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AN STGO DRIVER'S PERSPECTIVE Rikki Chequer—who runs the drivers' website

29th November 2007
Page 57
Page 57, 29th November 2007 — AN STGO DRIVER'S PERSPECTIVE Rikki Chequer—who runs the drivers' website
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TruckNet Ut. (www.trucknetuk. corn) -was previously a heavy haulac driver for firms such as Econofreight "There are two sides to private escorts. On the positive side, you no longer need to wait at county borders until the traffic officers turn up. Thi. used to cause problems-some counties allowed day movement, some night. And long waits at borders in between meant a 300-400-mile trip could take a week

"Traffic police were generally OK but loc. officers often didn't have clue. One once rushed ahead up the A689 in front of my slow heavy load and I never saw him again Cleveland had a very good [traffic police] division, Durham less good.

"On the negative side, private escorts c• vary. I had an escort from Felixstowe to Avonmouth by a Chevette van with a singlE beacon and a wide-load banner wrapped around the window obscuring his vision, "Escorts must be in constant touch with the truck driver. The good ones give you a two-way radio; the bad ones ask for your mobile number. I've seen some coming ou of Teesport relying on hand signals. Most don't have the full Inventory of required equipment... [although] you can put as many lights on as you like but the public often still ignores you.

"A few guys are doing the job properly; they are the expensive ones. But everyon is trying to do it on the cheap; many haulage firms have one unit plated for 80 tonnes but they're not abnormal load specialists.

"In the old days a copper would turn up and look over the load. If it wasn't lit and signed properly he would say, 'I'm not moving you.' A private escort is paid to move you quickly.

"Who checks movement orders these days? The industry is being trusted to set L self-regulation... [but] heavy hauliers used to tend to work together a lot, and it doesn'; happen any more."