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"Me wheels of wealth will be slowed by all digculties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the rosighnett of the roads over which it rues."—John Beattie Crozier, Lectures on Transport.
Following upon the series of lectures arranged in the early part of the present year by the London School of Economics, in co-operation with the Institute of Transport, dealing with "The Economics of Road Transport," a further series of lectures on "Modern Road Transport Operation" will, under the same arrangement, be given at the School on Wednesdays (at 6 p.m.), beginning on October 28th next.
The two courses have been designed specially to prepare students for the associate membership examination of the Institute, and the first examination will be held in April or May, 1926.
The syllabus of lectures includes the following subjects :—The function of road transport; the lay-out, organization and operation of a large goods station; the different departments of a large road transport passenger undertaking ; modern types of velicle classified for certain conditions and certain work ; design and construction of various types of vehicle in relation to convenience in loading and unloading ; passenger services; conditions governing the choice of a particular vehicle for a purpose ; co-operation between roadmaker, vehicle designer and road user ; principles Of road construction; goods service; the financial and statistical aspects of road transport operation ; and, lastly, purchasing and stores systems. Full particulars can be obtained from the secretary of the Institute of Transport, 15, Savoy Street, London, W.C.2.
Manchester Town Clerk's Opinion of American Streets and Traffic.
Mr. P. M. Heath, town clerk of Manchester, has prepared a report upon the recent International Town Planning Conference at New York, and he observes that the general street widths in all American and Canadian cities are, as a rule, greater than in England, and, apart from the down-town sections of the cities and the quarters where tenement buildings are erected, there is generally more spaciousness allowed for in development.
He Pays that the development of New York City is not to be admired, and the unrestricted height of building development permitted some years ago, together with the extraordinary use of the automobile, has added enormously to traffic problems.
The chief fault of most cities, as in New York City, lies, in his ,opinion, in the fact that growth has been regulated by a fixed dimension of street width quite unsuited to the varying character or needs and development of particular areas. American and Canadian city development has been almost entirely on the gridiron plan, which, whilst excellent for traffic control purposes, does not always meet the needs of particular loealities. This stereotyped gridiron plan has been carried to excess in many towns, where roads constructed in a straight line up hill and down dale can he seen, thus creating severe gradients.
c20 In many of the American cities, as in English cities, it does not seem to be properly realized as yet that building height and street width must be scientifically regulated if traffic flow is not to congeal, and ultimately stagnate a city's commerce and industry. It seems urgently essential for the future prosperity of all large towns that far-sighted action should be taken not only to open out and widen the main city streets, but to consider other means of traffic and passenger movement, which will be required as the density of population increases.
A Dunlop Acquisition.
It is announced that the motor wheel manufacturing business of Goodyear and Sons. Ltd., of Dudley, has been acquired by the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. The former company will be chiefly known to our readers by reason of the range of electric industrial trucks they have manufactured, and are not to be confused with any other concern hearing the same name.
Insisting on Pneumatics for Coaches.
Some idea of the trend of modern opinion in relation to the development of passenger-carrying motor vehicles is to be found in the announcement that the Cleethorpes Council has decided that in future it will not grant licences for motor coaches unless they be fitted with pneumatic tyres. Apparently the council has been led to adopt this course as a result of damage to the roads which, it is said, has been caused by vehicles shod with solid tyres. The motor coach mounted on such equipment is fast disappearing.
New International Chassis Prices. The International Harvester Co. of Great Britain, Ltd., inform us that they have justreduced the prices of International motor chassis, and the company's various models now sell at the following prices :—
25-cwt. Speed Truck chassis ... £285 Model 33 heavy duty 30-cwt.
chassis ... £385 Model 43 chassis £450 Model 63 chassis ... £520 The company have now received delivery of the new long-wheelbase underslung 25-30-cwt. International chassis which has been specially built for passenger work, or for carrying large lowloading lorry bodies. The price of this chassis is £350.
The price of the McCormick-Deering indmetrial tractor remains the same at £295.
Austin Reconstruction.
