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ACK MALE, chairman of the toad Haulage Association, runs a amity firm which operates ilmost 70 vehicles.

29th October 1976
Page 23
Page 23, 29th October 1976 — ACK MALE, chairman of the toad Haulage Association, runs a amity firm which operates ilmost 70 vehicles.
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He is the son of Joseph Male, vho was one of the RHA's first ionorary members and served or six years as a national ,rice-chairman.

"My first five years in the kssociation were tough," said lack. "I was thrown in at the Jeep end and because I was my 'ather's son I was expected to (now everything when I itarted."

At his first meeting, Mr Male was made vice-chairman of a sub Area and co-opted on to the tipper group.

He is a man with a harsh win ion of the competition haulage faces from the railways.