CORY DISTRIBUTION have appointed 35-year-old Brian Martin as their operations
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director. He succeeds Derek Collinson who moves to a new job as deputy general manager of the Ocean Group personnel division.
Mr Martin moves to his new job from the National Freight Corporation. He is married with one daughter and he lists his hobbies as being outdoor pursuits.
He will be responsible for Cory Distribution — also part of the Ocean group — interests in storage, High Street distribution and groceries, drinks and consumer durables trades.
Pickfords have appointed Eric Vicary as manager of their Doncaster branch. Mr Vicary 45, moves to his new job from Leeds where he was also manager.
North Western BRS have set up a new sales team to mount their new marketing drive. Peter Bury 38, will be handling the Lancashire coast and the Wigan areas, Mike Nuttall will take on the Potteries area while Mike Rigby is to be responsible for the Welsh coast and the Wirral.
On the passenger front John Talbot, London Country's operating manager at Reigate has been elected chairman of the Sussex section, CIT._ _ New assistant secretary of the West Riding Group of National Bus companies is Leslie Swift who takes over from Ronald Hammond on his retirement at the end of the year. Mr Swift takes up his new job on November 1.
Mr Swift joined the Yorkshire Woollen Company in 1937 and he became their assistant company secretary in 1968. He became assistant accountant of the West Riding group on its formation in 1971.
Leyland have appointed two new directors. They are Desmond Pitcher, managing director of the Truck and Bus Division who becomes an executive director and Alcon Copisarow who becomes a nonexecutive director.
Mr Pitcher joined Leyland as managing director of the commercials division froi Sperry Rand where he va deputy chairman and vici president of the Europe-Asi; Africa division of Sperry-Un vac.
Dr Copisarow has recent retired as a director of Mc Kit sey and Co after a career i Government service.
Sir John Cohen has be installed as master of tF Worshipful Company of Ca men. Mr W. A. McPhail and IV J. E. 0. Arnold were installl as senior and junior wardens David Moss is the ne marketing manager for M girus Deutz based at ti Winsford headquarters. Moss, 35, began his career wil Foden as an engineer befo joining the Merchant Navy.
In 1971 he joined ERF sal and marketing and he mov to his new job from ERF. He married with one son and liv at Sandbach.