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by this Birmingham P--7concerla have achieved much success in come • memial circles. One of the most popular for heavy duty is the type A.B, which is mica insus Jested and has three manta. The type D.41 has a eingle point and is intended for fairly cool-running engines, or where there is a tendency towards oiling, and sooting-tm. The tePes Z plug has a particularly long reach and Is recommended for Ford engines. Speeinaene of each of these plugs will be shown, as well as A.O. oil filters, fuel pumps and air cleanees. The fuel pumps are of the diaphragm type, whilst the air 'cleaners to be shown are of two patterns--centrilugal and oil-wetted.
THIS concern can supply spare parts for -L• certain makes of lorry, these components being manufactured by the supplier 'For Peerless lorries, in particular, there is a wide range of parts, these including crown wheels, valves, gudgeon pins and pistons. Assembled differentials are a speciality, the gears and pinions
being evade in three grades. Another item which will probably be of considerable moment to Peerless operator, is the new type of water pump, which is claimed to force about. three times the normal amount el water to circulate in a given time. Aluminium fan pulleys, which are claimed to rthi with a high degree of efficiency, Will also occupy space on the stand.
F. H. ADAMS (1926). LTD.
X3A ix Tangrom die castings of all descriptiosis may be obtained from this concern, which will be showing gravity die castings. pressure die castings and sand castings, each type, of course, being suitable for a particular class of lob. The exhibits will he completed by examples of casting In special alloys, which are carried out t.0 meet the • requirements ot the British Engineering Standard Association specification, including anti-corresi Ye silicon alloys.
AMALGAMATED CARBURETTERS, LTD, 346 INCORPORATING a new feature called the ....Economizer, the AmaL carburetters to he exhibited should come under notice, especially as a seeing of from 5 per cent. to 10 per cent, in fuel is claimed by the adoption of the new idea, Tim primary oblect of the device is the
cutting down of petrol consumption without interfering with the normal working of the carburetter. This is achieved by placing an air leak in series with the main-jet system, with the operating mechanism interconnected with the throttle spindle. Opportunities for observing the functioning of the device will be given, •A simple and cheap petrol filter will be amongst the accessories shown, this having a strong glass container with a' leak-proof cork washer and a fine filter gauze, strengthened Inside with a spring. Floweeeters and jet-calibrating toachinee, which are -used by many makers for testing Petrol jets, will also figure Its the display.
T. B. ANDRE AND CO., LTD. . . 363
THIS name is, of course, well known jthroughout the motor industry, so that this stand should be welt attended. Visitors will be efiabled to inspect Si/en-Moo bearings, Silentbloc shock absorbers arid Andre bumpers. The first-named are elastic articulating feints, designed to obviate wear and consisting el Inner bushes and outer concentric sleeves, the intervening splices being filled with Adherite, an insulating material. In addition to these items there, will be on view. Andre' born rings and veil:tile:tors. The foimer are steexisigwheel attachments which enable drivers to sound their electric warning signals witheut removing the hand from the wheel. ANGLO-AMERICAN OIL CO., LTD. . • 150 A TTENTION will he drawn here to two new
fines—Pratt's meter oil and Pratt's high-test petrol. The former is the result of many years' research work. It is a lubricating oil to meet the modern demands of high-speed and fastrevving engines, Many successes have been achieved by the high-test fuel in vehicles taking part in events of national interest.
GEORGE ANGUS AND CO., LTD, . . . 242 BRAKE and clutch facings—called Telamite —that are claimed to have great powers of endurance will be shown here. Au an example of' the reliability of this materiel, the company tells its that it has been in service on a ' particular Daimler bus for over 92,000 miles. Amongst the other specialities to be exhibited are Docile universal joints, clutch leathers, spring pads, rubber tubing, etc.
LTD. 343 A N interesting display of patent anti-attri-3-tion bronze precincts, including big-end connecting-rod bearings, crankshaft bearings, gudgeon-pin bushes and other chassis components, will be on view here. Then there will be bronze castings, petent anti-attrition motor white bronze in ingots and atrips. There will also be shown the B.S. machine for boring connecting-red big-end bearings, etc. These bronzes are claimed to have a low co-efficient of friction.
TBIS concern is noted for its efficient gauzeless, self-cleaning petrol filters,, which are being standardized this year by many leading commercial-motor makers. There are many models of cleaner, these being suitable for use on motor vehicles and in filling stations; the prices charged are quite reasonable. A special fwature will be strainers which are automatically cleaned eaoh time the driver depresses the clutch pedal.
LTD. . . ..... . • . • 231 THIS stand should be well worth a visit, -Ibecause the exhibits, for the most part,
• have a direct bearing upon the economical running of meter vehicles and the attaining of the maximum power. For instance, there will be the B.H.B. self-adjusting pistons, the well-known. Whatmough -Hewitt combustion head, which is now achieving such good reeults, and a number of other components connected with carburation, etc. Tho special feature of this year's stand will be the Autostet, which is intended to control the temperature of air conveyed to the carburetter.
AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS CO. . . . . 362 WE have from time to time described in Yr our columns several of the various cam. ponents which are marketed by this concern, notably tho widely known Timken axles and Bong and Beck clutches. Other examples of this company's activities will be represented by Fuller gearboxes and clutches, the famous Lockheed hydraulic. brakes, Haien= steering gears, and such products as oil fliteys, leashes, fans, springs, belting and adjustable door bumpers.
AWIDE range of oils and greases will be shown by thia concern, including those Sold under the name Maxima, these being suitable for use in connection wielall, types Of internal-combustion engine. The e,rtseany also markets a. special worm-lane oil and the Maxima rust preventive, which In derived from is lanoline base. Particaiar .Interest attaches to the greessetees, which are grease-gnu refills made of solidified oil.
E. P. BARRUS, LTD • • • . 245
AINTENANCE engineers and garage super-0.'1-visors will be interested in the exhibits en this stand. e these including valve refaCees, socket wrenches, hydraulic jacks and other appliances of that nature. As regards tools, there will be twist drills and reamers, body and wing-repairing tools and other such ins. plemente. The drills are made of durable carbon steel and are available in a wide variety of sizes.
BATTERIES, a LTD. . . ..... 292
THE well-known Nile accumulators manufac
tured by this concern will create a considerable amount of interest, as they are constructed mainly of steel add will, therefore, easily stand vibration. Neither lead nor sulphuric acid is employed, so that sulphation is impossible. A complete lorry battery is to be exhibited, as well as various sizes of cell and sectional plates which show the method of construction,
THE Plein-Azur head, marketed by this -1company_ has, in the past year or so, found great favour amongst coachhnilders. Its reaen advantage is that, being of the roll-Lopdesk type, it operates without causing any break in the contour of the conventional saloon roof. Actuated by an easily working roller chain, the centre portion of the roof is made to slide down the beck of the coach between the panelling and a separate lining, and thence under the rear portion of the flooring. l'he company is also showing an entirely new type of 'hinge called the faBeaionson patent D.P. ball-jointed steel hinge.
/TIRE name Beclawat is familiar to large -1numbers of aassenger-vehicle operators and to bodybuilders, so that we oan safely predict a 'good attendance at this companyee stand. The exhibits will include silent window channel, the Beelawat horizontal sliding window (type D.5), the Beelawat secessed door handle and various other small window fittings. The company's circular revolving ashtray is a standard fitting an many buses and coaches andethe specimens IFJ be shown will emphasize its utility and eterac tie en esp., With regard to the door handles, these have main plates of sheet braes, nickel-plated rims and centres whictelare finished in black cellulose. In the case of the sliding window this is of neat appearance, whilst the felt at the top and bottom of the window has been discarded, a spring metal-to-metal contact having taken its place.
'CO., LTD. . . . • • • • • 201a THIS concern is well • known for its conductors' equipment, and particularly for ite ticket punches. Ticket racks, cash bags and other items connected with traffic organisation will be shown on the stand.
BENDIX.PERROT BRAKES;1-LTD. . . 257 A WIDE range of brakes varying from 7 ins. to 17 ins, in diameter will be shown by this well-known company, these brakes being saleable for small tradesmen's vans or for heavy-duty chassis. A demonstration will be given of a pair of Bendix-Cowdrey brake-testing units. The brake tester is an electrically driven transmission dynamometer and measures the braking effort ateach wheel of 0. motet vehicle. Its reading is given so terms of road pull.
THE devices and appliances manufactured by this concern should arouse considerable interest, as, for the most part, they have a direct bearing upon the maintenance of all classes of motor vehicle The et.B.N. polishing machines have several good features and are claimed to reduce by at least 50 per cent. the time that is taken in the handpolishing of motor-vehicle bodies. Three models are available, a direct-drive type, a four-speed pattern and is susAnded one. Another tinportant exhibit will be the B.E.N. dual air unit, which is now being extensively employed fru spray painting end tyre inflating. A further important B.E.N. product is the model 10.2 air compressor, which will be shown for the first time et Olympia. The well-known vehiclewashiug appliances will, of course, be on view.
VISITORS will be enabled to inspect, on this v Stead, original carbon filter papers showing the small carbon deposit which is left he' Viscol oils. Some interesting photographs will also be on view, these -depicting fleets of bosses and goods vehicles that ore lubricated with viscoi ells, as well as an original illustration of a number of vehicles that was lubricated. an far back es 1897, with oils 'of this make.
MUCH attention should be attracted by this
stand, upon which will be shown a useful range of devices connected with the 'maintenance and operation of motor vehicles. They will include the Diets hydraulic ilea, which lee several commendable features and is low in price, the Autolub, Autorare end flexible .grease-gun systems, which make for the easy lubrication of the various components. A comprehensive range of cork-seated petrol taps is Mho available, as well as a, number of other useful appliances.
T14114 company's complete range of valverefacing tools, electric carbon-removing brushes and valve-seat refacing machinery constitutes an exhibit of interest to maintenance engineers and repairers. The company's Many other electric tools end attachments for chassis makers and others should also be inspected.. Valve recouditloning is a section of engine maintenance on which overhead expenses can be reduced if up-to-date methods he employed and suitable machinery for this operation quickly pays for itself.
J. BLAKEBOROUGH AND SONS, LTD 268 oREMICAL flre-extinguishers, as many of our readers will know, are the speciality et this company and on its stand INV be, a range of the different models made, iheluding the popular Nuswift type O. The fluid used consists of 99.97 per cent. chemically pure carbon tetra-cleoride treated to hold carbon dioxide gas in an unstable solution. The quart-size eetinguishee sells at 57s. 6d. and the pint-size at 50e.
TN all branches of the motes industry the 2name of this concern is well known, and at the exhibition it will show a useful pair of direction indicators, which may be controlled from the facia, beard, and a range 0 steering wheels, particularly interesting being the Spring Arcs model, A special 193/4-in. pattern is marketed for use in connection with heavy vehicles. Registration plates will be well in evidence, as well as the Beamlight rear lamp. Visitors will also be able to inspect various other products, including tyse pumps, antidazzle devicee and control-lever handles,
TIjIS concern was one of the pioneers Of roadside petrol-pump intitallatione, and its products in this connection have walt a niece in the front rank. A new type of petrol. dispensing unit will be amongst the exhibits. This unit, we are told, is already being success fully operated in a large. 0. commercial-vehicle depots. .Furter details are not available at the moment, but we are assured that risitors will be 'provided with every opportunity for examining the eqUipMent on this
stand. •
BOYRIVEN, LTD! . • • • • • • 14 ALL classes of motor cloth; suitable for upholstering purposes, will be included in this company's exhibit. Tassels, "aces and other berms et trimming will alio be 'es es-LE:knee, as well as mequettes of various' Patterns. Other features which are .of, interest to passengervehicle oniiitors comprise hood materials, hides, leather cloth and, eeveral types of interior
VARIOUS sizes 0 air Compressor, suitable 7 ter a eariety of jobs, will be staged here. There will also be the new pattern Bristol tyre-cone pressor control, which is useful for the accurate servicing of tyres. . A new design of tyre-valve connector is to be introduced at the Show, this device being intended for hard everyday use An entirety new line in the form Cl .a " freeair " tower will be prominently displayed, this being equipped with a master gauge.
AWIDE range of useful friction facings, clutch rings, bonnet liners and other products will be exhibited by this company, which is an expert in the manufacture of such equipment and strives to teep abreast of modern demands. CRITISH BOCK BEARINGS, LTD. . . 352 FrIIIS company concentrates upon the menu-1facture of a particular hind of tapered roller bearing which is intended to carry radial and thrust loads simnitaneouely. The salient feature of the Bock bearing is that all` con. tacting surfaces are free to rotate at correct reletive• speeds. Sc that a pure rolling action is obtained. The bearing and its cemponent parts will be shown to good advantage.
• A NEW type of petrol pump which will appeal to commercial-motor nears in a small way of business is being shown by this company. A. demonstration will be staged of this pump, liquid being passed through it. l_lp to 10 gallons show on the dial. The exhibit will be completed by an attractive display of motor spirits.
