Answers to Queries.
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Thin Sheets of Foil for Bearings.
[2462] (Lorry Makers).—You can get sheet foil from the following: H. Rollett and Co., Ltd., 36, Rosebery Avenue, E.C. ; Elliott's Metal Co., Ltd., Selly Oak, Birmingham ; or The Mint, Ltd., Icknield Street, Birmingham.
Depreciation on a Mileage Basis.
.[2463] (SADDLES).—.You will be quite safe to depreciate your 12-16 h.p. Wolseley delivery van for 15-cwt. loads on the basis of a life of 150,000 miles, provided it runs on pneumatic tires. If you desire to make even better provision you can substitute 125,000 miles as a suitable figure.
Wants to Sell a Reputed Make under Other Name.
[2464] (FAcreR).—We do not think you will be at all successful, especially at the present time, in persuading any recognized manufacturer of commercial vehicles to turn out one of its standard pattern of machines in numbers to your order with your own name on the radiator or bonnet. This course would not commend itself, as a rule, to any manufacturer even in more-normal times, especially makers who have a, first-class property in their own name.
Pressed Paper Wheels for Friction Drive.
[2465] (SOuTHGATE).—Perhaps some of our readers will be able to afford you assistance in the matter of the names of makers of pressed-paper wheels suitable for friction drives. Many of these components are imported from the U.S.A., to our knowledge. It is possible that the makers of friction-driven cars in this country will supply you with a special renewal. You might inquire, for instance, of the following makers :—G.W.K., Ltd., Home Works, Datchet, and Forest Car Co., Wst Derby, Liverpool.
Preparing for Winter Conditions.
[2466] (Steel-tired).—We can recommend no cure except the purchase of a spare set of wheels shod with rubber tires. You do not state the nature of the surfaces of the hills, but, whether these be paved with setts or surfaced with macadam, the use of rubber, in the absence of dead leaves or slippery detritus on the surface, will effect a cure. You will do well to buy an ordinary set of full section, which for a five-ton steam wagon should be 160 mm. twins for the back wheels, and not less than 125 mm. singles for the front wheels.
Starting Contracting Business with a 3.4onner.
[2467] (South Wales).—We have answered questions about chars-h-bancs licences and petrol rebate several times recently, and you must refer to an earlier "Answers to Queries." As to earnings, with a, threetonner, you must see a revenue of not less than ls, per mile run, reckoning both light and loaded mileage together, as a minimum if you wish to make money. As for the guarantee which the G.P.O. requires for a, motor-mail contractor any of the insurance companies which undertake thiz fidelity work will tell you the class of surety that is needed. The sureties must be men of some financial standing. You should not offer to carry IP cwt. of mails under 6d. per mile run, nor one ton under 84-cl. per mile run. We have posted one of our standard costs sheets. These costs have to be considerably increased by any contractor, seeing that he has to make his money after charging all expenses, including management and establishment, against the motors. Any inspection and trial in London is charged by us at £2 28., and we charge out-of-pocket expenses in addition beyond a radius of 10 miles from Charing Cross.
A24 Seeking Work for His 21-tonner.
[2468] (Ifylde).—Our free sheet of working costs (copy mailed direct) will no doubt be of service to you. It practically answers your questions -under the various headings, but it leaves open the matter of a paying rate to charge for contracting work. Any contractor should see a revenue for a 2k-ton vehicle of not less than 10d. per mile, with a minimum of 350 miles of running per week, if he wishes to have a reasonable margin of profit. If he can get is. per mile, so much the better.
Electro-mechanical Transmission.
[2468] (Shippers).—The present address of the Thomas Transmission Co. is 14, Leonard Place, W. Leyland Motors, Ltd., of Leyland, Lancs., has had experience of fitting this transmission system, and is possibly in a position to sell duplicates. We do not know any systems which we could mention to you with advantage beyond the Thomas and the TillingStevens. Mr. W. P. Durtnall, of 76, Gladsmuir Road, Whitehall Park, N., may help you.
The Prices Paid for Impressed Vehicles.
[2470] (VAuxBALL).—It certainly seems a bit hard for you that you should have the assessment price for your impressed lorry fixed by one of your principal competitors acting as an expert, and perhaps that is one reason why you feel dissatisfied with the figure that you were awarded. If you are sufficiently dissatisfied to wish to take some action, your proper course is to bring the matter before a, County Court judge.
There is no desire on the part of the Government to be harsh in this matter. On the other hand, we do not think owners of motor vehicles should be encouraged to look upon this seizure of their machines as a means of driving a particularly hard bargain, especially when it becomes more and more obvious, as reports come to hand, that the efficiency of our Army in the field is depending so vitally upon its excellent motor-lorry supply services.