Unity, once more, seems to have been reached amongst the directors of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., for a new scheme of reconstruction, based upon the one worked out and favoured by the minority group, has now been issued for consideration at a meeting of the shareholders to be held after the annual meeting this (Tuesday) afternoon. It is proposed to extinguish a total deficiency, after a revaluation of the assets (including, we note, the increase in the value of the goodwill by £307,869) of £1,397,909, by (1) asking the holders of £250,000 7 per cent. preference shares to waive their claims to arrears of dividends up to the end of this month; (2) asking the holders of £1,000,000 6 per cent. B preference shares to do the same ; (3) asking holders of £1,500,000 preferred ordinary shares and of £600,000 ordinary shares to agree to a reduction in the face value of their shares to 6s. 8d. each. This would redoce the capital from £3,347,909 (paid up) to £1,950,000. The holders of the fourth debentures are asked to agree to alterations in the trust deed by which they would receive si per cent, debenture stock, substituting a redemption fund for the existing arrangement a.s to repayment before dividends may be paid to the shareholders. The second debentures would be paid off out of cash in hand, and preference ;hareholders wohld, in future, be entitled to a higher rate of dividend.
The scheme is too full to permit of lucid summarizing, but it seems the soundest and fairest yet put forward.
An Assembly Foreman Required. An assembly foreman is required by a prominent company in the industry to act as assistant to the superintendent in a motor works near London. Applicants, who should give details of their previdus experience, together with references, should address communications to "R,". c/o The Editor.
Restricting Progress in Australia.
By a recent Australian mail we learn that the sales of heavy motor vehicles have fallen in Victoria in consequence of the Motor Vehicle Act prohibiting the use of trucks weighing more than 10 tons gross. As a result, some of the dealers have had to cancel orders for five-ton chassis. It is expected, however, that the Act will be revised in the next Parliament, and of late it has not been strictly enforced.
Public-service Vehicles in Austria. The past summer has witnessed a great development in public motor services in Austria, run both by the Government and by private companies, and to a lesser extent by various manicipalities. The total length of State-operated lines in eperation is approximately 70( miles. The number of vehicles operated on the State service is 91, by private owners 60-80, and 24 by the city cd Vienna. The attitude of public authori ties towards the extension of motorbu: services is favourable. Bristols in Demand.
Amongst orders which have recently been received by she Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., are several from prominent users. Amongst priTate concerns we can mention ShellMex, Ltd., who havo placed orders for five 2-ton lorries and four 3-4-ton chassis, and the West Riding Antmiabile Co., who have ordered twelve 31-seater buses in which the 3-4-ton chassis will be used.
Recent municipal orders include one from the Chesterfield Tramways for three 31-seater buses, and another from the Aberdare Tramways for two buses of a similar capacity. In each ease the 3-4-ton chassis will be used as the basis of these vehicles.
It is significant that three of these orders constitute repeats.
Papers Before the Inst. of T.
Two interesting papers are to be read before local sections of the Institute of Transport during next month. One, entitled "Electric and Petrol Transport of Passengers in America," will be delivered by Mr. Walter Jackson before the North-eastern Section on October 10th at the Town Hall, Newcastle-on-Tyne, whilst the other, entitled "Electrically Propelled Vehicles for Road Transport," will be read by Mr. Frank Ayton before the North-western Section on October 16th, at the Midland Notel, Manchester.
Thornycroft Success in South Africa.
The Transvaal Automobile Club recently carried out its annual reliability trials, and we learn that the Stanton Trophy, which constitutes the award for the best performance, was won by a Thornycroft 30-cwt.-type Al lorry. This is the first year that a section of the trials has been set aside for commercial vehicles and four machines of this type entered.
We understand that the Thornycroft was a stock chassis equipped with a lorry body and entered by the company's Transvaal agents, and for this reason its completion of the 415-mile course with such distinction that it gained the highest marks in its class for general efficiency and performance on formula must be considered as highly meritorious.
The route selected provided a sevsre test for each competing vehicle, and some of the roads which had to be nego tinted had extremely poor surfaces. The lorry transporteS its full load over the entire course at an average speed of 19.7 m.p.h., and the route included the ascent of the notorious Molder's Drift Hill, without any engine trouble and with the loss of only 10 marks for minor adjustments en route.
Inst. of T. Awards.
Amongst the premium awards which Sir Lynden Macassey, IC.B.E., D.Sc., LL D, will present at a meeting of the Institute of Transport on October 5th in respect of the session 1924-1925 are two gold medals for road transport, one being awarded to Mr. A. E. Bassom, and the other to Mr. D. R. Lamb.
A Road Roller Wanted for Egypt. The Director-General of the Mechanical Department, Public Works Ministry, Cairo, is calling for the supply of a 6-8 ton road roller to be propelled by an•internal-combustion engine using petrol
or paraffin ae fuel. Tenders have to be delivered not later than November let to the address given.