AL4moter-vehicle users are familiar with the products of this concern, notably its Brice piston rings. Then, of couree, there is the Scraypoil ring, both this and the Ellice being of the stepped and slotted type. This concern has its own foundry and the rings are made lrom Centrifugal castings. The remainder of the exhibits en this stand will comprise Hotokast cylinder Deers, .whiesh obviate the need for oversize pistons, shackle bolts and gudgeon pins, cast-iron bars, and valve guides and ahilled-face tappet heads.
BRITISH THOMSON•HOUSTON CO., LID. 335 ‘-f N this stand will be not only a number of
magnetos, but combined . magneto . cell-ignition sets, impulse starters, automatic igeitions timing device's, flexible magneto couplings, with infinitely variable adjustment, Fabroil silent timing gears and Maeda electric bulbs. The type HE magneto will be shown for the • first time. It, gives two sparks per revolution of its shaft, which carries a rotating magnet. the windings and condenser being stationary. In the B.T.H. combined magneto coil-ignition sets, the magneto is of the polar-induction type and has additional primary and secendary terminale to permit of the contact breaker and distributor being used in conjunction with a separate ignition coil.
A II exceedingly representative range ol Tiny
ken tapered-roller bearings and component parts for them will be shown on this stand. The quality of Timken workmanship is to he demonstrated by a large selection of outer and
inner races, rollers and. cages. Various sectioned models showing the modern application of hearings al this make should not be overlooked.
J. BROCKHOUSE AND CO., LTD. 181 and 90 A I.L classes of user will do well to inspect .11.the exhibits on these stands. On the former may be seen springs and clips for every typeof commercial-motor vehicle and trailer. cast and pressed-steel wheels, axles, bearings and many other items of equipment which are essential -for commercial machines. On the passenger-vehicle side there will be windscreens, sliding-roof fittings, rod ventilators and certain coach furnishings. The other stand will be of special interest to users in a small way of business, for the well-known Gibson 10-cwt. trailer is to be shown here. This is a bandy little .appliance, which has several good features and which may be couveniePtly towed behind a private oar. The trailer will be on view in chassis form and with different types of body, one being a utility model,
EQUIPAIVINT emanating fiom the factories of many well-known manufacturers may be seen here. There will be sparking pings, brake facings, jacks, air compressors, grease guns, couplings, salvage cranes and a host of others; in fact, the stand will hold something of interest for these concerned with every branch of the trade. Hardie vacuum cleaners will be specially featured. The Master type is a portable appliance having a dust container which can be easily emptied, It is ideally suitable for cleaning the floors and upholstery of highclass saloon coaches. Another model, which can ahro be used as a blower, is suitable for
service stations, and Is equipped with a strap for parrying. The motor is arranged for alter. eating or direct current in the ease of each model. The range of Hardie washing machines to be shown are available in five sizes. They provide MU forms of discharge—a direct jet at constant high pressure and a filmy spray or mist, a slight adjustment of the gun nozzle instantly effecting the change.
SEVERAL examples of worm geming, with the worm threads oase-hardened, ground and polished, end with worm wheels of centrifugally cast bronze; also spiral-bevel gears, differential bevel gears, and worm-type steering gears will be seen on this interesting tand. The company will show its No. 4 standard gearbox intended for passenger and goads vehicles, in which engines not exceeding 6.000 c.c. in capacity are employed. There will also be an example of the Amherst Villiers supercharger, Gear cutters. callipers and patent reamers are included in the less important items to be shown, E. C. BROWN AND CO., LTV 256
MANUFACTURERS in particular will be in
• ,'''-g-terestett in such products as bonnets, radiator cowls, silencers and petrol tanks of all descriptions to be ehown on this stand. Thm
company specializes in the manufacture and repair of all forms of etamping, pressing and sheet-metal Work, so that the stand sheuld be visited not only by chassis makers but by bodybuilders. Some of the pressed-steel wings which will be on view lend a distinctive note to high-class saloon coaches.
wholesale distributors 1 or a wide variety el products used in the commercial-motor trade, this company intends to exhibit proprietary labour-saving tools and garage equip scent, There will be the S.E.N. dual-air unit, the Black and Pecker rango of electric toots, compreueurs, valve-grinders, electric drills, etc. Tecalemit lubricating devices and Laycock hydraulic washing plant. The Eca automatic air station Will also' be in evidence. Then there will be the Laycock LSD pressure-gauge tank, in which the semi-rotary pump is feat-operated. A comprehensive exhibit will be concluded by a display of useful accessories, such as motors, horns, odometers. etc, JOHN CAMERON AND SONS . . . /04 'RV' the careful choice of upholstery the -LP appearance of the passenger-vehicle interior can greatly be-improved and,. therefore, operators of motorbuses and coaches would do well to pay a visit to this stand, so that they are able to inform coeschbuilders of their requirements. Here they will see all classes of enamelled and stained leather and moroccograined hides in a wide variety of shades, in addition to Fascoi upholstery.
CARLESS, CAPEL AND LEONARD . . 240. rpHIS concern, established in 1559, is, of
course, famous for its motor spirit . and oils, of which a wide range of samples will be shown, these including gas-engine oil., lubricating oils which are suitable for all purposes. and turpentine substitutes for cellulose lacquer non-solvents. Petrol pumps and a lubricating. oil cabinet will constitute a special feature, the latter being shown as a working model. The Oarline . oil cabinet is manufactured for the company by the Steel Barrel Co., Ltd., and is made to take a 40-gallon drum.
WM. E. GARY, LTD 207
TH-E products of this company are of general interest, including, as they do, springs suitable for all types of commercial vehicle, bumpers, bna-kee and body fittings, the lastnamed including tipping gears. For those interested in trailers there' are pressed-steel dim wheels, axles, drawbars and various other essential components.
TURING CO. • ...... • • • 8 'MAME plates erigraved or cast in any metal -LI or finish will be let inspection on this stand. Then there will be vitreous-enamelled badges far radiator and dashboard use. Badges for coat lapels, caps and uniforms will make a special appeal to those users who are mindful of the value of appearance in the case cf their employees.
A TASTEFUL selection of panels showing the
finishes which can be obtained with Carrie cellulose lacquers will be arrayed on this stand. In addition, there will be panels showing the wood-finishing process which may be applied to interior parts of passenger-vehicle bodies. The well-known Cellabease and Cerrax polishing compositions will also be in evidence.
OHAL.LEHOE OIL CO., LTD • 318 OIL drums with hand/es which turn around to form a spout will be a feature of this company's exhibit,. which will include oils in barrels and other forms of container, greases and petroleum jelly.
CHAMPION SPARKING PLUG CO„ LTD. 174 14`1AMOUS the world ever as the manufac-12 turer on a very large scale of sparking pings, this company will make a feature of • the type SOB plug which is specially designed for the arduous conditions encountered in heavy-service work. The plug is of the multi-. point kind and has a. porcelain insulator.
OR coaches on winter service the Thermorad
heating system, exhibited by this. company, is a valuable accessory. It is made in three sizes, combinations of which are suitable tor every class cf vehicle. The Thermorad system is well known, but it may be mentioned that valves, connections,. etc., are of machined p.m-metal, essential valve parts being of rustless steel. Also an this stand. 'will be She Nevajah opting-recoil damper and load adjuster, ess well as the Leveroll sliding-seat mechanism.
EEXrDE is a name well known to all classes of commercial user, and -the batteries to be shown are suitable' for 'starting. end lighting on vehicles rauging from light delivery aams to heavy-duty lorries. A special display will be made of batteries suitable for propelling electrie machinery from road vehicles to runabout cranes and eacometives. It should be noted that the'prodncta of this concern embody several radical departuree from ordinary peat' tire. In the Eadde-ironclad positive plate the active material is enclosed in slit ebonite tubes and is held securely in contact with the grid which conducts the current to the terminals. The negative plate consists of a lead-alloy gird with e lattice structure terming a fiat es,gb which securely holds the. active material in the form of centinuons Strips_ For bus lighting type 0.Naii will meet all ordina.ry requirements, but the B.M.V, series has a greater capacity.
CHAS. CHURCHILL AND CO., LTD.. •. 177 911108E people who are cenceneed with the -Imaintenance of fleets of motor vehicles, or who -run garages and eetvice etaticeas, will do well to pay a, visit to this stand, an which many utility appliances will be staged. The exhibits range from mudguard devices. to large air coinpreaeore and ..cylinder 'grinders. Electric tools, jacks of many petternee oil pumps and a host of ethex interesting items will be in eridence.
WM. CLARK. 182
COMPONENTS having a direct bearing upon the operation Cl commexcial motors and equipment employed in the maintenance of them will be well to the fern here. Universal Mints of several makes will be available, as well as worms and gears, facings for brakes and clutches, pistons and ether components. On the maintenance side, interest will be attached to washing el/ante, spray-painting elentprtient, cylinder borers and other essential appliances.
TRIS .eempany's products are now being employed by a large number of. vehicle Manufacturers. The uninitiated will be able • to see for themeelves the principle of working, for large models will be staged. Operators of light vehicles should find consideraele interest in the new' Dewandre servo brake, which is of eimple design. Another brake which is to be exhibited is the Rubury-Alferd and Alder. This unit is designed to operate on the front wheels. One of the latest develop. meets of the company, the Clayton-Still wirewound tube, will also be in evidence. This type of radiator is, we are told, rapidly finding favour with motor-vehicle manufacturers.
CLEWS PETERSEN PISTON RING AND ENGINEERING CO.. LTD. . . 347 dr IN the above stand visitors will have an
opportunity for examining a wide range of Clupet pletea rings. They are made from high-grade cast iron, which is manufactured by the centrifugal process,
A LUMINIVNI is the epeciedity cif this concern and, in view of the increasing use to which this metal is. being, put, users would do wen to visit this etand. They will he able to examine aluminium castings, cast aluminium number plates and hackney-carrlage plates, and door-catch guards, these being recently enforced by the Scotland Yard authorities for use in conneolion with taxicabs.
A_SELECTION of standard and, auxiliary springs manufactured under this company's patent process will afford interest to those who have suspension problems. laminated spriegs with special oil grooves will he shown. A feature of the products is that plates are guaranteed to be interchangeable. An assortment of fractured leaves will be available and the reasons for fracture will be explained.
CONNOLLY BROS. (CURRIERS), LTD 305 -LIROM the point of view of hard wear and cleanliness; leather upholstery has several advantages, and those people who share these ideas will be attracted by this stand upon which will be displayed examples of hides that have been enamelled by a new process. Then, again, there is a special leather:eknown as Vaumol, which is now being employed for trimming purposes, as well as another new hide, the Florida, this being a fancy grained leather in distinctive colours.
COOPER WEBB-JONES AND CO. . . .339 pASSENGEB.-VZHICLE eperaten will be . , interested be the, exhibits of this concern, for a number of Sudan fittings will be dim.
played.. The company's patent all-weather• lived fittings ere, of course, well known, as are many of the other devices bearing this name, including hand-pole brackets, parcels racks, ventilators and other items of equipment too numerous to mention. A useful device is the Sidno door handle, which is recessed into a sunk plate. It is claimed not to interfere with the glees run and allows the window eaeily to drop. This handle is available in brass or with a nickel-plated finish.
CCHASSIScomponenta of a fibrous character are specialities of this concern, although there will be shown metal poets. So far as
the fibre exhibits are concerned, these wil "liciude gaskets for cylinder heads and exhauet (diets, Coaperite compreased asbestos leiriting gaskets, Kentonite laminated cork joints and aimilar articles. On the metal side, brass, steel and laminated shires will be on view.
A PARTICULARLY interesting exhibit on • C1.',his stead veal le a sectioned six cylindered engine, which will indicate the application at a Duplex roller cliain to the, driving of an overhead caradialt and auxiliaries. An automatic teesioner is fitted to the drive for the purpose of maintaining the chain in correct aenstinent. There will aLso be samples of single Duplex and Triplex roller, chains and of ineerted tooth chains for use in connection With the driving of carnshetts, Those people hosing terries which incorporate chains for the final drive will find considerable interest In this concern's single and Duplex heavy roller chains.
COVENTRY CLIMAX ENGINES, LTD. • 255 AGROUP of engines always lends itself to On attractive display, and therefore this stand should be well attended: Five complete power units are to be present, the chief of which will lie the new L.6-type six-cylindared engine, which was described in our Issue dated September 17th. Three of the exhibits will be small in capacity, these ranging from 596 c.c. to 1,368 c.c. The engines that are, perhaps, of most interest to commercialvehicle users are the Coventry-Climax P-type four-cylindered unit, with a. bore of 89 ram. and a stroke of 120 mm., giving a pistonswept area of 2,986 c.a. lthe R.A.C. rating is 19,6 lepe, and the previously mentioned L.6 type, which has an R.A.C. rating of 36 h.p.
WORK CO., LTD. 284 lict AMATORY are the speciality of this cont. em-t. pony, and the specimens to be shown are euitable, for road ,vehicles, tractors' and stationary engines. II there be satficieue space, visitors will also be able to inspect a range of petrol tanks and wings.
