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Items of News Intended to Stimulate the Interest of British Makers in Overseas Markets.
New Zealand's Import Trade.
INTERESTING figures are contained in a recently issued return, which shows that 11,214 motor vehicles of all classes were imported into New Zealand during the nine months ended September last, the total value of the machines being 11,680,103. Of the total, 7,044 vehicles were received from the United States, 2,157 from Canada and 1,882 from the United Kingdom.
Only 59 complete commercial vehicles were imported into New Zealand during the period mentioned, 51 of them having Canada as their country of origin. So far as chassis for commercial vehicles are concerned, 1,037 were imported, of which number the United States supplied 719 and the United Kingdom 237.
During the month of October seven complete commercial motors and 370 chassis for such vehicles were imported into New Zealand, 32 of the latter being imported from the United Kingdom and having a value of £8,245.
Tractor-trade Prospects in Ecuador.
TRACTORS are not in general use in
the South American Republic of Ecuador, but they are employed to some extent by the larger and more progressive landholders. One owner reports great success with the tracklaying type of tractor, finding it satisfactory under all conditions of use. Wheel tractors are also used, but difficulty has been experienced in operating them on the steep slopes.
Probably the greatest drawback to the introduction of any type of tractor in Ecuador is the lack of service stations. It has happened that breakdowns with tractors have occurred._ in sections remote from districts in which service facilities are available and after much delay it has been found necessary to resort to the use of oxen to finish the ploughing, whilst the tractors stood idle in the furrows.
Nigerian Registrations.
DURING the six months ended Sep tember 30th last *28 new commercial vehicles, including stage carriages, were registered in Nigeria, the licensing centre for 141 of them being Lagos.
Report on an Argentine Show.
A SHORT report on the eleventh
annual motor show held at Buenos Aires from November 29th to December 9th, 1928, has been prepared by the Department of Overseas Trade from in formation received from the Commercial Counsellor at Buenos Aires. United Kingdom firms desirous of receiving a copy of the report should communicate with the Department at 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1, quoting reference AX.7402.
New Operating Concerns in France.
AMONGST the new undertakings recently formed in Paris to establish and operate road motor services for the transport of passengers and goods in France, are the Societe des Transports Automobiles de la Somme and la Societe des Transports Departementaux de in Moselle, each having a capital of one million francs.
Registrations in Ceylon.
AT the end of October lnst the follow
ing motor vehicles were registered AS being in use in Ceylon :—Motorcars 10,905; motorbuses, 2,276; lorries, vans, etc., 2,275; motorcabs, 1,441; trailers, 99; tractors, 21.
Trade Prospects in the Argentine.
ALTHOUGH there has been a falling off in the number of private motorcars imported into the Argentine Republic during recent years, there has been an increased importation of commercial vehicles, and, what is more important, the proportion of British makes has shown an upward tendency. The total imports in 1925 were 6,317 commercial vehicles, a figure which fell to 5.286 in 1926, but increased to 12,522 in 1927. Furthermore, the trade is apparently being well maintained, for, during the first six months of 1928 6,892 commercial vehicles were imported.
The importation of vehicles and chassis has been stimulated by the ruling that, when these comply with the definition of the weight and haulage specification of tractors they may be admitted free of duty SS such. In 1927 only 8,606 velsicles--or little more than 25 per cent. —were admitted in this way, but in the first six months of 1928 as many as 6,512 vehicles were admitted free.
Although the majority of commercial chassis imported are received from the United States, British makers should be able to secure a bigger share of the market if they study local requirements and marketing organizations, as their products have a reputation for reliability and economical running. It seems certain that more trailers will be required to meet the demand for the road transport of grip, quantities of which are carried by road to the different ports for export.
The total number of motor, vehicles in the Argentine was returned at 241,356 in 1927, of which 34,603 were registered in Buenos Aires.
Turkey's Tractor Trade.
OWING to Governinent encouragement of farming operations in Turkey, an increasing interest is being shown in farm tractors, of which between 500 and 600 are now being annually imported.. The largest number of the machines in use is American, but French and Italian makes are sharing in the trade.
Activity In Canadian. Export Trade.
OCTOBER last proved a very active month as regards the export of commercial-motor vehicles from Canada, the official returns just to hand showing that no fewer than 3,009 vans, lorries, buses and chassis, of a value of £212,229, were shipped from the Dominion during that month, as compared with 1,127 vehicles in October, 1927. The total number of such vehicles exported in the first 10 months of 1928 totalled 17,763, of a value of £1,270,401.
During October last, when the shipments comprised 2,702 vehicles of a carrying capacity not exceeding 1 ton, India was the principal customer for Canadian vehicles, having 723 to its credit, followed by Australia, East and West Africa, Chile, New Zealand, the Sudan, Malta, and Venezuela.