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Keen Competition a Feature of the Event Organized by the Area Committee of the C.M.U.A. The Full List of Prizewinners.
THIS is the season of motor parades, and the fourth annual event to be organized by the Preston Area Committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association was held in this busy Lancashire centre on Saturday, September 19th. Whilst the number of vehicles actually an parade was slightly in excess of last year's total, there was also a corresponding improvement in the condition of the vehicles present for competition.
The total number of entries for the parade was 48, and they were classified in 19 categories, comprising the following five main divisions :—(1) Haulage contractors ; (2) other than haulage contractors ; (3) passenger-carrying vehicles ; (4) Ford vehicles ; and (5) advertising vehicles. Of the 48 entries 28 were Leylands, of which total 22 vehicles were entered in the petrol classes.
Competition was very keen for the five silver challenge cups, and it has to be recorded that several of last year's winners again vindicated themselves. For instance, the Whittle Springs Brewery, Ltd., with their two Leylands again retained their hold—for the fourth time— of the Viney Silver Cup, and again proved their claim to the Leyland Silver Cup. The Dewhurst Cup was awarded this year to H. Viney and Co., Ltd. The United Yeast Co., Ltd., retained the Bradshaw Silver Cup, but Messrs. T. H. Jones relieved Embee Motors, Ltd., of the Matthew Brown Cup for the best passenger-carrying vehicle of any type on parade.
It has to be said that most of the classes for single vehicle:: were not very well supported, and there were no entries whatever for the following :— (1) Single steam vehicles, 1920, haulage contractor ; (2) single steam vehicles, 1922, haulage contractor ; (3) single steam vehicles, 1920, other than haulage contractor; (4) single petrol vehicles, 1923, other than haulage contractor. Vehicles were assembled for parade on the Arterial Road, and drivers arriving on the parade ground were given a card indicating the position to be taken up. The judges commenced :heir duties at ten o'clock and the method of marking was similar to that adopted at Manchester. Each vehicle was examined by seven tudzes, each of whom was allocated a definite part of the vehicle, and had nothing whatever to do with any other part.
By the time the judging had been completed, the Mayor of Preston arrived on the scene and inspected the
leading machines. The drivers and their mates then assemblea in front of the marking office and were congratulated by the Mayor' Major-Gen. Long, and the President of the Preston Area Committee of the C.M.U.A. on having contributed to such a successful parade. The Mayor then handed the cups to the drivers of the vehicles that had earned
distinction. •
A route parade of the main streets of Preston then took place, the vehicles being marshalled by the chief constable of Preston (Mr. J. P. K. Watson). Speaking at the luncheon, the chief constable of Preston, who is also the president of the Chief Constables Association, assured the company that the police desired to co-operate with the motor-using fraternity with the idea of facilitating the movements of their vehicles. Every day, he said, something like 15,000 vehicles used the roads of Preston, and although the task of the police was an onerous one, they looked for the help and co-operation Of those in charge of motor vehicles.
The Mayor of Preston, Major-Gen. Long, and Mr. F. G. Bristow also delivered happily-phrased :Dceches, r. Bristow referring to the amazing growth of mechanically-propelled road vehicles. He emphasized the point that `money which had been contributed for the improvement of roads should be used for that purpose only.
The complete list of prizewinners is RS follows : CUE WINNERS.
Dewhurst Silver Cup.-Presented by Geo. and R. Dewhurst (1920), Ltd., to be held for twelve months by the owners of the best fleet of two steam vehicles of any make: H. Viney and Co., Ltd., two Leylands (mileage 180,000 and 168,000 respectively).
Viney Silver Cup.-Pre,sented by H. Viney and Co., Ltd., to be held for twelve months by the owners of the best fleet of two petrol vehicles of any make: The Whittle Springs Brewery Ltd. two Leylands (mileages 66,500 and 6,650 respectively).
Leyland Silver Cup.-Presented by Leyland Motors, Ltd., to be held for twelve months by the owner of the best Leyland vehicle (steam or petrol) on
parade (excluding winners of the Dewhurst or Viney Cups): The Whittle Springs Brewery, Ltd. (mileage 55,500).
Bradshaw Silver Cur.-Presented by Mr. E. Bradshaw, to be held for twelve months by the driver of the best Ford vehicle on parade: The United Yeast Co., Ltd. (mileage .85,000).