COX AND co. . .... . 21T
WrliDSCREENS ' will constitute the'ptiampal exhibit of this company, these having several interesting and usetul 'features Sheaplicity in operation is one of .their' good points, and they are claimed to lock rigidly in any position from the 15111 opening to within ea' in. ot the body. Another exhibit which should be well worth while inspecting is the patent opening backlight. Louvre eentilators, tilt covers, luggage trunks are other specialities of this -concern, as well as chromium plating. It is interesting to mote that the last-mentioned is nose becoming popular for the smaller fittings of passenger vehicles.'
clitESSWEee'S ASBESTOS CO., LTD. . 180 A°8now plays quite a large part in the components of motor vehicles, and those operators who are interested in this commodity win be able to see it upon this stand in its crude state. The well-known Melaka asbestos brake and clutch facings will be in evidence, whilst the process of manufacturing these facings should attract notice. Several other articles will also be on view, such as the new 999_ W. clutch-plate discs or rings, which are specially ereataded and are claimed to be impervious to heat or damp.
O1DRATORS of all types of vehicle will And ""-).that a large number of commodities will be available -here. For bus and motor, coach owners there will he fittings, linings for panels, upholstery and this concern's pateat Alves side shields, which are clattered to convert an open coach into one of the saloon class. Then, for goods-vehicle operators, there will be examples of ironwork.
THOMAS DE LA RUE AND CO., LTD. 210 T IGETINO and starter-battery containers, -1—Iproduced in this company's patented acidproof moulding material known aa Telenchiren, will be the chief source ol attraction here. The material has special characteristics, putt-mile-rip a high softening point. This feature, coupled with mechanical strength, immunity to the action of acid and readiness to mould into complicated forms, permits the production of containers which fulfil the requirements' of battery makers in tho motor trade. A varied assortment of mouldings of synthetic-resin materiaie, as applicable to dashboard equipment. fillet caps, change-speed-lever knobs, etc., will also be on view,
PROEIINENT on this stand will be a mange of tool and garage equipment, including the well-known Refl-a-ear. series of jacks, which, by reason of their unique coestruction, enable the utmost use to he made of the available floor space. The application of palate, etc., by the spraying process is being widely adopted In the motor trade, and it is now generally admitted that if a, spray pistol that can atomise polite to a sufficiently fine degree he available, this method expedites the work in hand and produces a fitatecless finish_ Ta those interested In the subject the /links gun on this stand will make a special appeal. Kellogg air consgreasers, Linendoll brake testers, Delco-Remy ignition distributors and Hyatt roller bearings comprise only a few of the other lines which will be available for inspection.
W. B. DICK AND CO., LTD. .. 152
MITTS concern has built up a reputation in -Ithe commercial-vehicle industry for the eliality of its lubricating oils, and ILO pro&tete 'should receive attention from those who appreciate the importance of correct lubrication. Apart from greases for many uses, the company markets oils in different grades for winter and summer use on all types of vehicle.
?JEW lines on the stand of this company will -LI include •Cellusol polish for the renovation of nitre-cellulose fabric and varnished surfaces, and Primo surfacer for the treatment of steel before painting operations are commenced. Specimen panels will be on exhibition to emphasize the finish which is obtained by the use of the company's paints, enamels, varnishes, etc. Examples of Induroleum flooring, which is finding use on bilges and coaches, should interest coachbuilders.
CO., LTD. 275 A" and Dominion are the trade names 'under which this company markets its motor spirits, of which samples will be shown. Petrol pumps will be available for inspection, whilst those who are interested in models will be attracted by the road tank wagon, a similar machine for rail use, and a tank barge.
W. H. DORMAN AND CO., LTD . . . 342 OF the eight engines which will be on view on this stand two will be eix-cylindered units one developing 100 b.h.p. and the other 50 1.h.p. These engines can be supplied in unit or non-unit form and, in the rase of the smaller engine, the Dorman C-type four-speed gearbox with raultiple-disc clutch will be incorporated. The four-cylindered power units will include those developing from 1_8 b.h.p. to 72 b.b.p., covering practically the whole range of commercial uses. One model in particular, the 4.1k 11., on which all the auxiliaries are on the near side and are positively driven, is especially suitable for use in forward-control chassis.
In addition, the company will display a range of flexible couplings for engine drives, die-castings in aluminium and zinc-base alloys, and various sizes of silencer for passenger and goods chassis..
DOVER, LTD 272 CERTAIN of the products of this concern Vase now widely used in the commercialmotor industry; and Doveriterevered stanchions, hand poles and other fittings are largely employed on buses. This particular covering should make a special appeal for passenger service, by reason of its non-inflammable qualities, whilst it to also impervious to oil or water and can he highly polished. The company will have on view certain steering wheels built for
commercial-motor chassis, as well as the new Dover spring-arm steering wheel for damping out vibration and absorbing road shocks. Other Doverite specialities will be to the lore, including sparking-plug testers.
AWIDE range of different sizes and types of Kathanode battery will be shown on this stand, including standard six-volt 110ampere-hour batteriee in moulded containers, as well as Sample. cells as supplied to wellknown users in the business world. The cells will be shown in section to demonstrate the construction which is adopted and the manner in which the patent separators are fitted. Kathanode equipment is now widely used for lighting purposes on buses.
LTD. . . . . . . ..... 22a A N important factor in easy starting is .L-3-fluidity of the oil employed, and to show the qualities of its products this concern is to arrange a rather unique demonstration; This will consist of .a refrigerating plant, which coats a length of piping with frost to the thickness of 117. in. Aden! New Process oil will be shown to flow through this pipe al a temperature well below freezing point and to remain perfectly fluid aide its journey, thus indicating its capacity for facilitating engine starting in cold weather.
EDMUNDS, WALKER AND CO., LTD. . 262 A .8 a wholesale agent and contractor for hail .r3Land roller bearings of different patterns and makes, it is only to be expected that this eon. cern will display a wide range under this head. Hoffmann, Timken and R. and M. bearings will be on view in the company of Clupet and Brimo piston rings and Better valves.
'WELL known to commercial users by virtue
of its ability to supply a wide range of replacement parts at short notice, this concern will exhibit gears, worm wheels, shafts, cylin. den, pistons and a variety of engine and chas sis parts. In connection with its replacement activities it is as well to mention that the company is a specialist in the production of gears and worm wheels. Elephant accessories are available for many practical and decorative purposes, and amongst some of the outstanding we can mention lamps, .bumpers, ashtrays and driving mirrors. Electric, acetylene and Oil lamps are to be shown and each, in its class, is soundly built to withstand the rigours of commercial use. With winter approaching the radiator lamp should command notice; it horns for about 50 hours with one filling.
L"01301.. is the trade name under which this old-established company markets its motor oils and greases, which, it claims, are the outcome of exhaustive laboratory and practical tests extending over a period of 70 years. The company's products find much favour with commercial users and are economical in nee.
CO., LTD. ....... . . . . . 218 TT is only possible to give a meagre idea of
the extensive range of specialities to be displayed by thie concern,. but suffice it to say that almost every type of user will find something of interest. For has owners and bodybuilders a door-opening gear for one-man-typo vehicles should attract attention, especially as It can be positively locked in either the closed or open position. In this device a spring-controlled plunger contained in the handle actuates the locking mechanism. Rums air bells for buses transmit power by air impulse, and several ypss of push for use with this system will be on view. Beasy is the descriptive term under which the company markets a ticket punch. Under the heading of garage equipment, tho company will be exhibiting air compressors, washing plant, hoisting apparatus, which over come the difficulties associated with underbody repairs and steering-gear adjustments, and engine starters, sold under the name of Eqwhippie, whilst destination indicators, differ out types of seat, etc., will be shown,
F. H. EVE, LTD. . ....... 166
ITTHEM it is. found desirable to remove an TT engine from a chassis in order to undertake repairs or replacements an engine stand proves invaluable. Various types of this handy appliance whieh are marketed fir this concern will be in evidence here, and loom an inspection it will be seen that the Eve Empixe stand will accommodate any size of engine, whilst it can also he used for holding goalboxes, back axles and other heavy components.
I10T brass stampings to meet the require. ments of different sectione of the commercial-motor industry will figure on the stand in the gallery to be occupied by this Dudley concern.
FERODO, LTD. . . . . 338
191.HE term " Ferodo " is, in Itself, sufficient to attract attention to this stand, for the products which are 'sold under this name have achieved a deservedly wide reputation throughout the motor industry. A standard range of the company's brake and clutch !nonage will be on view, and a particular feature is being made of boxed sets of • die-pressed Lacings ready drilled and complete with the necessary rivets for Morris-Commercial vehicles. Bonded asbestos brake facings in sheet form, sothat any width and length of material can be cut as required when a particular size is not Immediately available will be seen, as well as bonded asbestos die-made discs for plate 'clutches, these being available in a variety of sizes. Ferodo Bonrest is a tough material for bonnet lining. . It prevents rattle, is extremely durable and is unaffected by heat.
FISHER AND LUDLOW (1920), LTD. . 167
FORmany years this concern has been in the forefront in the manufacture of pressedsteel components for commercial vehicles, and ouch components as axle cases, brake drums, bonnets, body panels, clutch cones, dashboards, hub caps, petrol tanks, silencers, shackles, torque memben, window-frame casings. etc, which will be on view will afford a good idea of the company's ramifications.
ryt.EIOSE who think that the idea of an tin. Abreakable lamp is somewhat fantastic should make a point of calling at this stand, where they will see different forms of the Rubin:dile
EXCELLENT evidence of Galley' workman-"ship will be indicated by the different apedmans of radiator which will be found on this stand. The extensive character of the corns
• pany's activities can be gathered from the fact that the combined factories in London, Paris, Turin and Geneva are claimed to have the largest output of radiators in Europe, the Paris factory alone turning out over 10,000 components per month. Chromium plating is a feature of Galley radiators.
GLACIER METAL CO., LTD 259 PROMINENT on this stand will be Findlay's special lining material for use in comma, eial-vehioleengine bearings. It is a highquality product, containing as much as ap. proximately 87 per cent, of tin and being free from lead. Completely finiehed bearings, bronze backs lined with white metal, both for connecting-rod big-ends and main crankshafts, will be included in the exhibit, these being shown in different. sizes,' ranging Irma those suitable for 1-ton vehicles to those with a carrying capacity of 10 tons.
cueo PETROLEUM, LTD 331 LONG association with the motor industry has given this company an intimate knowledge of its requirements in the matter of fuel and lubricants. The exhibits will include Carburine and Ghee motor spirit& as well as Glico benzole mixture. Those interested in models will be attracted by the motor-spirit bulk installations. as well as by those for lubricating oils.
J. GLICKSTEN AND SON, LTD. . . . . E8 QPECIALJ2LNO in hardwoods for all classes "of commercial-motor bodybuilding and holds ing what is claimed to be one of the largest stocks in the United Kingdom, this company's exhibit cannot fail to attract the eye of those concerned with any form of coachbuilding. The use of properly conditioned wood is important to ensure longevity of the body structure, and the quality of the products sold by this concern indicates that it has given this matter close attention, far which contention visitors to the stand will secure ample substantiation.
OCCUPYING a prominent position on this stand will be windscreens of different types for use on passenger and goods vehicles. The company's taxioah top screen his been approved by the Scotland Yard authorities, as has the door-lever guard for similar types of vehicle. The firm supplies louvre ventilators for bus and coach bodies, one model for fitting between the body pillars and the other, which has a ae-in. flange, for screwing on to the cant-rail as well se the pillars. Both models can be supplied with clear or frosted glees,
OUTSTANDING amongst the garage equipment to be exhibited by this concern will be the Hobart appliances—the one-day battery charger, the air compressor, the vehicle washer and the electrical test bench, in addition to certain Ammco devices. The batterycharger enables a full-sire starter battery to be charged in six to eight hours, The equipment is of the motor generator type with two commutators giving an output of 50 amperes and 100 atm peres at 15 volts and 7.SS volts respectively. The Hobart air compressor to of the vertical type, the compressor unit being mounted on the tank so that very little floor space is. occupied.
LTD. . . , . 327 THOSE concerned with the appearance. of
bodies, particularly that for passenger carrying, should make a point of calling at this stand, for they will have the opportunity for examining Durex leather cloth, which is suitable for exterior work, as well as for interior upholstery on different types of body. There will else be various classes of covering for the tops of saloon bodies. Panels and pattern books, which will be open for inspection, will afford an idea of the grains and finishes which can be effectively used to create _a pleasing appearance.
HADFIELDS, LTD. . . . 203
EXAMPLES of steel which this company -"manufactures for the motor industry will be displayed here. The Heels and Era brands are need for such, parts as crankshafts, connecting rods and transmission gears. Hub cape, radiator cowls, lamps and other fittings where a permanently polished . surface is required can be made from the company's Era CR nets
corroding steel. Not the least interesting cf the exhibit will be a display of laminated springs, whilst Iladfields auxiliary spring will be its evidence, this having the special feature of progressive stiffening in direct proportion to the load. Steel castings and forgings will comnlete a good array.