The New Sourer Two-tonner.
We recently made mention of the fact that the Saurer Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd., 21, Augustus Street, London, N.W.1, were placing on the market a new type of 2-ton chassis, and we are now able to publish an illustration of the machine.
Although full particulars of its design are not yet available, the chassis is built on clean lines. It incorporates
in its design a four-cylinder engine of 100 mm. bore and 150 ram. stroke, with overhead valves and detachable head. The ignition timing is automatically controlled by governor. The power unit develops 52 has. at 1,600 r.p.m. As on ether Saurer models, the engine and gearbox form a unit and are threepoint suspended. The clutch is of the multiple-disc dry-plate type and is completely enclosed in the clutch pit. The transmission follows the usual Saurer practice, and the final drive is by single reduction bevel, Liverpool Adopts the White Line. Liverpool has adopted the white-line traffic safety plan, and an experiment is to be made at ten of the main city crossings. White lines are to be put at the junction of the following roads:. Church Street and Lord Street, Hatton Garden and Manchester Street, Caird Street and West Derby Road, Hardwick Street and Preseot Street, Canning Street and Percy Street, Upper Parliament Street and Percy Street, Queen's Drive and Rice Lane, Smithdosvn Road and Gainsborough Road, Prescot Road and Queen's Drive, St. Anne's Street and Christian Street,
A Dennis on Brewery Work.
The vehicle shown in the illustratioa to the left is a Dennis 6-tonner which hag recently been delivered by the manufacturers to Messrs. Friary, Holroyd and Healy, the well-known brewers of Guildford. The chassis is an example of the makers' standard model, which incorporates a 40 h.p. engine, a fourspeed gearbox, and a worm-driven rear
axle in its design. An odometer is fitted to the near-side front hub cap.
As the wheelbase of this chaSsis is 15 ft. 6 ins., it has been possible to fit a capacious platform body provided
with stanehi OD s and chains. The driver's cab has three look-out windows, one to each side and One to the rear, and a pocket for holding order books or other papers that may be required en route.
The lorry is attractively finished in blue and red and the coachwork was carried out by Messrs. C. Smith and Sons, of Godalming. Coach Law at Brighton.
In connection with the proposed motor coach regulations which have been drawn up, the Brighton Watch Committee has further considered a letter from Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., stating that the company are of opinion that the proposed regulations would be a vital handicap to their business.
The committee also considered a letter from the Brighton Motor Coach Owners' Association with reference to the same matter.
Deputations, consisting of Messrs. F. French (chairman), Henson Infield, H. Cannon, A. D. Mackenzie and F. J. Mantel (traffic manager), representing Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., and Messrs. Frank Bevan, Chas. Bromley, Geo. lifeaby and Macdonald Andrews, representing the Brighton Motor Coach Owners' Association, attended a meet jag on the subject, but no decision was arrived at, consideration of the matter being deferred until the meeting of the -committee in December.
Improved Road Communication in the Isle of Ely. •
A great improvement in the means of road communication between the north and south of the Isle of Ely has been effected by the new bridge which has been erected by the Isle of Ely County Council over the old Bedford River at Mepal and just opened to publicuse. The new bridge is a handsome structure, and by its width and great strength it admirably fulfils the requirements of modern traffic. Its cost has been approximately £4,600, towards which the Ministry of Transport is contributing £2,530 and the Ouse Drainage Bard 21,100.
The new bridge is cr reinforced concrete, with a roadway 20 ft. wide. The construction is on the indented bar system, with massive parapet girders, to which are connected the cross-girders for carrying the road decking.
The completion of CAE bridge forms a much needed improvement, as the old bridge had a roadway of only about 10 ft., and was totally inadequate for
C22 modern traffic. In order to complete the scheme of improvement at this point it will be necessary to provide a new bridge over the New Bedford River, and also to widen the small bridge over the Counter Drain, both of which schemes the county council has under consideration.
Electric Vehicles in Germany..
Taxation returns lately issued show that .317 electric industrial motor vehicles were in use in Berlin at the end of June last, as compared with only 221. at the same date in 1b23, an increase in two years of nearly 44 per cent.
Distributing Sterilized Milk.
