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Give us loss-making routes say independents

29th December 1972
Page 17
Page 17, 29th December 1972 — Give us loss-making routes say independents
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• A national private coach concern, Associated Coach Travel Ireland Ltd, has told Eire's National Prices Commission that the state-owned Coras Iompair Eireann (CIE) concern should give up its lossmaking stage carriage services to private operators.

The Association says that its members could operate many of the services at a lower level of direct grant than that required by CIE. "We feel therefore that CIE should state precisely those services which they say are in danger of losing money . . . these should then be offered to private operators who, we would believe, would in most cases be only too pleased to operate them at current fares," said the Association.

It has asked the Minister for Transport and Power to set up pilot schemes where independently-owned buses could operate services in certain designated areas.

• Leicester is to have its first express busway at a cost of about £540,000, a bus-only road from Welford Place in the city centre to Narborough Road on the south-western boundary of the city, close to an MI access point. The road will be used by the Leicester Corporation, Midland Red and other buses.