AMOST comprehensive display of the company's coarhpainting products will be made on this eland, these taeluding Durulose lacquers, clear and pigmented, They will be of different, shades in both heavy-bodted and quids-hardening varieties; Dnofil, donble-purPose filler; Hadflelds' Croy Paste Surfacer, an enamel-like filling; Heolin body and glaze coats; and a range of varnishes.
A S many at our readers will be aware, Hallite 4-1-motor jointing, which is marketed by this firm, is claisned. to be the original of its type, and it is wisTay used in all Countries. It will be given prominence in the display, together
with Phiberuid jointing material ;which is said as being particularly suitable for oil and water joints), copper and asbestos cylinder-head gaskets, rotary pump packing, felt washers, and, in fact, everything appertaining to washers and gaskets for all parts of the commercial vehicle will figure amongst the goods to be exhibited.
THIS Manchester concern of iron and steel -1stockholders and eruoible-eteel makers will exhibit high-speed tool steels, crucible cast and alloy steels, bright. cold-drawn steel bars, bright cold-rolled steel strip, corrosion-resisting iron sheets, bars, etc. Those of a metallurgical turn et mind will be interested in the fractures and micrographs of tool steels and in samples of work clone by the Hydra material.
HALLAM, SLEIGHT AND CHESTON. . 320 00ACH and motor-body fittings will take '-'pride of place here, although pressings, capstan work and ironwork will be in evidence. The various accessories and fittings which are marketed are sold under the name of
" Widney," these including drop-window mechanism for saloon coaches, Seat fittings, ventilators, revolving ashtrays, parcels melte, ascending handles, etc.
'MEDFORD, GREATREX AND CO., LTD. 270 ANOTOR hides for upholstery, in any colour J."in Viiii0115 grains, are a speciality of this concern, which will be showing a hide having is special antique grain. There will also be stained antique hides for saloon coaches and enamelled hides fat heads.
CYLINDER blocks, cylinder heads, pistons and other engine parts in grey iron and alloy, and chassis parts, brake drums and other component parts in. Whiteheart malleable cast .• iron will be shown by this Derby concern, which specializes in general castings,
SPECIALIZING in the production of cylinders and pistons, this concern will display various types of the, former and a large number of pistons in sand-oast and die-cast aluminium alloys and in cast iron. The armoured pistoa in aluminium alloy has an inserted band of high-tensile steel in which the ring grooves are cut. The Saunders patent bimetallic piston—a new component—which has an aluminium alley head and a pressed-steel -skirt so constructed as to prevent slap and ring-groove and cylinder wear, will also be shown. This has distinctly promising features. Samples of crankcase work in aluminium will conclude an interesting display.
PROPELLER shafts and universal joints, flexible 'couplings, oil-less bearinae and selflubricating bearings will comprise the chief items of this exhibit. Hardy-Spicer propeller shafts and metallic joints need no Introduction and are widely used because of their perfect balance and truth, Hardy flexible disc couplings are extensively employed in the commercial-vehicle industry, not only for propeller-shaft joints, but also for auxiliary drives. At the Birmingham works of the company alone 10,000 couplings are produced per week. Owner-drivers will commend the principle embodied in the Bound Brook oil-lees bearing. whilst the company's latest production, the Compo self-lubricating or oil-retaining bearing, similarly removes the need for frequent use of the of loran or grease gun. It is being increasingly adopted by motor manufacturers.
UP,HOLSTKRY leathers for use bases and coacheswill be included in this 'cenipany's exhibit, the products being obtainable in different colours. Hides finished with prepatation of cellulose. and sold under the ' name of Cellox ate the latest •de4elopment in
upttolStety, leathers. Their textuee is refined and waterproof, they make a soft and -comfortable upholstery; and as different colours are available harmony in the decorative scheme can '• be pursued. ' These, together with enamelled hides for hoods, will atm ocatipy space on. the stand.
HARVEY FROST AND CO. ,(1924); LTD. 227 VISITORS concerned with any branch of the
• operating and upkeep sides of the cemmercial-vehicle trade cannot fait to find something of interest on the stand of this well established concern, for it has given considerable thought to the production of equipment which greatly aide vehicle maintenance, servicing and reconditioning. Let us give brief details of a few of the principal appliances to be shown. The HP Hydroforce washing plant is of Irons two to six-guns capacity and delivers 'sneer at 300 lb. per sq. in. pressure, at infinite variation between a forceful cutting jet' to a finely atomized spray.
In the category of breakdown equipment there is the IIE dual crane for breakdowit or loading, towing ambulances and testing poles, The dual crane is of particular interest because it leaves the floor of the breakdown lorry clear, thus
allowing it to be Used for any purpose other than breakdown work. The, complete range of tyre-service equipment for which the company is an well known includes vulcanizing plants, retreading moulds, tyre changers, rim wrenches, wheel pullers and tyre eprearlers.
Under the heading of geuenal equipment can los included air-compressor plants specially designed for garage and workshop use. One of the new models has an electric drive and an automatic cut-out. Let the visitor not overloolc the high-lifting jacks, the valve grinders, garage presses, portable electric drilla and a host of other useful equipment which will be staged.
.THOS. P. HEADLAND 232 TEM corapany's display will be under three -.main heads, these being tools, garage equip ment and generalaccessories. In the firstnamed section is included hand tools suitable for workshops and lorry kits, whilst the machines which will be to the lore will include bench and wall drilling appliances, grinder's. lathes, drillers, etc. An assortment of Weaver appliances will bo shown in the garage equipment section, where also will be found enginesump drainers, towing poles, axle stand's, steering locks, etc.. of interest to the commercial openator. Horns, lamps, mirrors and jacks will be included in the company's comprehensive array of general accessories.
HEMMING EROS 239 rr HE Triumf-ecl head for passenger vehicles
has many features which merit attention, and the mechanically otierated head fitting suitable for either a parlour or fully .open coach should not be. overlooked. It is also intended to display a hand-operated fitting of 'similar pattern in which there are DO turnbettone and the hood material is automatically folded. A hilly open sliding head with all-metal window runs of an extremely narrow gauge, so as to obtain the maximum vision, and a variety of all-weather coach fittings will also be displayed.
Onisi this stand will be shown Hermetic patent N--•flexible tempting discs for all types of driving and transmission shafts of motor vehicles. In the same category will be coupling discs, with patent bushed face-plates to regulate compression and alignment. In another direction will be found horn bulbs, garage hose, tubing for different uses, rubber bushes and rings for
• chassis mountings, tyro liners, loot pumps and pressure gauges.
G. N. HIGGS 247 'VARIOUS samples of different commercial', vehicle _parts treated under the Chromaloid process of chromium plating will be on view, these •including radiator shells, windscreens, bumper bars, etc. In some methods of chromium plating a bluish tinge is given to the treatedPart, but Messrs. Higgs claim that under their method, a high and lasting finish is given.
A8at past exhibitions, this concern will display specimen numberplates in solid cast and polished aluminium, as well as component parts which enable the plates to be built up JD a few ndautes. The company's commercialvehicle plate has an unbreakable steel foundation and is claimed to be stronger than that in which a • cast-aluminium • base is used. Naturally, the plates conform to official requirements: A. new rivet former will be demonetrated on 'the stand and this clinches in the matter Cl .a few seconds the lettere to the background.
H. M. HODSON, , LTD 296
FAMPISS Since the Very early years of the motor industry, Claudel-Hobson carburet. ters are to be seen now in their very Latest forms. Several Models . of the new power-jet carburetters will be exhibited. The company will also show the Hobson K-S Tclegage, an instrument which records accurately in gallons the amount of petrol contained in the fuel tank. The action is hydrostatical and not mechanical. Avother exhibit on this stand will be the Hobson window regulator. The well-known Hobson sparking plugs are also to he shown in many sizes, and another item is the Hoblock device for the prevention of theft of spare wheels and ether accessories.
HOFFMANN -MANUFACTURING CO., J'OFFMANti is a household word in the commercial-vehicle world, for the bearings made under this name have been employed for many years past in the industry Different sizes of high-grade bearings suitable for various uses
. will be seen on the stand, where also will be displayed sections Illustrating method of mounting. Those interested in production methods will find an examination of the steel balls in various stages of manufacture oi Outstanding interest. There will be representative specimens of other of the company's epecialittee, whilst quantities oz magneto-type bearings, illustrating the interchangeability of the parts, will also be seem
JOHN HOLROYD AND CO., LTD. . . 230 gnus st-and will be given over to a display of -Iexamples of various gears, in the production oi. which the company specializes. There will be worms and worm-wheels for back-axle drives on view, these being staged alongside steering gears, speedometer gears and other small components. An interesting show will be made of Hollos bronze in the form of worm-wheele
, and various castings...
HOMO,. LTD. ..... . . . . . . 211
SPECIMENS of different tepee of patent alumMium number-plate, in beaded and headless varieties, will be included in this company's exhibit These are claimed to be untarnishable, unbreakable and to meet in every detail the police requirements. The characters are clear and sharply defined on a smooth, black background. Step-mats in various styles will be seen, these having either fluted or porcupine rubber faces. The Homo tail lamp is rigidly constructed of aluminium and steel, and as it is claimed to illuminate evenly the whole plate with a parallel beam, the user of it need not fem. conflict with the police on the score of inadequate lighting of the number-plate. Specimen lamps will be displayed.
SAMPLES ofthe company's various grades ef lubricating oil in a number of show bottles will be found on this stand, together with a few decorated five-gallon drums. The company's lubricating oils and greases are suitable for use on all types of commercial vehicle.
FRANK HOW AND CO., LTD, . . • . 148
SPECIALLY suitable for use on motor coaches engaged 'on long-distance work is this company's Trogon aviation oil, of which a special show will be made; in addition there will be samples of other brands of Trogon lubricating oils. A comprehensive range of garage equipment will be staged and it is interesting to learn that this can be loaned to those customers who contract for a period for the supply of Trogon oils
LTD. . . . . . . . 291 A DVICE on bearing matters will be freely 1---dispensed on this stand, where No. 11 I.C.E. anti-friction metals for all types of vehicle will be on view. The No, 1.1 brand takes premier place amongst the company's white metals; and this alloy is claimed to contain over 92 per cent, refined tin. The metal possesses several distinct features, including a high factor of safety, unusual toughness and endurance, thus making it A highly satisfactory anti-friction
product. A booklet, which deals in a practical and concise manner with the whole operation of white-metalling from the initial tinning to the final fitting will be available to all calling at the stand. It is entitled "Hints on Lining Bearings."
THE Humfrey-Sandberg free-wheel clutch has already come under our notice and we have indicated its virtues to our readers. It will be shown in various sizes. The• clutch consists of au inner and. an outer race having conoidal paths with cylindrical rollers so interposed that they will instantaneously jam and transmit a positive drive in one direction, and, conversely, give instantaneous freedom of movement in the opposite direction. The clutch ensures distribution of loading around the whole circumference, is self-adjusting for wear and is claimed to have no lost motion in engagement. Units which are suitable for the Austin 7 h.p. delivery van, the Morris-Cowley delivery van and the Merris-Commercial 25-cwt. chassis will be available for inspection, as well as a working model illustrating the clutch as a ratchet reductless gear
A. A. JAMES LTD.' . ... 178 QIPRING work, wire work and general ironwork for the motor trade comprises the specialities of this concern which will display road springs, upholstery springs, spring seats and backs (of lattice and woven types), valve, brake, clutch and magneto driving springs and spring washers. Under the heading of wire work will be included parcels-carrying racks, luggage rails and petrol-sieving gauzes There will also be a range of forgings and castings, the latter being in malleable and grey iron, gunmetal, brass and aluminium, W. C. JAMES, LTD. ..... . . 345 TT will be possible for visitors, to this stand to obtain much useful advice on matters connected eith the use and installation of poppet valves The company will be showing Crypto die-finished nickel valves, as well as Valium heavy-service high-chromium valves. In addition, longings in nickel and alloy steels, carried out under a patent process, will be on view. GEORGE JOHNSTON, LTD
MANY of the linee which ethlla company markets have come to thefore in the commercial-vehicle•world, and particularly may we mention the Ashanco air extractor which is now widely employed on saloon-type passenger-carrying vehicles. Specimens of this device wiel be open for inspection as well an other bus fittings. Most of the products to be staged will be concerned . with the interior finish and equipment of buses and coaches, and, in this connection, hides, leather cloth, moquette, rattan and rep upholstery coverings are included.
A. A. JONES AND SHIPMAN, LTD . . 170 THE usual range of valve restating tools -will be shown by this concern, as well as grinders. jacks, 'reamers. small tools, drilling and grinding machines suitable for garage work, etc. The J. and S. rescater for truing valves IS put up in different forms, one of the most useful sate being that intended for garage use. The name of Tangye in connection with jacks is. well known, and several models will be 611°wn
C.L. JONES 263
EXA.MPLES of repairs executed by electrio arc and oxy-acetylene welding methods will constitute this exhibitor's display. Apart from the .specineens, photographs of repair cylinders; gearboaes, crankoases, crankehafts and axles can be viewed. Then there will be camshafts with worn cams reconditioned by a special process in which 'case-hardening is eliminated. Finally, specimens of repairs to shafts and spindles by the Jones patented restoration process will be seen.
