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Passing Comments

29th September 1939
Page 15
Page 15, 29th September 1939 — Passing Comments
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

Rear Lighting Which WHEN travelling on a

May be a Source of VI( country road one night

Danger . . last week we passed a stationary vehicle showing a dim rear light. It was a large, dark-coloured pantechnicon and the light, instead of being on the offside, was in the middle. Had we not been proceeding with extreme caution we might easily have fouled it.

Obtaining Electricity rONSUMERS of electricity for Charging Electric '4e...will soon be notified as to

Vehicles . . . . the basic quantities which they will be allowed. This will be 75 per cent, of the consumption for the year ended June 30, 1939. Users of electric vehicles engaged in the delivery of foodstuffs and other transport of national importance should not have difficulty in obtaining more. After receiving the notice they should approach the Local Fuel Overseer and claim a variation. If satisfaction be not obtained, appeal can be made to the Divisional Fuel Officer.

Maki ng Use of isnIOT wishing to waste his His Moto r Show /Motor Show posters, the

Posters maker of the " D-B " trailer,

Mr. B. Dixon-Bate, Bridge Works, Chester, has posted some of them on to a hoarding, and is using photographs of them in a small folder, the wording being modified to say " We were exhibiting," instead of ." We are exhibiting "; thus the publicity is not altogether wasted.

Use of Paraffin Alone WE have received many or Mixed With vv inquiries as to the possi

Petrol bility of utilizing paraffin,

either alone or in the form of a mixture with other fuels. Mixing of paraffin with petrol is illegal, except under licence granted by the Customs and Excise Authorities, who maintain strict control of procedure. The use of paraffin alone, as in a vaporizer or special carburetter, is permissible only if the full tax be paid on it, as in the case of petrol or oil fuel.