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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."--John Beattie Crozier.
.The disagreement on wages in the Yorkshire . Traffic. Area will be dis• cussed at a meeting of the employers' panel of the Yorkihife. Conciliation Board, in Leeds, on Monday • next, when a report will . be given of last
week's deliberations of the National . . . .
Board, with reference to the position
in Yorkshire-. . .
There is virtually . a deadlock between the-einPloyers' and employees' panels of the Yorkshire Board, accompanied. by a further; complication in the form of the counter-proposals of the Yorkshire Stage Carriage Opera tors Association.' .
:No official information is available as to . the proceedings at '• last week's Meetings of the National Board, but at a' meeting at Halifax, on Monday, Mr..J. Keeling, a member of the Yorkshire Area Board, said he believed that the question of wages had been referred back to the employers' panel of the Yorkshire Board. •
The Yorkshire employers' -panel may be asked to make concessions to the workers' side, which would accentuate the differences already existing on the employers' side between the Y.S.C,O.A. representatives and the rest of the employers' panel. Mr. •Keeling believes that there will be a split in the employers' panel, and he has hinted at the possibilityof the Y.S.C.O.A. representatives withdrawing from it.
A New Oil With Chromium and Tin Constituents.
In our issue dated March I, we hinted at the forthcoming introduction by a leading lubricating concern of a new oil possessing important characteristics. A few days ago, a general announcement was made by C. 'C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd., Wakefield House, 32, Cheapside, London, E,C., concerning this new product of the company, which is now on the market 'under the name Patent Castrol oil. According to comparative tests carried out by the National Physical Laboratory, this new oil appreciably reduces cylinder wear, with a consequent saving in oil consumption.
Patent Castrol contains two important constituents, one of which protects the oil against oxidation and the other prevents corrosion of the engine parts. Chromium, in the form of a soluble compound, protects the working surfaces, which become coated with an invisible chromium film, which resists attacks by oxygen and the formation of iron oxide.
To overcome oil deterioration, which produces sludge, brought about by oxidation, an anti-oxygen agent, or inbibitor, has been introduced; this c20
consists of a tin compound. The Wakefield concern has acquired the patent rights,. by 'means of which minute quantities of this tin compound, soluble in oil, may be added to the lubricant.in perfect solution. It is claimed to prevent sludge formation, gummed piston • rings, choked filters and oil ducts, and to avoid seizure.
'Hull Hauliers and Conciliation Report.
A mass meeting of hauliers within a 15-mile radius of Hull will be had on Sunday evening next, at the Grosvenor Hotel, Hull, in furtherance of the Yorkshire Stage Carriage Operators Association's campaign against the report of the National Joint Conciliation Board.
Albion Dividend Announcements.
In respect of profits for the year ended December 31, 1934, Albion Motors, Ltd., has declared a dividend art the preference shares for the halfyear, ended on that date, at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum (less tax), and one of 5 per cent. (less tax) for the year on the ordinary shares.
New 100-ft. Escape for L.C.C. Brigade.
The London Fire Brigade recently took delivery of a new Morris-Magirus all-steel turntable fire escape. The ladder is built in four sections, has a maximum extension of 100 ft. and is mounted on a Dennis chassis. The outfit was demonstrated in London on Tuesday.
The Highway Code.
Copies of the latest (1924) edition of the Highway Code are obtainable from Temple Press Ltd., 5-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C.1, at lid. per copy, including postage, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION MERGER A STEP NEARER.
The question of the amalgamation of the Commercial Motor Users Association, Road Haulage Association and Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association was before a meeting of the National Council of the C.M.U.A., on Wednesday, when the discussion continued until the. evening.
Although the fact was not announced, the C.M.U.A. accepted, some time ago, the principle of a merger between the three existing national organizations, but certain aspects of the matter required further consideration by the National Council. On Wednesday, this council met and it is understood that certain amendments to the constitution of the proposed new association were_suggested for the consideration of the joint negotiating committee of the three bodies concerned. .
The .C.M.U.A., R.H.A. and the M.H.C.S.A. have now all agreed to the principle of the merger.
We understand that the name suggeitedfor the projected organization is the Commercial' Road Transport Association, which, if other interests be eventually embodied, might later become the National Road Transport Association.
• Vauxhall Motors' Good Trading.
A _further improvement on the 1933 record figures is shown by the report of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., for the year ended December Si. 1934. The trading profit amounted to £1,371,482, interest, transfer fees, etc., increasing the total to £1,374,940. After deducting maintenance, depreciation and other charges totalling £537,031, the. profit, before providing for tax, is £837,910, the amount available for distribution being £956,091, after adding the balance brought forward from the previous year.