IN view of the progress which has bee'smade by the six-wheeled vehicle, it is only to be expected that this old-established Leeds company will be showing a bogie for such a machine. The specimen which will be on view will actually be suitable for 10-12-ten goods vehicles. It will be showu in the company of different .types of front and rear axle for various(lessee of goods and passenger vehicle. All the specimeiii to .fae exhibited are of 'penned designs, which have given good results. In service. The-rear axles will all have the company's drop-forged, one-piece casing in alloy steel.
LACE WEB SPRING CO., LTD.. . . . 186
COMFORT on passenger-carrying vehicles is largely a matter of seat desigu, arid for this reason we feel that many coach and bus eperators should make a point of visiting this stand, where they will 'lied -Marshall Lace-Web spring cushions and squabs fit evidence, as well as varions kinds of Buoyant seating.
0N this stand an interesting array of appliances as manufactured for and marketed by Harvey .'Frost and Co., Ltd., will be shown. These include breakdown equipment and general equipment for garage use, then there will be a range of vehicle maintenance. servicing and reconditioning appliances, in addition to an impreved water-comed air-compressor plant having electric drive and an automatic cut-out— this being a new model. There will also be a complete range el air compressors specially designed for garage and workshop use. Lifting devices will be represented by a variety of jacks.
" elOMPLETE" is certainly the word which '1/4-s'ean be applied to the range of jacks for commercial vehicles which will be shown by this concern. These will be both of the mechanical and hydraulic types, and suitable for use with vehicles of all weights. The Millenfuns lapsible ramp is a particularly novel and simple piece of mechanism which is well suited for dealing with heavy commercial vehicles ',here there Is considerable overhang and little ground clearance, It is finding much favour with bus proprietors. 'Combined with a simple jack, it is claimed to provide a quick and safe method of changing a wheel. The ramp is sup. . plied' with a special jack having a long handle and,when in the closed position, occupies remarkably little space.
WORKS, LTD. 286 .141 X AMPLE S oi Layseall products and certain -"classes of repair work undertaken by the company will comprise the exhibit on this stand. Laystall crankshafts are hand longings in high-tensile alloy steels. and a feature is their perfect balance. A speciality of the company is cylinder grinding and the' fitting of oversize pistons, and specimens will indicate work carried out in this connection. The castiron pistons to be shown are of a lightweight type. Welding operations carried out by the company on cylinders, crankcases and -other components willbefeatured, whilst certain other phases of Laystall work will be indicated by sample parts,
T36 stand will he given over to a display of Cygnet piston" liege and Cygnet Wypa scraper rings, which are in centrifugally diecast iron to the Air Ministry specification. The rings are stressed by a patent process of progressive internal hammering, so as to give uniform radial pressure arid dead circularity. All types of ring for internal-combustion engines
will be shown, as well as gudgeon pins, shackle bolts, swivel pins, etc.
LIQUID MEASUREMENTS, LTD. . . . 139 mITE advantages Cl visible accuracy in the case of petrol pumps can be ascertained by arranging to calt at this stand, where several types of Barranond metering plant will be staged, the model ?d being specially designed for bus concerns and large users. It can be operated either by power pump or hand. 71:18 meter keeps an accurate record of each individual delivery. The model A is now available in outside and inside types, and is
fitted with twin 1-gallon containers. It is equipped with discharge register, muter, special hose, snap-action nozzle filter, and a patent foot valve. The height of the pump is 8 ft., its discharge point being 6 IL for the outside model and 6 it. 2 ins. for the other. Lubricating-oil storage equipment which the company will stage is suitable for use in both large and small commercial garages. Those having tank installations should make a note of inspecting the cleaning apparatus for them.
LODGE PLUGS, LYD. ...... 301
INCLUDED on this stand, in the complete -1-range of plugs for commercial-motor work, will be the largely used C.V. type, together
with a new long-reach model of the same kind. The development of • high-efficiency heavy vehicles, particularly speedy passenger models, • created the need for a sturdy high-efficiency plug, and this has been met by the introduction of the C.V. type. Since the Show of 1927, a patent form of construction has been adopted for this model which ensures rapid reeling of the electrodes, which minimizes the
normal burning of the points, so that adjustment is needed at less frequent intervals. Features of the plug are an unbreakable mica insulation, zinc-coated metal parts, and metalin-metal joint between the steel bush and the special design of insulator. The reach of the plug is vs in., and its projection 2% ins. •.
LUBRICANTS for use on both petrol and steam-propelled vehicles will be displayed by this concern, which is showing oils and greases sold under the trade names Trippel, Extol, Sivkel and Service. For show purposes, these will be arrayed in bottles.
LOWE, BEVAN AND CO: . . . . 285 VITIINGS and equipment which are partitularly applicable to passenger-carrying vehicles, bath of the service and luxury types, will be set cut OD this stand, some of these constituting essential equipment, whilst others lend a note of distinction in the way of useful decoration. The devices ' to be shown include seat fittings, parcels racks, ladders, ventilators, lamps and ash-trays.
JOSEPH LUCAS, LTD 303 " TZING-OF.THE-ROAB" accessories need no 2-X introduction to c•ornmercial users, who find that devices sold under this name give good results under service conditions. They include side and tail lamps, windscreen wipers (electric. and suction-operated types), direction indicators, horns, observation mirrors, lifting jacks, lighting and starting sets, dynamos, engine starters, switchboards, etc. Certain of the headlamps to be on view embody a patent type of dipping reflector and dip-and-swivel device electrically or pneumatically controlled, in which the reflectors can be operated to throw the beams of light downwards and to the near side of the road. Included in a comprehensive exhibit will also be a range of magnetos and coil-ignition devices
CERTAIN new devices will be displayed on Chic stand, these including a variety of ' the well-known Lynton facility rims, cast and
pressed-steel wheels of single and twin pat
terns. These have been designed to meet the needs of users of straight-sided tyres, and by the adoption of a new principle mounting and detaching the tyres is greatly facilitated. The company puts forward the view that the wheel built direct to the hub offers a much stronger construction than does the detachable wheel. The company also produces trailer wheels with undercarriage equipment.
MANN, EGERTON AND CO., LTD. . . 358 A NEW breakdown truck for commercial work will be a feature -of this stand. It will be shown alongside breakdown cranes, hoists-, air compressors, hydraulic washers, heavy-duty presses and other garage and workshop appliances. The constructional details af the hydraulic washer include a 3 lap. Metrovic motor. The company's universal axle stand is a fine piece of equipment for repair shops. It enables an axle to be easily handled by one
man. The cramp jaws are universal and swivelling, and as the unit is mounted on wheels, it can be readily moved front cue place to another.
VUGNISIIINGS tor passenger vehicles are
specialities of this concern, which will be showing a. range of moquettes, repps and carpets for coach and bus decoration. Metal parcel racks, a wide selection of interior roof lamps and switches, roof ventilators and a number of other utility devices will be seen. Operators of fabric-bodied vehicles will be interested in the Triplex leather cloth, whilst for preventing dazzle the merits of the Bach anti-dazzle Saletax vizor should be considered.
• a-31A N interesting exhibit will be a running set,
including a 6%-in, dynamo having an output of 35-40 amps. at 12 volts, this equipment being suitable for double-deckers. There will also be shown non-dazzle headlamps, which have no moving parts and throw light immediately in front and to the near side. A full range of equipment suitable for all sizes of commercial motor will be exhibited, as well as a set of electrical apparatus for taxicabs.
ENGINE and gearbox units will comprise the -"exhibit of this concern. There are two new models of the former, one being the type 6 FRC six-cylinderecl overhead-valve engine which has a bore of 3% ins, and a stroke of 4% ins. It is specially designed for forward control chassis, the induction and exhaust manifolds being on the near side with all the important auxiliaries, thus leaving the off side quite clear for mounting the change-speed lever. The other new model is also a six-cylindered unit, but it is of larger capacity; its bore is 110 mm. and its stroke 140 rnm. It develops 110 b.h.p. at 2,400 r.p.m. There will also be two four-cylindered power units on this Stand, two interesting specimens of four-speed gearbox, in addition to a three-speed unit, as well as the company's standard type of flywheel and 14-in, diameter plate clutch.
INVENTIONS CO., LTD 145 THIS company will be showing an ingenious -Idevice celled the Cantrolograph, which is driven by a flexible cable from the vehicle, the measuring mechanism recording the distance travelled, the number of r.p.m. of the engine, according to a positively driven and automatically repeated measure of time. It is claimed that perfect precision at all variations of speed is maintained and that the indicator needle and the registering stylus remain absolutely stable while the number of apan. eonthane the same. All measuring parts rotate at low speeds, thus considerably reducing wear. MILLER BROS. (BRIGHOUSE), LTD. • 319 diMPERATORS al vehicles haring high-speed 1--'engines will be interested in Pistoneeze oil, which is sold only in one grade, it being applicable both to winter and summer running. An attractive exhibit will be a number of glass cylinders, in Which pistons surrounded by ice will move, the idea being to support the claims put forward for Pistoneeze. Demonstrations of the Director anti-dazzle device, which may be fitted to standard headlamps, will be given. We tested the Blinker light control last winter and found it to be most effective. It blacks out the off side of the road and intensifies the light on the near side, control being by means of a pneumatic pump on the steering column.
HENRY MILLER AND CO 250 (IN one occasion we lifted friar tans with a '.-0'Skyhi hydraulic jack, using only one hand. The ram is raised by means of a jointed lever which, as indicated, can easily be operated. The initial height of model 370 Is 7% ins., whilst the lift is 7 ins., making total height oi 147A ins. Super-Dreadnaught mileage recorders and Super time-and-distance recorders will also be on view. The Super-Dreadnought appliances are marketed in two forma One is a chassis-frame fitting with reduction gearing, suitable for attachment. to the gearbox, etc., whilst the other is a' dashboard fitting, which is cablediriven and may be connected to the cardan shaft or gearbox. Both models are calibrated for. any size of tyre, and record up to 100,000 miles and then automatically repeat.
M.L. MAGNETO SYNDICATE, LTD.. . 298 A RANOE of revolving-field magnetos, par-1-ticadarly suitable for commercial motors, and coil-ignition units comprises the exhibit of this company. With regard to the former, these are of robust build and have few points at which trouble may occur, thus minimizing the risk of electrical leakage, The magnet revolves, whilst the winding, cendeneer and contact breaker are stationary. The magnet is carried on metout steel spindle, which passes through the unit. Various models are suitable for particular types and sizes of engine. The coil-ignition apparatus 58 available for engines having from two to eight cylinders.
MORGAN, CROSSLEY AND CO., LTD. . 249 AL SAMPLE of the raw asbestos front which -01-Tenoid is made will constitute an interesting exhibit on this stand. There will also be a representative range of Tenoid brake and clutch facings, arranged to illustrate the company's grading system, hydraulically moulded and compressed Tenoid liners, transmission bands and many other components of a fibrous character. The brake facings of this concern .continue to be manufactured and marketed in Ave grades.
T1S company will be showing quite a numbar of different exhibits, which will -include Its B.A.20-type rear axle, suitable for 2-ton vehicles: the axle casing is a one-piece pressing. A. spiral-bevel final drive of 6% to 1 is employed, and the track is 5 it. 2% ins. Another exhibit comprises the B.A.21-type worm-drive differential unit for 2%-tonriers. Both these components are suitable for open propeller-shaft drive. Then there is theaS.G.2type steering gear unit, complete with an 18-in. diameter .steering wheel, suitable for 2%-toriners. A gearbox providing four forward speeds and a reverse comprises yet another exhibit, this being intended for vehicles ni 30-cwt. to 2%-tons capacity. Another gearbox is to be displayed, the control for which is through a ball-type joint, ball races being fitted throughout on both the mainshaft and the layshaft. There will also be a misceIIaneous collection of crown wheels, pinions and gears—all specialities of the concern.
NATIONAL BENZOLE CO., LTD. . • . 258 J)EMONSTRATIONS of advantages accruing Irons the use of this company's motor spirit, and details in connection with the production and distribution of it, will be given on this stand. There will also be slump the latest type of storage equipment.
LTD, . . • • • • . . • . . . • . 191 0PERATO1tS who teke a definite interest in the production of vehicle bodies will be attracted by this stand, upon which will be shown plywood panels suitable for the building of bodies. These plywoods will be in +/axioms thicknesses, in birch, alder, oak, gaboon, Swedish and Oregon pine.'
AbaMPREFIENSIVE selection of steel cast
ings as employed in the construction of coramercial-vehiele chassis will be shown here, including front and rear hubs for disc-type wheels, front and rear detachable wheels for pneumatic tyres, and front and rear patent.
