WHEELS of INDUSTRY "The wheels of wealth will be slowed
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the
roughness of the roads over which it rans."—John Beattie Crozier.
As forecast in The Commercial Motor, the Minister of Transport has made an Order bringing into operation on January 1, 1934, the whole of the machineryof the new licensing system for goods transport by road. Licenceapplication forms and the explanatory memoranda will be distributed at an early date. The preparatory stage of consideration of licence afiplications will not be completed before July 1, and two sub-sections requiring users to hold licences will not be brought into operation befere that date. The Minister will give further notice before inaituting the inspection of goods vehicles.
Section 31 of the Act amends as from January 1 the law as to the hours of rest of drivers, reference to which is made elsewhere in this issue.
Section 33 increases from a maximum of 425 to 250 payments to be made by insurers to hospitals in connection with motor accidents.
Part 2 of the Act will also be brought into operation on January 1. This enables the railways to enter into agreements with traders for " agreed charges" for the conveyance of their goods, subject to the approval of the Railway Rates Tribunal.
The Minister is taking steps to set up the Transport Advisory Council.
The operation of Section 30 empowering bridge authorities to place restrictive notices on weak bridges for the maintenance of which they are responsible is deferred, the Minister being in consultation with various authorities and organizations regarding the steps to be taken to bring this Section into operation at an early date.
Production, Registration and Import and Export Figures.
The statistical department of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has issued a report which amplifies the figures we have recently published concerning new vehicle registrations and import and export returns.
For the 12 months ended September the new registrations of goods vehicles of up to 21 tons capacity were 44,158, as against 40,943 for the comparable period of 1932, those over n tons numbering 5,289, as against 4,796, the percentage increases being 7.9 and 10.3 respectively. During the same period 36 new steam vehicles were registered, as against 148 a year earlier, and 116 electrics, as against 57. At 1,045, hackney vehicles seating up to eight persons showed a percentage increase of 47.8, and those over that seating capacity totalled 2,718 for the 12 months, as against 4,998 a year earlier.
In Northern Ireland 872 goods vehicles up to 2i tons were registered in 1320 the 12 months ended September list, and 53 over 2i tons, the former being 4 per cent, down and the latter 82.8 per cent. up.
In the Irish Free State goods-vehicle registrations fell abruptly in the same 12 months, those in the class up to 2 tons being 48.8 per cent, down at 620, and those over 2 tons 39 per cent. down at 61.
So far as imports are concerned 396 commercial vehicles and chassis, valued at 261,423, were imported in the 11 months ended November last, as compared with 358 and 262,037 for the comparable 11 months of 1932. The exports of commercial vehicles and chassis during the 11 months totalled 9,460, as against 7,333 in 1932.
The report mentions that the estimated number of commercial vehicles produced in the year ended September, 1933, was 65,508, as against 61,475 fur the previous year.
A New Hydraulic Tipping Gear.
Following on the article on. tipping gear Which appeared in our issue dated December 15, we learn that S. Smith and Sons (Motor Accessories), Ltd., the well-known concern of accessory manufacturers, of Cricklewood, London, N.W., has introduced a new hydraulic tipping' gear.
The feature of the equipment is the pump—a twin-cylindered unit mounted directly on to the power-take-off flange on the gearbox, no intermediate shafts being necessary. A flexible tube connects the intake of the pump to the oil tank and the pressure oil is returned to a control valve fitted into the tank.
A pipe is led from the control valve to the ram, to which the latter, when the control valve is closed, the pressure oil is fed direct. A blow-off valve is incorporated in the control valve, which permits oil coming from the pump to escape back into the tank, the oil thus being by-passed when the ram reaches the end of its travel.
Two types of ram are at present available, one being a double telescopic type for tipping 4-ton loads and the other a single telescopic model for 3-ton loads. MINISTER URGED TO MAKE STATEMENT ON OVERLOADING.
At a meeting held in Leeds last week, under the auspices of the goods-transport section of the Yorkshire Motor Coach and Transport Owners Association, to discuss the future of coalhaulage rates in view of the corning into operation of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, it was decided that no definite policy can be adopted until the Minister of Transport has given a decision with regard to overloading.
