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South-East hauliers accuse IC of threats

29th May 1997, Page 6
29th May 1997
Page 6
Page 6, 29th May 1997 — South-East hauliers accuse IC of threats
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by Sally Nash • Hauliers in London and the South-East say that letters from their Traffic Area Office inviting them to attend an information evening are "threatening". They say they fear reprisals if they do not attend.

Hauliers who have recently been granted 0-licences are being targeted for the information sessions, which include a talk by Traffic Commissioner Brigadier Michael Turner.

Hauliers say the tone of the letter is threatening to the point of compulsion. One part says: "The Traffic Commissioner would be disappointed to see any operator before him at a public inquiry who had chosen not to make the effort to attend the evening".

Hauliers are also protesting because the Traffic Area says it will keep copies of the letter with hauliers' responses on file.

One haulier, who wishes to remain anonymous, says: "This isn't an invi threat, looking at the tone of the letter. They say there is no obligation to go but the suggestion is that there will be a black mark against your name if you do not."

Another says that he will attend because he fears that if he does not it will held against him. "This is not voluntary," he says.

Colin Clarke, administrative director of the TAO, admits that non-attendance wilt be noted if hauliers are called to disciplinary hearings or public inquiries. "If people do not attend the evening and then fall foul of the law, it might be mentioned in passing," he says.

These are the first sessions in the South. East, and Clarke says the letter is gentler than those sent out in the North-West. He denies that there are veiled threats in the letter: "Hauliers shouldn't feel threatened but regard the evening as an opportunity," says Clarke. "It is not the end of the world if they don't come." He says the TAO needs hauliers' responses in order to invite them to another evening later in the year.