D62 detachable wheels for use with split rims and twin tyres. The last-named design is claimed to facilitate access to the inner tyre by enabling rapid removal of the enter tyro and split rims, without dismantling being necessary. These Will also be gear casings and covers, braise drums, and an appreciable number of other components.
NEWTON AND BENNETT, LTD. . . . 290 TN our issue dated October 1st me described 1-this company's . improved hydraulic shock absorbers.' Visitors will be able to examine these, and it should be noted that they are applicable to all types of vehicles. The lower half of the device consists of a cylinder which is bracketed by a rubber-cushioned eye-bolt to the axle. The upper half comprises a piston which slides in the cylinder, an emulsion of Oil, alcohol and water resisting its inovement. Should a shock cause the piston to descend in the cylinder, emulsion forces its way upward against a spring which offers a 10-lb. resistarce. An almost free upward flow is permitted, for so soon as the resistance is overcome no further obstruction is encountered.
R. D. NICOL AND CO., LTD. 310 Tconcern makes various classes of oil, .3both i, for petrol vehicles and for steam wagons, and will show a comprehensive range of its products, some of which are schemed to meet special requirements, whilst there is one grade which is prepared specifically for the lubrication of old-type Ford engines.
NOBEL CHEMICAL FINISHES, LTD. . 140 T HIS company is responsible for the well1known Delco finish, which is being illustrated as applied to wood and metal panels. Of particular interest will be a number of suggestions for colour schemes foi passenger vehicles and delivery vans. These ideas are distinctive and have been designed to stress the advertising value of motor vehicles. Various photographs of vehicles upon which the Belco finish has been employed will give a further idea of the good results which spay be obtained.
NORTH AND SONS, LTD 328 WATFORD magnetos, speedometers and TY lacia-board clocks comprise the exhibits which this concern intends to show. New types of magneto will be demonstrated, these running and sparking at low a,speeds over mm, gaps. They are manufactured in two modela, the E.AVA and E.W.6. With regard to the speedometers, these are specially designed tor uso in connection with indirectly lighted instrument boards, OILINE REFINING CO 288 np interest ehould be a demonstration of
the Oiline gear pump, which transfers the gear .compound direct from a steel drum, via a flexible hose with a tapered nozzle, into the gears. A wide range of lubricants will be shown in tubes, large steel drums and itins. There will also be the grease which is intended for lubricating certain types olanniversal joint, as well as special designs of oil pump.
rilHIS stand will be divided into two sections. -L The front portion will contain an attractive display of batteries, as used for passenger-vehicle lighting. A variety of batteries, ranging front the old.stylo BI.5 type, which has been in use for many,,years, to the largest 250-amp. size, as employeds for both lighting and starting double-deckers. At the rear visitors will he able to inspect the processes relating to the maintenance and the repair of lead-type batteries, and there will be a work-hooch complete with all lead-burning apparatus and testing instru
meats. , .
WILFRED OVERTON 308 VilaASSENGER-VBRICLE body equipment is Lthe Speciality of this company, which will be exhibiting, amongst other things, its new patent Perfecta . ventilators and extractors. The air entering the hit-and-miss ventilator proceede around the body of the device in a circular movement, the foreign matter being deposited outside. The Watman head fitting is anot'rer of the firm's lines, arid it will be available for inspection not only on this stand, but on those occupied by certain coachbuilders. It consists of a chain and sprocket, driven by a pair of bevel wheels on a cross-shaft. A special emergency-door lock, spring clips for curtains ami ether devices wilt be shown.
ANDREW PAGE AND SON, LTD. • . 172 TIRE Manley elevator, in both wheel and -1 axle types, will occupy a prominent position on this stand. This appliance is operated by air from the tyre-inliation system and ,is, therefore, a useful addition to the equipment of garages and service stations. Theelevator can be raised in one minute, and can be stormed and held at any height within its maximum lift. Furthermore, it can be revolved while the vehicle -Ls in a raised position. Other Manley appliances will belahown, these including certain types of wreaking crane, towing poles and !chains and towing trucks. The vehicle washer which the corn. pany handles is known as the Dean Old Faith ful; it is available ie severalsizes. Other equipmeat to he staged includes air cornpressors, battery chargers, oil pumps, jacks, uheel aligners, pneumatic drills, in addition to a comprehensive range of accessories.
TRICO and Folbeeth antoniatie-Windecreen wipers will be in evidence here, several new models being available_ There is a heavyduty type embodying a parking valve which sietomatically places the wiper blade at the top of the screen when it is not in operation. Visitees will have a chance of using an Offinium spanner, which has a jaw span of from -3-16 in. to 14 in., and is built from high-tensile steel. All its parts are interchangeable, and the tool can be used for a variety of purposes, Also to the fore will be the Autopulse electric fuel pump, which is operated with a nevolt or 12-volt dry-cell battery.
MILE Parsons non-skid chain is a well-tried
• L device which hai been on the market since 1902, and it has maintained its position in the forefront of equipment of this kind as a means for preventing Wheel slip on all conditions of road suziace. The chains to be shown will be suitable for all types of commeicial vehicle. Au improvement to be noted this year consists of a stronger non-rustable coupling.and more robust connecting hooka. They are made in two patterns, the Grippe diagonal cross chains of high-grade hardened steel, and a " popular " lower-priced type which has transverse chains at night anglei to the side hoops, Other interesting exhibits on the stand will be the Tru-Lay brake cables and fettingse rubber shock insulators, and Weed rubbercushioned spring checks, which are designed to take the place of metal snubbers or dam
pers and to check excessive spring action. .
BODYBITELDERS, in particular, should be -LP attracted to this stand where they will find
e display of panels showing the results obtained by the use of Parsons products on different claims of. bodywork. There will be an anti-rust priming paint, a non-poisonous Paste filler,, hard-drying varnish fa flatting varnish for use over colones in tuspentinel. Parsonfoid is a cellulose finish nail Parts-Glaze is a new paint for motor vehicles.
TNCORPORATED with the extensive range of Jr-wrought ironwork suitable for commercialvehicle bodies, one will find on this stand Toad springs, bumpers and tipping gear. in the last. earned connection the company hopes to have ▪ new model on view.
G. D. PETERS AND CO., LTD.. . . . 151 'ATE recently had an opportunity for
Y drawing attention to the merits of the CAE. vacuum Uniped brake and a full-sized working model will give visitors to this stand A chance of witnessing the operating of the systera. The equipment consists of a few simple parts. The driver's control valve is connected to the ordinary foot brake and is operated by depressing the pedal in the usual manner. In the event of the engine ceasing to function, a Vacuum storage reservoir retains sufficient vacuum to enable a number of brake applications to be made. Vacuum is also available from the same source to operate folding doors through the medium of the new V.A door engine. Various types of bus seat will be available for examination, these ranging from service patterns to those suitable for high class coaches. A. variety of ttpholsteries will
give an idea of the wide range of finishes avail. iltble. 'Other fittings Will include 'bin...do, ventilators and the Windsor balanced split window.
C0G Wheel brand phosphor-bronze and gunmetal ingets, specially graded and alloyed ter bushes, bearings, crown wheels, steering geers, pump impellers, etc., together with a selection of castings in these alloys will be displayed on this stand. The phosphor bronze is supplied in solidand cored bars as well as in hall-round sections for bearings, gudgeonpin bushes, etc., over 600 variations being
available. Vulcan and Ibis brands of white anti-friction metals for big-end and main, bearings will also be to the fore.
QITIKKO tipping gears will be one of the chief. lines of this company. There will be a special two-speed model for use on Chevro
lets. Loads under, one ton can be handled on the high whilst loads up to the
chassis limit can lee dealt with on low gear. The tipping mechanism is simple to fit, and it is claimed thet it cannot jam or rattle. A gear of similar -build, which weighs only 57 lb., is also -available for the Ford tanner. Here, again, the question of fitting the gear is a sin-le reratter.: The company markets a varietyof, ether devices of special interest to commercial users and amOnget the most important can be mentioned the Apkoway solid
rim-removing tool, wheel-puller set, adjustable box spanner, in addition to a frame straightener, which is claimed to be the lowest priced equipment of its kind on the market. It is supplied with two pipes and claains, and weighs /37 lb. ''Aintinget ' the •accessories to be shown are driving mirrors and horns.
PRICES PATENT CANDLE CO., LTD.. . 278 rIN this. -stand," which: will certainly be de 'L./serving attention from all those who appreciate the importance of lubrication., will he shown the Motorine range of compound lubricants, together. With a special selection of lubricants suitable for commercial vehicles, these being known as Olympia motor oils.
VIDES on motor vehicles may only be
speedily combated if suitable fire-fighting equipment be readily available, and to those who arc 'mindful of the importance of this matter the Pyrene stand will prove of the utmost interest. The improved pattern of the company's standard extinguisher has an internal air-resisting spring to counteract the
effects of vibration on heavy vehicles. It is available in brass, nickel-plated and black finishes, and all. -models have a dounie-acting rotating pump, enabling them to be operated at airy' angle. The junior model is intended for light vehicles and vans up to .12 h.p. Plaomene appliances are intended Specially for coping with tree Involving oils, spirits and ether highly inflammable 'substances. such as usually exist in jatge garages. The foam effectively blenaets the flames and thus prevents them from spreading to-surrounding arena, The Phomene extinguishers are made in one and two-gallon. aims, both .0 which will be availeble fel' inspection. sThe Conquest fire-extinguisher, which the :company win show, has a capacity of taa gallons and is of the soda-acid type; it is particularly effective on woodwork and other freely burning materials. In addhats, there will also be a mew of bumpers, non-skid chains and heactlanme .on view.
QUICKTHO (1528), LTD. . . 147
THE Q.T. window-regulating mechanism made by this concern is largely used on passenger-carrying vehicles, and different types which are marketed will be given a prominent position. The commercial type.A. model is of sturdy construction, eta-bodying a worm and woernewbeel drive and is provided with a detachable handle. Other commercial trees
are available, one being for exceptionally wide windows, whilst others have an offset of 6 Ins. or 9 ins, Self-locking window-operating mechanism, model doors, which will afford an opportunity for inepectiag methods of operation and installation, as well as Q.T. rubber and brass fence strip, giving protection against weather on all doors and windows, will he on view.
QADIATOILS of a variety of types will be 'shown by this Coventry concern. as well
as centres tor such components. Included amongst the exhibits will also be nickel and chromium casings for passenger eehictes, bonnets and petrol tanks.
CO., LTD. 354 MO be in a position to point ft new ball or
roller bearings is not usual. but in the case of this concern, two new designs of bait hearing are being shown; one of them is more applicable to automobile cegineering than the other. It is a duplex double-purpose bearing which, whilst being similar in appearance to and conforming with the sante cverall dimensions as the single-row ball journal bearings, has four distinct tracks, two in the outer race and one in each of the two inner races. The cage is in one piece, thus permitting the use of a maximum number of balls, as no space has to be allowed for rivets. The bearing is intended for nee as a double' thrust component. The second new type of bearing to be shown has been developed particularly for high-speed work.
RAWLINGS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. . ...... . . . . 204 . "WINDOW lifts made by this well-known vy concern are widely used on „all types of passenger-carrying vehicle, and the specimens which are to be shown will serve to draw attention to the outstanding merits of the company's design. In addition to the usual specialities, there will be two new types of window lift, these being the LC and Win. Visitors will also have then' attention drawn te two new models 0 horizontal sliding window.
!THIS exhibit Will conaist, of Gold Edge -is friction material in strip /arm, as well no hydraulically compressed metallic and non.
metallic facing for bralges. Other products sold under the trade mark itaybestoe include moulded clutch !swinge, ehock-absorber discs and clutch facings with teeth cut in the • material to obviate the use of metal drifine plates—specimens of ail or them seill be exhibited,
USEIte of high-class vans and operators of attractive passenger vehicles should visit this stand to glean information dealing with the company's car cleaner and polisher. It is sold under the name of Karpol and is put up for use on paint and varnish, cellulose and fabric. The merit of Karpol is that it cleans and polishes without the need for using water, and we are told it can be applied on top of any dirt and dust which, body
may gather without the finish sufferng the slightest injury.
REDLINE MOTOR SPIRIT CO., LTD. . 23.5 IIMUSIPS and 'equipment suitable Inc the bulk Storage of motor spirit at sarageS and 'filling stations, will take up a large space on this etand, ahere a uumber of cans of the various brands of petrol marketed by the company will be seen. Many commercial users obtain good results from Redline fuel.
