Going for brokers
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• We have just been reading the Money Matters article (CM 8-14 Oct) almost with sheer disbelief!
We do not know which broker Pam Murgatroyd used to "scour the market", but we can only assume she has too limited a number of insurance company agencies at her disposal to choose Legal and General at £5,394 for the Renault R3105. We, and I am sure many other specialist haulage brokers, could easily have placed that particular risk with any one of several different insurance companies for a premium of as little as £2,625 and we confirm the companies with which we place new risks are well known and, indeed, are seeking — not avoiding — new business!
Moving on now to the High Wycombe-based broker Moneyworld, once again we know of no reason why their Simon Bowdrey is having difficulty in placing trucks, or why he has encountered problems insuring tipper operators.
Finally, we were intrigued by the statement by Rob McHugh of Owner Operators UK. Albeit insurance companies have increased premiums by 17%, as the ABI has confirmed to you in the article, no company has doubled, trebled or quadrupled premiums over the past month as Rob McHugh states.
B S Padfield, Southern Insurance & Mortgage Services, Mere, Wiltshire.
El Whatever your "disbelief", Pam Murgatroyd did have problems finding an insurer and Owner Operators UK's Rob McHugh reports massive increases in insurance costs for his members. Moneyworld is finding a reticence among some insurance companies to quote for some commercial vehicle business.
CM chooses its contacts with care and reports their experiences with impartiality — Ed