Itatthew Brown Silver Cup.-Preseated by Matthew Brown and Co., Ltd., to be held for twelve months by the owner of the best passenger-carrying vehicles (any type) on parade: T. H. Jones, Leyland.
Single Steam Vehicles, 1917.-(1) H. Viney and Co., Ltd., Leyland (mileage 168,000) ; (2) H. Viney and Co., Ltd., Leyland (Mileage 180,000) ; (3), H. Viney and Co., Ltd., Leyland (mileage 180,000) ; highly commended, H. Viney and Co„ Ltd., Leyland (mileage 128,000).
Single Petrol Vehicles, 1917.-(1), S. Stokes and Sons, Ltd., Leyland. (mileage 303,000) ; (2), T. H. Jones, Leyland (motor coach).
Single Petrol Vehicles, 1920.-(1), James Watkinson, Leyland • (mileage 85,000); (2), S. Stokes and Sons, Ltd., Leyland (mileage 54,400) ; (3), Preston Embeo Motors, Ltd.; highly commended, S. Stokes and Sons, Ltd., Leyland (mileage 75,100).
Single Petrol Vehicles, 1923.-(1), James Watkinson, Leyland (mileage 85,000). )
Single Steam Vehicles, 19.17.-(1), Matthew Brown and Co., Ltd., Sentinel (mileage 75,000).
Single Petrol Vehicles, 1917.-(1), The Whittle Springs Brewery, Ltd., Leyland (mileage 65,650) • (2), The Whittle Springs Brewery, Ltd., Leyland (mileage 66,500) ; (3), The Whittle Springs Brewery, Ltd., Leyland (mileage 55,500) ; highly commended, Matthew Brown and Co., Ltd., Leyland (mileage 55,000).
Single Petrol Vehicles, 19,20.-(1), Whitwell, Mark and Co., Ltd., Thornycroft (mileage 48,354) ;. (2), British Petroleum Co., Ltd.' Karrier (mileage 43,000) ; (3), British Petroleum Co., Ltd., Karrier (mileage 34,490) ; highly
commended, J. W. Balmer, Leyland (mileage 65,000).
Single Petrol Vehicles, /923.-(1), Whitwell, Mark and Co., Ltd., Guy (mileage 12,360) ; (2), Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., Liberty (mileage 26,861) ; (3), Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., Liberty (mileage. 32,068) ; highly commended, Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd.
Steam Vehicle Fleets.-(1), H. Viney and Co., Ltd., two Leylands (mileage 180,000 and 168,000 respectively) ; (2), 13. Viney and Co., Ltd., two Leylands (mileage 128,000 and 180,000 respectively).
Petrol Vehicle Fleets.-(1), The 1T•hittle Springs Brewery, Ltd. two Leylands (mileage 66,500 and 65,650 respectively) ; (2), British Petroleum Co., Ltd. two Karriers (mileage 34,490 and 43,060 respectively) ; (2), Leyland Motors, Ltd., two Leylands (mileage 25,000 and 36,000 respectively); highly commended, Matthew Brown and Co., Ltd., two Leylands (mileage 55,000 and 55,000 respectively).,
Vehicles Showing Best PermanentAdvertisement.-(1), Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., Liberty and Ford (mileage 26,861 and 8,348 respectively) ; (2) British Petroleum Co., Ltd., Karvier,. Vulcan and Karrier (Mileage 34,490, 29,980 and 43,000 respectively) (3), S.P.D., Ltd., two Thornycrofts (mileage 60,000 each).
Vehicles Showing Best Special AdVertiement,-(1), Bradshaws Motor House, Fordson tractor and trailer.
Steam or Petrol Vehicle, any type, Open to other than-Preston Area.-(1), Thomas Parkinson, Ltd„ Leyland (mileage 40,000).
Best Ford Vekiete.-(1), United yeast Co., Ltd. (mileage 85`,000) ; (2), United Yeast Co., 'Ltd. (mileage 130,000) (3), United Yeast Co., Ltd. (mileage 17,5(10).
Any type, 1923.-(1), P. II. Jones, Leyland ; (2) Preston Erabee Motors, Ltd., Leyland (mileage 42,000) • (3), Preston Embee Motors, Ltd., Leyland (mileage 85,000)-; highly commended,
Fishwick, Leyland.