Mr. J. Keeling (secretary) was instructed to write to the Minister urging him to expedite his decision.
Explaining the purpose of the meeting, Mr. Keeling said it was hoped to obtain some data for future conferences with regard to an increase in haulage rates.
During the discussion it was suggested that a standard haulage rate based on tonnage and distance should he established, but Mr. Keeling pointed out a difficulty which arose as a result of colliery owners fixing the price of• coal, including the cost of delivery. Perhaps this difficulty of various delivery mileages could be met by a zoning scheme, under which the transport charge (included in the price of the coal) would depend upon the zonal position of the colliery and the place of delivery.
• The decision to leave the question of rates in abeyance until the Minister of Transport has given a decision on overloading was unanimous.
A Successful De-rating Appeal at York.
An appeal by Northern Motor Utilities, Ltd., York, in connection with the assessment for rating purposes of its premises at Foss Islands, York, has been allowed by the Recorder of York (Mr. N. L. C. Macaskie, K.C.), who gave judgment—which had been reserved—at the York Quarter Sessions on December 21.
Previous to last year, a large part of the premises was de-rated as an industrial hereditament. Then York Rating and Assessment Committee, declining to accept the property as an industrial hereditament, rated it on the normal assessment.
Giving judgment, the Recorder said that the following points bad been proved : —That the premises were largely used for reconditioning the company's 260 motor vehicles, that part of the business consisted of the reconstruction and conversion of four-wheeled lorries into six-wheelers, and that repair work was carried out. He held that, excepting the paint shop, the premises were not used for the purpose alleged by the assessment committee, and that as an industrial hereditament they should be restored to the special list for de-rating. A ONE-WHEELED TRAILER FOR 10-CWT. LOADS.
An interesting trailer, named the Wyta, and suitable for loads up to about 10 cwt., is now being made by a Paris concern, and is of unconventional design in that it has only one wheel. This is situated at the rear, being mounted in a trailing fork which is free to swivel.
The front part of the trailer frame is rigidly supported at two points by the back of the towing vehicle. When unattached, two jockey wheels can be lOwered in the usual manner. The swivelling fork allows the trailer wheel to follow a path concentric with the tracks described by the wheels of the towing vehicle when cornering, and even permits reversing.
The system, of course, increases the load supported by the rear wheels of the towing vehicle by about half the laden weight of the trailer, accordingly, the vehicle would seem to be of chief value for carrying bulky loads. The Wyta trailer is now being handled in this country by the British Motor Car and Equipment Co., 55, Bemers Street, London, W.1, which concern, we understand, is prepared to consider applications for agencies.
Rotnac's Profits.
During the year ended September 30, 1933, Romac Motor Accessories, Ltd., made a gross trading profit of £36,273, as compared with £86,359 for the previous year. The net profit was £4,942, as against £3,524. The amount available after adding the sum brought forward is £9,035, of which £1,000 is written off patents, trade marks, etc. An ordinary dividend of 6 per cent, is to be paid, and the amount to be carried forward is £3,835.
The Lubrication of Oil Engines.
"Scientific Lubrication of Highspeed Compression-ignition Engines" is the title of a handbook recently issued by the Vigzol Oil Refining Co. (London), Ltd., Greenwich, London, S.E.10. It contains descriptions and drawings of several well-known makes of oil engine, together with explanations of the different systems of lubrication that are employed. Although the handbook has been prepared to (haw attention to the fact that Vigzol oil is officially approved for a number of well-known makes of oil engine, it contains much informative matter.
The company informs us that it is prepared to send a copy free to any of our readers who are running, or are contemplating running, oil-engined vehicles.
Gilford's Report.
The report of the Gifford Motor Co., Ltd., shows, after charging directors' fees and interest, a trading loss of R25,591 for the year ended September 30, 1933, to which must be added the loss on the sale of, and depreciation written off, properties of £12,818, mak ing £38,409. A sum of £5,000 is transferred from the contingencies reserve and £1,789 represents a refund for income tax, so that the net loss amounts to £31,620, which, added to the debit balance brought forward, gives a debit balance of £70,635 to be carried forward.