Bottled milk has many advantages, not the least of which is that it is more convenient to transport and, moreover, when purchased in greater quantities can be stocked without fear of rapid deterioration. Messrs. Hickmans and Mould, of Wolverhampton, are big tributors of milk, and, in connection with their activities, use the Guy 1-ton platform lorry shown in the picture on this page. This company collect milk from the country farms, after which it passes through a special sterilizing process at their well-equipped headquarters, subsequently being bottled and delivered to a large circle of consumers in the district. The .vehicle is to be seen emerging from one of the entrances to the sterilizing centres As a result of the good service which this particular lorry has given, Guy Motors, Ltd., hiive received a repeat order from the users.
B.A.T. Traffic Receipts.
Figures which have just been issued by the British Automobile Traction Co., Ltd., show tha the traffic receipts on the passenger vehicles comprising the B.A.T. group amounted ti £266,665
for the four -vs: ended September 11th. This represents an increase of £55,139 over the figure for the corresponding period of 1924, and brings the total to date for the present year to
11,656.605. The aggregate for 1925 shows an increase of £338,127 over that for the corresponding period of 1924.
A Wallasey Traffic Census.
A traffic census has been taken at Wallasey to show the necessity for the reconstruction work begun two years ago—work which, it should be stated, will be continued until all the main thoroughfares of the borough have been thoroughly modernized. Traffic was enumerated for 16 hrs. each day (from 6 a.m. until 10 p.m.) for a whole week, during which it was found that approximately 50 per cent. of the whole traffic was motor-propelled.
Of the 22,677 vehicles using Leasosre Road 12,149 were motor-driven. whilst of the total of 19,665 vehicles passing along King Street, Eg,remont, 8,006 were motors. Poulton Road was the third busiest thoroughfare, the total number of vehicles carried being 18,077, including 5,303 motors, and it was followed by Gorsey Lane, with a total of 16,525 (7,775 motors) ; Birkenhead Road,. with 12,752 (5,679 motors) ; and Victoria Road, New Brighton, with 10,153 (4,969 motors).
Trying-out Westinghouse Brakes on a Fire-engine.
The fire-brigade committee of the Willesden Council has considered the provision of additional brakes on the Ere-engines and recommends acceptance of an offer from the Westinghouse Brake and Saxby Signal Co., Iotd., to equip one of the engines free of charge upon the understanding that if the council be not satisfied with such equipment it will remove it without any expense, but if the equipment be retained the council will pay the sum of £30 after, say, three months' trial.
New Cars at Olympia.
The Motor Show opens on Friday, October 9th, and in connectien therewith our associated journal The Motor is publishing three special Show numbers. The first of these is on sale to-day and contains illustrated descriptions of many very interesting new cars which will make their appearance at Olympia.
The issue also embodies amongst its contents a number of special articles by authoritative writers, and among these Sir George Beharreil contributes an article on the rubber situation, and Mr. W. Rees Jeffreys writes on the topic of raiding the Bond Fund.
Ransomes Bodies on Daimler Chassis.
Ransoines, Sims and Sefferies, Ltd., of Ipswich, ask us to make it clear that whilst they built the bus bodies on the C.M. type Daimler chassis which are now being run by the Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., and details of which appeared in our issue dated September 15th, they were built to the special and novel designs prepared by the British Electrical Federation. An illustration of one of the vehicles, together with a brief description, appeared in the issue ere have mentioned.
Aberystwyth Buying a Leyland Fire-engine.
The Aberystwyth Town Council has accepted the tender of Leyland Motors, Ltd., for the supply of a motor fireengine, with full equipment, and a 50-ft. ladder at £1,695. The engine will have a pumping capacity up to 400 gallons per minute and may be used equally well with sea or fresh water.
Removing Disabled Vehicles.
A series of regulations just issued by the Ministry of Transport deals with the handling of broken-down vehicles in streets in the London traffic area. It is the duty of the owner or driver or person in charge to remove such a vehicle so soon as possible, and it is now stated that a police constable in uniform is empowered to remove suph vehicle, or to use the services of any person or persons to remove it, expenses incurred by the police in connection with the work being recoverable from the owner.
Another Welsh Council Considering Buses.
The newly appointed motor omnibus committee of the Gellygaer Urban District Council is shortly to hold its initial meeting. Of the several matters awaiting its attention the most important is the question of purchasing buses to institute the proposed council service. On that occasion a report as to running costs and the cost of purchasing the necessary vehicles is to be presented by the officials to the committee.
Inst. A.E. President's Address.