Appropriations already made include a dividend on the ordinary shares (less tax) amounting to £261,563, and provision for income tax of £164,558, the total appropriations being £454,454. The balance is thus £501,637, which is to be carried forward.
The demand for the company's products showed an increase of 37 per cent, in the home market and 68 per cent, in the export market.
New Appeal Dates.
Owing to the indisposition of Mr. Rowand Harker, K.C., chairman of the Appeal Tribunal, the continuation of the appeal of Mr. S. J. Norman, Plymouth, and others, which was to have been beard in London on March 26, has been adjourned until April 15. The appeal of Messrs. S. J. Carter and Son, Clapton, arranged for March 26. will be heard on Aril 16. INDIA'S IMPORT-TRADE IMPROVEMENT.
Considerable expansion took place in the imports of motorbuses, vans and lorries into India in the nine months ended December 31, 1934, according to a survey of the import trade of that country, which has recently been issued by the Department of -Overseas Trade. In this, period 7,955 such -vehicles, valued at Re. 941 lakhs, were imported, as compared with 3,609, valued at Rs. 46 lakhs, in the previous year. The United Kingdom contribution rose from 495 vehicles (Rs. 11 lakhs) to 898 vehicles (Rs. 20 lakhs), the Canadian share increased from 849 vehicles (Rs. 11 lakhs) to 1,842 vehicles (Rs. 23 lakhs), and that of the United States from 2,233 vehicles (Rs. 221 lakhs) to 5,191 vehicles (Rs. Si lakhs). Of the total number of vehicles imported, 266 arrived with bodies and 7,689 as chassis.
A New Welding Enterprise.
After acting in the capacity of works manager for a welding concern for 20 years, Mr. H. E. Lamplough, M.I.M.E., has opened a new welding business, which is to specialize in guaranteed repairs to motor-vehicle parts and light and heavy castings of all descriptions. Oct° Welding, Ltd., is the name of the new company, which has works at 109111, Montgomery Street, Birmingham.
Road-accident Returns, . The following figures are extracted from the Ministry of Transport return of persons killed or injured in road accidents during the week ended March 16, 1035, the figures in parentheses being those for the correspond ing week in 1934 England 64 (75) persons were killed and 2,511 (2,867) injured, whilst 23 (20) died as a result of previous accidents. The figures for Scotland show that 10 (9) persons were killed and 279 (272) injured, and for Wales 3 (2) were killed and 80 (90) injured.
Railway's Objection Overruled.
Two applications for A licences, heard in Manchester recently, were opposed by the railway companies, which suggested that B licences would meet each case, Mr. H. Backhouse, for Mr. C. R. lIoskisson, questioned the right of the railways to make -this suggestion. He pointed out that the railways held 7,000 A licences, but they did not ask that their own vehicles should have only B licences. The point was further debated on an application by Messrs. J. Moths and Son, Oldham, and the Deputy Licensing Authority (Sir William Hart) granted A licences in each case.
Y.S.C.O.A. Forms East Lancs Branch.
The formation of an East Lancashire (goods section) branch was decided upon, at a meeting, in Blackburn, on Thursday of last week, by the Yorkshire Stage Carriage Operators' Association. 'About 50 persons were present, and addresses, mainly dealing with the question of wages as laid down by the National Board, were given by Mr. Frank G. Bibbings, Mr. J. Keeling and Mr. G. H. Bibbings. Lower rates of pay were suggested, and it was stated that the campaign would be carried on, further meetings being in the course of arrangement for Burnley, Manchester and Liverpool.
New Welsh Parcels Service.
A daily parcels-delivery service throughout West Wales has been inaugurated ilay Messrs. W. S. Thomas and Sons, Carmarthen. The lorries will work westwards_ in the territory from Neath and, Swansea. FORTHCOMING R.H.A. MEETINGS.
The annual dinner of the South Wales Area of the Road Haulage Association is to be held at Bridgend to-morrow (Saturday) evening.
Other R.H.A. meetings announced include those of the Redhill and Reigate Sub-area, at The Temperance Hotel, Junction Road, Dorking, on April 3, at 7.30 p.m., and the Western Sub-area of the Metropolitan Division, at Hammersmith Town Hall, on April 15, at 8 p.m. A meeting of the Eastern Metropolitan Sub-area will be held at Shoreditch Town Hall on April 2.