A Booklet on Ransomes TroUeybuses.
Ranspmes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., Orwell Works, Ipswich, has issued an attractive publication dealing with its trolleybuses, the main object being to indicate the leading advantages of the trolleybus system. It gives brief constructional details of the company's trolleybuses, and conveys an impression of the extent of its manufacturing activities and its running experience in both England and overseas. ARMSTRONG-SAURER'S NEW SERVICE CHIEF.
Following the appointment of Mr. A. Lampert to the position of chief engineer to Armstrong-Saurer Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., at Newcastle, comes the news that Mr. A. H. C. Kendrick, formerly manager of the Armstrong-Saurer service depot at Manchester, has been appointed chief service engineer to the company. Mr. Kendrick's headquarters will be at the company's service station on the Great West Road.
New Features in a Prison Van.
Commer Cars, Ltd., Luton, has recently supplied to the police authorities of Leicester an interesting prison van, the basis of which is the company's Centaur passenger chassis. The bodywork has been carried out by Willowbrook, Ltd., Loughborough, the interior being equipped with 10 cells, the partitions for them being covered with armoured plywood. The doors are readily detachable, so that the vehicle can be used for flying-squad purposes.
An unique feature is the opening roof, two sections of which are shown in the open position in an accompanying illustration. These sections are controlled by a lever operated from the rear of the van, and, in the case of a mishap involving the overturning of the vehicle, each compartment is thus provided with a means for exit South Wales Branch of I.P.T. Meets.
The inaugural meeting of the newly founded branch for South Wales of the Institution of Petroleum Technologists, held at Llandarcy, elected Mr. W. C. Mitchell, general manager of the AngloPersian Refineries at Llandarcy, and a director of the Anglo-Persian Oil Co., Ltd., as chairman, and Mr. Astbury, Llandarcy, as hon. secretary. There were over 70 members present.
Dr. A. E. Dunstan lectured on his recent visit to America.
The branch programme will comprise matters of interest not only to all engaged in branches of the oil industry, but to users of oil and its products. A SPEED-LIMIT CASE DISMISSED.
An interesting case of a van, licensed as a private car, having exceeded the 30-m.p.h. speed limit was recently won by Nelco, Ltd., Shalford, Surrey, the maker of the electric vehicles of the same name. The machine in question is a converted Austin 20 h.p. car, a tilt-van body having been substituted for the original saloon body, and, in addition to its employment for the conveyance of goods, it is also largely used for carrying employees of the concern on business and pleasure trips.
It was licensed as a private car en the grounds that it could then be used for carrying non-farepayiug passengers, and, under the assumption that the higher rate of duty having been paid, it would be free from the restrictions applying to machines licensed as goodscarrying vehicles.
The magistrates apparently appreciated this point, and dismissed the case, awarding Neko, Ltd., nominal costs against the police.
Papers Before I.A.E.
At a general meeting of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, to be held at the Royal Society of Arts, John Street, London. W.C.2, on January 2, at 7.45 p.m., Mr. E. A. Watson, of the Lucas Electrical Co., Ltd., will present the second part of his paper on " Electrical Equipment for Automobiles," the first'part of which he read in January last. The two papers constitute a complete review of the subject. The paper will also be read at Birmingham on January 4, and at Coventry on January 9.
At a meeting of the western centre of the Institution, to be held at the Merchant Venturers' Technical College, Bristol, on January 11. at 7 p.m., Mr. S. A. Horstrnann will read a paper entitled "The Development of a Constant-periodicity Suspension System."
I.T.A. Birmingham Branch Dinner.
The annual dinner of the Birmingham and district branch of the Industrial Transport Association was recently held, when amongst the important guests were Messrs. 0. C. Power, M.Inst.T. (traffic manager of the Birmingham and Midland Omnibus Co., Ltd.) ; A. C. Baker (general manager of Birmingham Corporation tramways) ; W. E. Aston (midland branch chairman, Road Haulage Association) ; and J. A. Dunnage, F.S.S., M.I.T.A. (national honorary secretary of the Association). Mr. A. Drysdale Wilson, M.I.T.A., A.M.I.A.E., presided.
