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We asked: "Which of the following are your key clients most concerned about?

29th October 2009
Page 21
Page 21, 29th October 2009 — We asked: "Which of the following are your key clients most concerned about?
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

We offered six answers: transport costs: environmental impact level of service: OCRS score: investment in training: and health and safety record.

Overall, 54% said cost, 38% said service, 4% said safety, 3% said environment, 1% said training and 1% said OCAS. Hardly surprising perhaps, but there is further information to be drawn from more analysis.

For example, service was rated highest by 63% of own-account operators. Again the sliding scale appeared: service was most important to clients of 44% of logistics and contract distribution operators, while hire-and-reward hauliers felt considerably more cost pressure (67%) than the need to meet levels of service (30%).

Operators in the agriculture sector felt the most cost pressure (92%).

Fleet size analysis revealed an industry truism: the larger the fleet, the more the client was concerned with service. Service was rated highest by 31% of smaller fleets, but the figure rose to 36% for medium-size fleets and to 53% for larger fleets, just as the emphasis on cost reduced: 65% for small fleets, 52% for medium-size fleets, and 35% for large fleets.