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A Notable Nottingham Assembly Under the Auspices of the Local Division of the C.M.U.A.
ADMIRABLE work, to the substantial advantage of employers and those who are entrusted with the care of vehicles, continues to be accomplished in connection with the East Midlands Division of the Commercial Motor Users Association, which embraces in the scope of its, operations the counties of Nottingham, Leicester, Derby, Lincoln and parts of Northants. Thanks to a movement which was inaugurated at a meeting at Nottingham a few years ago, when prospective members had the opportunity of listening to a practical address regarding the value of combination by Mr. F. G. Bristow, general secretary of the C.M.U.A., an effective organization has been built up, the value of its operations being again strikingly exemplified on Saturday, July 19th, by a parade of motor vehicles, which was -held on Nottingham's riverside esplanade—the Victoria Embankment.
As in previoas years, the main executive duties devolved upon Mr. J. H. Trease, F.S.A A., who, since the establishment of the Divisional Association, has rendered services of inestimable value as secretary. The judges, by whom general satisiaction was expressed regarding the nature of the display, were :—Mesers. F. G. Bristow ; V. B. Butt, A.M.I.E.E., of T. Wethered and Sons, Ltd., Marlow ; Wm. Woollatt, A. M.I. A. K , Nottingham; H. Ardern, Corporation Cleansing Department, Sheffield; E. Ayers-Hunt, Bedford; M. P. Holmes, Leicester, and R. E. H. Bush, Nottingham. Much of the success of the display was due to the work of the marshals Municipal interest in the proceedings was manifested by the attendance of the Mayor of Nottingham (Alderman J. Houston), and the Sheriff of the City ICouncillnr A. Judd), by the former of whom the prizes were distributed. The corporation has set an excellent example by its widely extended use of motor vehicles. Although the entries did not reach last year's standard, when the total was 198, representing a record, they were still of substantial proportions, aggregating 139.
The awards were as follow :— Champion team of three vehicles of any age or type. Challenge trophy, to be held for one year, presented by Boots Pure Drug Co., Ltd., with £10 to be divided between the team drivers, won by J. Shipstone and Sons, with two Albion flats and a Halley flat, driven by H. Dennis, J. Leach and H. Davies.
For a team of three vehicles of the same type, champion team excluded:— Petrol, first, Shipstone and Sons, with Dennis flats, drivers, F. Draper, E. Cooper and L. Cartledge; second, Gerard Bros., Ltd., Albion trucks ; third, Boots Pure Drug Co., with Thornyeroft flats. Steam vehicles :—First, J. Player and Sons,, Ltd., Sentinel flats, drivers, A. Stevenson, H. Brooks• and J. Ashmore; second, Boots Pure Drug Co., with a Sentinel tipper and two Sentinel flats; third, J. Shipstone and Sons, with Foden flats. Electric vehicles :—First, Boots Pure Drug Co., with a Garrett flat, a general vehicle and a Walker vehicle drivers, F. Barron, F. Warburton and J. H. Taylor; second, Boats Pure Drug Co., With a Garrett vehicle,. h Mercedes and an Edison flat ; third, Boots Co., with two general vehicle flats and a vehicle truck.
Nottingham Chamber of Commerce prizes for vehicles owned by members of the Motor Haulage Section of the Chamber ;—First, Messrs. Dakin Bros., Leyland flat, driver, E. Ramm; second. Messrs. Dalgleish and Sons, Leyland van; third, Dalgleish and Sons, Liberty fiat.
For vehicles owned by any bona fide furniture remover or haulage contractor, steam, petrol or electric :—First, Dakin Bros., Leyland flat; second, DalWeis]] and Sons, Leyland van ; third; Palgleish and Sons, Liberty flat.
For vehicles owned and used by any firm for the distribution of their own goods, 50 cwt. or under load capacity :— First, Shipstone and Sons, Dennis Portland, driver, Platt ; second. Boots Pure Drug Co,, Edison flat; third, Boots Co., general vehicle flat. Over 50.ewt. capacity.—First, Shinstene and Sons, Halley flat. driver, H. Davies; second. Nottingham Corporatian Works and Ways Department, Leyla n d watering tank; third, Shipstone and Sons, Albion flat. Tradesman's van of 30 cwt. or ander
load capacity Bulwell Finishing Co., Austin van, driver, A. W. Cooke; second, Boots Pure Drug Co., Ford van ; third, Victoria Laundry, Argyll van.
Nfessrs. Boots's for special prizes for their own vehicles were won by the following drivers :—A. Dakin, A. Martin, G. H. Crowther, H. Porters, A. Taylor, C Foster, S. Foster and J. Webster. Messrs. J Shipstone and Sone' special prizes for their own vehicles were won by the following drivers:—H. Davies, H. Dennis, C. Hutchinson, E. Cooper, S. Simpson, J. Sharpe, J. Crofts arid F. Starbuck.
Long Service Vehicles.
It is interesting to note that the three vehicles entered by Messrs. Shipsteme and Sons, which were awarded the champion prize presented by Messes. Boots, had a total of 18 years' service, and that the same firm's steam lorries, which secured the premier award in the class for three vehicles of the same type, Showed an aggregate of 24 years' service on the road, their condition, after a long spell of heavy work in the brewery trade, being excellent. After the judging and prize distribution a tour of the city was undertakers by the vehicles, arousing 'great interest along the route, the parade furnishing a significant object-lesson as to modern-day developments in mechanical traction.
The valuable character of the work which is being performed in connection with the Commercial Motor Users Association was referred to by the Sheriff of Nottingham in the course of the luncheon proceedings. He foreshadowed many important improvements in the roads in the city and district, and expressed the view that such parades as bad been successfully organized that day formed one of the best means of encouraging both owners and drivers of mechanically propeled vehicles.
Mr. F. G. Bristow, whose name was coupled with the toast of "The C.M.TIA.," referred in his reply to the efforts which are being made to ameliorate the lot of motor owners with regard to taxation. It was high time, he suggested, that all sections of industry should combine to secure a general reduction of taxation of at least 25 per cent-. It was in that direction, he hoped. that the efforts of the C.M.U.A. would be directed.