, fourand multi-wheeled goc vehicles and trailers, has been produc by Girling, Ltd. The company cla. that the S-form of the cam maintains uniform effective radius irrespective facing wear, and that the brake is mo efficient than existing cam types. Adjustment for wear is by means of slack adjuster or a system of levers the end of the camshaft. Spring dete sioners are incorporated to facilita removal of the shoes. Brake sizes a 15+ in. by 41 in. at the front and 151 i by 7 in. at the rear. Facing thickness f in.
The backplate is a malleable iron cat ing which carries the shoe anchor pit and the camshaft bearing. The twii webbed shoes are made from steel pia and their application by the S-cam through rollers to reduce friction losse Torrington needle-roller bearings al provided for the camshaft when tt brakes are intended for public servic vehicles: otherwise plain bearings at fitted for lower cost.
When reboring of the worn druit becomes necessary, larger rollers may 1fitted to enable full wear to be obtaine from oversize facings. Shoe anchor pit are chromium-plated and the shoe beat , ings may be lubricated.
Another Girling development is a•sr tern for hydraulic throttle control. .
THE area covered by Birminghar Corporation's bus repair depot s Tyburn Road, Birmingham, is to b increased by about 25 per cent. Th depot was built in 1929 and enlarged nin years later. Plans were then made fo further extensions when the change-ove from trams to buses was completed, bu these proposals were shelved because o financial restrictions.