Mann and Overtons, Limited.
Page 27

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Exhibit:—One " Unic " Cab; and the " Unic " Light Van.
Large numbers of " Unie " cabs, such as the one which is exhibited by Mann and Overtons, Limited, of 7a, Lower Belgrave Street, S.W., are now plying for public hire in the streets of London, and they appear to be sustaining the continued strain in a satisfactory manner. These reliable utility vehicles are equipped with two-cylinder engines, of to-tah.p., and they certainly are very flexible motors.
The carburetter, as fitted to the "Unic " engine, is a very interesting one. We reproduce a sectional drawing of this important component, and it will he seen that the device consists of three chambers : the one to the left contains a float; that to the right is partly filled with glycerine, the damping action of which steadies the otherwise erratic action of the auxiliary air valve; and the central one is the mixing chamber. Round the jet, in the central division, there is a double cone, which is fitted in order to ensure a more thorough mixing of the air with the petrol as the latter issues from the jet. The level of ihe petrol in the float chamber is regulated by a float, which causes a needle valve to vary the flow of petrol from the filter chamber over the float. The petrol enters the filter chamber, by was of the pipe shown in the drawing, and, after passing upwards through layers of metal gauze, it reaches the float chamber through the hollow stem of the filter box. The gear box is of very light ant compact design, and the shafts are al mounted on ball bearings. The fina transmission is taken through a pro peller shaft, and bevel gearing, to th( live back axle. There are two sets o brakes, one of .vhich is mounted at tlu after end of the gear box, and i! operated by a pedal, whilst the °the] set consists of two drums, which an bolted to the driving wheels, and it these expanding brake blocks are actu ated by a side lever. The foot brain is lubricated by means of graphin blocks,, which are let into the brake block linings.
In addition to the rnotorcab, thi company is also showing the identica " Lnic " van which successfully corn peted in the recent R.A.C. trials, am in which it won a gold medal. Thi: smart-looking and handable van cal deal with its to-cwt, load with perfec ease and can maintain a very goo< speed. The engine on this machine i: of the same type as that fitted to au motorcab, and it is fitted with. a rotar: governor, which, in combination witl a hand-operated throttle valve, wil allow of the engine's being run at an: speed from 200 to 1,200 r.p.m. The ig nition is automatically retarded by th, action of engaging the starting handle so that there is no possibility of a back fire. This type of van is very suitabl. for employment as an express deliver: vehicle for newspaper work.