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New Edition of the Municipal Year Book

29th May 1942, Page 32
29th May 1942
Page 32
Page 32, 29th May 1942 — New Edition of the Municipal Year Book
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ACOPY of that monumental work, The Municipal Year Book and Encyclopaedia of Local Government Administration for 1942, has reached us from the publisher, The Municipal Journal, Ltd., 3 and 4, Clement's Inn. Strand, London, W.C.2. The price is 40s. net.

This new edition edntains many changes of importance, but utility is the keynote. All outstanding developments in the local-government world

are recorded in its 1,450 pages. The preface is by the Minister of Health, and the foreword to the roads and transport sections is given by Lord Leathers, Minister of War Transport. It is significant that in his remarks he points out that, whilst avoiding all extravagances, it is the duty of local authorities, and his own, to see that roads are maintained so as to ensure that urgent war traffi2, is not impeded; also that in the middle of pressing

war-time tasks the problems to be faced after the war is over must not be forgotten, and loeal authorities will have a very big part to play in post-war reconstruction.

It is impossible to do justice to this veritable tome in the few lines at our disposal, but we would say that no municipal authority can afford not to be in possession of this work, and the same applies to many others who have any important interest in this sphere.