Ttimbeamerchanting concern will be 2exhibiting for the attention of -bodybuilders samples of., tough white American ash, cypress, black "walnut, pLaned whitewood. Continental beech, planed hazel nine, white pupelo, white oak, English ash, European ash, mahogany, Phillipine teak, magnolia, etc. A. study of she woods, with the guidance of the company's representative, will reveal the possibilities of SOMA tilAbArS with which not all coa.chbuiiders'
are familiar. •
G. T, RICHES AND CO., LTD 337 ROAD syringe Ior all types ol commercial rehiele will be available ;dor examination on this stand, where sanany visitels . will um:Joel:sadly 'be attracted by the larges smount et garage equipment which is, marketed for dealing with . light4.-v.ane and heavy lorries. Valves, bearings and cylinder-head'. gasket's will also .be set out an the stand, as well as Capasco brake facing
R PA OLT% LTD. 355 rillfIS company intends to make a particular
show of its central lubrication system (Alcyl patents). This is automatic and its reliability is dim to the fact Veit, primarily, the oil feed is taken by gravity from as small container to alt the parts requiring lubridation. To ensure that' there is no passibility of air locks, a small wick is run down the centre of each conduit, thus carrying the oil by capillary action, Also on the/stand will be the Autograph • recorder. The eight-day model is similar .to that. for use for 24 hours, the former being most. useful when a vehicle is away irons headquarters for several days.The company's hub odometer records both backward rind forward Tinning up to 100,000 miles and then repeats. The taximeter to be shown is sold under the name of Argo and can be driven from the gearbox or a. front wheel.
ROMAC MOTOR ACCESSORIES, LTD. . 237 SEVERAL models of Raman air compressor, with end without trolleys, will be exhibited. The feature Of this particular compressor, for which :patents are :pending In all countries, is . that mere are no high-pressure points in the cycle of operation, because the whole of the hack load is accepted by and evenly distributed over a swath plate, being thence translerred to the driving block and race. A !.-S has. motor is required to drive the stands:id Romeo compressor. which is a four-cylindered unit.
ROSS COURTNEY AND CO., LTD.. . .311 A 1.4-kinds of turned and pressed pastipn various classes of metal will be displ .ed on this stand. An exhibit which will probably
.CIOMMERCIALNEHICLE chassis frames, ‘lpreesed-steel side and crossenerubers, brake drums, axle, casings,. including Scott's patent weldless case, clutch drums and torque rods will be amongst the promirtgnt exhibits on this stand, where also will he found specimens of light Motor pressings,' luggage carriers and wheels of the pressed-steel and wire types.
RUDGE.WSIITWORTH, LTD 350 VINE different classes of exhibit will be 611GWIL by this established Birmingham concern, one of which is Multicentric
without a central hub pressing. The inner spokes are carried on eyelets fitted on to driving studs,, whilst the outer spokes are carried by a central eyelet on the conical end ot the hub. Another class of wheel—the doublespoke type—allows the brake drum and steering pin to lie in the plane of the wheel. Pall and roller bearings will also be freely displayed.
0011,-STORAGE cabinets and pumping plant intended for indoor as well as outdoor use will be prominent err this stand, where a display of other classes of cabinet will be made. Those interested in models will be attracted by the miniature eihsterage tanks. Other equipment for the. storage and distribuLi011 of liquids will also be in evidence.
JOSEPH SANKEY AND SONS, LTD. . 353 10LANGED .wheels for use on light internal.
combustion-el:mined railcars are being shown by this concern. Although these may interest only relatively few visito.r., there will be other exhibits consisting of chassis frame and brake
drum pressings and tOIATIO tubes which CI interest most people concerned with the corn mercial-vehide trade. In addition there wit be sseel wheels of the spoked and disc types the cempany's patent we-pleas' wheel for glen pneumatics is deserving ef special attention.
SCINTILLA, LTD 251 111Q, Y reason cf the unconventional design of -I-0 the magnetos made by this consent -they should attract notice. This make haslia stationary armature and contact breaker and a rotating magnet. In support of this method of construction, the company stresses the •fact that the stelicate parts are stationary. whilst the more robust parts of the permanent magnet rotate. The Scintilla dynamo is of the constant-voltage type and it is manufactured in 'a Lumber elessires. On Such chassis as the &surer, Minerva, Emma and ethers this make
is Sited as Standard. Other equipment to be shown will include couplings, lamps, switch. beards and indicators, the lasanained being controlled from the steering column. .
XRIBITED here will be this concern's
snatricast material,' which, is a ce.ntris . fugally east icon used almost exclusively for piston rings, cylinder liners, -sleeve valves and. similar components. The wet " type of liner, sleevee valves, etc.. will be on view.
SHELL-MEX, LTD. ... . .. . . 202 A FEATURE of the Shell-Mow stand will be
• .film depicting the quick-starting qualities of Max, which Is the Coninierciat
grade of Shelf petrol. The subject is dealt _ wan ' comprehensively, and the behaviour •el Shell oil in engines is shown graphically. This i8 believed to be the first effort to show by film what actually happens inside an engine. so that. a visit to the stand should be well
repaid. •
1IND3TORIAL representation of the methods of
delivering fuel in bulk by road tankeedireet to clients' storage plants, will be a feature of this stand, where exhibits of Silvestown oils and greases, as employed on all types of commercial vehicle, will be featured.
DURING recent months the Simms Jurid patent flexible couplings have advanced considerably in popularity and they are tosbe seen in their latest form on this company's stand, on which the application of the coupling will be demonstrated by the various parts on view. A number of magnetos will be accomunmated, whilst magneto cosverSiou seta for Ford ferries and Fordson =chits will be prominent. The company's magnetic oil filter will also be given place, as will" be the patent air cleaner. The former device is screwed into the drain-pipe opening of the gearbox or engine sump, and throng-is atre principle :of usagnetic abetractica 'or —filtration, prevents particles of metaT from' choking the lubrication system.
ASELECTION oi ball and roller bearings for chassis, ipplicatimis will be on exhibition here. These • will include SICF single-pow, deep-groove, no-filling, slot ball bearing4silor general use; the SKF double-row, spherlealroller bearing for heavy-huh applications, etc.'; the SM.' single-row cylindrical sutler. bearing which is deigned for dealing with heavy loading at high speeds; the SEE taper roller bearing for hubs and steering pivots, mad the Skil,' single-row ball bearing for magnetos.
SMALL AND PARKES, LTD. . . . . 324
DON asbestos-metallic brake lacings and clutch linings are, of ecnrse, well known, but this company, will show a new type of brake • facing, designated Don "13," specially designeotto ovescome drum scoring and groin,ing. Prominent in the range of clutch fabrics will' be the newGM (asbestos nonmetallic] and Mit lasbestosanetallic) clutch facings or discs, which are made by a, new jointIess process. There will ,also be the GM Imre of clutch facing with tradial grooves, this being intended for clutches which operate in oil. In addition to the standard lines, there will be the JED-type clutch disc which consists of atho fabric racing moulded acaid with the steel centre arms.
S. SMITH AND SONS (M.A.), LTD. . 299
SINCE the Show held two years ago this cumpany's astivities have Increased considerablyon far en comMercial user's are concerned, and a multitude of essential: fitments is now available fort users in an trades.' The company has always made a feature at instrunients and it is not surprising to learn that the grouping of them in a complete panel has now been widely adopted for motor coaches and ether vehicles. Speedometers, distance recorders, clacks, revolution ceunters, oil gauges, elec.. tricallyemetated petrol gauges can be supplied as separate units and ere finished with a view to sewing harmony in appearance. A wide range'rof carburetters will be on view in both 'five and single-iet designs, as well AS lighting and starting equipment of improved design, A new accesiory is the automatic radiator shutter; working models will show
the, principle of opeiation. Amongst many other accessories to be seen will be a complete range of lifting, jacks. •
JJROP iorgings for the motor,' engineering and allied trades will be':prominently displayed on thie stand, as well as accessories,
such as engineese ••• spanners. :arthistabie wrenches, hammers, etc. Special attention is directed to the" Thal 'First Timer spanners.
THOMAS SMITH'S' STAMP;ING WORKS, LTD. '..357 , . ,T1-I13 Coventry 'concern'. intends "-to exhibit
drop forgingi of engine, transmission .antl
ehassiiparts, : all specineation'S °fasted, Duralu in and V -alloys 4.-a;-ricul 'sizes: 'Up to 1% cwt. per piece. -.' The:. parts to be ..."diss, Played . will . cover . practically _..e11 .theS.drens. forging requirements of earomeielol-in4or, snakers SNOWDON, SONS AND CO., LTD.. ..315 SNOWDRETT is the trade name under which . this ccinpany's products,which -conalit oil and greases for' all purposes, are sold, and the uses to ,which they can be .put will. be demonstrated on the -stand.
LTD. 195 QIUTED, in particular, for use in publiclaYservice vehicles is the sponge-rubber upholstery which will be Shown by this concern, One of the most important qualities to be stressed in connection with this material is its extremely hygienic nature. Experience has shown that a cushion built up en Sorb's, is not liable to attack by pests, probably on account of face sulphur which is .always present ,in vulcanized rubber. Sorb° Sponge.rubber cushions and hacks afford a high degree of comfort. The inter. seating bars retain their resilience and certainly assist materially to damp cut toad shocks. Sorbo rubber flooring Will also be ahown; this consists cf a layer of highly resilient sponge
rubber, topped svith hard-wearing solid rubber, which can be supplied in a variety of plain colours andcombinations of them.There will also be a number of accessories of general interest to builders and owners of public-service vehicles,
A00011 range of Specialloid low-expansion aluminium-alloy pistons will be set out on this 'stand. The special construction of the eight internal ribs provides not only the maximum strength to the head but gives support to the skirt and gudgeon-pin homes in a manner which is claimed to overcome distortion, apart from increasiog the extent of the cooling sur face. A feature will be made of Specialloid pistons designed for the Daimlerasleeve-valve engine. There will also he examplesof reground cylinders, as well as small castings for engine parts in Specialloid alloy.
RADIATOR8 and tube blocks are the specialities of this concern, which will be showing a selection of components made for use on a large number of important makes of cemmers der vehicle. The company also supplies zadiators and tube blocks which have been specially designed for well-known American vehicles. Copper spiral-gilled tube will be exhibited as well as the ordinary tinned gilled tube. The company has a repairs and service department, details of the work undertaken by which will be available on the stand.
.QPECTALLY, suitable for commercial vehicles la-Pis. a range of Stadium accessories, amongst which can lie mentioned hydraulic lacks, mirrors, aingle-twIst horns, revolving ash-trays, windscreen wipers, and fog lights. Tim jacks are available in several sizes and one model is guaranteed to lift, with perfect ease, a 5-ton
vehicle. • The •log raps, which are 'intended for placing over the fronts of headlamps, ace made of. good-quality pars rubber sod areduco the white glare to an amber beam. They are fitted by stretchiag them over the lamp rim.
ENGINEERS will be interested in the small tools and machinery to be shown here, although there will ho certain fittings which will attract bodybuilders and passenger-vehicle operators, these including ventilators, route indicators, window regulators and head fittings. Garage owners will be catered for by a range of equipment, whilst the display will include tipping gear and trailer undergear.
STEEL disc wheeis for giant pneumatic as well as solid tyres will be made a feature on this stand, where they will be in the company of brake drums and sheet-steel pressings used at different parts of the chassis. A point to note is that the company specializes in the heat treatmerat of brake drums and, as inquirers will learn, this work is carried out to meet the individual requirements.
(AN this atand will be found a complete range
of Siternid anis.. and greases which are suitable for use in petrol and steam-propelled vehicles. Liquid Ambroleum is is new lubricant for gearboxes and back axles and its use will be demonstrated in an open Morris gearbox, which will be run at speed and will serve to show the properties of the lubricant under actual working conditions. In addition to lubricants, the company will stage a selection of bulk-storage outfits.
A. STEVENS, LTD. . . 180
B08C11 is a name which is aseociated speciss-,s ally with magnetos, but, apart from a range Of these, this exhibitor will:show sparking plugs, dynamos, starters, switchboards, electaio horns, windscreen wipers, direction indicators, stop. lamps and other accessories sold under this t-ade mark. There will be magnetos cm view which are suitable for four and six-isdinclered engines, and a feature Co note is their small size and light weight.. The Bosch windscreen wiper is designed for either a 6-volt. or 12-volt circuit anzt consists of a small electric motorwith switch and gears and an arm which holds the squeegee. In the Bosch head/amp • with a double-filament bulb the, main filament provides even illumination for a distance of about a quarter cif a mile and the anti-dazzle light projects its beambelow eye level.
A S a manufacturer and factor of acceaseries, so.tools, workshop equipment, and tyres, this campariy will have an view batteries, driving chains of wan-known makes, engine bearings, flexible couplings, horns, jacks, lamps, compressors, magnetos, pumps, windscreens, sparktrig plugs, speedometers, tool kits, etc. Some of these are sold under the trade name of Looses, and other lines are by well-established makers.
Tecalernit system of automatic lubrica.
lien, which comprises a pumping mechaniam enclosed in a container bolding about a quart of oil, will be demonstrated on this stand. This provides effective lubrication for the entire chassis for a distance el 3,000 miles before replenishing becomes necessary. The energy for driving the pump is derived from the slight jolts imparted through the vehicle, whilst travelling over the road. As regards grease-gun lubricators, the well-known Tecalemit hook-on " system and the Tecazark posh-en" system will be exhibited. In both cases, the lubricant is injected into the bearings at a pressure of 5,000 lb. to the square inch. In addition to the above, the Airline Lubrigun, which is operated by air pressure, and varibus other compressors for garage use will be available for inspection.