The first meeting of the session of the Institution of Automobile Engineers will be held on October 6th at the Royal Automobile Club at 8 p.m., when Mr. H. Kerr Thomas. the new president, will be inducted and will deliver his presidential address entitled "The Automobile Engineer." The latter part of the evening will be of a social nature.
A meeting of the London graduates of the Institution will be held on October 15th, at 7.30 p.m., when chassis design at the Motor Show will be discussed.
A Wallsall Transport Appointment.
Captain W. Vane-Morland, manager of the St. Helens Corporation tramways. has been recommended for appointment to the position of manager of the Walsall Corporation passenger transport undertaking, which maintains services by trolley-buses, motorbuses and tramways.
Captain'Vane-Morland was a despatch rider in the first Expeditionary Force to France. He afterwards was given a commission in the mechanical transport branch of the A.S.C., and was later transferred to the Royal Engineers to undertake railway direction, subsequently serving on the technical staff at R.E. headquarters. He is a member of the executive of the Tramways and Light Railways Association and of the Institute of Transport. He has only been at St. Helens since November last, prior to this being engineer and manager of the Nottingham and Derbyshire Tramways, the Ilkeston Tramways, and the Midland General Omnibus Co., Ltd.
Bulky Loads by Vulcan.
The 30-cwt. Vulcan vehicle shown in an accompanying illustration has recently been supplied by the makers' Birmingham agents, Birmingham Garages, Ltd., to a companY of paper manufacturers in that city. The body has been designed so that bulky loads can be dealt with, and it is 12 ft. 6 ins. long, 7 ft. wide, and 6 ft. 9 ins. high. In spite of its size, however, the vehicle retains a proportionate appearance and it is made attractive by its finish of dark blue on which the white lettering stands out in bold relief. Publicity by Albion Van,
This is an age of publicity, and the motor vehicle is playing a valuable part in propaganda of this description. A typical example of the manner in which a motorvan can be turned to profitable account for advertising the preducts of its users is to be seen in the illustration of an .Albion vehicle which appears on this page. This van, which was supplied to W. Frank, Ltd., manufacturing confectioners. of Cardiff, by T. Ayliffe and Son, Ltd., of the same city, has painted on its side panels an excellent representation of the users' works. The scheme of decoration has been carefully carried out, with the result that the vehicle attracts considerable attention.
Making Buses in Russia.
According to an advice from Moscow, it is stated that the Avto Trust has just completed the first motorbus manufactured in the Soviet Union, It is a 24-seater and practically the whole of the vehicle has been constructed of Russian material and parts. Special consideration has been given to the design of the vehicle to adapt it for service under the arduous conditions prevailing in Russia. It is said to be the Trust's intention to manufacture 150 buses per year.
• Reo Major Chassis Prices.
Harris and Hasell, Ltd., St. George's Road, Bristol, the sole concessionnaires in this country for Roe speed wagons, inform us that the new prices for the six-cylinder •Iteo Major chassis are :— £400 with 6-in, pneumatic tyres on the front wheels and 7-in, pneumatic tyres on the rear wheels ; £505 with 34-in. by 7-in. tyres on all wheels; 1530 with 32-in. by 6-in. tyres (twins at the rear) all round. Electric lighting is standard on all models.
British Industrial Vehicles in the Baltic States.
The British commercial vehicle industry was represented in the motor section of the recent Industrial Fair at Riga by Vulcan petrol buses and lorries, Sentinel steam wagons and Marshall steam tractors. • F.W.D. Staff Dinner.
The Four Wheel Drive Lorry Co., Ltd., recently entertained some 120 of their employees to dinner at the Royal Hotel at Slough, this being the third annual event of its kind. The company's sales manager, Mr. E. A. Tomlin, acted as toast-master, and speeches were made by officials of the company as well as by the men employed.
Attention was called to the fact that amongst the employees, who now numbered More than 130, 36 per cent, had been with the company since 1923, 50 per cent. since 1922, and 77 per cent. since 1923, testimony which speaks well for the good feeling existing. between employers and employees.
Mr. C. P. Cleaver, a director and factory manager, referred to the satisfactory results achieved through the efforts of every man to do his work efficiently, and emphasized the point that repeat orders were the best proof of the fact that every detail in the con struction of the vehicles had been properly looked after. He announced that 70 per cent, of the company's business to-day consisted of repeat orders.
