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The Exhibited Models and Proprietary Specialities are Classified Below.
Petrol-engined Machines.
To CARRY LOADS UP TO 5 CWT.-Belsize, Stand 16. To CARRY LOADS GP TO 10 CWT.—Fiat, Stand 28; Stoewer, Stand 18; Unie, Stand 24.
To CAR,RY LOADS UP TO 12 CWT.--liVolselsy, Stand 33.
To CARRY LOADS UP TO 15 cwr.—Albion, Stand 11 ; Belsize, Stand 16; Berliet, Stand 14; Itala, Stand ata.
-3 •
To CARRY LOADS UP TO 1 TON.—Argyll, Stand 10; Berliet, Stand 14; F.I.A.T., Stand 28; Napier, Stand 20; Tilling, Stand 36.
To CARRY LOADS UP TO 30 CWT.—Itala, Stand 31a; Stoneleigh, Stand 5; Straker-Squire, Stand 8; Wolseley, Stand 33.
To CARRY LOADS UP TO 35 CWT.—Thornycroft, Stand 2.
To CARRY LOADS 'UP To 2 TONS.—Argyll, Stand 10; Daimler, Stand 17; Karrier, Stand SO ; Napier, Stand 20; Star, Stand 23; Pagefield, Stand 21.
To CARRY LOADS UP TO 21 TONS.—Leyland, Stand 19.
To CARRY LOADS UP TO 3 TONS.—Austin, Stand, 25; Belsize, Stand 16; Berliet, Stand 14; F.I.A.T., Stand 28; Karrier, Stand 30; Maudslay, Stand 22; Milnes-D6mler, Stand 13 ; Stoewer, Stand 18; Thornycroft, Stand 2; Pagefield, Stand 21; Weiseley, Stand 33.
To CARRY LOADS UP TO 3i TONS.—McCurd, Stand 7.
TO CARRY LOADS UP TO 4 Toss.—Berliet, Stand 14; Commercar, Stand 34; Hallford, Stand 26; Leyland, Stand 19; Maudslay, Stand 22; Milnes-Daimler, Stand ; Stevens (petrol-electric), Stand 36.
To CARRY LOADS UP TO 5 TONS.—British Berna, Stand 6; Daimler, Stand 17; Dennis, Stand 15; Halley, Stand 27.
TaxicAsS.—Belsize, Stand 16; F.I.A.T., Stand 23; Napier, Stand 20; Unic, Stand 24.
MoToRnusEs.—Berliet (Arnold), Stand 1.1 ; Straker and Squire, Stand 8; Wolseley (Blake), Stand :33.
CHARS-A-EANCS.—Albion, Stand 11; Bel size, Stand 16; Commerear, Stand 34; Daimlor, Stand 17 ; Dennis, Stand 15; F.I.A.T., Stand 28; Haney, Stand 27; K.arrier, Stand 30; Alaudslay, Stand 22: MilnesDaimler, Stand 13; Napier, Stand 20 ; StrakerSquire, Stand 8; Pagefield, Stand 21; Stevens (petrol-electric), Stand 30.
AMBULANCES—Austin, Stand 25.
FIRE-ENGLNES.—DeiGliS (409 gallons), Stand 15; Leyland (500 gallons), Stand 19.
PETROL-ELECTRIC CHASSIS.—Stevens (char-a-banes and 4-tonner), Stand 36.
Steam-Propelled Machines.
To CARRY LOADS UP TO 3 TONS.---Claybou and Shuttleworth, Stand 29; Foden, Stand 12; Garrett, Stand 9.
TO CARRY LOADS UP TO 4 TONS.—Alley and MacLellan, Stand 32; Wallis and Steevens, Stand 31.
TO CARRY LOADS UP TO 5 TONS.—Allehin, Stand 3; Burrell, Stand 35 ; Clayton and Shuttleworth, Stand 29 ;'Foden, Stand 12; Garrett, Stand 9; Yorkshire, Stand 4. To caintvLOADS UP TO 6 Toxs.—Leyland, Stand 19. 5-TON TnAc-roin—Wallis and Stevens, Stand 31.
SOLID TIRES.—Avon, Stand 57; Columb, Stand 53; Connolly, Stand 37; Continental, Stand 54; De Nevers, Stand 36; Dunlop, Stand 55; Liga, Stand 40; Macintosh, Stand 50 ; Midland, Stand 43; North British, Stand 49 ; Peter Unioo, Stand 42; Polack (Leo Swain), Stand 52; Shrewsbury and Challiner, Stand 58; Simplex, Stand 39; St. .Helens, Stand 46.
Components and Supplies. AXLES.—Kirksta Forge, Stand 38. CASTINGS.—Watson, Stand 44.
CHAINS.—Coventry, Stand 45; Hans Ilenold, Stand 48.
SPRINGS.—Car Springs, Stand 41; Cary, Stand 47.
WiTgEts.—Continental, Stand 54; Dunlop, Stand .55; Midland, Stand 43; National Steam Car, Stand 39a; Shrewsbury and Challiner, Stand 58.
WINDSCREENS.—AveliDg, Stand 51.