LTU. . . ..... . 189 A 8 a maker of various metal pressings for • ri-commercial-chassis -construction, this company will shosv several components, includieg pressed-steel chassis frames, axle aasings, brake drums, steel dashboards and
mudguards. The use of pressings is increasing in favour with designers, fallowing the tendency in America.
THORNLEY AND KNIGHT, LTD. . . . 317 TN addition to a range of Lactoloid cellulose -I-spraying lacipsers, this concern will have an view for examination cellulose fillers and pnlisia:ma pastes. A special feature will be an elastic languor for use on fabric bodies. There will also be air-drying coloured japan's, varnishes and enamels, and the stand representative will explain suggested processes for the paintiag of hediee.
rplilS firm market. a number of items of gavage equipment, lubber repair outfits and ea:fining materials, and they will be showing the popular Flydrefotce washing plant, a .9 well as Curtis air compressors, airstar-age tanks, ambulance gear for breakdown vans, floor cranes, Hi-lift and Lo-way -jacks, paint sprayers. Hutto cylinder grinders, valve refacers, electric drilla, garage presses, wheel
pullers and tyre changers. In addition there will be the Whiz producta and many other accessories.
TRIPLEX SAFETY GLASS CO., LTD. . 143 TIAMOUS as a pioneer in the manufacture of
nasplinteralsle glass, this important campang will exhibit several models of Triplex windscreens and winsiows suitable for use in both passenger and gocds-oarryin'k machines. Unsplintera,ble glass km become an important factor in the anneh-discassed problem of safety for fagt-travelling passenger and goodscarrying vehicles. '
HUBERT 14. P. TRIST AND CO. . . . 197
TIIIS Bristol company will show its range of Topdog friction material for all types of brake and clutch, including, machine-made facings for cone-type clutches and bonded
asbestos woven discs for plate clutches. The importance of obtaining brake facings and clutch friction material which are made to the exact shape and size required is nowadays realized by all maintenanceengineers, lb. Whom this company's exhibit is sure to prove of interest.
THIS compaay specialises in all-metal batteries. in .addition to the well-known Tungstone units a new range will be a prominent feature. This will comprise several models made in an entirely new material caned Tunganite. The batteries are claimed to retain r the desirable feature of complete accessibility of aIl individual cell components and the plates are die-cast.
C. A. VANDERVELL AND CO., LTD. . 304 (IN the stand apt this 18121011E company "-7 attention will he concentrated upon giving publicity to developments and refinements of the compensated voltage-control lighting system, which, of course, has gained considerable favour during the past few years. The company'a latest activities include the development of a range of C.A.V. -Nile alkaline batteries, suitable for starter work, and a series of magnetos suitable for all 'classes of commercial vehicle, interesting items upon this stand will he the Luvax hydraulic springrecoil damper sad the Luvax-hijur central
chassis-lubricatian system. As regards bas interior illuminaticn, aevoral quite up-to-date systems will he demonstrated. C.A.'S', dynamos, road lamps, magnetos., inspection lamps, horns and switches will be en view.
C. G. VOKES, LTD. 203
1.3ERHAPS the two most important items ▪ to, be demonstrated by this London con cern are the automatic windscreen wiper which haa heen specially made to stand up to the heavy shoclzs of commercial service, and the Star oil filter, the tatter having been modelled
o n the company's well-known Protectomntor air filter. The patent Star formation of the filter housed beneath the oil-deflecting dome is claimed to be moat efficient. Two types aro available, the standard pattern which is intended to be thrown away after smile 15.000 miles of service, and the cleanable type. Other accessories such as a vacumn-operated tyre pump, a tripod garage jack arid a range of
bumpers will be available, •
VAUGHAN BROTHERS. . . . 244 TOOL' forgings play a vital part, in the
manufacture of commercial-motor chassis and the collection to be exhibited by Messrs, Vaughan Brothers is a truly comprehensive one, incorposating, as it will, axles, crankshafts, camshafts, steering levers, brake lovers and numerous engine parts. There will also he examples of lilting jacks.
VICZOL OIL REFINING CO. (LONDON), tiXIIIBITED on this stand will he a variety ii samples of Vigzol non-absorbent road:a motor and tractor oils, as well as special equipment for grease and gear oil Furthermore, there is to be a demonstration engine Showing the lubrication of an internal-coinbastion unit when using this company's oils, C. C. WAKEFIELD AND 00., LTD. ; • 26?
particular interest on this stand will be
the display of grease guns and nipples, grease canisters, oil tanks, oil drums, taps and stands— in fact, every accessory concerned with modern lubrication equipment. Attention should be given to the company's tanks and cabinets for the storage and .sale from bulk of Castro] 'oils. The new Type 22 is an enclosed cabinet with two pumps and it stores two grades of Caetrol in separate 25-gallon containers in unit form. The motor and gear oils of the company axe, of course, widely ueed and they cover every cornmereial-vehicle requirement. The stand will be completsd by an exhibition of Castrolease greases for chassis, gearbox and back-axle lubrication.
Omuch interest on this stand will be the 'a"range of cable assemblies. The modern tendency in cannection with automobile wires and cables is. to. assemble them under an outer braid, instead of having a host of straggling loose cables. Samples of such assemblies will be shown. In addition, a feature will be made of Lacoline high-teesion wire, which is claimed to stand greater stress and rougher usage than the ordinary high-tension wire. The outer varnished covering is proof against beat, oil, acid and weather conditions. Electrical accessories, such as fans operating from the accumulator, for ventilating saloon vehicles, heaters, etc., will complete an interesting array.
PETROL pumps will be given prominence on -2this stand and visitors will find the one. gallon type exhibited in close proximity to
others of the five-gallon variety. One of the latter is a visible type and is specially intended
for filling-station work. The company's fivegallon piston-type primp can deriver at the rate of 20 gallons per minute. Then there will be the Wayne vehicle washer, which is of the direct motor-driven type. The Luger sizes can be fitted with a number of guns, these being arranged to give either a fine mist for use on bodywork. or a high-preasure jet of 300 lb. per sq. In., for removing caked mud from chassis parts. The corapatiy's air compreasor is electrically driven. It is expected that examples of all this equipment, as well as of oil pemps for use with barrels, tanks and cabinets, will be displayed.
ifIN this stand the Air Ministry oxidation test '-'for lubricating oils will be demonstrated, as well as the special apparatus designed and used by the company for testing the oiliness " of lubricants. The company manufactures the Germ range of oils, which are made under the Wells-Southcombe patent process.
1-1T3EING the period of the Show this company is offering a 40-gallon barrel of any grade cf Matwells waxless oil fox gs and is presenting with each barrel a handy pump, which should prove id real service. Any oil that overflows or drips iscaught in a tray and drains back into the barrel through a strainer. It is claimed that all wax and other impurities are removed from Matwells oils by a secret process of refining.
WELLWORTHY, LTD. ..... • . . . 246 QHOWN eii this stand will he the Wellworthy
piston rings, as manufactured under Gray and Howlett patent process, which are said to give equalized radial pressure, in this exhibit the company is making a point of 'demonstrating its inspection apparatus, which was wellreceived a,r the recent Shipping and Engineering Exhibition. By this test, rings departing from roundness on the periphery, even to within .0001 of an inch, can easily be determined.
WESTINGHOUSE BRAKE AND SAXBY SIGNAL CO., LTD. ...... . 149 WORKING exhibits of compressed air and LT vacuum brakes will be a feature on the stand of this company, the braking equipment of which has, during the part few years, been widely adopted on commercial motors, particularly, those built for carrying heavy loads, Air Compressors will also be given prominence, as will charging equipment which is suitable for installatiou in battery service stations.
JOB WHEWAY AND SON, LTD, . . • 2119. A NTI-SX/D chains for single, twin pneumatic -claor solid-tyred wheels will be in evidence here. The patent fastener is so designed that the harder the pull on the chain, the tighter the grip becomes. The chain has welded side links, to that the risk of breakage is reduced to a minimum. The adaptable grip which the company markets consists of a complete chain with two turnbuckles and separate grip members. The Wheway patent Landgrip Willalso be shown; this enables rubber-tyred tractors.to be used for. tillage work. The company will draw to the notice of visitors the tubular bumpers which it makes, as well as those of the flat-bar spring type for motor coaches, these being bowfronted and tapered.
AS a selling agent for many devices which _ have been widely adopted in the pagseugertransport industry, this company's stand is deserving of attention. Prominent will be the
Airvae roof ventilator. This device has been well tried and from personal experience we can vouch for its efficieet functioning. Whitwilk body and carriage builders' trimmings, fittings and accessories will also be on view. Those who are concerned with the comfort of passengers an buses and coaches should make a point of inspecting the Pullman seats. The exhibit of roofing canvas, ducks and moleskins should COMB under the .notice of bodybuilders,
W. H. WILLCOX AND CO., LTD. . . 336 ITAVING specialized in the supply of 4..t-engineers' sundries for many years, this company is in an excellent position to understand the requirements of users of petrol, steam and electric vehicles. It supplies a range of oils for many purposes and has paid particular attention to the needs al users of steam wagons. The company has not overlooked the tractor side of the industry and supplies suitable oil for all makes of machine. In addition to oils the stand will house examples of compressed asbestos jointing, sold under the name of Jointite, fan belts, semi-rotary oil barrel and garage pumps, oil cabinets and tanks, lubricators, tractor and lorry lamps, tools and many other engineering requisites.
N" features which will undoubtedly attract many to this stand are the Hydranlux washer and the Aerolux paint-spraying and tyre-inflation plant. The former comprises a six-ram hydraulic pump operated on the swath-plate principle, the full working pressure being 300350 lb. per sq. in. The paint-spraying and lyre-inflation plant meets the demand for a large-capacity machine, which is sufficiently light to permit of easy transport. The two-gun plant actually weighs less than 200 lb. coraplete. Upon inspection it will be found that the base of the trolley is formed of two air receivers interconnected and coupled to a twincylindered water-cooled compressor. For light vehicles up to a capacity of cam ton, having tyres in which Pressures do not exceed 80 lb. per sq. in., the company has designed the Nev-satire pump, examples of which will be on view.
TRON . castings for air . and water-cooled J-cylinders, exhaust pipes, crankcases and flywheels will be shown here. This is one of the few stands which will house equipment for trolley-bus systems, this comprising overhead fittings and insulators; the special crossing by which the positive and negative wires are insulated 'without crossing will be deserving of attention.
LAMINATED springs for passenger and freight vehicles, which include those fitted with Waodhead's patent divided.-back-plate, an arrangement which provides for a positive register between the axle and the chassis via the spring, will be well to the fore on this stand. Then there will be springs having the company's patent trunnion ends, which allow free rolling movement of the axle without reetriction due to the twisting of the spring and, as a result, relieve the spring irons torConed stresses. There will also be other assemblies embodying special features.
ZENITH CARBURETTER CO., LTD. . • 351 TN another part. of this issue we describe at -I-some length this company's -new pump-type carburetter with the addition of an economy needle, the idea of which is to give progressive acceleration up to full throttle opening. This new feature will be of undoubted interest to commercial owners who seek to obtain petrol economy without sacrificing power. Sectional carburetters of the well-known standard types, in addition to the pump model showing bow each of them works, will be on view whilst the well-known Zenith plate-type filter, which is now available in a large variety of shapes, will he strongly in evidence.
In the preceding pages we give abridged particulars of the exhibits to be staged by 219 concerns which are showing in the accessories, components and garage-equipment section, but, in addition, the following companies will have stands, the numbers of them being given in parenthesis :—AlleniLiversidge, Ltd. (307) ; Auster, Ltd. (302) ; Bryant and Co. (326) ; Cooper Stewart Engineering Co., Ltd. (323) ; W. T. Flather, Ltd. (333) ; Cadsdons, Ltd. (274) ; Hardoll, Ltd. (190) ; George Hatch, Ltd. (223) ; 0. C. Hawkes, Ltd. (21a) ; K.L.G. Sparking Plugs, Ltd. (313) ; Lamplugh Spring Seats, Ltd. (252) ; C. Lindley and Co., Ltd. (158) ; J. and H. McLaren, Ltd. (215) ; Pinehin, Johnson and Co., Ltd. (356) ; Soler, Ltd. (359) ; Sterling Metals, Ltd. (183) ; J. Stone and Co., Ltd. (219) ; Sunsaloou Bodies, Ltd. (193) ; Texas Oil Co., Ltd. (238) ; Christopher Thomas and Brothers, Ltd. (201) ; 'Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd. (380) ; Venesta, Ltd. (9) ; Wilcot (Parent) Co., Ltd. (205) ; United Steel Co., Ltd. (138a) ; Saunders Rowe, Ltd. (26).
In some instances details of the exhibits of these concerns arrived too late for inclusion in our forecast, whilst in others the information had not been received at the time of closing for Press. In many cases, however, the character of the exhibits is suggested by the title of the concern, whilst in others the products which are likely to be shown will be well known to our readers, because most of the concerns have had a long association with the commercial-motor industry.