The company's annual turnover now approaches the £100,000 mark, and it has been gradually increasing during the past five years; a notable fact is the steady rise in their export trade. This amounted to nil in 1921, by 1922 it was 38 per cent, of the total sales, increasing a year later to 35 per cent., becoming .55 per cent. in 1924, whilst during the eight months of the present year 66 per cent. of the total sales have been shipped abroad.
On the occasion of the dinner it was announced that the company intend to branch out and further develop the petrol rail motors which they have been placing on the market on a small scale for the past three years, and in this connection Mr. A. T. Owen has lately joined the company for the purpose of taking charge of. this branch of the business. Mr. Owen was for many years connected with the Midland Railway in the capacity of superintendent of operations, and has lately returned
e24 from Brazil, where he has held the position of general manager of the San Paulo Railway since 1914.
The dinner was followed by a smoking concert, which brought a very convivial evening to a close.
Exhibition of Mechanical Transport Inventions.
A large number of entries has been received for the Exhibition of Mechanical Transport Inventions which the Institution of Automobile Engineers is organizing at Olympia during the period of the Commercial Motor Exhibibition from October 29th to November 7th. It is anticipated that some very interesting devices will be on view.
A Guy Instruction Book.
Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, have just issued an informative instruction book dealing in a lucid manner with Guy petrol vehicles. The instructions on care and maintenance are clearly set out and every necessary detail of the chassis comes under attention. A copy of the booklet will be supplied, free of charge, to all Guy owners sending the number of their chassis to the address we have given.
Cardiff's New Bus Plans.
At a recent meeting of the Cardiff City Council it was reported that the purchase of additional buses and the selection of a large central garage to house the whole of the bus fleet was in consideration by the tramways committee of the council. The council now has 44 buses in service which are proving very popular.
The Tacker 1-ton Trailer.
In our description of the Tasker 1-ton trailer, which appeared in our issue dated September 15th, we mentioned that a batch of them had been specially built for carrying cocoa beans. These are for use in connection with the African trade, and not as stated.
The dimensions of the body fitted to this trailer are as follow :-8 ft. long, 3 ft. 10 ins, wide, and 1 ft. deep.
Local Proceedings.
It is reported -that 30 new coveredtop buses are to be introduced into Birmingham at an early date.
Stretford Urban District Council has recently placed an order for a 4-ton Albion hydraulic end-tipping. wagon.
Newbury Corporation has purchased a 1-ton motorvan from Messrs. Martin and Chillingworth at a cost of £255.
Holborn Borough Council has accepted the tender of Leyland Motors, Ltd., for the supply of two Trojan 7-cwt. motorvans at £125 each.
Luton Corporation has asked the borough engineer to report as to the provision of motor vehicles for refuse collection in outlying areas.
The electricity committee of the Brighton Corporation has decided to purchase a 3-ton Leyland vehicle with hydraulic tipping gear at a cost of £864.
At a recent meeting of the Walton (Surrey) Council it was decided to purchase a new 1-ton lorry for the collection of house refuse, and a motorvan for the use of the sanitary department.
The Middlesbrough Hackney Carriage Committee has delegated the power to grant licences to motor and other vehicles to the watch committee—this course, in effect, places control in the hands of the police authorities.
Lowestoft Watch Committee has refused to give United Automobile Services, Ltd., licences for four double-deck buses which previously belonged to the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., as it considers that the vehicles are not of a type suitable for use in the district.
Bothwell Urban District Council is inviting tenders for the supply of a motor fire-engine with a pumping capacity of 250 gallons per minute. Tenders have to be delivered to the Clerk of the Council, Council Chambers, Bothwell, near Kettering, not later than October 6th.
British Road Rollers in Switzerland.
One of our correspondents who has recently returned from a trip to Switzerland states that he was pleased to observe that the two steam road rollers in use in Grinslelwald were both British, one being an Aveling and Porter and the other a Fowler.
Stromberg Carburetter Prices.
Stromberg Motor Devices, Ltd., 173175, Cleveland Street, London, W.1, have just issued a new list whiC contains prices of the company's carburetters, electric windscreen wipers, shock absorbers, petrol filters, etc. The company draw our attention to the fact that substantial reductions have been made in the prices of their vaslous types of carburetter.
Vandervell Headlamps.
With the approach of the winter months, C. A. Vandervell and Co., Ltd., Acton, London, W., have, at an appropriate time, issued a booklet dealing with their various types of lamp for use on motor vehicles. The booklet gives details and prices of the various models of headlamp which are manufactured, whilst attention is drawn to the focusing adjustments which enable individual users' requirements to be met.