Motor cab Topics.
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The new garage for the Renault fleet of the British Motor Cab Co.,
Ltd., is now in course of completiou, is to be one of the largest in London.
Three founders of the Swiss Motorb Co.. of Zurich, have been arrested oil a charge of fraudulent manipulations in connection with the launching of the concern.
Glasgow Wants Improvement. Complainte are current that the taxicab service in Glasgow is not all that it should be; that the by-laws are not properly displayed within the cabs: that the taximeters are almost invisible to a passenger ; and that they are not ;ighted at night-time.
Why Not Reduce Fares?
The effect of motoreab competition at Reading is being felt very severely by the remaining horse-cab drivers. Local eomplaint is to the effect that, for short distances, the horse-cab fares are too high. In smell eases as this. it would appear that a carefully-cimsidered reduction of the old schedule should still ensure something of a living for the superseded cabbies.
Not the Only Way.
(hi Friday of last week, a taxicab driver semmoned a hirer for 11s. payment of winch had been refused upon the contention that the shortest route bad not been pursued between Ac ion and Dalston. The passAlger cousidered that he should have been taken via the Marble Arch and right through the City. instead of via Regent's Park, Camden Town, and Highbury Station. The magistrate Was of opinion that the latter_ was " an extraor.linary way to proceed." We runSi ler that the driver would have been Weld% ised to have taken the crowded City and Shorediteh route.
General Motor Cab Company's Rrcairts.
The eerrent traffic returns of the General Motor Cab Co. are sent to its as follow :— Week ending Saturday, 24th September ... (392 Previous week Cl 3,3713 Cie-responding week, 1909 ... 4:16.10) Increase on previous week... £319 Decrease on corresponding week, 1909 ... £2,413 Tem' receipts from 1st Aug 1910 ... C 00.402 Deerease on corresponding period of last year ... C7.471 It should be noted that the above figures take no account of the average numbers of cabs in service. A local eoncern, the Ceylon Motor Taxi-Cab Co., Ltd., is to import and taxitabs in Colombo.
The controversy which has been raging between the Town Council of Bath am! the Bristol Tramweys and Carriage Co., Ltd., has been settled principally ill favour of the latter company. by the decision of the Local Government Board inspector.
An Available Site.
Near Waterloo Bridge, there is a good site for a motorcab garage, and the owner is prepared either to sell outright or to erect a garage to suit the requirements of any motorcab uompauy that is prepared to enter into a suitable agreement, and to provide the necessary guarantees. We shall be pleased to hand on any inquiries to the interested parties.
A Smart Advertisement.
The Opportunities offered hy commercial vehieles in the matter of advertisement are in some instances turned to full account. A strikinglyattractive display on the top of a commercial traveller's 12-14 h.p. rnic is the subject of an illustration herewith. It seems, however, somewhat doubtful whether every motoring " knight id the road " would appreciate such a giddy erection on the sununit of his business motor, but, Iii the lin-sent case, excellent results from the publicity point of view have
C s S motoring is made. f)ther like advertisement innda ulets hare been supplied to the Apollo Thea;re. and to Messrs. Malde, Todd and Co. This lastnamed run: carries a giant ink bottle and pen on to:) of its leather hood.
Dublin's Doleful Drivers.
The latest event to be recorded, in the matter of the Dublin side-car drivers' agitation against the introduction of the taxicab, is the reception of a deputation from the Anti-Taxi Association by the Merchants' Quay Branch of the -United Irish League. Ilmese speeches, which purported to deal with the subject, were, as usual, remarkable for their prejudice-, and were quite uninstructive. Everyone, of course, expressed himself as unalterably opposed to the introduction of motorcabs. In the meantime, many side-car drivers are hastening to secure licences to drive motorcars. It is interesting to note that amongst the gentlemen whowere booked to be present at the meeting, which is mentioned above, were Alderman Dowling, 31r. William Field, M.P., and the President of the Dublin Cow-keepers' Asseciation, Mr. Mitchell, of the AntiTaxi Association, said that he was unable to see that the introduction of taxicabs into Dulilin would bring whit it the slightest advantage to the city of Do thin or its inhabitants.
Reverting to the matter of compulsory licensing, the equivalent of the English Town Police' Clauses Act of 1847 is the Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act of 1854, Section 79 of which states that licences for hackney car
riages " shall " he issued . . " as shall be necessary." Section 100. however, is a saving clause which states that the Act shall not extend to Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Londonderry cc Belfast.