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Internet directory promises huge savings

29th June 2000, Page 11
29th June 2000
Page 11
Page 11, 29th June 2000 — Internet directory promises huge savings
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1,1 The head of a new Internet directory of hauliers claims that It will revolutionise the way they find work.

Bill Preedy, managing director of, claims that paying the weekly subscription of S499 for their own web sites will save operators thousands of pounds a year in advertising costs.

"Industry can find the right company for the right job in the right place," he says. "We believe that most companies that need to haul their goods won't have the facility to find hauliers on the Internet until we have been launched."

Preedy accepts there is no guarantee that potential customers will use the directory, which is being launched on 17 July, but he expects it to be accessed more than 25,000 times a month. Web sites will be constantly rotated so everyone will have a turn in the direc

tory's most prominent position. The cost of designing a web site on the directory Is 250.

• Another Internet directory called has been launched to provide importers and exporters with independent freight advice.

Founder Piet Schreurs says it is targeted at small to medium-sized companies looking for the right carrier for a particular route or mode of transport.