The toast of" The Association "was proposed by Mr. Baker, and Mr. Drysdale Wilson, in his response, stressed the progress being made in every area and the steps taken, by way of launching a new examinations 'scheme, further to elevate the entire profession. He said that the modern industrial transport manager was an all-round technically trained expert.
Mr. Power could not escape the calls for a speech, and in characteristic vein, referring to current controversial ques B22 tions, recalled a phrase used by Mr. Tilling many years ago at a meeting of bus owners that "If you do not hang together, you'll all ha'ng separately."
7,776 Motors for U.S. Army.
The U.S. War Department has announced plans for the purchase of 7,770 motor vehicles for the extension of the mechanization of the Army.
New Device for Testing Lubricant.
A new testing machine for oil, the first of its kind, which determines in advance at the laboratory how an oil will behave as a lubricant under conditions of extreme heat or cold, was described at the recent annual meeting of the American Society of Mechanical, Engineers, says a New York report.
The new machine, known as the Sperry-Cammen tester, subjects oils on bands of different materials to immense centrifugal stress by spinning the bands on rotors at 6,000-22,000 r.p.m. It was built by engineers of the Sinclair Relining Co., in collaboration with experts of the Sperry Gyroscope Co., of Brooklyn.
Two Hesselman Oil Engine Licences.
It is reported from Stockholm that the A.E.G. Co., of Berlin, has acquired the licence for the construction of the Swedish Hesselman oil engine in Germank and that a Similar licence as regards the United States has been granted to the Waukesha Motor Co., of Detroit.
Maudslay's Accounts.
The accounts of the Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd., for the year ended August 31, 1933, show a net loss of £3,752, which has been met by a transfer from the reserves. A loss of /5,611, incurred in the realization of surplus machinery and land, has been charged against the capital reserve. It is stated that, at the present time, the state of the company's order book is much better than it has been for the past two years. OFFICIAL ORDERS IN NOVEMBER.
During November last the Crown Agents for the Colonies ordered sixwheeled chassis from Blackstone and Co., Ltd., whilst the War Office ordered a number of bodies for Austin 7 h.p. chassis from Carter, Paterson and Co., Ltd. The G.P.O. authorities divided an order for bodies between J. H. Jennings and Sons, Ltd., Thos. Harrington, Ltd., Carter, Paterson and Co., Ltd., and Duple Bodies and Motors, Ltd. The same Department also gave a contract for Albion chassis.
Scammell Lorries Working Capital.
An extraordinary general meeting of Scammell Lorries, Ltd., is to be held to-day (Friday) at 11 a.m. at High Holborn House, 52-54, High Holborn, London, W.C.1, when a resolution will be proposed "That the amount which the directors are authorized to borrow without the sanction of the company in general meeting shall be, and is hereby, increased to sums not exceeding in the whole £250,000.
More Morris-Connnercials for the Mails.
Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., advises us that the Post Office Stores nenartment, London, has placed orders for a further 130 Morris-Commercial 15-cwt. and 1-ton vans. Prior to this order over 2,000 Morris-Commercials had been supplied for Post Office work.
Another important order received by the company is for 32 3-ton chassis for the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co., whilst 27 taxicabs are being built for W. Watson and Co., Ltd., London.
Firestone Tyre Service in Scotland.
Clarkson and Co. (Glasgow), Ltd., which has for many years been the sole distributor of Firestone tyres in Scotland, has recently extended its premises in Edinburgh, its office and main store now being at 116, Leith Walk, from which address a complete tyre service is being offered. LAW BOOK TO BE REVISED.
Mr. Frederick G. Bristow, general secretary of the Commercial Motor Users Association, has announced that he is to revise and extend his book on road traffic law. In addition to bringing the book up to date, so far as passenger work is concerned, he will add a new section dealing with the Road and Rail Traffic Act and the regulations connected therewith.
Middlesex. Has More Motors.
A census taken by the chief taxation officer of Middlesex County Council shows that 108,419 motor vehicles were registered in the county during the last quarter of this year. This figure represents an increase of 2.849 over that for the similar period Of last year. In 1925, when the first census was taken, there were 47,063 motor yehicles licensed.