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By "The Extractor."
The Younger Generation.
It was a real pleasure at the Royal Show to meet with the son of Mr. Henry Spurrier, bearing, as will be seen, a facial resemblance, together with the same christian name, and as he is shortly entering the concern of Leyland Motors, Ltd., doubtless he will, in
the years -that are to come,. take upon his shoulders his father's great responsibilities. That, however, is
looking some time ahead. Mr. Henry Spurrier's instinct for business, his keenness fof work, and his pleasurable association with his business friends, will keep him at it, in spite of sheep. and shorthorns, which have great claims on his attention nowadays and possibly nowanights. However —! This little article deals with Mr.
.3purrier, Junr., who has just reached his majority, _and who has 'spent some "crowded hours
of glorious life" during-the last three years. He joined up in the
R.F.C. as a cadet at the age of 18,
getting his-wings before attaining 19, and later was sent out
1.0 Mesopotamia, where he was actively engaged in squadron work until February, 1918, when he retired to India on sick leave, badly knocked out with dysentery and typhoid, from which he now, fortunately, appears to have recovered thoroughly, and, indeed, actually states that he thinks it did him good. He went to Egypt instructing, until he came home April of this year, to be demobilized almost at once.
Thus, briefly, we get his Royal Air Force record, as he very modestly tells it. Prior to joining up, after leaving Repton, he had started on a three years' pupilage at The Leyland works, and in the period spent there he managed to acquire a good deal of general works experience. He will act now as personal assistant to the general manager, Mr. C. B. Nixon, and he could not be in abler company.
To mylmind, young Spurrier possecises the qualities _that will, all in good time, fit him to take his
responsible share of the Leyland business, he has the courage, the shrewdness, and I predict that he will develop the breadth of outlook, which will make him a great asset in the administration of that progressilieconcern.
A Distinct Advance.
To know J. A." Hill of the " Berna." motor lorries is an education ; he has a -persevering and dogged— I won't say pugnaciousdisposition, although ne knows something about boxing, and it doe:, one good to hear about his exploits in that direction ; but he possesses strength of character, and he has stuck to the Berna proposition very manfully, because he
• DDO believes in it, and Hill is the last man to do things by halves. " Berme motor lorries have had the vehicle made for them in this country hitherto, and they have fared no worse than other people, 11 suppose ; but it is a different thing altogether controlling one's own staff, getting things done one's own way, and in one's own time, and that is what Hill has aimed at and what is now eventuating. They have taken a factory within three minutes' walk of Guildford Station, are fitting it with the newest tools, and in a very short time they will turn out "Berna " models, both British and Swiss, with a fair chance to satisfy their already numerous clientele. So J. A. Hill is much heartened in consequence; he is looking forward now to a great advance in their business, he is prepared to support and pro.tect theirauthorized agents, and
he does not intend to allow people to pose as "Berns." experts unless they are authorized and are fitting Berna parts. The same, I -understand, as Rolls-Royce, who are getting tired of Rolls-Royce " experts ' buying second-hand cars, affixing all sorts of odd contraptions, and altering the entire character of the car.
When we have hid an opportunity of seeing the equipment at Guildfcird, we will •say more, but we have a good opinion of the work of this concern, arid shall look forward with interest to its further development.'
"Many are Called, but Few are Chosen."
Quite recently I had occasion to call on I3oulton and Paul's, at Norwich, who, in addition to wonderful factory construction, have launched fairly into aircraft build ' ing, which, . by the way, they Mr. Spurner, junr intend to continue, but they promptly cancelled their proposed attempt on the Atlantic record, even though their 'plane was already over there ; quite wisely, too, because there is nothing in it now. It brought to any mind that each of the recent successes was accomplished with K.L.G. plugs. The last of these, the British airship "R34," relied on them for their dangerous trip. S. Smith and Sons (M.A.), Ltd., have secured the sole distributing rights, which acquisition is a tribute to theifar-sightedness.
011a Podrida.
Gear-cutting machines have been installed by Smith Parfrey's, at Hammersmith, thus increasing
their great capacity for repair work. Mr. Y. W. Hudson has just resigned his position as sales manager of the Isleworth Rubber Co., Ltd., after 10 years' service with them and their predecessors,
the Polack Tyre Co.